Add ITM Auto Tunnel suite 25/73225/30
authorshankar rajappa <>
Wed, 20 Jun 2018 09:43:47 +0000 (15:13 +0530)
committerJamo Luhrsen <>
Wed, 26 Sep 2018 17:03:53 +0000 (17:03 +0000)
Change-Id: I001c233b3645b708b93679300171ba2b44fc4616
Signed-off-by: shankar rajappa <>
Signed-off-by: srajappa <>
csit/suites/genius/ITM_Vtep_Auto_Tunnel.robot [new file with mode: 0644]
csit/variables/genius/Itm_Auto_Tunnel_Create.json [new file with mode: 0644]

index f3852fd9d8dae1549234c65febfec40bd5947556..2ee870ac6f6086c47fe138af7c2f1d6de78638ac 100644 (file)
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ Library           Collections
 *** Variables ***
 ${SH_BR_CMD}      ovs-vsctl list Bridge
 ${SH_CNTL_CMD}    ovs-vsctl list Controller
+${SHOW_OVS_VERSION}    sudo ovs-vsctl show | grep version
+${GET_LOCAL_IP}    sudo ovs-vsctl list Open_vSwitch | grep local_ip=
 ${ovs_switch_data}    ${None}
 ${lprompt}        mininet>
 ${lcmd_prefix}    sh
@@ -237,3 +239,19 @@ Get Packet Count In Table For IP
     ${packetcount_list} =    String.Get Regexp Matches    ${flow}    n_packets=([0-9]+)    1
     ${count} =    Collections.Get From List    ${packetcount_list}    0
     [Return]    ${count}
+Check Ovs Version Is Higher Than
+    [Arguments]    ${ovs_version}    @{nodes}
+    [Documentation]    Get ovs version and verify greater than required version
+    : FOR    ${ip}    IN    @{nodes}
+    \    ${output} =    Utils.Run Command On Remote System    ${ip}    ${SHOW_OVS_VERSION}
+    \    ${version} =    String.Get Regexp Matches    ${output}    \[0-9].\[0-9]
+    \    ${result} =    BuiltIn.Convert To Number    ${version[0]}
+    \    BuiltIn.Should Be True    ${result} > ${ovs_version}
+Get OVS Local Ip
+    [Arguments]    ${ip}
+    [Documentation]    Get local ip of compute node ovsdb
+    ${cmd_output} =    Utils.Run Command On Remote System    ${ip}    ${GET_LOCAL_IP}
+    ${localip} =    String.Get Regexp Matches    ${cmd_output}    (\[0-9]+\.\[0-9]+\.\[0-9]+\.\[0-9]+)
+    [Return]    @{localip}[0]
diff --git a/csit/suites/genius/ITM_Vtep_Auto_Tunnel.robot b/csit/suites/genius/ITM_Vtep_Auto_Tunnel.robot
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1b70737
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation     Test suite to validate ITM VTEP auto-configuration functionality in openstack integrated environment.
+Suite Setup       BuiltIn.Run Keywords    OpenStackOperations.OpenStack Suite Setup
+...               AND    OvsManager.Check Ovs Version Is Higher Than    ${OVS_VERSION}    @{COMPUTE-NODE-LIST}
+Suite Teardown    SSHLibrary.Close All Connections
+Library           OperatingSystem
+Library           RequestsLibrary
+Library           String
+Library           SSHLibrary
+Resource          ../../libraries/KarafKeywords.robot
+Resource          ../../libraries/OpenStackOperations.robot
+Resource          ../../libraries/OVSDB.robot
+Resource          ../../libraries/OvsManager.robot
+Resource          ../../libraries/Utils.robot
+Resource          ../../libraries/VpnOperations.robot
+Resource          ../../variables/netvirt/Variables.robot
+Resource          ../../variables/Variables.robot
+*** Variables ***
+${CHANGE_TRANSPORT_ZONE}    sudo ovs-vsctl set O . external_ids:transport-zone
+${CHANGE_LOCAL_IP}    sudo ovs-vsctl set O . other_config:local_ip
+${DATA_FILE}      ${GENIUS_VAR_DIR}/Itm_Auto_Tunnel_Create.json
+${DEFAULT_TRANSPORT_ZONE}    default-transport-zone
+${DELETE_TRANSPORT_ZONE}    sudo ovs-vsctl remove O . external_ids transport-zone
+${GET_EXTERNAL_IDS}    sudo ovsdb-client dump -f list Open_vSwitch | grep external_ids
+${GET_NETWORK_TOPOLOGY_URL}    ${OPERATIONAL_API}/network-topology:network-topology/topology/ovsdb:1/
+${OVS_VERSION}    2.6
+${REMOVE_LOCAL_IP}    sudo ovs-vsctl remove O . other_config local_ip
+${SECURITY_GROUP}    itm_vtep_sg
+${SHOW_OTHER_CONFIG}    sudo ovsdb-client dump -f list Open_vSwitch | grep other_config
+${TRANSPORTZONE_POST_URL}    ${CONFIG_API}/itm:transport-zones
+@{NET_1_VMS}      itm_vm1_1    itm_vm2_2
+@{NETWORKS}       itm_net1_1    itm_net2_2
+@{PORTS}          itm_port1_1    itm_port2_2
+@{SUBNETS}        itm_subnet1_1    itm_subnet2_2
+*** Test Cases ***
+Verify TEP in controller and transport zone in OVSDB table of compute nodes
+    [Documentation]    Dump OVSDB table in all compute nodes and Verify ovs version, zone name, tunnel and perform ping across DPN VM’s
+    : FOR    ${ip}    IN    @{COMPUTE-NODE-LIST}
+    \    ${localip} =    OvsManager.Get OVS Local Ip    ${ip}
+    \    ${output} =    Utils.Run Command On Remote System    ${ip}    ${SHOW_OTHER_CONFIG}
+    \    BuiltIn.Should Contain    ${output}    ${localip}
+    ${dpn} =    OVSDB.Get DPID    @{COMPUTE-NODE-LIST}[0]
+    ${dpn} =    BuiltIn.Convert To String    ${dpn}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${DPN1}    ${dpn}
+    ${dpn} =    OVSDB.Get DPID    @{COMPUTE-NODE-LIST}[1]
+    ${dpn} =    BuiltIn.Convert To String    ${dpn}
+    Set Suite Variable    ${DPN2}    ${dpn}
+    @{tep_data} =    BuiltIn.Create List    ${DPN1}    ${DPN2}    ${DEFAULT_TRANSPORT_ZONE}
+    ${itm_data} =    Utils.Get Data From URI    session    ${TRANSPORTZONE_POST_URL}
+    : FOR    ${data}    IN    @{tep_data}
+    \    BuiltIn.Should Contain    ${itm_data}    ${data}
+    ${tep_show_output} =    KarafKeywords.Issue Command On Karaf Console    ${TEP_SHOW_STATE}
+    BuiltIn.Should Not Contain    ${tep_show_output}    ${STATUS_CHECK}
+    BuiltIn.Should Contain    ${tep_show_output}    ${DPN1}
+    BuiltIn.Should Contain    ${tep_show_output}    ${DPN2}
+    OpenStackOperations.Create Allow All SecurityGroup    ${SECURITY_GROUP}
+    OpenStackOperations.Create Network    @{NETWORKS}[0]
+    OpenStackOperations.Create SubNet    @{NETWORKS}[0]    @{SUBNETS}[0]    @{SUBNET_CIDRS}[0]
+    OpenStackOperations.Create Port    @{NETWORKS}[0]    @{PORTS}[0]    sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}
+    OpenStackOperations.Create Port    @{NETWORKS}[0]    @{PORTS}[1]    sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}
+    OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node    @{PORTS}[0]    @{NET_1_VMS}[0]    ${OS_CMP1_HOSTNAME}    sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}
+    OpenStackOperations.Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node    @{PORTS}[1]    @{NET_1_VMS}[1]    ${OS_CMP2_HOSTNAME}    sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}
+    ${VM1_IP}    ${dhcp1}    ${console} =    BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    240s    10s    OpenStackOperations.Get VM IP
+    ...    true    @{NET_1_VMS}[0]
+    BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable    ${VM1_IP}
+    ${VM2_IP}    ${dhcp2}    ${console1} =    BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    240s    10s    OpenStackOperations.Get VM IP
+    ...    true    @{NET_1_VMS}[1]
+    BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable    ${VM2_IP}
+    ${output} =    OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance    @{NETWORKS}[0]    ${VM1_IP}    ping -c ${DEFAULT_PING_COUNT} ${VM2_IP}
+    BuiltIn.Should Contain    ${output}    ${PING_REGEXP}
+Verify TEPs with transport zone configured from OVS will be added to corresponding transport zone
+    [Documentation]    To Verify transport zone teps configured from ovs will be added to respective zone with zone name, tunnel type and TEPs part of teps-not-hosted-in-transport-zone
+    Change Transport Zone In Compute    @{COMPUTE-NODE-LIST}[0]    ${TRANSPORT_ZONE}
+    ${get_nohosted_data} =    BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    1 min    5 sec    Utils.Get Data From URI    session    ${TEP_NOT_HOSTED_ZONE_URL}
+    BuiltIn.Should Contain    ${get_nohosted_data}    ${TRANSPORT_ZONE}
+    BuiltIn.Should Contain    ${get_nohosted_data}    ${DPN1}
+    Utils.Post Elements To URI From File    ${TRANSPORTZONE_POST_URL}    ${DATA_FILE}
+    ${get_hosted_data} =    Utils.Get Data From URI    session    ${TRANSPORT_ZONE_ENDPOINT_URL}/${TRANSPORT_ZONE}
+    BuiltIn.Should Contain    ${get_hosted_data}    ${TRANSPORT_ZONE}
+    BuiltIn.Should Contain    ${get_hosted_data}    ${DPN1}
+    Change Transport Zone In Compute    @{COMPUTE-NODE-LIST}[1]    ${TRANSPORT_ZONE}
+    : FOR    ${node}    IN    @{COMPUTE-NODE-LIST}
+    \    ${localip} =    OvsManager.Get OVS Local Ip    ${node}
+    \    ${output} =    Utils.Run Command On Remote System    ${node}    ${SHOW_OTHER_CONFIG}
+    \    BuiltIn.Should Contain    ${output}    ${localip}
+    \    ${output} =    Utils.Run Command On Remote System    ${node}    ${GET_EXTERNAL_IDS}
+    \    BuiltIn.Should Contain    ${output}    ${TRANSPORT_ZONE}
+    ${ip} =    OvsManager.Get OVS Local Ip    @{COMPUTE-NODE-LIST}[0]
+    Set Suite Variable    ${IP1}    ${ip}
+    ${ip} =    OvsManager.Get OVS Local Ip    @{COMPUTE-NODE-LIST}[1]
+    Set Suite Variable    ${IP2}    ${ip}
+    @{tep_data} =    BuiltIn.Create List    ${DPN1}    ${DPN2}    ${TRANSPORT_ZONE}    ${IP1}    ${IP2}
+    ${config_data} =    Utils.Get Data From URI    session    ${TRANSPORT_ZONE_ENDPOINT_URL}/${TRANSPORT_ZONE}
+    : FOR    ${data}    IN    @{tep_data}
+    \    BuiltIn.Should Contain    ${config_data}    ${data}
+Verify other-config-key and transport zone value in controller operational datastore
+    [Documentation]    validate local_ip and transport-zone value from controller datastore and Verify value of external-id-key with transport_zone in Controller operational datastore
+    ${controller-data} =    Utils.Get Data From URI    session    ${GET_NETWORK_TOPOLOGY_URL}
+    BuiltIn.Should Contain    ${controller-data}    "other-config-value":"${IP1}"
+    BuiltIn.Should Contain    ${controller-data}    "other-config-value":"${IP2}"
+    BuiltIn.Should Contain    ${controller-data}    "external-id-value":"${TRANSPORT_ZONE}"
+Delete transport zone on OVS and check ovsdb update to controller
+    [Documentation]    To verify transport zone moves to tepsNotHostedInTransportZone after deleting in compute and transport zone configuration from Compute added to default-transport-zone
+    : FOR    ${node}    IN    @{COMPUTE-NODE-LIST}
+    \    Utils.Run Command On Remote System    ${node}    ${DELETE_TRANSPORT_ZONE}
+    ${tep_show_output} =    KarafKeywords.Issue Command On Karaf Console    ${TEP_SHOW}
+    BuiltIn.Should Contain    ${tep_show_output}    ${DEFAULT_TRANSPORT_ZONE}
+    VpnOperations.ITM Delete Tunnel    ${TRANSPORT_ZONE}
+    @{tep_data} =    BuiltIn.Create List    ${DPN1}    ${DPN2}    ${IP1}    ${IP2}
+    ${default_zone_data} =    Utils.Get Data From URI    session    ${TRANSPORT_ZONE_ENDPOINT_URL}/${DEFAULT_TRANSPORT_ZONE}
+    BuiltIn.Should Not Contain    ${default_zone_data}    ${TRANSPORT_ZONE}
+    : FOR    ${data}    IN    @{tep_data}
+    \    BuiltIn.Should Contain    ${default_zone_data}    ${data}
+    ${output} =    OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance    @{NETWORKS}[0]    ${VM1_IP}    ping -c ${DEFAULT_PING_COUNT} ${VM2_IP}
+    BuiltIn.Should Contain    ${output}    ${PING_REGEXP}
+*** Keywords ***
+Change Transport Zone In Compute
+    [Arguments]    ${compute_ip}    ${zone_name}
+    [Documentation]    Change transport zone in Compute and verify its configuration
+    Utils.Run Command On Remote System    ${compute_ip}    ${CHANGE_TRANSPORT_ZONE}=${zone_name}
+    ${output} =    Utils.Run Command On Remote System    ${compute_ip}    ${GET_EXTERNAL_IDS}
+    BuiltIn.Should Contain    ${output}    ${zone_name}
index 2720c88a87f0578812d20f1142b937dac4514e6f..3ab7adc92f4271541c2c95ff777d6d31ce134122 100644 (file)
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@
 # unnecessary failures.
 # Place the suites in run order:
diff --git a/csit/variables/genius/Itm_Auto_Tunnel_Create.json b/csit/variables/genius/Itm_Auto_Tunnel_Create.json
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5763773
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+{"transport-zone": [
+    {
+      "zone-name": "TZA",
+      "tunnel-type": "odl-interface:tunnel-type-vxlan"
+    }
+  ]
index f40c78f67d88429bfdabf3b0551f4f122a840ddc..c68def10aabbc52f94d073c4a951308607f42d8d 100644 (file)
@@ -93,3 +93,6 @@ ${EGRESS_LEARN_ACL_FILTER_TABLE}    244
 ...               90    210    211    212    213    214    215
 ...               216    217    239    240    241    242    243
 ...               244    245    246    247
+${TRANSPORT_ZONE_ENDPOINT_URL}    ${CONFIG_API}/itm:transport-zones/transport-zone
+${GENIUS_VAR_DIR}    ${CURDIR}/../../variables/genius
+${TEP_NOT_HOSTED_ZONE_URL}    ${OPERATIONAL_API}/itm:not-hosted-transport-zones