[Arguments] ${node_ip}=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${port}=${RESTCONFPORT} ${test_name}=${SUITE_NAME}.${TEST_NAME}
[Documentation] Get the various ODL entity ownership information
${dstdir} = Get Path ${test_name}
- ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Set Variable odltools show eos -i ${node_ip} -t ${port} -u ${ODL_RESTCONF_USER} -w ${ODL_RESTCONF_PASSWORD} --path ${dstdir}
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Set Variable odltools netvirt show eos -i ${node_ip} -t ${port} -u ${ODL_RESTCONF_USER} -w ${ODL_RESTCONF_PASSWORD} --path ${dstdir}
${rc} ${output} = OperatingSystem.Run And Return Rc And Output ${cmd}
BuiltIn.Log rc: ${rc}, output: ${output}
BuiltIn.Should Be True '${rc}' == '0'
[Arguments] ${port}=${RESTCONFPORT}
[Documentation] Get ODL Cluster related information like transaction counts, commit rates, etc.
- \ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Set Variable odltools show cluster-info -i ${ODL_SYSTEM_${i+1}_IP} -t ${port} -u ${ODL_RESTCONF_USER} -w ${ODL_RESTCONF_PASSWORD}
+ \ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Set Variable odltools netvirt show cluster-info -i ${ODL_SYSTEM_${i+1}_IP} -t ${port} -u ${ODL_RESTCONF_USER} -w ${ODL_RESTCONF_PASSWORD}
\ ${output} = OperatingSystem.Run ${cmd}
\ BuiltIn.Log output: ${output}
[Arguments] ${node_ip}=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${port}=${RESTCONFPORT} ${test_name}=${SUITE_NAME}.${TEST_NAME}
[Documentation] Analyze Tunnel Mesh creation for any errors and log results
${dstdir} = Get Path ${test_name}
- ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Set Variable odltools analyze tunnels -i ${node_ip} -t ${port} -u ${ODL_RESTCONF_USER} -w ${ODL_RESTCONF_PASSWORD} --path ${dstdir}
+ ${cmd} = BuiltIn.Set Variable odltools netvirt analyze tunnels -i ${node_ip} -t ${port} -u ${ODL_RESTCONF_USER} -w ${ODL_RESTCONF_PASSWORD} --path ${dstdir}
${rc} ${output} = OperatingSystem.Run And Return Rc And Output ${cmd}
BuiltIn.Log rc: ${rc}, output: ${output}
BuiltIn.Should Be True '${rc}' == '0'