${output} = Utils.Run Command On Remote System And Log ${dpn_ip} sudo ovsdb-client dump -f list Open_vSwitch Controller | grep state
BuiltIn.Log ${output}
BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} state=${state}
+Verify Flows Are Present On Node
+ [Arguments] ${conn_id} ${match}
+ [Documentation] Verify Flows Are Present On The Given Node
+ ${output} = OVSDB.Get Flow Entries On Node ${conn_id}
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${match}
${subnetid} = OpenStackOperations.Get Subnet Id @{EXTERNAL_SUB_NETWORKS}[0]
OpenStackOperations.Add Router Gateway ${ROUTER} @{EXTERNAL_NETWORKS}[0] --fixed-ip subnet=${subnetid},ip-address=${ExtIP}
${float} = OpenStackOperations.Create And Associate Floating IPs @{EXTERNAL_NETWORKS}[0] @{NET_1_VMS}[0]
- ${output} = OVSDB.Get Flow Entries On Node ${OS_CMP1_CONN_ID}
- BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${ExtIP}
+ ${float} = BuiltIn.Set Variable @{float}[0]
+ @{matching_paras} = BuiltIn.Create List nw_dst=${float} goto_table:${DNAT_TABLE}
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 5s OVSDB.Verify Dump Flows For Specific Table ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${PDNAT_TABLE} True
+ ... ${EMPTY} @{matching_paras}
+ @{matching_paras} = BuiltIn.Create List actions=set_field:${float} goto_table:${SNAT_TABLE}
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 5s OVSDB.Verify Dump Flows For Specific Table ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${PSNAT_TABLE} True
+ ... ${EMPTY} @{matching_paras}
Verify Floating Ip De-provision And Reachability From External Network Via Neutron Router Through L3vpn
[Documentation] Check floating IP should not be present in dump flows after deleting the floating IP
${subnetid} = OpenStackOperations.Get Subnet Id @{EXTERNAL_SUB_NETWORKS}[0]
OpenStackOperations.Add Router Gateway ${ROUTER} @{EXTERNAL_NETWORKS}[0] --fixed-ip subnet=${subnetid},ip-address=${ExtIP}
${float} = OpenStackOperations.Create And Associate Floating IPs @{EXTERNAL_NETWORKS}[0] @{NET_1_VMS}[0]
- ${output} = OVSDB.Get Flow Entries On Node ${OS_CMP1_CONN_ID}
- BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${ExtIP}
+ ${float} = BuiltIn.Set Variable @{float}[0]
+ @{matching_paras} = BuiltIn.Create List nw_dst=${float} goto_table:${DNAT_TABLE}
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 5s OVSDB.Verify Dump Flows For Specific Table ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${PDNAT_TABLE} True
+ ... ${EMPTY} @{matching_paras}
+ @{matching_paras} = BuiltIn.Create List actions=set_field:${float} goto_table:${SNAT_TABLE}
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 5s OVSDB.Verify Dump Flows For Specific Table ${OS_CMP1_IP} ${PSNAT_TABLE} True
+ ... ${EMPTY} @{matching_paras}
Verify Multiple Floating Ip Creation and Association to external network
[Documentation] Check Multiple floating IPs should be present in dump flows after creating multiple floating IPs and associating it to external network