LOG.info("FOIC is 2.8 for 31.6 Gbaud and rate is 200");
// FOIC rate is different
- .setIid(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(Uint8.valueOf(1), Uint8.valueOf(2),
- Uint8.valueOf(3), Uint8.valueOf(4))));
+ .setIid(new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(Uint8.valueOf(1), Uint8.valueOf(2))));
} else {
// default is dp-qpsk for 200G under 63.1 GBaud
String supportingOchInterface = this.openRoadmInterfaceFactory.createOpenRoadmOchInterface(
nodeId, srcTp, spectrumInformation);
+ // Split the string based on # pass the last element as the supported Interface
+ // This is needed for 7.1 device models with B100G, we have OTSI, OTSI-group combined as OCH
+ String[] listOfSuppOchInf = supportingOchInterface.split("#");
+ createdOchInterfaces = Arrays.asList(listOfSuppOchInf);
+ // Taking the last element
+ supportingOchInterface = createdOchInterfaces.get(createdOchInterfaces.size() - 1);
String supportingOtuInterface = this.openRoadmInterfaceFactory.createOpenRoadmOtu4Interface(
nodeId, srcTp, supportingOchInterface, apiInfoA, apiInfoZ);