import gerritquery
import os
import re
+import shutil
import sys
+import urllib3
import zipfile
DISTRO_PATH = "/tmp/distribution-karaf"
REMOTE_URL = gerritquery.GerritQuery.REMOTE_URL
BRANCH = "master"
LIMIT = 10
gerritquery = None
distro_path = DISTRO_PATH
+ distro_url = DISTRO_URL
project_names = PROJECT_NAMES
branch = BRANCH
limit = LIMIT
for project in project_names:
self.projects[project] = {"commit": [], "includes": []}
+ def download_distro(self):
+ """
+ Download the distribution from self.distro_url and extract it to self.distro_path
+ """
+ if self.verbose >= 2:
+ print("attempting to download distribution from %s and extract to %s " %
+ (self.distro_url, self.distro_path))
+ tmp_distro_zip = '/tmp/'
+ tmp_unzipped_location = '/tmp/distro_unzipped'
+ downloader = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs='CERT_NONE')
+ # disabling warnings to prevent scaring the user with InsecureRequestWarning
+ urllib3.disable_warnings()
+ downloaded_distro = downloader.request('GET', self.distro_url)
+ with open(tmp_distro_zip, 'wb') as f:
+ f.write(
+ downloaded_distro.release_conn()
+ # after the .zip is extracted we want to rename it to be the distro_path which may have
+ # been given by the user
+ distro_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(tmp_distro_zip, 'r')
+ distro_zip.extractall(tmp_unzipped_location)
+ unzipped_distro_folder = os.listdir(tmp_unzipped_location)
+ # if the distro_path already exists, we wont overwrite it and just continue hoping what's
+ # there is relevant (and maybe already put there by this tool earlier)
+ try:
+ os.rename(tmp_unzipped_location + "/" + unzipped_distro_folder[0], self.distro_path)
+ except OSError as e:
+ print(e)
+ print("Unable to move extracted files from %s to %s. Using whatever bits are already there" %
+ (tmp_unzipped_location, self.distro_path))
def get_includes(self, project, changeid=None, msg=None):
Get the gerrits that would be included before the change merge time.
+ if self.distro_url is not None:
+ self.download_distro()
for project in self.projects:
changeid = self.find_distro_changeid(project)
if changeid:
help="git branch for patch under test")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--distro-path", dest="distro_path", default=self.DISTRO_PATH,
help="path to the expanded distribution, i.e. " + self.DISTRO_PATH)
+ parser.add_argument("-u", "--distro-url", dest="distro_url", default=self.DISTRO_URL,
+ help="optional url to download a distribution " + str(self.DISTRO_URL))
parser.add_argument("-l", "--limit", dest="limit", type=int, default=self.LIMIT,
help="number of gerrits to return")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--projects", dest="projects", default=self.PROJECT_NAMES,
help="git remote url to use for gerrit")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="count", default=self.VERBOSE,
help="Output more information about what's going on")
parser.add_argument("--license", dest="license", action="store_true",
help="Print the license and exit")
parser.add_argument("-V", "--version", action="version",
self.branch = options.branch
self.distro_path = options.distro_path
+ self.distro_url = options.distro_url
self.limit = options.limit
self.project_names = options.projects
self.qlimit = options.qlimit