--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Test suite to destroy Openstack Deployment
+Suite Setup OpenStackInstallUtils.Get All Ssh Connections
+Suite Teardown Close All Connections
+Library SSHLibrary
+Library OperatingSystem
+Resource ../libraries/OpenStackInstallUtils.robot
+Resource ../libraries/SystemUtils.robot
+Resource ../libraries/OpendaylightInstallUtils.robot
+*** Test Cases ***
+Destroy Setup
+ [Documentation] Delete Openstack From All Nodes
+ Destroy Openstack ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Destroy Openstack ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Destroy Openstack ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Destroy Openstack ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Destroy Openstack ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Destroy Openstack ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Destroy Openstack ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Destroy Openstack ${HAPROXY_IP}
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ip netns delete flat1
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ip netns delete flat2
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ip netns delete physnet1
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ip netns delete vlantest
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo yum remove -y openvswitch
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo rm -rf /etc/openvswitch
+*** Keywords ***
+Destroy Openstack
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ [Documentation] Removes Packages and Openstack directories
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo yum remove -y nrpe "*nagios*" puppet "*ntp*" "*openstack*" "*libvirt*"
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo yum remove -y "*nova*" "*keystone*" "*glance*" "*cinder*" "*swift*" "*neutron*"
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo yum remove -y mysql mysql-server httpd "*memcache*" scsi-target-utils "*galera*"
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo yum remove -y iscsi-initiator-utils perl-DBI perl-DBD-MySQL openvswitch "*rabbit*" rsync
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo yum remove -y haproxy opendaylight
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo rm -rf /etc/nagios /etc/yum.repos.d/packstack_* /root/.my.cnf
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo rm -rf /etc/my.cnf.d /var/lib/mysql/ /var/lib/nova /etc/nova /etc/swift /etc/keystone /etc/haproxy /etc/openvswitch /etc/httpd /var/lib/rabbitmq /etc/neutron /var/lib/libvirt* /var/log/libvirt* /etc/libvirt*
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo rm -rf /var/log/nova /var/log/neutron /var/log/rabbitmq /var/log/mariadb
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/ /var/lib/nova /etc/nova /etc/swift
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo rm -rf /srv/node/device*/* /var/lib/cinder/ /etc/rsync.d/frag*
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo rm -rf /var/cache/swift /var/log/keystone /var/log/cinder/ /var/log/nova/
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo rm -rf /var/log/httpd /var/log/glance/ /var/log/nagios/ /var/log/quantum/ /etc/openvswitch
+ #Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo userdel jenkins
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo rm -rf /home/jenkins
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo shutdown -r
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Test suite to verify packet flows between vm instances.
+Suite Setup OpenStackInstallUtils.Get All Ssh Connections
+Suite Teardown Close All Connections
+Library SSHLibrary
+Library OperatingSystem
+Resource ../libraries/OpenStackInstallUtils.robot
+Resource ../libraries/SystemUtils.robot
+Resource ../libraries/OpendaylightInstallUtils.robot
+*** Test Cases ***
+Stop Firewall
+ [Documentation] Stop Firewalld and disable
+ Stop And Disable Firewall ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Stop And Disable Firewall ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Stop And Disable Firewall ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Stop And Disable Firewall ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Stop And Disable Firewall ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Stop And Disable Firewall ${HAPROXY_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Stop And Disable Firewall ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Stop And Disable Firewall ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP}
+Create Etc Hosts Entries
+ [Documentation] Create Etc Hosts Entries
+ Create Etc Hosts ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create Etc Hosts ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create Etc Hosts ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create Etc Hosts ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create Etc Hosts ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create Etc Hosts ${HAPROXY_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Create Etc Hosts ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Create Etc Hosts ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP}
+ Create Etc Hosts In RobotVM
+Update the Distro
+ [Documentation] Always Better to run yum update first :-)
+ Pass Execution If '${UPGRADE_REQUIRED}' == 'no' "No need to do yum update in CSIT"
+ Update Packages ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Update Packages ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Update Packages ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Update Packages ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Update Packages ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Update Packages ${HAPROXY_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Update Packages ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Update Packages ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP}
+Get Package List
+ [Documentation] Get List of PAckages Installed
+ Run Command ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} sudo yum list installed
+ Run Command ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} sudo yum list installed
+ Run Command ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} sudo yum list installed
+Get Chrony
+ [Documentation] Install Chrony
+ Setup Chrony ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Setup Chrony ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Setup Chrony ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Setup Chrony ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Setup Chrony ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Setup Chrony ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Setup Chrony ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP}
+Install Openstack Base Repo
+ [Documentation] Install Openstack Release Repo
+ Pass Execution If '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'yes' "Already installed in Image"
+ Install Openstack Base Rpm ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Openstack Base Rpm ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Openstack Base Rpm ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Openstack Base Rpm ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Openstack Base Rpm ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Openstack Base Rpm ${HAPROXY_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Install Openstack Base Rpm ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Install Openstack Base Rpm ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP}
+Get Crudini
+ [Documentation] Install Crudini in all the Openstack nodes
+ Pass Execution If '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'yes' "Already Installed"
+ Install Rpm Package ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} crudini
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Rpm Package ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} crudini
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Rpm Package ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} crudini
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Rpm Package ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} crudini
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Rpm Package ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} crudini
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Rpm Package ${HAPROXY_IP} crudini
+ Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Install Rpm Package ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} crudini
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Install Rpm Package ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} crudini
+Get MemCached
+ [Documentation] Install memcached in all Control Nodes
+ Run Keyword If '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'no' Install Rpm Package ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} memcached python-memcached
+ Crudini Edit ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} /etc/sysconfig/memcached '' OPTIONS "-l127.0.0.1,::1,${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}"
+ Enable Service ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} memcached
+ Start Service ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} memcached
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} and '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'no' Install Rpm Package ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} memcached python-memcached
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} /etc/sysconfig/memcached '' OPTIONS
+ ... "-l127.0.0.1,::1,${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}"
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Enable Service ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} memcached
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Service ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} memcached
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} and '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'no' Install Rpm Package ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} memcached python-memcached
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} /etc/sysconfig/memcached '' OPTIONS
+ ... "-l127.0.0.1,::1,${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Enable Service ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} memcached
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Service ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} memcached
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} and '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'no' Install Rpm Package ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} memcached python-memcached
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} /etc/sysconfig/memcached '' OPTIONS
+ ... "-l127.0.0.1,::1,${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}"
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Enable Service ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} memcached
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Service ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} memcached
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} and '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'no' Install Rpm Package ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} memcached python-memcached
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} /etc/sysconfig/memcached '' OPTIONS
+ ... "-l127.0.0.1,::1,${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}"
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Enable Service ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} memcached
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Service ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} memcached
+Install HAProxy
+ [Documentation] Install HAProxy on a VM and configure the basic setting
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} and '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'no' Install Rpm Package ${HAPROXY_IP} haproxy
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Move File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg_bkp
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Touch File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Write To File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg "global"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " chroot /var/lib/haproxy"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " daemon"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " group haproxy"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " maxconn 4000"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " pidfile /var/run/haproxy.pid"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " user haproxy"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg $'\n'
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg "defaults"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " log global"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " maxconn 4000"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " option redispatch"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " retries 3"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " timeout http-request 10s"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " timeout queue 1m"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " timeout connect 10s"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " timeout client 1m"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " timeout server 1m"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " timeout check 10s"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} and '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'no' Install Rpm Package ${HAPROXY_IP} "nfs-utils"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Run Command ${HAPROXY_IP} sudo mkdir -p /images;sudo chmod -R 777 /images
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Run Command ${HAPROXY_IP} sudo mkdir -p /instances;sudo chmod -R 777 /instances
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Write To File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/exports /images *\\(rw,no_root_squash\\)
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${HAPROXY_IP} /etc/exports /instances *\\(rw,no_root_squash\\)
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Enable Service ${HAPROXY_IP} rpcbind nfs-server
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Service ${HAPROXY_IP} rpcbind nfs-server
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Run Command ${HAPROXY_IP} sudo exportfs
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Restart Service ${HAPROXY_IP} rpcbind nfs-server
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Run Command ${HAPROXY_IP} sudo exportfs
+Create NFS Share for VM Live Migration Tests
+ Pass Execution If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} "Will Be Configured in HAProxy Node"
+ Local Install Rpm Package "nfs-utils"
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo mkdir -p /instances;sudo chmod -R 777 /instances
+ Write To Local File /etc/exports /instances *\\(rw,no_root_squash\\)
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo systemctl enable rpcbind nfs-server
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo systemctl start rpcbind nfs-server
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo exportfs
+Install OSC For Testing
+ [Documentation] Install Openstack Client for testing with Robot
+ Run Keyword If '${OPENSTACK_VERSION}' == 'ocata' Local Install Rpm Package centos-release-openstack-ocata
+ Run Keyword If '${OPENSTACK_VERSION}' == 'pike' Local Install Rpm Package centos-release-openstack-pike
+ Local Install Rpm Package python-openstackclient
+Install ODL From CBS or Nexus
+ Pass Execution If '${ODL_INSTALL_LOCAL_RPM}' == 'yes' "Do Not Download from Nexus or cbs"
+ Install Rpm Package ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${ODL_RPM}
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Rpm Package ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} ${ODL_RPM}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Rpm Package ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} ${ODL_RPM}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Rpm Package ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} ${ODL_RPM}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Rpm Package ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} ${ODL_RPM}
+ Install Feature as Boot ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} odl-netvirt-openstack
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Feature as Boot ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} odl-netvirt-openstack
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Feature as Boot ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} odl-netvirt-openstack
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Feature as Boot ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} odl-netvirt-openstack
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Feature as Boot ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} odl-netvirt-openstack
+ Configure SNAT MODE In Odl ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Configure SNAT MODE In Odl ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Configure SNAT MODE In Odl ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Configure SNAT MODE In Odl ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Configure SNAT MODE In Odl ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Configure ODL Clustering ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} 1
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Configure ODL Clustering ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} 2
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Configure ODL Clustering ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} 3
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Configure ODL Clustering ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} 4
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Configure ODL Clustering ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} 5
+ Enable Service ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} opendaylight
+ Start Service ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} opendaylight
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Enable Service ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} opendaylight
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Service ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} opendaylight
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Enable Service ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} opendaylight
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Service ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} opendaylight
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Enable Service ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} opendaylight
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Enable Service ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} opendaylight
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Generic HAProxy Entry ${HAPROXY_IP} ${HAPROXY_IP} 8181 odl_rest
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Generic HAProxy Entry ${HAPROXY_IP} ${HAPROXY_IP} 8080 odl_neutron
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Generic HAProxy Entry ${HAPROXY_IP} ${HAPROXY_IP} 8185 odl_websocket
+Install ODL From Local Rpm
+ Pass Execution If '${ODL_INSTALL_LOCAL_RPM}' == 'no' "Installed from Cbs or Nexus"
+ Install Local Rpm Package ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${ODL_RPM}
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Local Rpm Package ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} ${ODL_RPM}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Local Rpm Package ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} ${ODL_RPM}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Local Rpm Package ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} ${ODL_RPM}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Local Rpm Package ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} ${ODL_RPM}
+ Install Feature as Boot ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} odl-netvirt-openstack
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Feature as Boot ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} odl-netvirt-openstack
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Feature as Boot ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} odl-netvirt-openstack
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Feature as Boot ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} odl-netvirt-openstack
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Feature as Boot ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} odl-netvirt-openstack
+ Configure SNAT MODE In Odl ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Configure SNAT MODE In Odl ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Configure SNAT MODE In Odl ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Configure SNAT MODE In Odl ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Configure SNAT MODE In Odl ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Configure ODL Clustering ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} 1
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Configure ODL Clustering ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} 2
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Configure ODL Clustering ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} 3
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Configure ODL Clustering ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} 4
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Configure ODL Clustering ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} 5
+ Enable Service ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} opendaylight
+ Start Service ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} opendaylight
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Enable Service ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} opendaylight
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Service ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} opendaylight
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Enable Service ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} opendaylight
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Service ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} opendaylight
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Enable Service ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} opendaylight
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Enable Service ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} opendaylight
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Generic HAProxy Entry ${HAPROXY_IP} ${HAPROXY_IP} 8181 odl_rest
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Generic HAProxy Entry ${HAPROXY_IP} ${HAPROXY_IP} 8080 odl_neutron
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Generic HAProxy Entry ${HAPROXY_IP} ${HAPROXY_IP} 8185 odl_websocket
+*** Keywords ***
+Create Etc Hosts
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ [Documentation] Create a hosts file
+ Write To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/hosts " localhost"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/hosts "${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}"
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/hosts "${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_2_HOSTNAME}"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/hosts "${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_3_HOSTNAME}"
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/hosts "${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_4_HOSTNAME}"
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/hosts "${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_5_HOSTNAME}"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/hosts "${HAPROXY_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}"
+ Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/hosts "${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} ${OS_COMPUTE_1_HOSTNAME}"
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/hosts "${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} ${OS_COMPUTE_2_HOSTNAME}"
+Create Etc Hosts In RobotVM
+ [Documentation] Create a hosts file
+ Write To Local File /etc/hosts " localhost"
+ Append To Local File /etc/hosts "${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}"
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To Local File /etc/hosts "${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_2_HOSTNAME}"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To Local File /etc/hosts "${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_3_HOSTNAME}"
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To Local File /etc/hosts "${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_4_HOSTNAME}"
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To Local File /etc/hosts "${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_5_HOSTNAME}"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To Local File /etc/hosts "${HAPROXY_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}"
+ Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Append To Local File /etc/hosts "${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} ${OS_COMPUTE_1_HOSTNAME}"
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Append To Local File /etc/hosts "${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} ${OS_COMPUTE_2_HOSTNAME}"
+Setup Chrony
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ [Documentation] Install and configure chrony
+ Run Keyword If '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'no' Install Rpm Package ${os_node_cxn} chrony
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/chrony.conf "allow"
+ Enable Service ${os_node_cxn} chronyd.service
+ Start Service ${os_node_cxn} chronyd.service
+Install Openstack Base Rpm
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ [Documentation] Install the Openstack release
+ Pass Execution If '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'yes' "Already Installd"
+ Run Keyword If '${OPENSTACK_VERSION}' == 'ocata' Install Rpm Package ${os_node_cxn} centos-release-openstack-ocata
+ Run Keyword If '${OPENSTACK_VERSION}' == 'pike' Install Rpm Package ${os_node_cxn} centos-release-openstack-pike
+Configure SNAT MODE In Odl
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo mkdir -p /opt/opendaylight/etc/opendaylight/datastore/initial/config/
+ Touch File ${os_node_cxn} /opt/opendaylight/etc/opendaylight/datastore/initial/config/netvirt-natservice-config.xml
+ Write To File ${os_node_cxn} /opt/opendaylight/etc/opendaylight/datastore/initial/config/netvirt-natservice-config.xml '<natservice-config xmlns="urn:opendaylight:netvirt:natservice:config">'
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /opt/opendaylight/etc/opendaylight/datastore/initial/config/netvirt-natservice-config.xml '<nat-mode>${ODL_NETVIRT_SNAT_MODE}</nat-mode>'
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /opt/opendaylight/etc/opendaylight/datastore/initial/config/netvirt-natservice-config.xml '</natservice-config>'
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo chown -R odl:odl /opt/opendaylight/
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Test suite to verify packet flows between vm instances.
+Suite Setup OpenStackInstallUtils.Get All Ssh Connections
+Suite Teardown Close All Connections
+Library SSHLibrary
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Resource ../libraries/OpenStackInstallUtils.robot
+Resource ../libraries/SystemUtils.robot
+Resource ../libraries/Utils.robot
+*** Test Cases ***
+Setup MySql
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install MySQl Cluster ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} openstack
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install MySQl Cluster ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} openstack
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install MySQl Cluster ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} openstack
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install MySQl Cluster ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} openstack
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install MySQl Cluster ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} openstack
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Configure Cluster Root Node ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME} ${OS_USER}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Enable MySQL non-root nodes ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_2_HOSTNAME} ${OS_USER}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Enable MySQL non-root nodes ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_2_HOSTNAME} ${OS_USER}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Enable MySQL non-root nodes ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_4_HOSTNAME} ${OS_USER}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Enable MySQL non-root nodes ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_5_HOSTNAME} ${OS_USER}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Add HAPROXY Entry for DB ${HAPROXY_IP} ${HAPROXY_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install MySql ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+*** Keywords ***
+Install MySQl
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ Run Keyword If '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'no' Install Rpm Package ${os_node_cxn} mariadb mariadb-server python2-PyMySQL
+ Touch File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf mysqld bind-address
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf mysqld default-storage-engine innodb
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf mysqld innodb_file_per_table innodb
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf mysqld max_connections 4096
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf mysqld collation-server utf8_general_ci
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf mysqld character-set-server utf8
+Enable MySql
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${hostname} ${hostuser}
+ Enable Service ${os_node_cxn} mariadb.service
+ Start Service ${os_node_cxn} mariadb.service
+ Create User Pass For Mysql ${os_node_cxn} root mysql
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} root mysql *.* ${hostname} ${hostuser}
+ ... mysql
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} root mysql *.* localhost ${hostuser}
+ ... mysql
+Install MySql Cluster
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${bindaddress} ${galera_cluster_name}
+ Run Keyword If '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'no' Install Rpm Package ${os_node_cxn} mariadb galera mariadb-galera-server python2-PyMySQL mariadb-libs
+ Touch File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf mysqld bind-address
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf mysqld datadir /var/lib/mysql
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf mysqld socket /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf mysqld user mysql
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf mysqld binlog_format ROW
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf mysqld default_storage_engine innodb
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf mysqld innodb_autoinc_lock_mode 2
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf mysqld innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit 0
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf mysqld innodb_buffer_pool_size 122M
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf mysqld wsrep_provider /usr/lib64/galera/libgalera_smm.so
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf mysqld wsrep_provider_options "pc.recovery=TRUE;gcache.size=300M"
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf mysqld wsrep_cluster_name ${galera_cluster_name}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf mysqld wsrep_cluster_address
+ Run Keyword If 4 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf mysqld wsrep_cluster_address
+ ... gcomm://${OS_CONTROL_1_IP},${OS_CONTROL_2_IP},${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/openstack.cnf mysqld wsrep_sst_method rsync
+ Crudini Delete ${os_node_cxn} /etc/my.cnf.d/auth_gssapi.cnf mariadb plugin-load-add
+ #Configure Mysql Cluster Check ${os_node_cxn}
+Configure Cluster Root Node
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${hostname} ${hostuser}
+ Enable Service ${os_node_cxn} mariadb.service
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo galera_new_cluster
+ Create User Pass For Mysql ${os_node_cxn} root mysql
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} root mysql *.* ${hostuser} ${hostname}
+ ... mysql
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} root mysql *.* ${hostuser} localhost
+ ... mysql
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} root mysql *.* ${hostuser} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ ... mysql #Grant Process To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} root mysql *.*
+ ... # clustercheck_user localhost # my_clustercheck_password
+ Execute MySQL STATUS Query ${os_node_cxn} root mysql wsrep_cluster_size
+Enable MySQL non-root nodes
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${hostname} ${hostuser}
+ Enable Service ${os_node_cxn} mariadb.service
+ Start Service ${os_node_cxn} mariadb.service
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} root mysql *.* ${hostuser} ${hostname}
+ ... mysql
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} root mysql *.* ${hostuser} localhost
+ ... mysql
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} root mysql *.* ${hostuser} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ ... mysql #Grant Process To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} root mysql *.*
+ ... # clustercheck_user localhost # my_clustercheck_password
+ Execute MySQL STATUS Query ${os_node_cxn} root mysql wsrep_cluster_size
+Add HAPROXY Entry for DB
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${bind_ip}
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg $'\n'listen hadatabase
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " bind ${bind_ip}:3306"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " timeout client 90s"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " mode tcp"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " option mysql-check user root"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " balance roundrobin"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " timeout server 90s"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " server galera1 ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}:3306"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " server galera2 ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}:3306"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " server galera3 ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}:3306"
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " server galera4 ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP}:3306"
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg " server galera4 ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP}:3306"
+ Enable Service ${os_node_cxn} haproxy
+ Restart Service ${os_node_cxn} haproxy
+Configure Mysql Cluster Check
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ Touch File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/sysconfig/clustercheck
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/sysconfig/clustercheck MYSQL_USERNAME=clustercheck_user
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/sysconfig/clustercheck MYSQL_PASSWORD=my_clustercheck_password
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/sysconfig/clustercheck MYSQL_HOST=localhost
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/sysconfig/clustercheck MYSQL_PORT=3306
+ Run Keyword If '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'no' Install Rpm Package ${os_node_cxn} xinetd
+ Touch File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/xinetd.d/galera-monitor
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/xinetd.d/galera-monitor service galera-monitor
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/xinetd.d/galera-monitor "{"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/xinetd.d/galera-monitor " port = 9200"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/xinetd.d/galera-monitor " disable = no"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/xinetd.d/galera-monitor " socket_type = stream"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/xinetd.d/galera-monitor " protocol = tcp"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/xinetd.d/galera-monitor " wait = no"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/xinetd.d/galera-monitor " user= root"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/xinetd.d/galera-monitor " group = root"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/xinetd.d/galera-monitor " groups = yes"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/xinetd.d/galera-monitor " server = /usr/bin/clustercheck"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/xinetd.d/galera-monitor " type = UNLISTED"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/xinetd.d/galera-monitor " per_source = UNLISTED"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/xinetd.d/galera-monitor " log_on_failure = HOST"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/xinetd.d/galera-monitor " flags = REUSE"
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/xinetd.d/galera-monitor "}"
+ Daemon Reload ${os_node_cxn}
+ Enable Service ${os_node_cxn} xinetd
+ Start Service ${os_node_cxn} xinetd
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Test suite to verify packet flows between vm instances.
+Suite Setup OpenStackInstallUtils.Get All Ssh Connections
+Suite Teardown Close All Connections
+Library SSHLibrary
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Resource ../libraries/OpenStackInstallUtils.robot
+Resource ../libraries/SystemUtils.robot
+Resource ../libraries/Utils.robot
+*** Test Cases ***
+Setup RabbitMQ
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install RabbitMQ ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start RabbitMQ ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Add Openstack MQ ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} openstack rabbit
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install RabbitMQ ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Stop And Copy Cookie File ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} rabbit rabbit
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install RabbitMQ ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install RabbitMQ ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install RabbitMQ ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install RabbitMQ ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Setup RabbitMQ Cluster ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} rabbit ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Setup RabbitMQ Cluster ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} rabbit ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Setup RabbitMQ Cluster ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} rabbit ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Setup RabbitMQ Cluster ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} rabbit ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Generic HAProxy Entry ${HAPROXY_IP} ${HAPROXY_IP} 5672 rabbitmq
+*** Keywords ***
+Install RabbitMQ
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ Run Keyword If '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'no' Install Rpm Package ${os_node_cxn} rabbitmq-server
+ Enable Service ${os_node_cxn} rabbitmq-server
+Start RabbitMQ
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ Enable Service ${os_node_cxn} rabbitmq-server
+ Start Service ${os_node_cxn} rabbitmq-server
+Start Stop And Copy Cookie File
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${rabbit_user} ${rabbit_pass}
+ Enable Service ${os_node_cxn} rabbitmq-server
+ Start Service ${os_node_cxn} rabbitmq-server
+ Add Openstack MQ ${os_node_cxn} openstack rabbit
+ Get RabbitMQ Cookie File ${os_node_cxn}
+Add Openstack MQ
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${rabbit_user} ${rabbit_pass}
+ Add Rabbitmq User ${os_node_cxn} ${rabbit_user} ${rabbit_pass}
+ Enable Access to Rabbitmq vhost ${os_node_cxn} ${rabbit_user}
+Setup RabbitMQ Cluster
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${rabbit_user} ${src_hostname}
+ Copy RabbitMQ Cookie File ${os_node_cxn} ${rabbit_user} ${src_hostname}
+Add Rabbitmq User
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${rabbit_user} ${rabbit_pass}
+ [Documentation] Add a user to Rabbit MQ
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo rabbitmqctl add_user ${rabbit_user} ${rabbit_pass} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ #Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Change Rabbitmq Password
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${rabbit_user} ${rabbit_pass}
+ [Documentation] Add a user to Rabbit MQ
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo rabbitmqctl change_password ${rabbit_user} ${rabbit_pass} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Enable Access to Rabbitmq vhost
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${rabbit_user}
+ [Documentation] Add a user to Rabbit MQ
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command rabbitmqctl set_permissions ${rabbit_user} ".*" ".*" ".*" return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Stop RabbitMQ
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ [Documentation] Stop the RabbitMQ user
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command rabbitmqctl stop_app return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Get RabbitMQ Cookie File
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ [Documentation] Get the Cookie file from the primary node
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command rabbitmqctl stop_app return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ SSHLibrary.Get File /var/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie /tmp/
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command rabbitmqctl start_app return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command rabbitmqctl cluster_status return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+Copy RabbitMQ Cookie File
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${rabbit_user} ${src_hostname}
+ [Documentation] Copy the rabbit cookie file to other servers to join the cluster
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ SSHLibrary.Put File /tmp/.erlang.cookie /var/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command chown rabbitmq:rabbitmq /var/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command chmod 400 /var/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ Enable Service ${os_node_cxn} rabbitmq-server
+ Start Service ${os_node_cxn} rabbitmq-server
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command rabbitmqctl stop_app return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command rabbitmqctl join_cluster --ram ${rabbit_user}@${src_hostname} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command rabbitmqctl start_app return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command rabbitmqctl cluster_status return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo rabbitmqctl set_policy ha-all '^(?!amq\.).*' '{"ha-mode": "all"}'
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Test suite to verify packet flows between vm instances.
+Suite Setup OpenStackInstallUtils.Get All Ssh Connections
+Suite Teardown Close All Connections
+Library SSHLibrary
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Resource ../libraries/OpenStackInstallUtils.robot
+Resource ../libraries/OpenStackOperations.robot
+Resource ../libraries/SystemUtils.robot
+Resource ../libraries/Utils.robot
+*** Test Cases ***
+Install Identity
+ Create And Configure Keystone Db ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} root mysql ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create And Configure Keystone Db Other Nodes ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} root mysql ${OS_CONTROL_2_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create And Configure Keystone Db Other Nodes ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} root mysql ${OS_CONTROL_3_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create And Configure Keystone Db Other Nodes ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} root mysql ${OS_CONTROL_4_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create And Configure Keystone Db Other Nodes ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} root mysql ${OS_CONTROL_5_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Keystone ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Keystone ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Keystone ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Keystone ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Keystone ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Keystone ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ ${token}= Run Command ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} openssl rand -hex 10
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Set Admin Token ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${token}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Set Admin Token ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} ${token}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Set Admin Token ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} ${token}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Set Admin Token ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} ${token}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Set Admin Token ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} ${token}
+ Keystone Manage Setup ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} keystone keystone
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Copy Fernet Keys ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Copy Fernet Keys ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Copy Fernet Keys ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Copy Fernet Keys ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Chown File ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} /etc/keystone/fernet-keys keystone keystone
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Chown File ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} /etc/keystone/fernet-keys keystone keystone
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Chown File ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} /etc/keystone/fernet-keys keystone keystone
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Chown File ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} /etc/keystone/fernet-keys keystone keystone
+ Start Keystone ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Keystone ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Keystone ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Generic HAProxy Entry ${HAPROXY_IP} ${HAPROXY_IP} 35357 keystone-admin
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Generic HAProxy Entry ${HAPROXY_IP} ${HAPROXY_IP} 5000 keystone-public
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create stackrc ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create stackrc ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Setup And Bootstrap ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Setup And Bootstrap ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Create Project Service
+*** Keywords ***
+Create And Configure Keystone Db
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} ${host_name}
+ Create Database for Mysql ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} keystone
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} keystone.* keystone ${host_name}
+ ... keystone
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} keystone.* keystone localhost
+ ... keystone
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} keystone.*
+ ... keystone ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME} keystone
+Create And Configure Keystone Db Other Nodes
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} ${host_name}
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} keystone.* keystone ${host_name}
+ ... keystone
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} keystone.* keystone localhost
+ ... keystone
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} keystone.* keystone ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ ... keystone
+Install Configure Keystone
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${host_name}
+ Run Keyword If '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'no' Install Rpm Package ${os_node_cxn} openstack-keystone httpd mod_wsgi rsync
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/keystone/keystone.conf database connection "mysql+pymysql://keystone:keystone@${host_name}/keystone"
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/keystone/keystone.conf token provider fernet
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/keystone/keystone.conf catalog driver sql
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/keystone/keystone.conf identity driver sql
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/keystone/keystone.conf DEFAULT transport_url
+ ... "rabbit://openstack:rabbit@${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME},openstack:rabbit@${OS_CONTROL_2_HOSTNAME},openstack:rabbit@${OS_CONTROL_3_HOSTNAME}"
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/keystone/keystone.conf DEFAULT transport_url
+ ... "rabbit://openstack:rabbit@${host_name}"
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/keystone/keystone.conf oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_max_retries 0
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/keystone/keystone.conf oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_ha_queues true
+ Create Softlink ${os_node_cxn} /usr/share/keystone/wsgi-keystone.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/
+Start Keystone
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ Enable Service ${os_node_cxn} httpd
+ Start Service ${os_node_cxn} httpd
+Set Admin Token
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${token}
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/keystone/keystone.conf DEFAULT admin_token ${token}
+Copy Fernet Keys
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${target_ip}
+ Rsync Directory ${os_node_cxn} ${target_ip} /etc/keystone/fernet-keys /etc/keystone
+Setup And Bootstrap
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${host_name}
+ Run Command As User ${os_node_cxn} "keystone-manage db_sync" keystone
+ Keystone Manage Bootstrap ${os_node_cxn} ${host_name} RegionOne
+Create stackrc
+ [Arguments] ${haproxy_ip}
+ Create Local File /tmp/stackrc
+ Write To Local File /tmp/stackrc "export OS_USERNAME=admin"
+ Append To Local File /tmp/stackrc "export OS_PASSWORD=admin"
+ Append To Local File /tmp/stackrc "export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin"
+ Append To Local File /tmp/stackrc "export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=Default"
+ Append To Local File /tmp/stackrc "export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME=Default"
+ Append To Local File /tmp/stackrc "export OS_AUTH_URL=http://${haproxy_ip}:35357/v3"
+ Append To Local File /tmp/stackrc "export OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3"
+ Append To Local File /tmp/stackrc "export OS_IMAGE_API_VERSION=2"
+Create Project Service
+ Create Project default "ServiceProject" service rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+Keystone Manage Setup
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${keystone_user} ${keystone_password}
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo keystone-manage fernet_setup --keystone-user ${keystone_user} --keystone-group ${keystone_password} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+Keystone Manage Bootstrap
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${host_name} ${region_name}
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo keystone-manage bootstrap --bootstrap-password admin --bootstrap-admin-url http://${host_name}:35357/v3/ --bootstrap-internal-url http://${host_name}:5000/v3/ --bootstrap-public-url http://${host_name}:5000/v3/ --bootstrap-region-id ${region_name} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Test suite to verify packet flows between vm instances.
+Suite Setup OpenStackInstallUtils.Get All Ssh Connections
+Suite Teardown Close All Connections
+Library SSHLibrary
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Resource ../libraries/OpenStackInstallUtils.robot
+Resource ../libraries/OpenStackOperations.robot
+Resource ../libraries/SystemUtils.robot
+Resource ../libraries/Utils.robot
+*** Test Cases ***
+Install Glance
+ Create And Configure Glance Db ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} root mysql ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create And Configure Glance Db Other Nodes ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} root mysql ${OS_CONTROL_2_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create And Configure Glance Db Other Nodes ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} root mysql ${OS_CONTROL_3_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create And Configure Glance Db Other Nodes ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} root mysql ${OS_CONTROL_4_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create And Configure Glance Db Other Nodes ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} root mysql ${OS_CONTROL_5_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create Openstack Elements ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create Openstack Elements ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Glance ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Glance ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Glance ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Glance ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Glance ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Glance ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Glance ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Glance ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Glance ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Glance ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Generic HAProxy Entry ${HAPROXY_IP} ${HAPROXY_IP} 9292 glance_api
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Generic HAProxy Entry ${HAPROXY_IP} ${HAPROXY_IP} 9191 glance_registry
+*** Keywords ***
+Create And Configure Glance Db
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} ${host_name}
+ Create Database for Mysql ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} glance
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} glance.* glance ${host_name}
+ ... glance
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} glance.* glance localhost
+ ... glance
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} glance.*
+ ... glance ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME} glance
+Create And Configure Glance Db Other Nodes
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} ${host_name}
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} glance.* glance ${host_name}
+ ... glance
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} glance.* glance localhost
+ ... glance
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} glance.*
+ ... glance ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME} glance
+Create Openstack Elements
+ [Arguments] ${host_name}
+ Source Local File /tmp/stackrc
+ Create User glance default glance rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Role Add service glance admin rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Create Service glance "Image Service" image rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Create Endpoint RegionOne ${host_name} image public 9292 rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Create Endpoint RegionOne ${host_name} image internal 9292 rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Create Endpoint RegionOne ${host_name} image admin 9292 rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+Install Configure Glance
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${host_name}
+ Run Keyword If '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'no' Install Rpm Package ${os_node_cxn} openstack-glance
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf DEFAULT bind_host ""
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf DEFAULT notification_driver "noop"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf DEFAULT transport_url
+ ... "rabbit://openstack:rabbit@${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME},openstack:rabbit@${OS_CONTROL_2_HOSTNAME},openstack:rabbit@${OS_CONTROL_3_HOSTNAME}"
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf DEFAULT transport_url
+ ... "rabbit://openstack:rabbit@${host_name}"
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_max_retries 0
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_ha_queues true
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf database connection "mysql+pymysql://glance:glance@${host_name}/glance"
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf keystone_authtoken auth_uri http://${host_name}:5000
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf keystone_authtoken auth_url http://${host_name}:35357
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf keystone_authtoken memcached_servers
+ ... ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}:11211,${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}:11211,${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}:11211
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf keystone_authtoken memcached_servers
+ ... ${host_name}:11211
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf keystone_authtoken auth_type password
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf keystone_authtoken project_domain_name default
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf keystone_authtoken user_domain_name default
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf keystone_authtoken project_name service
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf keystone_authtoken username glance
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf keystone_authtoken password glance
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf paste_deploy flavor keystone
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf glance_store stores "file,http"
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf glance_store default_store file
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf glance_store filesystem_store_datadir /var/lib/glance/images/
+ Chmod File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf 640
+ Chown File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-api.conf root glance
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf DEFAULT bind_host ""
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf DEFAULT notification_driver "noop"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf DEFAULT transport_url
+ ... "rabbit://openstack:rabbit@${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME},openstack:rabbit@${OS_CONTROL_2_HOSTNAME},openstack:rabbit@${OS_CONTROL_3_HOSTNAME}"
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf DEFAULT transport_url
+ ... "rabbit://openstack:rabbit@${host_name}"
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_max_retries 0
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_ha_queues true
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf database connection "mysql+pymysql://glance:glance@${host_name}/glance"
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf keystone_authtoken auth_uri http://${host_name}:5000
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf keystone_authtoken auth_url http://${host_name}:35357
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf keystone_authtoken memcached_servers
+ ... ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}:11211,${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}:11211,${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}:11211
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf keystone_authtoken memcached_servers
+ ... ${host_name}:11211
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf keystone_authtoken auth_type password
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf keystone_authtoken project_domain_name default
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf keystone_authtoken user_domain_name default
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf keystone_authtoken project_name service
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf keystone_authtoken username glance
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf keystone_authtoken password glance
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf paste_deploy flavor keystone
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} and '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'no' Install Rpm Package ${os_node_cxn} nfs-utils
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Enable Service ${os_node_cxn} rpcbind
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Service ${os_node_cxn} rpcbind
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/glance/images
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo mount -t nfs ${HAPROXY_IP}:/images /var/lib/glance/images
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo mount
+ Run Command As User ${os_node_cxn} "glance-manage db_sync" glance
+ Enable Service ${os_node_cxn} openstack-glance-api
+ Enable Service ${os_node_cxn} openstack-glance-registry
+Start Glance
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ Start Service ${os_node_cxn} openstack-glance-api
+ Start Service ${os_node_cxn} openstack-glance-registry
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Test suite to verify packet flows between vm instances.
+Suite Setup OpenStackInstallUtils.Get All Ssh Connections
+Suite Teardown Close All Connections
+Library SSHLibrary
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Resource ../libraries/OpenStackInstallUtils.robot
+Resource ../libraries/OpenStackOperations.robot
+Resource ../libraries/SystemUtils.robot
+Resource ../libraries/Utils.robot
+*** Test Cases ***
+Install Nova
+ Create And Configure Nova Db ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} root mysql ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create And Configure Nova Db Other Nodes ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} root mysql ${OS_CONTROL_2_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create And Configure Nova Db Other Nodes ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} root mysql ${OS_CONTROL_3_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create And Configure Nova Db Other Nodes ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} root mysql ${OS_CONTROL_4_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create And Configure Nova Db Other Nodes ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} root mysql ${OS_CONTROL_5_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create Openstack Elements ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create Openstack Elements ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Nova API ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Nova API ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Nova API ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Nova API ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Nova API ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Nova API ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Sync Db ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Start Nova Services ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Nova Services ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Nova Services ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Generic HAProxy Entry ${HAPROXY_IP} ${HAPROXY_IP} 8774 nova_compute_api_cluster
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Generic HAProxy Entry ${HAPROXY_IP} ${HAPROXY_IP} 8775 nova_metadata_api_cluster
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Generic HAProxy Entry ${HAPROXY_IP} ${HAPROXY_IP} 8778 nova_placement_service
+ Run Keyword If 1 > ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Install Configure Nova Compute ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Install Configure Nova Compute ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Install Configure Nova Compute ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP}
+*** Keywords ***
+Create And Configure Nova Db
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} ${host_name}
+ Create Database for Mysql ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} nova
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} nova.* nova ${host_name}
+ ... nova
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} nova.* nova localhost
+ ... nova
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} nova.*
+ ... nova ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME} nova
+ Create Database for Mysql ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} nova_api
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} nova_api.* nova ${host_name}
+ ... nova
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} nova_api.* nova localhost
+ ... nova
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} nova_api.*
+ ... nova ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME} nova
+ Create Database for Mysql ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} nova_cell0
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} nova_cell0.* nova ${host_name}
+ ... nova
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} nova_cell0.* nova localhost
+ ... nova
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} nova_cell0.*
+ ... nova ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME} nova
+Workaround Packaging Problem
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ Put File ${CURDIR}/nova_workaround.xml /tmp/
+Create And Configure Nova Db Other Nodes
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} ${host_name}
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} nova.* nova ${host_name}
+ ... nova
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} nova.* nova localhost
+ ... nova
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} nova.*
+ ... nova ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME} nova
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} nova_api.* nova ${host_name}
+ ... nova
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} nova_api.* nova localhost
+ ... nova
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} nova_api.*
+ ... nova ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME} nova
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} nova_cell0.* nova ${host_name}
+ ... nova
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} nova_cell0.* nova localhost
+ ... nova
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} nova_cell0.*
+ ... nova ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME} nova
+Create Openstack Elements
+ [Arguments] ${host_name}
+ Create User nova default nova rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Role Add service nova admin rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Create Service nova "Compute service" compute rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Create Endpoint RegionOne ${host_name} compute public 8774/v2.1 rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Create Endpoint RegionOne ${host_name} compute internal 8774/v2.1 rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Create Endpoint RegionOne ${host_name} compute admin 8774/v2.1 rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Create User placement default placement rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Role Add service placement admin rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Create Service placement "Plaement API" placement rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Create Endpoint RegionOne ${host_name} placement public 8778 rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Create Endpoint RegionOne ${host_name} placement internal 8778 rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Create Endpoint RegionOne ${host_name} placement admin 8778 rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+Install Configure Nova API
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${host_ip} ${host_name}
+ Run Keyword If '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'no' Install Rpm Package ${os_node_cxn} openstack-nova-api openstack-nova-conductor openstack-nova-console openstack-nova-novncproxy openstack-nova-scheduler openstack-nova-placement-api
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf DEFAULT enabled_apis "osapi_compute,metadata"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf DEFAULT transport_url
+ ... "rabbit://openstack:rabbit@${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME},openstack:rabbit@${OS_CONTROL_2_HOSTNAME},openstack:rabbit@${OS_CONTROL_3_HOSTNAME}"
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf DEFAULT transport_url
+ ... "rabbit://openstack:rabbit@${host_name}"
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf DEFAULT my_ip ${host_ip}
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf DEFAULT use_neutron True
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf DEFAULT firewall_driver nova.virt.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf api_database connection "mysql+pymysql://nova:nova@${host_name}/nova_api"
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf database connection "mysql+pymysql://nova:nova@${host_name}/nova"
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf api auth_strategy keystone
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf keystone_authtoken auth_uri http://${host_name}:5000
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf keystone_authtoken auth_url http://${host_name}:35357
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf keystone_authtoken memcached_servers
+ ... ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}:11211,${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}:11211,${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}:11211
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf keystone_authtoken memcached_servers
+ ... ${host_name}:11211
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf keystone_authtoken auth_type password
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf keystone_authtoken project_domain_name default
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf keystone_authtoken user_domain_name default
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf keystone_authtoken project_name service
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf keystone_authtoken username nova
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf keystone_authtoken password nova
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf vnc enabled false
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf glance api_servers http://${host_name}:9292
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf oslo_concurrency lock_path /var/lib/nova/tmp
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf placement os_region_name RegionOne
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf placement project_domain_name Default
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf placement user_domain_name Default
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf placement project_name service
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf placement auth_type password
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf placement auth_url http://${host_name}:35357/v3
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf placement username placement
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf placement password placement
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf scheduler discover_hosts_in_cells_interval 40
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_max_retries 0
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_ha_queues true
+ Workaround Packaging Problem ${os_node_cxn}
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} cat /tmp/nova_workaround.xml | sudo tee -a /etc/httpd/conf.d/00-nova-placement-api.conf
+ Restart Service ${os_node_cxn} httpd
+Sync Db
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ Run Command As User ${os_node_cxn} "nova-manage api_db sync" nova
+ Run Command As User ${os_node_cxn} "nova-manage cell_v2 map_cell0" nova
+ Run Command As User ${os_node_cxn} "nova-manage cell_v2 create_cell --name=cell1 --verbose" nova
+ Run Command As User ${os_node_cxn} "nova-manage db sync" nova
+ Run Command As User ${os_node_cxn} "nova-manage cell_v2 list_cells" nova
+Start Nova Services
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ Enable Service ${os_node_cxn} openstack-nova-api.service openstack-nova-consoleauth.service openstack-nova-scheduler.service openstack-nova-conductor.service openstack-nova-novncproxy.service
+ Start Service ${os_node_cxn} openstack-nova-api.service openstack-nova-consoleauth.service openstack-nova-scheduler.service openstack-nova-conductor.service openstack-nova-novncproxy.service
+Install Configure Nova Compute
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${host_ip}
+ Run Keyword If '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'no' Install Rpm Package ${os_node_cxn} openstack-nova-compute nfs-utils
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf DEFAULT enabled_apis "osapi_compute,metadata"
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf DEFAULT transport_url
+ ... "rabbit://openstack:rabbit@${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME},openstack:rabbit@${OS_CONTROL_2_HOSTNAME},openstack:rabbit@${OS_CONTROL_3_HOSTNAME}"
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf DEFAULT transport_url
+ ... "rabbit://openstack:rabbit@${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}"
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_max_retries 0
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_ha_queues true
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf DEFAULT my_ip ${host_ip}
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf DEFAULT use_neutron True
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf DEFAULT firewall_driver nova.virt.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf api auth_strategy keystone
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf keystone_authtoken auth_uri
+ ... http://${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}:5000
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf keystone_authtoken auth_uri
+ ... http://${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}:5000
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf keystone_authtoken auth_url
+ ... http://${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}:35357
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf keystone_authtoken auth_url
+ ... http://${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}:35357
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf keystone_authtoken memcached_servers
+ ... ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}:11211,${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}:11211,${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}:11211
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf keystone_authtoken memcached_servers
+ ... ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}:11211
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf keystone_authtoken auth_type password
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf keystone_authtoken project_domain_name default
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf keystone_authtoken user_domain_name default
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf keystone_authtoken project_name service
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf keystone_authtoken username nova
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf keystone_authtoken password nova
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf vnc enabled false
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf glance api_servers
+ ... http://${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}:9292
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf glance api_servers
+ ... http://${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}:9292
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf oslo_concurrency lock_path /var/lib/nova/tmp
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf placement os_region_name RegionOne
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf placement project_domain_name Default
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf placement user_domain_name Default
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf placement project_name service
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf placement auth_type password
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf placement auth_url
+ ... http://${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}:35357/v3
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf placement auth_url
+ ... http://${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}:35357/v3
+ Enable Service ${os_node_cxn} rpcbind
+ Start Service ${os_node_cxn} rpcbind
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/nova/instances_live_migration
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo mount -t nfs ${HAPROXY_IP}:/instances /var/lib/nova/instances_live_migration
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo mount -t nfs ${ROBOT_VM_IP}:/instances /var/lib/nova/instances_live_migration
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf placement username placement
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf placement password placement
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf libvirt virt_type qemu
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_max_retries 0
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_ha_queues true
+ Chown File ${os_node_cxn} /var/lib/nova/instances nova nova
+ Enable Service ${os_node_cxn} openstack-nova-compute libvirtd
+ Start Service ${os_node_cxn} openstack-nova-compute libvirtd
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Suite that Configures External Networks for CSIT
+Suite Setup OpenStackInstallUtils.Get All Ssh Connections
+Suite Teardown Close All Connections
+Library SSHLibrary
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Resource ../libraries/OpenStackInstallUtils.robot
+Resource ../libraries/OpenStackOperations.robot
+Resource ../libraries/SystemUtils.robot
+Resource ../libraries/Utils.robot
+*** Test Cases ***
+Configure External Networks For Testing
+ Local Install Rpm Package openvswitch
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo systemctl start openvswitch
+ Setup External Network In Robot VM flat1
+ Install Configure OvsSwitch ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure OvsSwitch ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure OvsSwitch ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure OvsSwitch ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure OvsSwitch ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Install Configure OvsSwitch ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Install Configure OvsSwitch ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP}
+ Create External Network For CSIT flat1 ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} 9786
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT flat1 ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} 9786
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT flat1 ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} 9786
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT flat1 ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} 9786
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT flat1 ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} 9786
+ Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT flat1 ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} 9786
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT flat1 ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} 9786
+ Setup External Network In Robot VM flat2
+ Create External Network For CSIT flat2 ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} 9787
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT flat2 ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} 9787
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT flat2 ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} 9787
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT flat2 ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} 9787
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT flat2 ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} 9787
+ Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT flat2 ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} 9787
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT flat2 ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} 9787
+ Setup External Network In Robot VM physnet1
+ Create External Network For CSIT physnet1 ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} 9788
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT physnet1 ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} 9788
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT physnet1 ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} 9788
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT physnet1 ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} 9788
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT physnet1 ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} 9788
+ Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT physnet1 ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} 9788
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT physnet1 ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} 9788
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ip tuntap add dev internet_tap mode tap
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ifconfig internet_tap up
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ip netns add vlantest
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ovs-vsctl add-br br-vlantest
+ Local Install Rpm Package vconfig
+ Setup External Network with Vlan vlantest 28 vlantest1
+ Setup External Network with Vlan vlantest 29 vlantest2
+ Create External Network For CSIT vlantest ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} 9789
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT vlantest ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} 9789
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT vlantest ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} 9789
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT vlantest ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} 9789
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT vlantest ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} 9789
+ Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT vlantest ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} 9789
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Create External Network For CSIT vlantest ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} 9789
+*** Keywords ***
+Install Configure OvsSwitch
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ Run Keyword If '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'no' Install Rpm Package ${os_node_cxn} openvswitch
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /usr/lib/systemd/system/ovsdb-server.service Service Restart always
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /usr/lib/systemd/system/ovs-vswitchd.service Service Restart always
+ Enable Service ${os_node_cxn} openvswitch
+ Start Service ${os_node_cxn} openvswitch
+Setup External Network In Robot VM
+ [Arguments] ${external_network_name} ${host_ip_cidr_format} ${ext_gateway_ip_addr}
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ip netns add ${external_network_name}
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ip link add ${external_network_name}_ns type veth peer name ${external_network_name}_ovs
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ip link set ${external_network_name}_ns netns ${external_network_name}
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ip netns exec ${external_network_name} ifconfig ${external_network_name}_ns ${host_ip_cidr_format} up
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ip netns exec ${external_network_name} ip link set ${external_network_name}_ns up
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ovs-vsctl add-br br-${external_network_name}
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-${external_network_name} ${external_network_name}_ovs
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ip link set ${external_network_name}_ovs up
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ifconfig br-${external_network_name} ${ext_gateway_ip_addr} up
+Create External Network For CSIT
+ [Arguments] ${external_network_name} ${os_node_cxn} ${os_node_ip_address} ${tunnel_port_number}
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-${external_network_name} vxlan_${external_network_name}_${os_node_ip_address} -- set interface vxlan_${external_network_name}_${os_node_ip_address} type=vxlan options:remote_ip=${os_node_ip_address} options:dst_port=${tunnel_port_number} options:key=flow
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo ovs-vsctl --if-exists del-port br-${external_network_name}
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-br br-${external_network_name}
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-${external_network_name} vxlan_${external_network_name}_robot -- set interface vxlan_${external_network_name}_robot type=vxlan options:local_ip=${os_node_ip_address} options:remote_ip=${ROBOT_VM_IP} options:dst_port=${tunnel_port_number} options:key=flow
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo ifconfig br-${external_network_name} up
+Setup External Network with Vlan
+ [Arguments] ${external_network_name} ${vlan_id} ${host_ip_cidr_format} ${host_if_name}
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ip link add ${host_if_name}_ns type veth peer name ${host_if_name}_ovs
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ip link set ${host_if_name}_ns netns ${external_network_name}
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ip netns exec ${external_network_name} vconfig add ${host_if_name}_ns ${vlan_id}
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ip netns exec ${external_network_name} ifconfig ${host_if_name}_ns up
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ip netns exec ${external_network_name} ifconfig ${host_if_name}_ns.${vlan_id} ${host_ip_cidr_format} up
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-${external_network_name} ${host_if_name}_ovs
+ Run Command In Local Node sudo ip link set ${host_if_name}_ovs up
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Suite that Intalls Neutron and Configures Networking ODL
+Suite Setup OpenStackInstallUtils.Get All Ssh Connections
+Suite Teardown Close All Connections
+Library SSHLibrary
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Resource ../libraries/OpenStackInstallUtils.robot
+Resource ../libraries/OpenStackOperations.robot
+Resource ../libraries/SystemUtils.robot
+Resource ../libraries/Utils.robot
+*** Test Cases ***
+Install Neutron
+ Create And Configure Neutron Db ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} root mysql ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create And Configure Neutron Db Other Nodes ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} root mysql ${OS_CONTROL_2_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create And Configure Neutron Db Other Nodes ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} root mysql ${OS_CONTROL_3_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create And Configure Neutron Db Other Nodes ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} root mysql ${OS_CONTROL_4_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create And Configure Neutron Db Other Nodes ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} root mysql ${OS_CONTROL_5_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create Openstack Elements ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create Openstack Elements ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Neutron ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Neutron ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Neutron ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Neutron ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Neutron ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Neutron ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Sync Db ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Sync Db ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Sync Db ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Sync Db ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Sync Db ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Sync Db ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Generic HAProxy Entry ${HAPROXY_IP} ${HAPROXY_IP} 9696 neutron_server
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Add ODL As Ovs Manager ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Add ODL As Ovs Manager ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Add ODL As Ovs Manager ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Add ODL As Ovs Manager ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Neutron Service ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Neutron Service ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Neutron Service ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Start Neutron Service ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 1 > ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Install Configure Neutron Compute ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} and 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Neutron Compute ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} and 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Neutron Compute ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} and 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Neutron Compute ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} and 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Install Configure Neutron Compute ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} ${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME}
+*** Keywords ***
+Create And Configure Neutron Db
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} ${host_name}
+ Create Database for Mysql ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} neutron
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} neutron.* neutron ${host_name}
+ ... neutron
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} neutron.* neutron localhost
+ ... neutron
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} neutron.*
+ ... neutron ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME} neutron
+Create And Configure Neutron Db Other Nodes
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} ${host_name}
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} neutron.* neutron ${host_name}
+ ... neutron
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} neutron.* neutron localhost
+ ... neutron
+ Grant Privileges To Mysql Database ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} neutron.* neutron ${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}
+ ... neutron
+Create Openstack Elements
+ [Arguments] ${host_name}
+ Create User neutron default neutron rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Role Add service neutron admin rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Create Service neutron "Networking service" network rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Create Endpoint RegionOne ${host_name} network public 9696 rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Create Endpoint RegionOne ${host_name} network internal 9696 rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Create Endpoint RegionOne ${host_name} network admin 9696 rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+Install Configure Neutron
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${host_ip} ${host_name}
+ Run Keyword If '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'no' Install Rpm Package ${os_node_cxn} openstack-neutron openstack-neutron-ml2 ebtables
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf DEFAULT transport_url
+ ... "rabbit://openstack:rabbit@${OS_CONTROL_1_HOSTNAME},openstack:rabbit@${OS_CONTROL_2_HOSTNAME},openstack:rabbit@${OS_CONTROL_3_HOSTNAME}"
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf DEFAULT transport_url
+ ... "rabbit://openstack:rabbit@${host_name}"
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf DEFAULT core_plugin ml2
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf DEFAULT allow_overlapping_ips true
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf database connection "mysql+pymysql://neutron:neutron@${host_name}/neutron"
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf DEFAULT auth_strategy keystone
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf DEFAULT notify_nova_on_port_status_changes true
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf DEFAULT notify_nova_on_port_data_changes true
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf DEFAULT dhcp_agents_per_network
+ ... 3
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf keystone_authtoken auth_uri http://${host_name}:5000
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf keystone_authtoken auth_url http://${host_name}:35357
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf keystone_authtoken memcached_servers
+ ... ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}:11211,${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}:11211,${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}:11211
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf keystone_authtoken memcached_servers
+ ... ${host_name}:11211
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf keystone_authtoken auth_type password
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf keystone_authtoken project_domain_name default
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf keystone_authtoken user_domain_name default
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf keystone_authtoken project_name service
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf keystone_authtoken username neutron
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf keystone_authtoken password neutron
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf nova auth_uri http://${host_name}:5000
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf nova auth_url http://${host_name}:35357
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf nova memcached_servers
+ ... ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}:11211,${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}:11211,${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}:11211
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf nova memcached_servers
+ ... ${host_name}:11211
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf nova auth_type password
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf nova project_domain_name default
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf nova user_domain_name default
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf nova project_name service
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf nova username nova
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf nova password nova
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf oslo_concurrency lock_path /var/lib/neutron/tmp
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf OVS ovsdb_connection tcp:
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_max_retries 0
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf oslo_messaging_rabbit rabbit_ha_queues true
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini ml2 type_drivers "flat,vlan,vxlan"
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini ml2 tenant_network_types vxlan
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini ml2_type_vxlan vni_ranges 1:1000
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini ml2_type_vlan network_vlan_ranges physnet1:1:4094
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini DEFAULT ovs_use_veth True
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini DEFAULT interface_driver openvswitch
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini DEFAULT enable_isolated_metadata true
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini OVS ovsdb_connection tcp:
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/metadata_agent.ini DEFAULT nova_metadata_ip ${host_name}
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/metadata_agent.ini DEFAULT metadata_proxy_shared_secret metadata
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron url http://${host_name}:9696
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron auth_url http://${host_name}:35357
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron auth_type password
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron project_domain_name default
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron user_domain_name default
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron region_name RegionOne
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron project_name service
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron username neutron
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron password neutron
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron service_metadata_proxy true
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron metadata_proxy_shared_secret metadata
+ Run Keyword If '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'no' Install Rpm Package ${os_node_cxn} python-networking-odl
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini ml2 mechanism_drivers opendaylight_v2
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini ml2_odl url http://${host_name}:8080/controller/nb/v2/neutron
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini ml2_odl username admin
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini ml2_odl password admin
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini ml2_odl port_binding_controller pseudo-agentdb-binding
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini securitygroup enable_security_group true
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini ml2 extension_drivers port_security
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/neutron.conf DEFAULT service_plugins odl-router_v2
+ Install OVS And Configure ${os_node_cxn} ${host_ip}
+Sync Db
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ #Unlink File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/plugin.ini
+ Create Softlink ${os_node_cxn} /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini /etc/neutron/plugin.ini
+ Run Command As User ${os_node_cxn} "neutron-db-manage --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf --config-file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini upgrade head" neutron
+ Enable Service ${os_node_cxn} neutron-server.service neutron-dhcp-agent.service neutron-metadata-agent.service
+Start Neutron Service
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ Restart Service ${os_node_cxn} openstack-nova-api.service
+ Start Service ${os_node_cxn} neutron-server.service neutron-dhcp-agent.service neutron-metadata-agent.service
+Install Configure Neutron Compute
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${host_ip} ${host_name}
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron auth_type password
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron auth_url
+ ... http://${host_name}:35357
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron auth_url
+ ... http://${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}:35357
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron username neutron
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron password neutron
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron user_domain_name Default
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron project_domain_name Default
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron project_name service
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron auth_strategy keystone
+ Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron region_name RegionOne
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron url
+ ... http://${host_name}:9696
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Crudini Edit ${os_node_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf neutron url
+ ... http://${HAPROXY_HOSTNAME}:9696
+ Restart Service ${os_node_cxn} libvirtd.service openstack-nova-compute.service
+ Install OVS And Configure ${os_node_cxn} ${host_ip}
+ Add ODL As Ovs Manager ${os_node_cxn}
+Install OVS And Configure
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${host_ip}
+ Run Keyword If '${OS_APPS_PRE_INSTALLED}' == 'no' Install Rpm Package ${os_node_cxn} python-networking-odl openvswitch
+ Enable Service ${os_node_cxn} openvswitch
+ Restart Service ${os_node_cxn} openvswitch
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo neutron-odl-ovs-hostconfig --config-file=/etc/neutron/neutron.conf --debug --noovs_dpdk --bridge_mappings="flat1:br-flat1,flat2:br-flat2,physnet1:br-physnet1" --local_ip ${host_ip}
+Add ODL As Ovs Manager
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager tcp:${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}:6640 tcp:${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}:6640 tcp:${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}:6640
+ Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager tcp:${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}:6640
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Suite that configures the nodes to execute CSIT
+Suite Setup OpenStackInstallUtils.Get All Ssh Connections
+Suite Teardown Close All Connections
+Library SSHLibrary
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Resource ../../../../csit/libraries/OpenStackInstallUtils.robot
+Resource ../../../../csit/libraries/OpenStackOperations.robot
+Resource ../../../../csit/libraries/SystemUtils.robot
+Resource ../../../../csit/libraries/Utils.robot
+*** Test Cases ***
+Create Jenkins User
+ #Generate Ssh Keys For VMs
+ #Local Install Rpm Package sshpass
+ #Create Keypair vm_keys /tmp/vm_key rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ #Run Keyword If 2 > ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create Csit User ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} jenkins
+ #Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create Csit User ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} jenkins
+ #Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create Csit User ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP} jenkins
+ #Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create Csit User ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} jenkins
+ #Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create Csit User ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP} jenkins
+ #Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Create Csit User ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP} jenkins
+ Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Create Csit User ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} jenkins
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_COMPUTE_NODES} Create Csit User ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} jenkins
+Create Required Image and Flavor
+ Run Command In Local Node export https_proxy=${PROXY_TEST};wget https://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.5/cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk.img -O /tmp/cirros35.img;unset https_proxy
+ Create Image cirros /tmp/cirros35.img rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Create Image cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk /tmp/cirros35.img rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Create Flavor cirros 128 0 rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Create Flavor m1.nano 128 0 rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Run Command In Local Node export https_proxy=${PROXY_TEST};export http_proxy=${PROXY_TEST};wget "https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/27/CloudImages/x86_64/images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-27-1.6.x86_64.qcow2" -O /tmp/fedora.qcow2;unset https_proxy;unset http_proxy
+ Create Image fedora /tmp/fedora.qcow2 rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Create Flavor fedora 2048 6 rc_file=/tmp/stackrc
+ Install Rpm Package ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP} wget
+ Download Scapy For Test ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}
+*** Keywords ***
+Set Password
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${user_name}
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo passwd ${user_name} d: 30s
+ Write Commands Until Expected Prompt ${user_name} d: 30s
+ Write Commands Until Expected Prompt ${user_name} ${OS_NODE_PROMPT} 30s
+Set Required Prompt
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${user_name}
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /home/${user_name}/.bashrc 'PS1="[\\u@\\h \\W]>"'
+Create Csit User
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${user_name}
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo useradd ${user_name} -d /home/${user_name}
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} echo "${user_name} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/${user_name}
+ Set Password ${os_node_cxn} ${user_name}
+ Set Required Prompt ${os_node_cxn} ${user_name}
+ Setup Passwordless Ssh jenkins ${os_node_cxn}
+Setup Passwordless Ssh
+ [Arguments] ${user_name} ${node_ip}
+ Run Command In Local Node sshpass -p ${user_name} ssh-copy-id ${user_name}@${node_ip} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
+ Run Command In Local Node scp /tmp/vm_key ${user_name}@${node_ip}:~
+ Run Command In Local Node scp /tmp/vm_key.pub ${user_name}@${node_ip}:~
+Generate Ssh Keys For Vms
+ Run Command In Local Node ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f /tmp/vm_key
+Download Scapy For Test
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} export https_proxy=${PROXY_TEST};export http_proxy=${PROXY_TEST};wget scapy.net -O /tmp/scapy-master.zip;unset https_proxy;unset http_proxy
+ Install Rpm Package ${os_node_cxn} unzip
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} cd /tmp;unzip /tmp/scapy-master.zip
--- /dev/null
+# Deploy Openstack Using the Deploy in ODL Integration/CSIT Code
+## Background
+> This is a deployer used to deploy Openstack with ODL for Testing
+> Aimed at improving the ODL CSIT for Openstack Integration.
+> This Deployer is currently being developed and will be enhanced continuously
+> This is part of Changes planned in the ticket below
+> If any issues faced, please mail integration-dev@lists.opendaylight.org
+## Setup Info
+### 1node Setup (1 Openstack Control Node)
+Requires 4 VM instances
+* 1 for robot execution
+* 1 for Control Node
+* 2 Compute Nodes
+#### 1node setup Platform Requirements
+* All Nodes should have this hardware support as minimum
+ - 4 VCPU
+ - 8192 MB RAM
+### 3node Setup (3 Openstack Control Nodes for HA)
+Requires 7 VM instances
+* 1 for robot execution
+* 3 Openstack Control Nodes
+* 1 HAProxy Node
+* 2 Compute Nodes
+#### 3node setup Platform Requirements
+* All Control Nodes to have
+ - 4 VCPU
+ - 12288 MB RAM
+* All Other Nodes should have this hardware support as minimum
+ - 4 VCPU
+ - 8192 MB RAM
+### Common Settings for all VM
+* All VM's will run the latest CentOS (7) distro
+ At the time of creating this text, latest can be found here
+ [CentOS 7.4](http://mirrors.kernel.org/centos/7.4.1708/)
+* Ensure that one common sudo capable username/password can login to all VM's. i.e login with the same username/password combination
+ is possible in all VM's, preferrably have the same root password in all VM's
+* Ensure that SELINUX is disabled in all nodes.
+ ```
+ Edit the file /etc/selinux/config and ensure the line
+ SELINUX=disabled
+ ```
+* Ensure the instances can reach internet to download and install packages
+* If you have Proxy for internet, please configure the proxy details to yum.conf
+ [Ref:Add proxy settings to yum.conf](https://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/yum/sn-yum-proxy-server.html)
+## Topology
+### 1node Topology
+ -------------
+ | |---------------------| |
+ | Robot VM |---------| | |
+ | |---------|-----------|------------|
+ ------------- | | |
+ ------------- | | |
+ | |---------|-----------| |
+ | Controller |---------| | |
+ | |---------|-----------|------------|
+ ------------- | | |
+ ------------- | | |
+ | |---------|-----------| |
+ | Compute1 |---------| | |
+ | |---------|-----------|------------|
+ ------------- | | |
+ ------------- | | |
+ | |---------|-----------| |
+ | Compute2 |---------| | |
+ | |---------|-----------|------------|
+ ------------- | | |
+ | | |
+ | | |
+ Data External External
+ Network1 Network2
+ ### 3node Topology
+ -------------
+ | |---------------------| |
+ | Robot VM |---------| | |
+ | |---------|-----------|------------|
+ ------------- | | |
+ ------------- | | |
+ | |---------|-----------| |
+ |Controller1 |---------| | |
+ | |---------|-----------|------------|
+ ------------- | | |
+ ------------- | | |
+ | |---------|-----------| |
+ |Controller2 |---------| | |
+ | |---------|-----------|------------|
+ ------------- | | |
+ ------------- | | |
+ | |---------|-----------| |
+ |Controller3 |---------| | |
+ | |---------|-----------|------------|
+ ------------- | | |
+ ------------- | | |
+ | | | | |
+ | haproxy |---------| | |
+ | | | | |
+ ------------- | | |
+ ------------- | | |
+ | |---------|-----------| |
+ | Compute1 |---------| | |
+ | |---------|-----------|------------|
+ ------------- | | |
+ ------------- | | |
+ | |---------|-----------| |
+ | Compute2 |---------| | |
+ | |---------|-----------|------------|
+ ------------- | | |
+ | | |
+ | | |
+ Data External External
+ Network1 Network2
+ ## Steps to Execute from Robot VM
+ ### Get Deployer
+ * Install robotframework pre-requisites
+ ```
+ sudo yum install python-pip git -y
+ pip install robotframework robotframework-sshlibrary
+ pip install robotframework-requests
+ pip install robotframework-httplibrary
+ ```
+ * Get the Deployer
+ ```
+ git clone https://git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/p/integration/test
+ cd test
+ git fetch https://<user-id>@git.opendaylight.org/gerrit/a/integration/test refs/changes/68/63168/41 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD
+ ```
+ ```
+ Note: The deployer is not merged yet
+ ```
+ ### Test 1node Openstack with ODL
+ #### Deploy 1node Openstack with ODL
+ * Run the deployer with pybot
+ ```
+ pybot --debug ~/debug_1node.log \
+ -v EXT_BRIDGE:datacenter \
+ -v OS_USER:root \
+ -v OS_USER_PASSWORD:<root_password> \
+ -v ODL_RPM:http://cbs.centos.org/repos/nfv7-opendaylight-70-release/x86_64/os/Packages/opendaylight-7.0.0-1.el7.noarch.rpm \
+ ~/test/csit/suites/openstack/deploy/00_initial_setup.robot \
+ ~/test/csit/suites/openstack/deploy/01_mysql_setup.robot \
+ ~/test/csit/suites/openstack/deploy/02_rabbitmq_setup.robot \
+ ~/test/csit/suites/openstack/deploy/03_keystone_setup.robot \
+ ~/test/csit/suites/openstack/deploy/04_glance_setup.robot \
+ ~/test/csit/suites/openstack/deploy/05_nova_setup.robot \
+ ~/test/csit/suites/openstack/deploy/06_neutron_setup.robot \
+ ~/test/csit/suites/openstack/deploy/07_csit_setup.robot
+* After execution, Check the log.html to understand the status of execution
+* If the status is "PASS", there will be an Openstack Installation with
+ one control node and 2 compute nodes.
+* All the settings for executing CSIT will be configured.
+#### Execute CSIT
+* Once the deployer command mentioned above is successful, you are ready to launch the CSIT Tests
+* Run the below pybot command to launch any test
+ source /tmp/stackrc
+ pybot --debug debug_csit.log \
+ --log log_csit.html --output output_csit.xml \
+ -v CONTROLLER_USER:jenkins \
+ -v NUM_OS_SYSTEM:3 \
+ -v OS_USER:jenkins \
+ -v USER_HOME:${HOME} \
+ -v OPENSTACK_BRANCH:stable/pike \
+ ~/test/csit/suites/openstack/connectivity/01_l2_tests.robot \
+ ~/test/csit/suites/openstack/connectivity/02_l3_tests.robot \
+### Test 3node Openstack with ODL
+#### Deploy 3node Openstack with ODL
+* Run the below pybot command
+ pybot --debug ~/debug_3node.log \
+ -l log_3node_install.html \
+ -v EXT_BRIDGE:datacenter \
+ -v OS_USER:root \
+ -v OS_USER_PASSWORD:<root_password> \
+ -v ODL_RPM:http://cbs.centos.org/repos/nfv7-opendaylight-70-release/x86_64/os/Packages/opendaylight-7.0.0-1.el7.noarch.rpm \
+ ~/test/csit/suites/openstack/deploy/00_initial_setup.robot \
+ ~/test/csit/suites/openstack/deploy/01_mysql_setup.robot \
+ ~/test/csit/suites/openstack/deploy/02_rabbitmq_setup.robot \
+ ~/test/csit/suites/openstack/deploy/03_keystone_setup.robot \
+ ~/test/csit/suites/openstack/deploy/04_glance_setup.robot \
+ ~/test/csit/suites/openstack/deploy/05_nova_setup.robot \
+ ~/test/csit/suites/openstack/deploy/06_neutron_setup.robot \
+ ~/test/csit/suites/openstack/deploy/07_csit_setup.robot
+* After execution, Check the log.html to understand the status of execution
+* If the status is "PASS", there will be an Openstack Installation with
+ three control nodes as HA and 2 compute nodes along with HAProxy node
+ configured to load balance and ensure HA.
+* All the settings for executing CSIT will be configured.
+#### Execute CSIT
+* Run the below pybot command to execute CSIT
+``` source /tmp/stackrc
+ pybot --debug debug_csit.log \
+ --log log_csit.html --output output_csit.xml \
+ -v CONTROLLER_USER:jenkins \
+ -v NUM_OS_SYSTEM:5 \
+ -v OS_USER:jenkins \
+ -v USER_HOME:${HOME} \
+ -v OPENSTACK_BRANCH:stable/pike \
+ /home/evaluatech01/test/csit/suites/openstack/connectivity/01_l2_tests.robot
+### Uninstall Openstack
+* Sometimes, the deployer might fail and may warrant a rerun. At this time the below pybot command can be executed
+ to clear the setup for rerun
+#### 1node Openstack
+ pybot --debug ~/debug_1node.log \
+ -v EXT_BRIDGE:datacenter \
+ -v OS_USER:root \
+ -v OS_USER_PASSWORD:<root_password> \
+ -v ODL_RPM:http://cbs.centos.org/repos/nfv7-opendaylight-70-release/x86_64/os/Packages/opendaylight-7.0.0-1.el7.noarch.rpm \
+ ~/test/csit/suites/openstack/deploy/000_destroy_setup.robot
+#### 3node Openstack
+ pybot --debug ~/debug_3node.log \
+ -l log_3node_install.html \
+ -v EXT_BRIDGE:datacenter \
+ -v OS_USER:root \
+ -v OS_USER_PASSWORD:<root_password> \
+ -v ODL_RPM:http://cbs.centos.org/repos/nfv7-opendaylight-70-release/x86_64/os/Packages/opendaylight-7.0.0-1.el7.noarch.rpm \
+ ~/test/csit/suites/openstack/deploy/000_destroy_setup.robot
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Test suite to install ODL with netvirt feature and ensure of services are up.
+... To Be used with the Deployer
+Suite Setup OpenStackInstallUtils.Get All Ssh Connections
+Suite Teardown Close All Connections
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Library Xml
+Resource ../libraries/Utils.robot
+Resource ../libraries/OpenStackInstallUtils.robot
+Resource ../libraries/OpendaylightInstallUtils.robot
+Resource ../libraries/SystemUtils.robot
+*** Test Cases ***
+Get ODL
+ [Documentation] Get ODL from Nexus or Install from rpm
+ Run Keyword If '${ODL_INSTALL_MODE}' == 'RPM' Install ODL From RPM In All ODL Nodes ${ODL_RPM}
+ Run Keyword If '${ODL_INSTALL_MODE}' == 'ZIP' Install ODL From ZIP In All ODL Nodes ${ACTUAL_BUNDLE_URL} ${BUNDLEFOLDER}
+Configure Netvirt Feature as Boot
+ [Documentation] Install Netvirt feature
+ Install ODL Feature In All ODL Nodes odl-netvirt-openstack
+Configure Clustering
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_ODL_NODES} Configure ODL Clustering
+Configure SNAT Mode
+ [Documentation] Configure SNAT Mode as Required
+ Configure SNAT Mode In All ODL Nodes ${ODL_NAME_MODE}
+Start ODL In All Nodes
+ [Documentation] Start ODL Service
+ Start ODL In All ODL Nodes
+Check If Netvirt Is Up And Running
+ [Documentation] Check If ODL Is Running and Active
+ Check If ODL Is Running In All Nodes operational/network-topology:network-topology/topology/netvirt:1
+ Print All Active Ports
+*** Keywords ***
+Set SNAT Mode
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ [Documentation] Configure SNAT Mode for Netvirt
+ Add Element ${XML} <natservice-config></natservice-config>
+ Set Element Attribute ${XML} xmlns urn:opendaylight:netvirt:natservice:config xpath=natservice-config
+ Add Element ${XML} <nat-mode></nat-mode> xpath=natservice-config
+ Set Element Text ${XML} ${ODL_SNAT_MODE} xpath=nat-mode
+ Save Xml ${XML} /tmp/netvirt-natservice-config.xml
+Configure SNAT Mode In All ODL Nodes
+ [Documentation] Configure SNAT Mode for Netvirt In All ODL Nodes
+ Set SNAT Mode ${ODL_1_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_ODL_NODES} Set SNAT Mode ${ODL_2_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_ODL_NODES} Set SNAT Mode ${ODL_3_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_ODL_NODES} Set SNAT Mode ${ODL_4_IP}
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_ODL_NODES} Set SNAT Mode ${ODL_5_IP}
--- /dev/null
+<Directory /usr/bin>
+ <IfVersion >= 2.4>
+ Require all granted
+ </IfVersion>
+ <IfVersion < 2.4>
+ Order allow,deny
+ Allow from all
+ </IfVersion>
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Openstack library. This library is useful for tests to create network, subnet, router and vm instances
+Library Collections
+Library SSHLibrary
+Library OperatingSystem
+Resource SystemUtils.robot
+Resource ../variables/Variables.robot
+Resource ../variables/netvirt/Variables.robot
+Variables ../variables/netvirt/Modules.py
+*** Keywords ***
+Setup Basic Ssh
+ [Arguments] ${node_ip} ${user_name} ${password} ${prompt}
+ [Documentation] Open SSh Connection and disable selinux
+ ${connection}= Get Ssh Connection ${node_ip} ${user_name} ${password} ${prompt}
+ Disable SeLinux Tempororily ${connection}
+ [Return] ${connection}
+Get All Ssh Connections
+ [Documentation] Open All SSH Connections.
+Enable Live Migration In A Node
+ [Arguments] ${compute_cxn}
+ Switch Connection ${compute_cxn}
+ Crudini Edit ${compute_cxn} /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf '' listen_tls 0
+ Crudini Edit ${compute_cxn} /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf '' listen_tcp 0
+ Crudini Edit ${compute_cxn} /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf '' auth_tcp '"none"'
+ Crudini Edit ${compute_cxn} /etc/nova/nova.conf DEFAULT instances_path '/var/lib/nova/instances_live_migration'
+ Restart Service ${compute_cxn} openstack-nova-compute libvirtd
+Enable Live Migration In All Compute Nodes
+ [Documentation] Enables Live Migration in all computes
+ ${compute_1_cxn}= Setup Basic Ssh ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} jenkins '' '>'
+ Enable Live Migration In A Node ${compute_1_cxn}
+ ${compute_2_cxn}= Setup Basic Ssh ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} jenkins '' '>'
+ Enable Live Migration In A Node ${compute_2_cxn}
+Activate Control Node
+ [Arguments] ${control_node_cxn}
+ Enable Service ${control_node_cxn} httpd
+ Start Service ${control_node_cxn} httpd
+ Start Service ${control_node_cxn} openstack-glance-api openstack-glance-registry
+ Start Service ${control_node_cxn} openstack-nova-api.service openstack-nova-consoleauth.service openstack-nova-scheduler.service openstack-nova-conductor.servi ce openstack-nova-novncproxy.service
+ Run Command ${os_node_cxn} sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager tcp:${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}:6640 tcp:${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}:6640 tcp:${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}:6640 tcp:${OS_CONTROL_4_IP}:6640 tcp:${OS_CONTROL_5_IP}:6640
+ Start Service ${control_node_cxn} neutron-server.service neutron-dhcp-agent.service neutron-metadata-agent.service
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Openstack library. This library is useful for tests to create network, subnet, router and vm instances
+Library Collections
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Library SSHLibrary
+Library String
+Resource DataModels.robot
+Resource DevstackUtils.robot
+Resource L2GatewayOperations.robot
+Resource OVSDB.robot
+Resource SetupUtils.robot
+Resource SSHKeywords.robot
+Resource Tcpdump.robot
+Resource Utils.robot
+Resource ../variables/Variables.robot
+Resource ../variables/netvirt/Variables.robot
+Variables ../variables/netvirt/Modules.py
+*** Keywords ***
+Get Tenant ID From Security Group
+ [Documentation] Returns tenant ID by reading it from existing default security-group.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack security group show default | grep "| tenant_id" | awk '{print $4}'
+ [Return] ${output}
+Get Tenant ID From Network
+ [Arguments] ${network_uuid}
+ [Documentation] Returns tenant ID by reading it from existing network.
+ ${resp} = TemplatedRequests.Get_From_Uri uri=${CONFIG_API}/neutron:neutron/networks/network/${network_uuid}/ accept=${ACCEPT_EMPTY} session=session
+ ${tenant_id} = Utils.Extract Value From Content ${resp} /network/0/tenant-id strip
+ [Return] ${tenant_id}
+Create Network
+ [Arguments] ${network_name} ${additional_args}=${EMPTY} ${verbose}=TRUE
+ [Documentation] Create Network with neutron request.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack network create ${network_name} ${additional_args}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Update Network
+ [Arguments] ${network_name} ${additional_args}=${EMPTY}
+ [Documentation] Update Network with neutron request.
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Set Variable If '${OPENSTACK_BRANCH}'=='stable/newton' neutron -v net-update ${network_name} ${additional_args} openstack network set ${network_name} ${additional_args}
+ ${rc} ${output} = OperatingSystem.Run And Return Rc And Output ${cmd}
+ BuiltIn.Log ${output}
+ BuiltIn.Should Be True '${rc}' == '0'
+ [Return] ${output}
+Show Network
+ [Arguments] ${network_name}
+ [Documentation] Show Network with neutron request.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack network show ${network_name}
+ [Return] ${output}
+List Networks
+ [Documentation] List networks and return output with neutron client.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack network list
+ [Return] ${output}
+List Subnets
+ [Documentation] List subnets and return output with neutron client.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack subnet list
+ [Return] ${output}
+Delete Network
+ [Arguments] ${network_name}
+ [Documentation] Delete Network with neutron request.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack network delete ${network_name}
+Create SubNet
+ [Arguments] ${network_name} ${subnet_name} ${range_ip} ${additional_args}=${EMPTY}
+ [Documentation] Create SubNet for the Network with neutron request.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack subnet create --network ${network_name} --subnet-range ${range_ip} ${subnet_name} ${additional_args}
+Update SubNet
+ [Arguments] ${subnet_name} ${additional_args}=${EMPTY}
+ [Documentation] Update subnet with neutron request.
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Set Variable If '${OPENSTACK_BRANCH}'=='stable/newton' neutron -v subnet-update ${subnet_name} ${additional_args} openstack subnet set ${subnet_name} ${additional_args}
+ ${rc} ${output} = OperatingSystem.Run And Return Rc And Output ${cmd}
+ BuiltIn.Log ${output}
+ BuiltIn.Should Be True '${rc}' == '0'
+ [Return] ${output}
+Show SubNet
+ [Arguments] ${subnet_name}
+ [Documentation] Show subnet with neutron request.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack subnet show ${subnet_name}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Create Port
+ [Arguments] ${network_name} ${port_name} ${sg}=default ${additional_args}=${EMPTY} ${allowed_address_pairs}=${EMPTY}
+ [Documentation] Create Port with neutron request.
+ # if allowed_address_pairs is not empty we need to create the arguments to pass to the port create command. They are
+ # in a different format with the neutron vs openstack cli.
+ ${address_pair_length} = BuiltIn.Get Length ${allowed_address_pairs}
+ ${allowed_pairs_argv} = BuiltIn.Set Variable If '${OPENSTACK_BRANCH}'=='stable/newton' and '${address_pair_length}'=='2' --allowed-address-pairs type=dict list=true ip_address=@{allowed_address_pairs}[0] ip_address=@{allowed_address_pairs}[1]
+ ${allowed_pairs_argv} = BuiltIn.Set Variable If '${OPENSTACK_BRANCH}'!='stable/newton' and '${address_pair_length}'=='2' --allowed-address ip-address=@{allowed_address_pairs}[0] --allowed-address ip-address=@{allowed_address_pairs}[1] ${allowed_pairs_argv}
+ ${allowed_pairs_argv} = BuiltIn.Set Variable If '${address_pair_length}'=='0' ${EMPTY} ${allowed_pairs_argv}
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Set Variable If '${OPENSTACK_BRANCH}'=='stable/newton' neutron -v port-create ${network_name} --name ${port_name} --security-group ${sg} ${additional_args} ${allowed_pairs_argv} openstack port create --network ${network_name} ${port_name} --security-group ${sg} ${additional_args} ${allowed_pairs_argv}
+ ${rc} ${output} = OperatingSystem.Run And Return Rc And Output ${cmd}
+ BuiltIn.Log ${output}
+ BuiltIn.Should Be True '${rc}' == '0'
+Update Port
+ [Arguments] ${port_name} ${additional_args}=${EMPTY}
+ [Documentation] Update port with neutron request.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack port set ${port_name} ${additional_args}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Show Port
+ [Arguments] ${port_name}
+ [Documentation] Show port with neutron request.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack port show ${port_name}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Delete Port
+ [Arguments] ${port_name}
+ [Documentation] Delete Port with neutron request.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack port delete ${port_name}
+Create user
+ [Arguments] ${user_name} ${domain} ${password} ${rc_file}=${EMPTY}
+ ${rc} ${output}= Run Keyword If "${rc_file}" != "${EMPTY}" Run And Return Rc And Output source ${rc_file};openstack user create ${user_name} --domain ${domain} --password ${password}
+ ... ELSE Run And Return Rc And Output openstack user create ${user_name} --domain ${domain} --password ${password}
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Role Add
+ [Arguments] ${project_name} ${user_name} ${role} ${rc_file}=${EMPTY}
+ ${rc} ${output}= Run Keyword If "${rc_file}" != "${EMPTY}" Run And Return Rc And Output source ${rc_file};openstack role add --project ${project_name} --user ${user_name} ${role}
+ ... ELSE Run And Return Rc And Output openstack role add --project ${project_name} --user ${user_name} ${role}
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Create Endpoint
+ [Arguments] ${region_name} ${host_name} ${service_category} ${endpoint_category} ${port} ${rc_file}=${EMPTY}
+ ${rc} ${output}= Run Keyword If "${rc_file}" != "${EMPTY}" Run And Return Rc And Output source ${rc_file};openstack endpoint create --region ${region_name} ${service_category} ${endpoint_category} http://${host_name}:${port}
+ ... ELSE Run And Return Rc And Output openstack endpoint create --region ${region_name} ${service_category} ${endpoint_category} http://${host_name}:${port}
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+List Ports
+ [Documentation] List ports and return output with neutron client.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack port list
+ [Return] ${output}
+List Nova VMs
+ [Documentation] List VMs and return output with nova client.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack server list --all-projects
+ [Return] ${output}
+Create And Associate Floating IPs
+ [Arguments] ${external_net} @{vm_list}
+ [Documentation] Create and associate floating IPs to VMs with nova request
+ ${ip_list} = BuiltIn.Create List @{EMPTY}
+ : FOR ${vm} IN @{vm_list}
+ \ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack floating ip create ${external_net}
+ \ @{ip} = String.Get Regexp Matches ${output} [0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}
+ \ ${ip_length} = BuiltIn.Get Length ${ip}
+ \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${ip_length}>0 Collections.Append To List ${ip_list} @{ip}[0]
+ \ ... ELSE Collections.Append To List ${ip_list} None
+ \ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack server add floating ip ${vm} @{ip}[0]
+ [Return] ${ip_list}
+Delete Floating IP
+ [Arguments] ${fip}
+ [Documentation] Delete floating ip with neutron request.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack floating ip delete ${fip}
+Delete SubNet
+ [Arguments] ${subnet}
+ [Documentation] Delete SubNet for the Network with neutron request.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack subnet delete ${subnet}
+Delete Vm Instance
+ [Arguments] ${vm_name}
+ [Documentation] Delete Vm instances using instance names.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack server delete ${vm_name}
+Get Net Id
+ [Arguments] ${network_name}
+ [Documentation] Retrieve the net id for the given network name to create specific vm instance
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack network list | grep "${network_name}" | awk '{print $2}'
+ ${splitted_output} = String.Split String ${output} ${EMPTY}
+ ${net_id} = Collections.Get from List ${splitted_output} 0
+ [Return] ${net_id}
+Get Subnet Id
+ [Arguments] ${subnet_name}
+ [Documentation] Retrieve the subnet id for the given subnet name
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack subnet show "${subnet_name}" | grep " id " | awk '{print $4}'
+ ${splitted_output} = String.Split String ${output} ${EMPTY}
+ ${subnet_id} = Collections.Get from List ${splitted_output} 0
+ [Return] ${subnet_id}
+Get Port Id
+ [Arguments] ${port_name}
+ [Documentation] Retrieve the port id for the given port name to attach specific vm instance to a particular port
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack port list | grep "${port_name}" | awk '{print $2}'
+ ${splitted_output} = String.Split String ${output} ${EMPTY}
+ ${port_id} = Collections.Get from List ${splitted_output} 0
+ [Return] ${port_id}
+Get Router Id
+ [Arguments] ${router1}
+ [Documentation] Retrieve the router id for the given router name
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack router show "${router1}" |awk '/ id / {print $4}'
+ ${splitted_output} = String.Split String ${output} ${EMPTY}
+ ${router_id} = Collections.Get from List ${splitted_output} 0
+ [Return] ${router_id}
+Create Vm Instances
+ [Arguments] ${net_name} ${vm_instance_names} ${image}=${EMPTY} ${flavor}=m1.nano ${sg}=default ${min}=1
+ ... ${max}=1
+ [Documentation] Create X Vm Instance with the net id of the Netowrk.
+ ${image} BuiltIn.Set Variable If "${image}"=="${EMPTY}" ${CIRROS_${OPENSTACK_BRANCH}} ${image}
+ ${net_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Net Id ${net_name}
+ : FOR ${vm} IN @{vm_instance_names}
+ \ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack server create --image ${image} --flavor ${flavor} --nic net-id=${net_id} ${vm} --security-group ${sg} --min ${min} --max ${max}
+Create Vm Instance On Compute Node
+ [Arguments] ${net_name} ${vm_name} ${node_hostname} ${image}=${EMPTY} ${flavor}=m1.nano ${sg}=default
+ [Documentation] Create a VM instance on a specific compute node.
+ ${image} = BuiltIn.Set Variable If "${image}"=="${EMPTY}" ${CIRROS_${OPENSTACK_BRANCH}} ${image}
+ ${net_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Net Id ${net_name}
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack server create ${vm_name} --image ${image} --flavor ${flavor} --nic net-id=${net_id} --security-group ${sg} --availability-zone nova:${node_hostname}
+Create Vm Instance With Port
+ [Arguments] ${port_name} ${vm_instance_name} ${image}=${EMPTY} ${flavor}=m1.nano ${sg}=default
+ [Documentation] Create One VM instance using given ${port_name} and for given ${compute_node}
+ ${image} = BuiltIn.Set Variable If "${image}"=="${EMPTY}" ${CIRROS_${OPENSTACK_BRANCH}} ${image}
+ ${port_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Port Id ${port_name}
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack server create --image ${image} --flavor ${flavor} --nic port-id=${port_id} ${vm_instance_name} --security-group ${sg}
+Create Vm Instance With Ports
+ [Arguments] ${port_name} ${port2_name} ${vm_instance_name} ${image}=${EMPTY} ${flavor}=m1.nano ${sg}=default
+ [Documentation] Create One VM instance using given ${port_name} and for given ${compute_node}
+ ${image} BuiltIn.Set Variable If "${image}"=="${EMPTY}" ${CIRROS_${OPENSTACK_BRANCH}} ${image}
+ ${port_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Port Id ${port_name}
+ ${port2_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Port Id ${port2_name}
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack server create --image ${image} --flavor ${flavor} --nic port-id=${port_id} --nic port-id=${port2_id} ${vm_instance_name} --security-group ${sg}
+Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node
+ [Arguments] ${port_name} ${vm_instance_name} ${node_hostname} ${image}=${EMPTY} ${flavor}=m1.nano ${sg}=default
+ [Documentation] Create One VM instance using given ${port_name} and for given ${compute_node}
+ ${image} = BuiltIn.Set Variable If "${image}"=="${EMPTY}" ${CIRROS_${OPENSTACK_BRANCH}} ${image}
+ ${port_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Port Id ${port_name}
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack server create --image ${image} --flavor ${flavor} --nic port-id=${port_id} --security-group ${sg} --availability-zone nova:${node_hostname} ${vm_instance_name}
+Get Hypervisor Hostname From IP
+ [Arguments] ${hypervisor_ip}
+ [Documentation] Returns the hostname found for the given IP address if it's listed in hypervisor list. For debuggability
+ ... the full listing is logged first, then followed by a grep | cut to focus on the actual hostname to return
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack hypervisor list
+ ${hostname} = OpenStack CLI openstack hypervisor list -f value | grep "${hypervisor_ip} " | cut -d" " -f 2
+ [Return] ${hostname}
+Create Nano Flavor
+ [Documentation] Create a nano flavor
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack flavor create m1.nano --id auto --ram 64 --disk 0 --vcpus 1
+Verify VM Is ACTIVE
+ [Arguments] ${vm_name}
+ [Documentation] Run these commands to check whether the created vm instance is active or not.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack server show ${vm_name} | grep OS-EXT-STS:vm_state
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} active
+ [Arguments] ${vm_name} ${retry}=600s ${retry_interval}=30s
+ [Documentation] Run these commands to check whether the created vm instance is active or not.
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${retry} ${retry_interval} OpenStackOperations.Verify VM Is ACTIVE ${vm_name}
+Collect VM IP Addresses
+ [Arguments] ${fail_on_none} @{vm_list}
+ [Documentation] Using the console-log on the provided ${vm_list} to search for the string "obtained" which
+ ... correlates to the instance receiving it's IP address via DHCP. Also retrieved is the ip of the nameserver
+ ... if available in the console-log output. The keyword will also return a list of the learned ips as it
+ ... finds them in the console log output, and will have "None" for Vms that no ip was found.
+ ${ip_list} Create List @{EMPTY}
+ : FOR ${vm} IN @{vm_list}
+ \ ${rc} ${vm_ip_line}= Run And Return Rc And Output openstack console log show ${vm} | grep -i "obtained"
+ \ @{vm_ip} Get Regexp Matches ${vm_ip_line} [0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}
+ \ ${vm_ip_length} Get Length ${vm_ip}
+ \ Run Keyword If ${vm_ip_length}>0 Append To List ${ip_list} @{vm_ip}[0]
+ \ ... ELSE Append To List ${ip_list} None
+ \ ${rc} ${dhcp_ip_line}= Run And Return Rc And Output openstack console log show ${vm} | grep "^nameserver"
+ \ ${dhcp_ip} Get Regexp Matches ${dhcp_ip_line} [0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}
+ \ ${dhcp_ip_length} Get Length ${dhcp_ip}
+ \ Run Keyword If ${dhcp_ip_length}<=0 Append To List ${dhcp_ip} None
+ \ ${vm_console_output}= Run openstack console log show ${vm}
+ \ Log ${vm_console_output}
+ ${dhcp_length} Get Length ${dhcp_ip}
+ Run Keyword If '${fail_on_none}' == 'true' Should Not Contain ${ip_list} None
+ Run Keyword If '${fail_on_none}' == 'true' Should Not Contain ${dhcp_ip} None
+ # Should Be True ${dhcp_length} <= 1
+ Return From Keyword If ${dhcp_length}==0 ${ip_list} ${EMPTY}
+ [Return] ${ip_list} ${dhcp_ip}
+Get Match
+ [Arguments] ${text} ${regexp} ${index}=0
+ [Documentation] Wrapper around String.Get Regexp Matches to return None if not found or the first match if found.
+ @{matches} = String.Get Regexp Matches ${text} ${regexp}
+ ${matches_length} = BuiltIn.Get Length ${matches}
+ BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${OS_MATCH} None
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${matches_length} > ${index} BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${OS_MATCH} @{matches}[${index}]
+ [Return] ${OS_MATCH}
+Get VM IP
+ [Arguments] ${fail_on_none} ${vm}
+ [Documentation] Get the vm ip address and nameserver by scraping the vm's console log.
+ ... Get VM IP returns three values: [0] the vm IP, [1] the DHCP IP and [2] the vm console log.
+ ${vm_console_output} = OpenStack CLI With No Log openstack console log show ${vm}
+ ${vm_ip} = BuiltIn.Set Variable None
+ ${dhcp_ip} = BuiltIn.Set Variable None
+ ${match} = OpenStackOperations.Get Match ${vm_console_output} ${REGEX_OBTAINED}
+ ${vm_ip} = OpenStackOperations.Get Match ${match} ${REGEX_IPV4} 0
+ ${match} = OpenStackOperations.Get Match ${vm_console_output} ${REGEX_IPROUTE}
+ ${dhcp_ip} = OpenStackOperations.Get Match ${match} ${REGEX_IPV4} 1
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${fail_on_none}' == 'true' BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${vm_ip} None
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${fail_on_none}' == 'true' BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${dhcp_ip} None
+ [Return] ${vm_ip} ${dhcp_ip} ${vm_console_output}
+Get VM IPs
+ [Arguments] @{vms}
+ [Documentation] Get the instance IP addresses and nameserver address for the list of given vms.
+ ... First poll for the vm instance to be in the active state, then poll for the vm ip address and nameserver.
+ ... Get VM IPs returns two things: [0] a list of the ips for the vms passed to this keyword (may contain values
+ ... of None) and [1] the dhcp ip address found in the last vm checked.
+ ... TODO: there is a potential issue for a caller that passes in VMs belonging to different networks that
+ ... may have different dhcp server addresses. Not sure what TODO about that, but noting it here for reference.
+ @{vm_ips} BuiltIn.Create List @{EMPTY}
+ : FOR ${vm} IN @{vms}
+ \ OpenStackOperations.Poll VM Is ACTIVE ${vm}
+ \ ${status} ${ips_and_console_log} BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 180s 15s
+ \ ... OpenStackOperations.Get VM IP true ${vm}
+ \ # If there is trouble with Get VM IP, the status will be FAIL and the return value will be a string of what went
+ \ # wrong. We need to handle both the PASS and FAIL cases. In the FAIL case we know we wont have access to the
+ \ # console log, as it would not be returned; so we need to grab it again to log it. We also can append 'None' to
+ \ # the vm ip list if status is FAIL.
+ \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If "${status}" == "PASS" BuiltIn.Log ${ips_and_console_log[2]}
+ \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If "${status}" == "PASS" Collections.Append To List ${vm_ips} ${ips_and_console_log[0]}
+ \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If "${status}" == "FAIL" Collections.Append To List ${vm_ips} None
+ \ ${vm_console_output} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If "${status}" == "FAIL" OpenStack CLI openstack console log show ${vm}
+ \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If "${status}" == "FAIL" BuiltIn.Log ${vm_console_output}
+ OpenStackOperations.Copy DHCP Files From Control Node
+ [Return] @{vm_ips} ${ips_and_console_log[1]}
+Collect VM IPv6 SLAAC Addresses
+ [Arguments] ${fail_on_none} ${vm_list} ${network} ${subnet}
+ [Documentation] For each VM parse output of "openstack server show" to get its IPv6 address from Neutron DB.
+ ... Then try to connect to each VM by SSH and execute there "ip -6 a" command. This double-check allows to
+ ... obtain and compare IP info (Neutron DB vs dnsmasque/ODL DHCP) and to test L2 connectivity as well.
+ ... Returns an empty list if no IPv6 addresses found or if SSH connection fails.
+ ... Otherwise, returns a list of IPv6 addresses.
+ ${ipv6_list} = BuiltIn.Create List @{EMPTY}
+ : FOR ${vm} IN @{vm_list}
+ \ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack server show ${vm} -f shell
+ \ ${pattern} = String.Replace String ${subnet} ::/64 (:[a-f0-9]{,4}){,4}
+ \ @{vm_ipv6} = String.Get Regexp Matches ${output} ${pattern}
+ \ ${vm_ip_length} = BuiltIn.Get Length ${vm_ipv6}[0]
+ \ ${ipv6_data_from_vm} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${vm_ip_length}>0 OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance ${network} ${vm_ipv6[0]}
+ \ ... ip -6 a
+ \ @{ipv6} = String.Get Regexp Matches ${ipv6_data_from_vm} ${pattern}
+ \ ${ipv6_addr_list_length} BuiltIn.Get Length @{ipv6}
+ \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${ipv6_addr_list_length}>0 Collections.Append To List ${ipv6_list} ${ipv6[0]}
+ \ ... ELSE Collections.Append To List ${ipv6_list} None
+ [Return] ${ipv6_list}
+View Vm Console
+ [Arguments] ${vm_instance_names}
+ [Documentation] View Console log of the created vm instances using nova show.
+ : FOR ${vm} IN @{vm_instance_names}
+ \ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack server show ${vm}
+ \ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack console log show ${vm}
+Ping Vm From DHCP Namespace
+ [Arguments] ${net_name} ${vm_ip}
+ [Documentation] Reach all Vm Instance with the net id of the Netowrk.
+ OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
+ ${net_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Net Id ${net_name}
+ ${output} = DevstackUtils.Write Commands Until Prompt And Log sudo ip netns exec qdhcp-${net_id} ping -c 3 ${vm_ip} 20s
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} 64 bytes
+Ping From DHCP Should Not Succeed
+ [Arguments] ${net_name} ${vm_ip}
+ [Documentation] Should Not Reach Vm Instance with the net id of the Netowrk.
+ Return From Keyword If "skip_if_${SECURITY_GROUP_MODE}" in @{TEST_TAGS}
+ OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
+ ${net_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Net Id ${net_name}
+ ${output} = DevstackUtils.Write Commands Until Prompt And Log sudo ip netns exec qdhcp-${net_id} ping -c 3 ${vm_ip} 20s
+ BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${output} 64 bytes
+Ping Vm From Control Node
+ [Arguments] ${vm_floating_ip} ${additional_args}=${EMPTY}
+ [Documentation] Ping VM floating IP from control node
+ OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
+ ${output} = DevstackUtils.Write Commands Until Prompt And Log ping ${additional_args} -c 3 ${vm_floating_ip} 20s
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} 64 bytes
+Curl Metadata Server
+ [Documentation] Ping to the expected destination ip.
+ ${output} = Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt curl -i ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT}
+ DevstackUtils.Write Commands Until Prompt exit
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} 200
+Close Vm Instance
+ [Documentation] Exit the vm instance.
+ ${output} = DevstackUtils.Write Commands Until Prompt And Log exit
+Check If Console Is VmInstance
+ [Arguments] ${console}=cirros
+ [Documentation] Check if the session has been able to login to the VM instance
+ ${output} = Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt id ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT}
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${console}
+Exit From Vm Console
+ [Documentation] Check if the session has been able to login to the VM instance and exit the instance
+ ${rcode} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Return Status OpenStackOperations.Check If Console Is VmInstance cirros
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${rcode} DevstackUtils.Write Commands Until Prompt exit
+Check Ping
+ [Arguments] ${ip_address} ${ttl}=64
+ [Documentation] Run Ping command on the IP available as argument
+ ${ethertype} = String.Get Regexp Matches ${ip_address} ${IP_REGEX}
+ ${output} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${ethertype} Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt ping -t ${ttl} -c 3 ${ip_address} ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT}
+ ... ELSE Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt ping6 -t ${ttl} -c 3 ${ip_address} ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT}
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} 64 bytes
+Check No Ping
+ [Arguments] ${ip_address} ${ttl}=64
+ [Documentation] Run Ping command to the IP given as argument, executing 3 times and expecting NOT to see "64 bytes"
+ ${output} = Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt ping -t ${ttl} -c 3 ${ip_address} ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT}
+ BuiltIn.Should Not Contain ${output} 64 bytes
+Check Metadata Access
+ [Documentation] Try curl on the Metadataurl and check if it is okay
+ ${output} = Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt curl -i ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT}
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} 200
+Execute Command on VM Instance
+ [Arguments] ${net_name} ${vm_ip} ${cmd} ${user}=cirros ${password}=cubswin:)
+ [Documentation] Login to the vm instance using ssh in the network, executes a command inside the VM and returns the ouput.
+ OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
+ ${net_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Net Id ${net_name}
+ ${output} = Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ip netns exec qdhcp-${net_id} ssh ${user}@${vm_ip} -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null password:
+ ${output} = Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt ${password} ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT}
+ ${rcode} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Return Status OpenStackOperations.Check If Console Is VmInstance
+ ${output} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${rcode} Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt ${cmd} ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT}
+ [Teardown] Exit From Vm Console
+ [Return] ${output}
+Test Operations From Vm Instance
+ [Arguments] ${net_name} ${src_ip} ${dest_ips} ${user}=cirros ${password}=cubswin:) ${ttl}=64
+ ... ${ping_should_succeed}=True ${check_metadata}=True
+ [Documentation] Login to the vm instance using ssh in the network.
+ OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
+ ${net_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Net Id ${net_name}
+ ${output} = Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ip netns exec qdhcp-${net_id} ssh -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${user}@${src_ip} -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null password:
+ ${output} = Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt ${password} ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT}
+ ${rcode} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Return Status OpenStackOperations.Check If Console Is VmInstance
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${rcode} Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt ifconfig ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT}
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${rcode} Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt route -n ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT}
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${rcode} Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt route -A inet6 ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT}
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${rcode} Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt arp -an ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT}
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${rcode} Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt ip -f inet6 neigh show ${OS_SYSTEM_PROMPT}
+ : FOR ${dest_ip} IN @{dest_ips}
+ \ ${string_empty} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Return Status Should Be Empty ${dest_ip}
+ \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${string_empty} Continue For Loop
+ \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${rcode} and "${ping_should_succeed}" == "True" OpenStackOperations.Check Ping ${dest_ip} ttl=${ttl}
+ \ ... ELSE OpenStackOperations.Check No Ping ${dest_ip} ttl=${ttl}
+ ${ethertype} = String.Get Regexp Matches ${src_ip} ${IP_REGEX}
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${rcode} and "${check_metadata}" and ${ethertype} == "True" OpenStackOperations.Check Metadata Access
+ [Teardown] Exit From Vm Console
+Test Netcat Operations From Vm Instance
+ [Arguments] ${net_name} ${vm_ip} ${dest_ip} ${additional_args}=${EMPTY} ${port}=12345 ${user}=cirros
+ ... ${password}=cubswin:)
+ [Documentation] Use Netcat to test TCP/UDP connections to the controller
+ ${client_data} BuiltIn.Set Variable Test Client Data
+ ${server_data} BuiltIn.Set Variable Test Server Data
+ OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
+ ${output} = DevstackUtils.Write Commands Until Prompt And Log ( ( echo "${server_data}" | sudo timeout 60 nc -l ${additional_args} ${port} ) & )
+ ${output} = DevstackUtils.Write Commands Until Prompt And Log sudo netstat -nlap | grep ${port}
+ ${nc_output} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance ${net_name} ${vm_ip} sudo echo "${client_data}" | nc -v -w 5 ${additional_args} ${dest_ip} ${port}
+ BuiltIn.Log ${output}
+ ${output} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance ${net_name} ${vm_ip} sudo route -n
+ BuiltIn.Log ${output}
+ ${output} = OpenStackOperations.Execute Command on VM Instance ${net_name} ${vm_ip} sudo arp -an
+ BuiltIn.Log ${output}
+ BuiltIn.Should Match Regexp ${nc_output} ${server_data}
+Ping Other Instances
+ [Arguments] ${list_of_external_dst_ips}
+ [Documentation] Check reachability with other network's instances.
+ ${rcode} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Return Status OpenStackOperations.Check If Console Is VmInstance
+ : FOR ${dest_ip} IN @{list_of_external_dst_ips}
+ \ OpenStackOperations.Check Ping ${dest_ip}
+Create Router
+ [Arguments] ${router_name}
+ [Documentation] Create Router and Add Interface to the subnets.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack router create ${router_name}
+List Routers
+ [Documentation] List Routers and return output with neutron client.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack router list -f value
+ [Return] ${output}
+Add Router Interface
+ [Arguments] ${router_name} ${interface_name}
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack router add subnet ${router_name} ${interface_name}
+Show Router Interface
+ [Arguments] ${router_name}
+ [Documentation] List Routers interface associated with given Router and return output with neutron client.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack port list --router ${router_name} -f value
+ [Return] ${output}
+Add Router Gateway
+ [Arguments] ${router_name} ${external_network_name}
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Set Variable If '${OPENSTACK_BRANCH}'=='stable/newton' neutron -v router-gateway-set ${router_name} ${external_network_name} openstack router set ${router_name} --external-gateway ${external_network_name}
+ ${rc} ${output} = OperatingSystem.Run And Return Rc And Output ${cmd}
+ BuiltIn.Should Be True '${rc}' == '0'
+Remove Interface
+ [Arguments] ${router_name} ${interface_name}
+ [Documentation] Remove Interface to the subnets.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack router remove subnet ${router_name} ${interface_name}
+Remove Gateway
+ [Arguments] ${router_name}
+ [Documentation] Remove external gateway from the router.
+ BuiltIn.Log openstack router unset ${router_name} --external-gateway
+Update Router
+ [Arguments] ${router_name} ${cmd}
+ [Documentation] Update the router with the command. Router name and command should be passed as argument.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack router set ${router_name} ${cmd}
+Show Router
+ [Arguments] ${router_name} ${options}
+ [Documentation] Show information of a given router. Router name and optional fields should be sent as arguments.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack router show ${router_name}
+Delete Router
+ [Arguments] ${router_name}
+ [Documentation] Delete Router and Interface to the subnets.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack router delete ${router_name}
+Get DumpFlows And Ovsconfig
+ [Arguments] ${conn_id}
+ [Documentation] Get the OvsConfig and Flow entries from OVS from the Openstack Node
+ SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${conn_id}
+ Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt ip -o link ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT}
+ Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt ip -o addr ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT}
+ Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt ip route ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT}
+ Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt arp -an ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT}
+ ${nslist} = Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt ip netns list | awk '{print $1}' ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT}
+ @{lines} Split To Lines ${nslist} end=-1
+ : FOR ${line} IN @{lines}
+ \ Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ip netns exec ${line} ip -o link ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT}
+ \ Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ip netns exec ${line} ip -o addr ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT}
+ \ Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ip netns exec ${line} ip route ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT}
+ Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ovs-vsctl show ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT}
+ Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ovs-vsctl list Open_vSwitch ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT}
+ Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ovs-ofctl show br-int -OOpenFlow13 ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT}
+ Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-int -OOpenFlow13 ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT}
+ Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ovs-ofctl dump-groups br-int -OOpenFlow13 ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT}
+ Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ovs-ofctl dump-group-stats br-int -OOpenFlow13 ${DEFAULT_LINUX_PROMPT_STRICT}
+Get Karaf Log Type From Test Start
+ [Arguments] ${ip} ${test_name} ${type} ${user}=${ODL_SYSTEM_USER} ${password}=${ODL_SYSTEM_PASSWORD} ${prompt}=${ODL_SYSTEM_PROMPT}
+ ... ${log_file}=${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/data/log/karaf.log
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Set Variable sed '1,/ROBOT MESSAGE: Starting test ${test_name}/d' ${log_file} | grep '${type}'
+ ${output} = Utils.Run Command On Controller ${ip} ${cmd} ${user} ${password} ${prompt}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Get Karaf Log Types From Test Start
+ [Arguments] ${ip} ${test_name} ${types} ${user}=${ODL_SYSTEM_USER} ${password}=${ODL_SYSTEM_PASSWORD} ${prompt}=${ODL_SYSTEM_PROMPT}
+ ... ${log_file}=${WORKSPACE}/${BUNDLEFOLDER}/data/log/karaf.log
+ : FOR ${type} IN @{types}
+ \ OpenStackOperations.Get Karaf Log Type From Test Start ${ip} ${test_name} ${type} ${user} ${password}
+ \ ... ${prompt} ${log_file}
+Get Karaf Log Events From Test Start
+ [Arguments] ${test_name} ${user}=${ODL_SYSTEM_USER} ${password}=${ODL_SYSTEM_PASSWORD} ${prompt}=${ODL_SYSTEM_PROMPT}
+ ${log_types} = BuiltIn.Create List ERROR WARN Exception
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_ODL_SYSTEM} OpenStackOperations.Get Karaf Log Types From Test Start ${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${test_name} ${log_types}
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_ODL_SYSTEM} OpenStackOperations.Get Karaf Log Types From Test Start ${ODL_SYSTEM_2_IP} ${test_name} ${log_types}
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_ODL_SYSTEM} OpenStackOperations.Get Karaf Log Types From Test Start ${ODL_SYSTEM_3_IP} ${test_name} ${log_types}
+Get ControlNode Connection
+ SSHLibrary.Switch Connection ${OS_CNTL_CONN_ID}
+ [Return] ${OS_CNTL_CONN_ID}
+Get OvsDebugInfo
+ [Documentation] Get the OvsConfig and Flow entries from all Openstack nodes
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_OS_SYSTEM} OpenStackOperations.Get DumpFlows And Ovsconfig ${OS_CNTL_CONN_ID}
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_OS_SYSTEM} OpenStackOperations.Get DumpFlows And Ovsconfig ${OS_CMP1_CONN_ID}
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_OS_SYSTEM} OpenStackOperations.Get DumpFlows And Ovsconfig ${OS_CMP2_CONN_ID}
+Get Test Teardown Debugs
+ [Arguments] ${test_name}=${TEST_NAME}
+ OpenStackOperations.Get OvsDebugInfo
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error DataModels.Get Model Dump ${HA_PROXY_IP} ${netvirt_data_models}
+ OpenStackOperations.Get Karaf Log Events From Test Start ${test_name}
+Get Test Teardown Debugs For SFC
+ [Arguments] ${test_name}=${TEST_NAME}
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error DataModels.Get Model Dump ${HA_PROXY_IP} ${netvirt_sfc_data_models}
+Show Debugs
+ [Arguments] @{vm_indices}
+ [Documentation] Run these commands for debugging, it can list state of VM instances and ip information in control node
+ OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
+ ${output} = DevstackUtils.Write Commands Until Prompt And Log sudo ip netns list
+ : FOR ${index} IN @{vm_indices}
+ \ ${rc} ${output} = OperatingSystem.Run And Return Rc And Output nova show ${index}
+ \ BuiltIn.Log ${output}
+ OpenStackOperations.List Nova VMs
+ OpenStackOperations.List Routers
+ OpenStackOperations.List Networks
+ OpenStackOperations.List Subnets
+ OpenStackOperations.List Ports
+ OpenStackOperations.List Security Groups
+List Security Groups
+ [Documentation] Logging keyword to display all security groups using the openstack cli. Assumes openstack
+ ... credentials are already sourced
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack security group list
+ [Return] ${output}
+Neutron Security Group Show
+ [Arguments] ${SecurityGroupRuleName}
+ [Documentation] Displays the neutron security group configurations that belongs to a given neutron security group name
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack security group show ${SecurityGroupRuleName}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Neutron Port Show
+ [Arguments] ${PortName}
+ [Documentation] Display the port configuration that belong to a given neutron port
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack port show ${PortName}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Neutron Security Group Create
+ [Arguments] ${SecurityGroupName} ${additional_args}=${EMPTY}
+ [Documentation] Create a security group with specified name ,description & protocol value according to security group template
+ OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack security group create ${SecurityGroupName} ${additional_args}
+ ${sgp_id} = BuiltIn.Should Match Regexp ${output} ${REGEX_UUID}
+ [Return] ${output} ${sgp_id}
+Neutron Security Group Update
+ [Arguments] ${SecurityGroupName} ${additional_args}=${EMPTY}
+ [Documentation] Updating security groups
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack security group set ${SecurityGroupName} ${additional_args}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Delete SecurityGroup
+ [Arguments] ${sg_name}
+ [Documentation] Delete Security group
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack security group delete ${sg_name}
+Neutron Security Group Rule Create
+ [Arguments] ${Security_group_name} &{Kwargs}
+ [Documentation] Creates neutron security rule with Openstack CLI with or without optional params, here security group name is mandatory args, rule with optional params can be created by passing the optional args values ex: direction=${INGRESS_EGRESS}, Then these optional params are BuiltIn.Catenated with mandatory args, example of usage: "OpenStack Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${SGP_SSH} direction=${RULE_PARAMS[0]} ethertype=${RULE_PARAMS[1]} ..."
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${Kwargs} BuiltIn.Log ${Kwargs}
+ ${description} BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${Kwargs} Collections.Pop From Dictionary ${Kwargs} description default=${None}
+ ${direction} BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${Kwargs} Collections.Pop From Dictionary ${Kwargs} direction default=${None}
+ ${ethertype} BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${Kwargs} Collections.Pop From Dictionary ${Kwargs} ethertype default=${None}
+ ${port_range_max} BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${Kwargs} Collections.Pop From Dictionary ${Kwargs} port_range_max default=${None}
+ ${port_range_min} BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${Kwargs} Collections.Pop From Dictionary ${Kwargs} port_range_min default=${None}
+ ${protocol} BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${Kwargs} Collections.Pop From Dictionary ${Kwargs} protocol default=${None}
+ ${remote_group_id} BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${Kwargs} Collections.Pop From Dictionary ${Kwargs} remote_group_id default=${None}
+ ${remote_ip_prefix} BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${Kwargs} Collections.Pop From Dictionary ${Kwargs} remote_ip_prefix default=${None}
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Set Variable openstack security group rule create ${Security_group_name}
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${description}'!='None' BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd} --description ${description}
+ ... ELSE BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd}
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${direction}'!='None' BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd} --${direction}
+ ... ELSE BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd}
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${ethertype}'!='None' BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd} --ethertype ${ethertype}
+ ... ELSE BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd}
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${port_range_min}'!='None' and '${port_range_max}'!='None' BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd} --dst-port ${port_range_min}:${port_range_max}
+ ... ELSE IF '${port_range_max}'!='None' BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd} --dst-port ${port_range_max}
+ ... ELSE IF '${port_range_min}'!='None' BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd} --dst-port ${port_range_min}
+ ... ELSE BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd}
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${protocol}'!='None' BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd} --protocol ${protocol}
+ ... ELSE BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd}
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${remote_group_id}'!='None' BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd} --remote-group ${remote_group_id}
+ ... ELSE BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd}
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${remote_ip_prefix}'!='None' BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd} --src-ip ${remote_ip_prefix}
+ ... ELSE BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd}
+ ${rc} ${output} = OperatingSystem.Run And Return Rc And Output ${cmd}
+ ${rule_id} = BuiltIn.Should Match Regexp ${output} ${REGEX_UUID}
+ BuiltIn.Log ${rule_id}
+ BuiltIn.Should Be True '${rc}' == '0'
+ [Return] ${output} ${rule_id}
+Neutron Security Group Rule Create Legacy Cli
+ [Arguments] ${Security_group_name} &{Kwargs}
+ [Documentation] Creates neutron security rule with neutron request with or without optional params, here security group name is mandatory args, rule with optional params can be created by passing the optional args values ex: direction=${INGRESS_EGRESS}, Then these optional params are BuiltIn.Catenated with mandatory args, example of usage: "OpenStack Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${SGP_SSH} direction=${RULE_PARAMS[0]} ethertype=${RULE_PARAMS[1]} ..."
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${Kwargs} BuiltIn.Log ${Kwargs}
+ ${description} BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${Kwargs} Collections.Pop From Dictionary ${Kwargs} description default=${None}
+ ${direction} BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${Kwargs} Collections.Pop From Dictionary ${Kwargs} direction default=${None}
+ ${ethertype} BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${Kwargs} Collections.Pop From Dictionary ${Kwargs} ethertype default=${None}
+ ${port_range_max} BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${Kwargs} Collections.Pop From Dictionary ${Kwargs} port_range_max default=${None}
+ ${port_range_min} BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${Kwargs} Collections.Pop From Dictionary ${Kwargs} port_range_min default=${None}
+ ${protocol} BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${Kwargs} Collections.Pop From Dictionary ${Kwargs} protocol default=${None}
+ ${remote_group_id} BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${Kwargs} Collections.Pop From Dictionary ${Kwargs} remote_group_id default=${None}
+ ${remote_ip_prefix} BuiltIn.Run Keyword If ${Kwargs} Collections.Pop From Dictionary ${Kwargs} remote_ip_prefix default=${None}
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Set Variable neutron security-group-rule-create ${Security_group_name}
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${description}'!='None' BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd} --description ${description}
+ ... ELSE BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd}
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${direction}'!='None' BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd} --direction ${direction}
+ ... ELSE BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd}
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${ethertype}'!='None' BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd} --ethertype ${ethertype}
+ ... ELSE BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd}
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${port_range_max}'!='None' BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd} --port_range_max ${port_range_max}
+ ... ELSE BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd}
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${port_range_min}'!='None' BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd} --port_range_min ${port_range_min}
+ ... ELSE BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd}
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${protocol}'!='None' BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd} --protocol ${protocol}
+ ... ELSE BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd}
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${remote_group_id}'!='None' BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd} --remote_group_id ${remote_group_id}
+ ... ELSE BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd}
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If '${remote_ip_prefix}'!='None' BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd} --remote_ip_prefix ${remote_ip_prefix}
+ ... ELSE BuiltIn.Catenate ${cmd}
+ ${rc} ${output} = OperatingSystem.Run And Return Rc And Output ${cmd}
+ ${rule_id} = BuiltIn.Should Match Regexp ${output} ${REGEX_UUID}
+ BuiltIn.Log ${rule_id}
+ BuiltIn.Should Be True '${rc}' == '0'
+ [Return] ${output} ${rule_id}
+Security Group Create Without Default Security Rules
+ [Arguments] ${sg_name} ${additional_args}=${EMPTY}
+ [Documentation] Create Neutron Security Group with no default rules, using specified name and optional arguments.
+ OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Create ${sg_name} ${additional_args}
+ Delete All Security Group Rules ${sg_name}
+Delete All Security Group Rules
+ [Arguments] ${sg_name}
+ [Documentation] Delete all security rules from a specified security group
+ ${sg_rules_output} = OpenStack CLI openstack security group rule list ${sg_name} -cID -fvalue
+ @{sg_rules} = String.Split String ${sg_rules_output} \n
+ : FOR ${rule} IN @{sg_rules}
+ \ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack security group rule delete ${rule}
+Create Allow All SecurityGroup
+ [Arguments] ${sg_name} ${ether_type}=IPv4
+ [Documentation] Allow all TCP/UDP/ICMP packets for this suite
+ OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Create ${sg_name}
+ OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${sg_name} direction=ingress ethertype=${ether_type} port_range_max=65535 port_range_min=1 protocol=tcp
+ OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${sg_name} direction=egress ethertype=${ether_type} port_range_max=65535 port_range_min=1 protocol=tcp
+ OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${sg_name} direction=ingress ethertype=${ether_type} protocol=icmp
+ OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${sg_name} direction=egress ethertype=${ether_type} protocol=icmp
+ OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${sg_name} direction=ingress ethertype=${ether_type} port_range_max=65535 port_range_min=1 protocol=udp
+ OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${sg_name} direction=egress ethertype=${ether_type} port_range_max=65535 port_range_min=1 protocol=udp
+Create Neutron Port With Additional Params
+ [Arguments] ${network_name} ${port_name} ${additional_args}=${EMPTY}
+ [Documentation] Create Port With given additional parameters
+ ${rc} ${output} = OperatingSystem.Run And Return Rc And Output neutron -v port-create ${network_name} --name ${port_name} ${additional_args}
+ BuiltIn.Log ${output}
+ BuiltIn.Should Be True '${rc}' == '0'
+ ${port_id} = BuiltIn.Should Match Regexp ${OUTPUT} ${REGEX_UUID}
+ [Return] ${OUTPUT} ${port_id}
+Get Ports MacAddr
+ [Arguments] ${ports}
+ [Documentation] Retrieve the port MacAddr for the given list of port name and return the MAC address list.
+ ${macs} BuiltIn.Create List
+ : FOR ${port} IN @{ports}
+ \ ${mac} = OpenStackOperations.Get Port Mac ${port}
+ \ Collections.Append To List ${macs} ${mac}
+ [Return] ${macs}
+Get Port Ip
+ [Arguments] ${port_name}
+ [Documentation] Keyword would return the IP of the ${port_name} received.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack port list | grep "${port_name}" | awk -F\\' '{print $2}'
+ ${splitted_output} = String.Split String ${output} ${EMPTY}
+ ${port_ip} = Collections.Get from List ${splitted_output} 0
+ [Return] ${port_ip}
+Get Port Mac
+ [Arguments] ${port_name}
+ [Documentation] Keyword would return the MAC ID of the ${port_name} received.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack port show ${port_name} | grep mac_address | awk '{print $4}'
+ ${splitted_output} = String.Split String ${output} ${EMPTY}
+ ${port_mac} = Collections.Get from List ${splitted_output} 0
+ [Return] ${port_mac}
+Create L2Gateway
+ [Arguments] ${bridge_name} ${intf_name} ${gw_name}
+ [Documentation] Keyword to create an L2 Gateway ${gw_name} for bridge ${bridge_name} connected to interface ${intf_name} (Using Neutron CLI).
+ ${rc} ${l2gw_output} = OperatingSystem.Run And Return Rc And Output ${L2GW_CREATE} name=${bridge_name},interface_names=${intf_name} ${gw_name}
+ BuiltIn.Log ${l2gw_output}
+ [Return] ${l2gw_output}
+Update L2Gateway
+ [Arguments] ${bridge_name} ${gw_name} ${intf_name_1} ${intf_name_2}
+ [Documentation] Keyword to add {intf_name_list} to an existing L2 Gateway ${gw_name} (Using Neutron CLI).
+ ${rc} ${l2gw_output}= Run And Return Rc And Output ${L2GW_UPDATE} name=${bridge_name},interface_names="${intf_name_1};${intf_name_2}" ${gw_name}
+ Log ${l2gw_output}
+ [Return] ${l2gw_output}
+Create L2Gateway Connection
+ [Arguments] ${gw_name} ${net_name}
+ [Documentation] Keyword would create a new L2 Gateway Connection for ${gw_name} to ${net_name} (Using Neutron CLI).
+ ${rc} ${l2gw_output} = OperatingSystem.Run And Return Rc And Output ${L2GW_CONN_CREATE} ${gw_name} ${net_name}
+ BuiltIn.Log ${l2gw_output}
+ BuiltIn.Should Be True '${rc}' == '0'
+ [Return] ${l2gw_output}
+Get All L2Gateway
+ [Documentation] Keyword to return all the L2 Gateways available (Using Neutron CLI).
+ ${rc} ${output} = OperatingSystem.Run And Return Rc And Output ${L2GW_GET_YAML}
+ BuiltIn.Should Be True '${rc}' == '0'
+ [Return] ${output}
+Get All L2Gateway Connection
+ [Documentation] Keyword to return all the L2 Gateway connections available (Using Neutron CLI).
+ ${rc} ${output} = OperatingSystem.Run And Return Rc And Output ${L2GW_GET_CONN_YAML}
+ BuiltIn.Should Be True '${rc}' == '0'
+ [Return] ${output}
+Get L2Gateway
+ [Arguments] ${gw_id}
+ [Documentation] Keyword to check if the ${gw_id} is available in the L2 Gateway list (Using Neutron CLI).
+ ${rc} ${output} = OperatingSystem.Run And Return Rc And Output ${L2GW_SHOW} ${gw_id}
+ BuiltIn.Log ${output}
+ BuiltIn.Should Be True '${rc}' == '0'
+ [Return] ${output}
+Get L2gw Id
+ [Arguments] ${l2gw_name}
+ [Documentation] Keyword to retrieve the L2 Gateway ID for the ${l2gw_name} (Using Neutron CLI).
+ ${rc} ${output} = OperatingSystem.Run And Return Rc And Output ${L2GW_GET} | grep "${l2gw_name}" | awk '{print $2}'
+ BuiltIn.Log ${output}
+ BuiltIn.Should Be True '${rc}' == '0'
+ ${splitted_output} = String.Split String ${output} ${EMPTY}
+ ${l2gw_id} = Collections.Get from List ${splitted_output} 0
+ [Return] ${l2gw_id}
+Get L2gw Connection Id
+ [Arguments] ${l2gw_name}
+ [Documentation] Keyword to retrieve the L2 Gateway Connection ID for the ${l2gw_name} (Using Neutron CLI).
+ ${l2gw_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get L2gw Id ${l2gw_name}
+ ${rc} ${output} = OperatingSystem.Run And Return Rc And Output ${L2GW_GET_CONN} | grep "${l2gw_id}" | awk '{print $2}'
+ BuiltIn.Should Be True '${rc}' == '0'
+ ${splitted_output} = String.Split String ${output} ${EMPTY}
+ ${splitted_output} = String.Split String ${output} ${EMPTY}
+ ${l2gw_conn_id} = Collections.Get from List ${splitted_output} 0
+ [Return] ${l2gw_conn_id}
+Neutron Port List Rest
+ [Documentation] Keyword to get all ports details in Neutron (Using REST).
+ ${resp} = RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${PORT_URL}
+ BuiltIn.Log ${resp.content}
+ BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ [Return] ${resp.content}
+Get Neutron Port Rest
+ [Arguments] ${port_id}
+ [Documentation] Keyword to get the specific port details in Neutron (Using REST).
+ ${resp} = RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${CONFIG_API}/${GET_PORT_URL}/${port_id}
+ BuiltIn.Log ${resp.content}
+ BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ [Return] ${resp.content}
+Update Port Rest
+ [Arguments] ${port_id} ${json_data}
+ [Documentation] Keyword to update ${port_id} with json data received in ${json_data} (Using REST).
+ BuiltIn.Log ${json_data}
+ ${resp} = RequestsLibrary.Put Request session ${CONFIG_API}/${GET_PORT_URL}/${port_id} ${json_data}
+ BuiltIn.Log ${resp.content}
+ BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ [Return] ${resp.content}
+Create And Configure Security Group
+ [Arguments] ${sg-name}
+ [Documentation] Create Security Group with given name, and default allow rules for TCP/UDP/ICMP protocols.
+ OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Create ${sg-name}
+ OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${sg-name} direction=ingress port_range_max=65535 port_range_min=1 protocol=tcp remote_ip_prefix=
+ OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${sg-name} direction=egress port_range_max=65535 port_range_min=1 protocol=tcp remote_ip_prefix=
+ OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${sg-name} direction=ingress protocol=icmp remote_ip_prefix=
+ OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${sg-name} direction=egress protocol=icmp remote_ip_prefix=
+ OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${sg-name} direction=ingress port_range_max=65535 port_range_min=1 protocol=udp remote_ip_prefix=
+ OpenStackOperations.Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${sg-name} direction=egress port_range_max=65535 port_range_min=1 protocol=udp remote_ip_prefix=
+Add Security Group To VM
+ [Arguments] ${vm} ${sg}
+ [Documentation] Add the security group provided to the given VM.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack server add security group ${vm} ${sg}
+Remove Security Group From VM
+ [Arguments] ${vm} ${sg}
+ [Documentation] Remove the security group provided to the given VM.
+ OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack server remove security group ${vm} ${sg}
+Create SFC Flow Classifier
+ [Arguments] ${name} ${src_ip} ${dest_ip} ${protocol} ${dest_port} ${neutron_src_port}
+ [Documentation] Create a flow classifier for SFC
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack sfc flow classifier create --ethertype IPv4 --source-ip-prefix ${src_ip}/32 --destination-ip-prefix ${dest_ip}/32 --protocol ${protocol} --destination-port ${dest_port}:${dest_port} --logical-source-port ${neutron_src_port} ${name}
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${name}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Delete SFC Flow Classifier
+ [Arguments] ${name}
+ [Documentation] Delete a SFC flow classifier
+ OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack sfc flow classifier delete ${name}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Create SFC Port Pair
+ [Arguments] ${name} ${port_in} ${port_out}
+ [Documentation] Creates a neutron port pair for SFC
+ OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack sfc port pair create --ingress=${port_in} --egress=${port_out} ${name}
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${name}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Delete SFC Port Pair
+ [Arguments] ${name}
+ [Documentation] Delete a SFC port pair
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack sfc port pair delete ${name}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Create SFC Port Pair Group
+ [Arguments] ${name} ${port_pair}
+ [Documentation] Creates a port pair group with a single port pair for SFC
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack sfc port pair group create --port-pair ${port_pair} ${name}
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${name}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Create SFC Port Pair Group With Two Pairs
+ [Arguments] ${name} ${port_pair1} ${port_pair2}
+ [Documentation] Creates a port pair group with two port pairs for SFC
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack sfc port pair group create --port-pair ${port_pair1} --port-pair ${port_pair2} ${name}
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${name}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Delete SFC Port Pair Group
+ [Arguments] ${name}
+ [Documentation] Delete a SFC port pair group
+ OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack sfc port pair group delete ${name}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Create SFC Port Chain
+ [Arguments] ${name} ${pg1} ${pg2} ${fc}
+ [Documentation] Creates a port pair chain with two port groups and a singel classifier.
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack sfc port chain create --port-pair-group ${pg1} --port-pair-group ${pg2} --flow-classifier ${fc} ${name}
+ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} ${name}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Delete SFC Port Chain
+ [Arguments] ${name}
+ [Documentation] Delete a SFC port chain
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack sfc port chain delete ${name}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Reboot Nova VM
+ [Arguments] ${vm_name}
+ [Documentation] Reboot NOVA VM
+ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack server reboot --wait ${vm_name}
+ BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 35s 10s OpenStackOperations.Verify VM Is ACTIVE ${vm_name}
+Remove RSA Key From KnownHosts
+ [Arguments] ${vm_ip}
+ [Documentation] Remove RSA
+ OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
+ ${output} = DevstackUtils.Write Commands Until Prompt And Log sudo cat /root/.ssh/known_hosts 30s
+ ${output} = DevstackUtils.Write Commands Until Prompt And Log sudo ssh-keygen -f "/root/.ssh/known_hosts" -R ${vm_ip} 30s
+ ${output} = DevstackUtils.Write Commands Until Prompt sudo cat "/root/.ssh/known_hosts" 30s
+Wait For Routes To Propogate
+ [Arguments] ${networks} ${subnets}
+ [Documentation] Check propagated routes
+ OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
+ \ ${net_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Net Id @{networks}[${INDEX}]
+ \ ${is_ipv6} = String.Get Regexp Matches @{subnets}[${INDEX}] ${IP6_REGEX}
+ \ ${length} = BuiltIn.Get Length ${is_ipv6}
+ \ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Set Variable If ${length} == 0 ip route ip -6 route
+ \ ${output} = Utils.Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo ip netns exec qdhcp-${net_id} ${cmd} ]>
+ \ BuiltIn.Should Contain ${output} @{subnets}[${INDEX}]
+Neutron Cleanup
+ [Arguments] ${vms}=@{EMPTY} ${networks}=@{EMPTY} ${subnets}=@{EMPTY} ${ports}=@{EMPTY} ${sgs}=@{EMPTY}
+ : FOR ${vm} IN @{vms}
+ \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error Delete Vm Instance ${vm}
+ : FOR ${port} IN @{ports}
+ \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error Delete Port ${port}
+ : FOR ${subnet} IN @{subnets}
+ \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error Delete SubNet ${subnet}
+ : FOR ${network} IN @{networks}
+ \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error Delete Network ${network}
+ : FOR ${sg} IN @{sgs}
+ \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error Delete SecurityGroup ${sg}
+OpenStack List All
+ [Documentation] Get a list of different OpenStack resources that might be in use.
+ @{modules} = BuiltIn.Create List server port network subnet security group
+ ... security group rule
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If "${ODL_ENABLE_L3_FWD}"=="yes" Collections.Append To List ${modules} floating ip router
+ : FOR ${module} IN @{modules}
+ \ ${output} = OpenStack CLI openstack ${module} list
+OpenStack CLI Get List
+ [Arguments] ${cmd}
+ [Documentation] Return a json list from the output of an OpenStack command.
+ @{list} = BuiltIn.Create List
+ ${json} = OpenStack CLI ${cmd}
+ @{list} = RequestsLibrary.To Json ${json}
+ BuiltIn.Log ${list}
+ [Return] @{list}
+OpenStack CLI
+ [Arguments] ${cmd}
+ [Documentation] Run the given OpenStack ${cmd} and log the output.
+ ${rc} ${output} = OperatingSystem.Run And Return Rc And Output ${cmd}
+ BuiltIn.Log ${output}
+ BuiltIn.Should Be True '${rc}' == '0'
+ [Return] ${output}
+OpenStack CLI With No Log
+ [Arguments] ${cmd}
+ [Documentation] Run the given OpenStack ${cmd} and do not log the output.
+ ${rc} ${output} = OperatingSystem.Run And Return Rc And Output ${cmd}
+ BuiltIn.Should Be True '${rc}' == '0'
+ [Return] ${output}
+OpenStack Cleanup All
+ [Documentation] Cleanup all Openstack resources with best effort. The keyword will query for all resources
+ ... in use and then attempt to delete them. Errors are ignored to allow the cleanup to continue.
+ @{fips} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If "${ODL_ENABLE_L3_FWD}"=="yes" OpenStack CLI Get List openstack floating ip list -f json
+ ... ELSE BuiltIn.Create List @{EMPTY}
+ : FOR ${fip} IN @{fips}
+ \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error Delete Floating IP ${fip['ID']}
+ @{vms} = OpenStack CLI Get List openstack server list -f json
+ : FOR ${vm} IN @{vms}
+ \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error Delete Vm Instance ${vm['ID']}
+ @{routers} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword If "${ODL_ENABLE_L3_FWD}"=="yes" OpenStack CLI Get List openstack router list -f json
+ ... ELSE BuiltIn.Create List @{EMPTY}
+ : FOR ${router} IN @{routers}
+ \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error Cleanup Router ${router['ID']}
+ @{ports} = OpenStack CLI Get List openstack port list -f json
+ : FOR ${port} IN @{ports}
+ \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error Delete Port ${port['ID']}
+ @{networks} = OpenStack CLI Get List openstack network list -f json
+ : FOR ${network} IN @{networks}
+ \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error Delete Subnet ${network['Subnets']}
+ \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error Delete Network ${network['ID']}
+ @{security_groups} = OpenStack CLI Get List openstack security group list -f json
+ : FOR ${security_group} IN @{security_groups}
+ \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If "${security_group['Name']}" != "default" BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error Delete SecurityGroup ${security_group['ID']}
+ OpenStack List All
+Cleanup Router
+ [Arguments] ${id}
+ [Documentation] Delete a router, but first remove any interfaces or gateways so that the delete will be successful.
+ @{ports} = OpenStack CLI Get List openstack port list --router ${id} -f json --long
+ : FOR ${port} IN @{ports}
+ \ ${subnet_id} = OpenStackOperations.Get Match ${port['Fixed IP Addresses']} ${REGEX_UUID} 0
+ \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If "${port['Device Owner']}" == "network:router_gateway" BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error Remove Gateway ${id}
+ \ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If "${port['Device Owner']}" == "network:router_interface" BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error Remove Interface ${id} ${subnet_id}
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error Delete Router ${id}
+OpenStack Suite Setup
+ [Documentation] Wrapper teardown keyword that can be used in any suite running in an openstack environement
+ SetupUtils.Setup_Utils_For_Setup_And_Teardown
+ DevstackUtils.Devstack Suite Setup
+ @{tcpdump_port_6653_conn_ids} = OpenStackOperations.Start Packet Capture On Nodes tcpdump_port_6653 port 6653 @{OS_ALL_IPS}
+ BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable @{tcpdump_port_6653_conn_ids}
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If "${PRE_CLEAN_OPENSTACK_ALL}"=="True" OpenStack Cleanup All
+ OpenStackOperations.Add OVS Logging On All OpenStack Nodes
+OpenStack Suite Teardown
+ [Documentation] Wrapper teardown keyword that can be used in any suite running in an openstack environement
+ ... to clean up all openstack resources. For example, all instances, networks, ports, etc will be listed and
+ ... and deleted. As other global cleanup tasks are needed, they can be added here and the suites will all
+ ... benefit automatically.
+ OpenStack Cleanup All
+ OpenStackOperations.Stop Packet Capture On Nodes ${tcpdump_port_6653_conn_ids}
+ SSHLibrary.Close All Connections
+Copy DHCP Files From Control Node
+ [Documentation] Copy the current DHCP files to the robot vm. The keyword must be called
+ ... after the subnet(s) are created and before the subnet(s) are deleted.
+ ${suite_} = BuiltIn.Evaluate """${SUITE_NAME}""".replace(" ","_").replace("/","_").replace(".","_")
+ ${dstdir} = BuiltIn.Set Variable /tmp/qdhcp/${suite_}
+ OperatingSystem.Create Directory ${dstdir}
+ OpenStackOperations.Get ControlNode Connection
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error SSHLibrary.Get Directory /opt/stack/data/neutron/dhcp ${dstdir} recursive=True
+Is Feature Installed
+ [Arguments] ${features}=none
+ : FOR ${feature} IN @{features}
+ \ ${status} ${output} BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error BuiltIn.Should Contain ${CONTROLLERFEATURES} ${feature}
+ \ Return From Keyword If "${status}" == "PASS" True
+ [Return] False
+Add OVS Logging On All OpenStack Nodes
+ [Documentation] Add higher levels of OVS logging to all the OpenStack nodes
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_OS_SYSTEM} OVSDB.Add OVS Logging ${OS_CNTL_CONN_ID}
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_OS_SYSTEM} OVSDB.Add OVS Logging ${OS_CMP1_CONN_ID}
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_OS_SYSTEM} OVSDB.Add OVS Logging ${OS_CMP2_CONN_ID}
+Reset OVS Logging On All OpenStack Nodes
+ [Documentation] Reset the OVS logging to all the OpenStack nodes
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If 0 < ${NUM_OS_SYSTEM} OVSDB.Reset OVS Logging ${OS_CNTL_CONN_ID}
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If 1 < ${NUM_OS_SYSTEM} OVSDB.Reset OVS Logging ${OS_CMP1_CONN_ID}
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword If 2 < ${NUM_OS_SYSTEM} OVSDB.Reset OVS Logging ${OS_CMP2_CONN_ID}
+Start Packet Capture On Nodes
+ [Arguments] ${tag} ${filter} @{ips}
+ [Documentation] Wrapper keyword around the TcpDump packet capture that is catered to the Openstack setup.
+ ... The caller must pass the three arguments with a variable number of ips at the end,
+ ... but ${EMPTY} can be used for the tag and filter.
+ ${suite_} = BuiltIn.Evaluate """${SUITE_NAME}""".replace(" ","_").replace("/","_").replace(".","_")
+ ${tag_} = BuiltIn.Catenate SEPARATOR=__ ${tag} ${suite_}
+ @{conn_ids} = Tcpdump.Start Packet Capture on Nodes tag=${tag_} filter=${filter} ips=${ips}
+ [Return] @{conn_ids}
+Stop Packet Capture On Nodes
+ [Arguments] ${conn_ids}=@{EMPTY}
+ Tcpdump.Stop Packet Capture on Nodes ${conn_ids}
+Create Project
+ [Arguments] ${domain} ${description} ${name} ${rc_file}=${EMPTY}
+ ${rc} ${output}= Run Keyword If "${rc_file}" != "${EMPTY}" Run And Return Rc And Output source ${rc_file};openstack project create --domain ${domain} --description {description} ${name}
+ ... ELSE Run And Return Rc And Output openstack project create --domain ${domain} --description {description} ${name}
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+Create Service
+ [Arguments] ${name} ${description} ${category} ${rc_file}=${EMPTY}
+ ${rc} ${output}= Run Keyword If "${rc_file}" != "${EMPTY}" Run And Return Rc And Output source ${rc_file};openstack service create --name ${name} --description ${description} ${category}
+ ... ELSE Run And Return Rc And Output openstack service create --name ${name} --description ${description} ${category}
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+Create Image
+ [Arguments] ${name} ${file_path} ${rc_file}=${EMPTY}
+ ${rc} ${output}= Run Keyword If "${rc_file}" != "${EMPTY}" Run And Return Rc And Output source ${rc_file};openstack image create ${name} --file ${file_path} --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --public
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+Create Flavor
+ [Arguments] ${name} ${ram} ${disk} ${rc_file}=${EMPTY}
+ ${rc} ${output}= Run Keyword If "${rc_file}" != "${EMPTY}" Run And Return Rc And Output source ${rc_file};openstack flavor create ${name} --ram ${ram} --disk ${disk}
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+Create Keypair
+ [Arguments] ${keypair_name} ${key_path} ${rc_file}=${EMPTY}
+ ${rc} ${output}= Run Keyword If "${rc_file}" != "${EMPTY}" Run And Return Rc And Output source ${rc_file};openstack keypair create ${keypair_name} --public-key ${key_path}.pub
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Openstack library. This library is useful for tests to create network, subnet, router and vm instances
+Library Collections
+Library SSHLibrary
+Library OperatingSystem
+Resource SystemUtils.robot
+Resource ../variables/Variables.robot
+Resource ../variables/netvirt/Variables.robot
+Variables ../variables/netvirt/Modules.py
+*** Keywords ***
+Install Feature as Boot
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${feature_name}
+ [Documentation] This Keyword will add the feature to karaf features boot and ensure boot happens
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo crudini --verbose --set --list --list-sep="," --inplace --verbose /opt/opendaylight/etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg "" featuresBoot ${feature_name} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+Configure ODL Clustering
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${index}
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${cmd}= Set Variable If 4 > ${index} sudo /opt/opendaylight/bin/configure_cluster.sh ${index} ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP},${OS_CONTROL_2_IP},${OS_CONTROL_3_IP} sudo /opt/opendaylight/bin/configure_cluster.sh ${index} ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP},${OS_CONTROL_2_IP},${OS_CONTROL_3_IP},${OS_CONTROL_4_IP},${OS_CONTROL_5_IP}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command ${cmd} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sed -ie 's/JAVA_MAX_MEM="2048m"/JAVA_MAX_MEM="6144m"/g' /opt/opendaylight/bin/setenv return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+Install From Nexus
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${nexus_url}
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo wget ${ODL_ZIP_FROM_NEXUS} -O /tmp/ODL.zip
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Library to use common Linux Commands and also some configuration on MySQL,Rabbit etc.
+Library Collections
+Library SSHLibrary
+Library OperatingSystem
+Resource SSHKeywords.robot
+*** Keywords ***
+Install Rpm Package
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${package}
+ [Documentation] Install packages in a node
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo yum install -y ${package} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+Local Install Rpm Package
+ [Arguments] ${package}
+ [Documentation] Install packages in local VM
+ ${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output sudo yum install -y ${package}
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+Install Local Rpm Package
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${package}
+ [Documentation] Install local rpm packages
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ Put File /tmp/${ODL_RPM} /tmp/
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo yum localinstall -y /tmp/${package} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+Crudini Edit
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${conf_file} ${section} ${key} ${value}
+ [Documentation] Crudini edit on a configuration file
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo crudini --verbose --set --inplace ${conf_file} ${section} ${key} ${value} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Crudini Delete
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${conf_file} ${section} ${key}
+ [Documentation] Crudini edit on a configuration file
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo crudini --verbose --del --inplace ${conf_file} ${section} ${key} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Update Packages
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ [Documentation] yum update to the latest versions in the repo
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo yum update -y return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Start Service
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${service}
+ [Documentation] Start a service in CentOs
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo systemctl start ${service} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Enable Service
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${service}
+ [Documentation] Enable a service in CentOs
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo systemctl enable ${service} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Stop Service
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${service}
+ [Documentation] stop a service in CentOs
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo systemctl stop ${service} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Daemon Reload
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ [Documentation] daemon reload
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo systemctl daemon-reload return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Restart Service
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${service}
+ [Documentation] Restart a service in CentOs
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo systemctl restart ${service} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Stop And Disable Firewall
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ [Documentation] Disable/stop firewalld and iptables for testing
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo systemctl stop firewalld return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Log ${rc}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo systemctl disable firewalld return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Log ${rc}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo systemctl stop iptables return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Log ${rc}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo systemctl disable iptables return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Log ${rc}
+Chmod File
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${file_or_path} ${perm_value}
+ [Documentation] Chmod on any file in server
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo chmod ${perm_value} ${file_or_path} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Chown File
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${file_or_path} ${user} ${group}
+ [Documentation] Chown on any file in server
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo chown -R ${user}:${group} ${file_or_path} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Copy File
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${file_src} ${file_dst}
+ [Documentation] Copy file in server from src to dest
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo cp -f ${file_src} ${file_dst} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Move File
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${file_src} ${file_dst}
+ [Documentation] Move or rename a file in server
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo mv -v -f ${file_src} ${file_dst} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Touch File
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${file_name}
+ [Documentation] Execute touch and create a file in server
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo touch ${file_name} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Run Command As User
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${command} ${run_as_user}
+ [Documentation] Run a command as a differnt user
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo su -s /bin/sh -c ${command} ${run_as_user} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Run Command
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${command}
+ [Documentation] Run a command as a differnt user
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command ${command} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Create User Pass For Mysql
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass}
+ [Documentation] Create an user with password to access Mysql DB
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo mysqladmin -u ${mysql_user} password ${mysql_pass} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Create Database for Mysql
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} ${db_name}
+ [Documentation] Create a database on MySQL
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo mysql -u${mysql_user} -p${mysql_pass} > 30s
+ ${output}= Write Commands Until Expected Prompt CREATE DATABASE ${db_name} CHARACTER SET utf8; exit; Bye 30s
+ Log ${output}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Rsync Directory
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${dst_node_ip} ${src_dir} ${dst_dir}
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo rsync -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -avz ${src_dir} ${dst_node_ip}:${dst_dir} d: 30s
+ Write Commands Until Expected Prompt ${OS_USER_PASSWORD} ${OS_NODE_PROMPT} 30s
+Grant Privileges To Mysql Database
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} ${db_name} ${db_user} ${host_name}
+ ... ${db_pass}
+ [Documentation] Grant Privileges on a database in MySQL
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo mysql -u${mysql_user} -p${mysql_pass} > 30s
+ ${output}= Write Commands Until Expected Prompt GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ${db_name} TO '${db_user}'@'${host_name}' identified by '${db_pass}'; exit; Bye 30s
+ Log ${output}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Grant Process To Mysql Database
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} ${db_name} ${db_user} ${host_name}
+ ... ${db_pass}
+ [Documentation] Grant Privileges on a database in MySQL
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo mysql -u${mysql_user} -p${mysql_pass} > 30s
+ ${output}= Write Commands Until Expected Prompt GRANT PROCESS ON ${db_name} TO '${db_user}'@'${host_name}' identified by '${db_pass}'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; exit; Bye 30s
+ Log ${output}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Execute MySQL STATUS Query
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${mysql_user} ${mysql_pass} ${attribute}
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ Write Commands Until Expected Prompt sudo mysql -u${mysql_user} -p${mysql_pass} > 30s
+ ${output}= Write Commands Until Expected Prompt show STATUS LIKE '${attribute}';exit; Bye 30s
+ Log ${output}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Write To File
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${file_name} ${buffer}
+ [Documentation] Write to file which require sudo access
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command echo ${buffer} | sudo tee ${file_name} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Append To File
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${file_name} ${buffer}
+ [Documentation] Append to file which require sudo access
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command echo ${buffer} | sudo tee --append ${file_name} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Create Softlink
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${src_file_name} ${link_path}
+ [Documentation] Create Soft Link
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo ln -s ${src_file_name} ${link_path} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Unlink File
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${link_path}
+ [Documentation] Unlink a wrong link created
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo unlink ${link_path} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+ [Return] ${output}
+Create LocalFile
+ [Arguments] ${src_file_name}
+ [Documentation] Touch a local file
+ ${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output sudo touch ${src_file_name}
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+Write To Local File
+ [Arguments] ${src_file_name} ${buffer}
+ [Documentation] AddEntry to Local File
+ ${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output echo ${buffer} | sudo tee ${src_file_name}
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+Append To Local File
+ [Arguments] ${src_file_name} ${buffer}
+ [Documentation] AddEntry to Local File
+ ${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output echo ${buffer} | sudo tee -a ${src_file_name}
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+Source Local File
+ [Arguments] ${src_file_name}
+ [Documentation] Export Varaibles to Env
+ ${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output source ${src_file_name}
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+Run Command In Local Node
+ [Arguments] ${command}
+ ${rc} ${output}= Run And Return Rc And Output ${command}
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+Generic HAProxy Entry
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${haproxy_ip} ${port_to_listen} ${proxy_entry}
+ [Documentation] Add an entry in haproxy.cfg for the service
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg ' '
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg frontend vip-${proxy_entry}
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg ' 'bind *:${port_to_listen}
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg ' 'timeout client 90s
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg ' 'default_backend ${proxy_entry}
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg ' '
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg backend ${proxy_entry}
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg ' 'balance roundrobin
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg ' 'server ${proxy_entry}_controller1 ${OS_CONTROL_1_IP}:${port_to_listen} check inter 1s
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg ' 'server ${proxy_entry}_controller2 ${OS_CONTROL_2_IP}:${port_to_listen} check inter 1s
+ Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg ' 'server ${proxy_entry}_controller3 ${OS_CONTROL_3_IP}:${port_to_listen} check inter 1s
+ Run Keyword If 3 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg ' 'server ${proxy_entry}_controller4 ${OS_CONTROL_4_IP}:${port_to_listen} check inter 1s
+ Run Keyword If 4 < ${NUM_CONTROL_NODES} Append To File ${os_node_cxn} /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg ' 'server ${proxy_entry}_controller5 ${OS_CONTROL_5_IP}:${port_to_listen} check inter 1s
+ Restart Service ${os_node_cxn} haproxy
+Cat File
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn} ${file_name}
+ [Documentation] Read a file for logging
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command cat ${file_name} return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+ Should Not Be True ${rc}
+Disable SeLinux Tempororily
+ [Arguments] ${os_node_cxn}
+ [Documentation] Disable SELinux from command
+ Switch Connection ${os_node_cxn}
+ ${output} ${rc}= Execute Command sudo setenforce 0 return_rc=True return_stdout=True
+ Log ${output}
+Get Ssh Connection
+ [Arguments] ${os_ip} ${os_user} ${os_password} ${prompt}
+ ${conn_id}= SSHLibrary.Open Connection ${os_ip} prompt=${prompt} timeout=1 hour alias=${os_ip}
+ SSHKeywords.Flexible SSH Login ${os_user} password=${os_password}
+ SSHLibrary.Set Client Configuration timeout=1 hour
+ [Return] ${conn_id}