${karaf_connection}= SSHLibrary.Get Connection
BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${KarafKeywords__karaf_connection_index} ${karaf_connection.index}
- Restore Current SSH Connection From Index ${current_ssh_connection.index}
+ [Teardown] Restore Current SSH Connection From Index ${current_ssh_connection.index}
Configure Timeout For Karaf Console
[Arguments] ${timeout}
BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${KarafKeywords__karaf_connection_index} == -1 Fail Need to connect to a Karaf Console first
${current_connection_index}= SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${KarafKeywords__karaf_connection_index}
SSHLibrary.Set_Client_Configuration timeout=${timeout}
- Restore Current SSH Connection From Index ${current_connection_index}
+ [Teardown] Restore Current SSH Connection From Index ${current_connection_index}
Execute Controller Karaf Command On Background
[Arguments] ${command}
${current_connection_index}= SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${KarafKeywords__karaf_connection_index}
${status_write} ${message_write}= BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error SSHLibrary.Write ${command}
${status_wait} ${message_wait}= BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error SSHLibrary.Read Until Prompt
- Restore Current SSH Connection From Index ${current_connection_index}
BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${status_write}' != 'PASS' BuiltIn.Fail Failed to send the command: ${command}
BuiltIn.Log ${message_wait}
BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${status_wait}' != 'PASS' BuiltIn.Fail Failed to see prompt after sending the command: ${command}
+ [Teardown] Restore Current SSH Connection From Index ${current_connection_index}
[Return] ${message_wait}
Execute Controller Karaf Command With Retry On Background