Merge changes Ic53c9f04,Iae5644f6,Ib3975607
authorGuillaume Lambert <>
Wed, 1 Sep 2021 12:29:27 +0000 (12:29 +0000)
committerGerrit Code Review <>
Wed, 1 Sep 2021 12:29:27 +0000 (12:29 +0000)
* changes:
  Refactor buildcontroller tox profile
  Refactor OLM PowerMgmtImpl class
  Add documentation to use tox and functional tests

docs/tox-guide.rst [new file with mode: 0644]
tests/ [new file with mode: 0755]

index 194db266c846f60b5a9b71d5a6716caf176947a5..61d1f7e3f701a07ebf2483cb277fb863342d75a7 100644 (file)
@@ -7,5 +7,6 @@ Transport PCE Documentation
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1
-   developer-guide
+   developer-guide
+   tox-guide
diff --git a/docs/tox-guide.rst b/docs/tox-guide.rst
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..fc01f24
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+.. _transportpce-tox-guide:
+TransportPCE tox Guide
+What is tox?
+`Tox` is a tool written in Python to ease tests automation and dependencies management.
+It provides a command line tool that run tests inside a `Python virtual environment <>`_.
+This means that it will not modify your local system settings or package and executable files.
+Instead, it uses a hidden folder (`.tox`) to install the required Python dependencies via pip
+(`the package installer for Python <>`_) before running tests.
+You can find more details about tox at .
+`Tox` is often used as a front-end to Continuous Integration servers.
+For instance, `Linux Foundation globaljjb <>`_
+provides a gerrit-tox-verify profile.
+This profile is `used by TransportPCE <>`_
+in OpenDaylight Jenkins CI.
+`Tox` configuration and behavior is very portable across GNU+Linux distributions
+and others UNIX-like systems or environments.
+Once tox installed in a local environment with
+for example the following command on Debian based systems::
+    $ sudo apt-get install tox
+or on Red Hat based systems::
+    $ sudo yum install python-tox
+the same test suite than the CI can be run locally by simply calling the tox command
+from the project git clone local folder::
+    $ tox
+Tox configuration
+`Tox` configuration is written in the `tox.ini` file at the root folder of the Git project.
+Please read `tox official documentation <>`_ for more details.
+For tox users, the most important parameter in the `[tox]` section is `envlist`.
+It specifies which profiles to run by default (i.e. when tox is called without the option `-e`).
+The option `-e` overrides this parameter and allows to choose which profiles to run.
+For example::
+    $ tox -e gitlint
+will only run the `gitlint` profile.
+    $ tox -e gitlint,checkbashisms
+will run the `gitlint` and `checkbashisms` profiles.
+Profiles configuration are described in the `[testenv]` section.
+Each profile specificities are usually configured in a subsection, for example the
+subsection `[testenv:gitlint]` for the configuration of `Gitlint <>`_.
+Docs profiles
+The `docs` profile itself is used to generate from the sources the HTML documentation of the project.
+This docuementation can be found in `docs/_build/html/`
+once the following command has been run locally::
+    $ tox -e docs
+The sources are written in the reStructuredText format a.k.a. RST and are located in the `docs/` folder.
+`Sphinx` can also be used to check the validity of the URLs present in the sources
+with the `docs-linkcheck` profile::
+    $ tox -e docs-linkcheck
+False positives can be declared in the sphinx configuration file (usually `docs/`).
+Both `docs` and `docs-linkcheck` profiles are run in the CI.
+A third profile called `spelling` and based on `Sphinx` and `PyEnchant <>`_
+can also be used as a spellchecker.
+.. note::
+   All docs profiles call the sphinx Python package.
+   Documentation and more details can be found at `sphinx home page <>`_ .
+   Web page templates are inherited from the Python dependency `lfdocs-conf` delared in `docs/requirements.txt`.
+Linter profiles
+A few linter are also provided from tox profiles.
+Some are even performed in the CI.
+* `gitlint`. Check that the last commit message is well formatted.
+* `pylint`. Lint Python tests scripts
+* `autopep8`. Autoformat Python tests scripts according to PEP8 standard rules.
+* `pyang`. Lint YANG files.
+* `pyangformat`. Autoformat YANG files.
+* `checkbashisms`. Detect bashisms in shell scripts.
+Pre-commit profiles
+`Pre-commit <>`_ is another wrapper for linters that relies on `Git Hooks <>`_.
+It is particularly useful to address common programming issues such as
+triming trailing whitespaces or removing tabs.
+`Pre-commit` configuration can be found in the `.pre-commit-config.yaml` file
+at the Git project root.
+`Pre-commit` hooks, like any other Git hooks, are run automatically when the
+command `'git commit'` is called. This avoids forgetting running linters.
+Although, `pre-commit` can also be called directly from its shell command.
+This is what is currently performed in TransportPCE CI.
+The `pre-commit` profile allows to call `pre-commit` inside tox virtualenv
+without installing the `pre-commit` package in the local system,
+what is pretty convenient::
+    $ tox -e pre-commit
+This is also true to install/uninstall the corresponding Git hooks in your
+Git folder thanks to the profiles `pre-commit-install`
+and `pre-commit-uninstall`::
+    $ tox -e pre-commit-install
+    $ tox -e pre-commit-uninstall
+Functional tests profiles
+TransportPCE functional tests are Python scripts that allow to perform blackbox testing on a
+controller instance.
+They do not need tox to be performed locally and can be called directly from the shell or with
+a launcher such as `nosetests <>`_
+(often available in Linux distributions packages under the name `python-nose`).
+Currently, they require the presence of `Honeynode simulators <>`_
+and the modification of the controller default OLM timers to speed-up the tests.
+They are also supposed to be called within the tests folder::
+    $ cd tests/
+These tests have been spread over several directories in `tranportpce_tests/`.
+These directories are mostly named upon OpenROADM device versions.
+Tests scripts files names are also numbered so that they are performed in a certain order.
+To ease their integration in tox, a script `` can be used to call them.
+For example, the following command::
+    $ ./ pce
+will call by default all the tests in the folder `tests/transportpce_tests/pce` with `nose`.
+And the command::
+    $ ./ 1.2.1 portmapping
+is equivalent to::
+    $ nosetests --with-xunit transportpce_tests/1.2.1/
+Several tests can be listed in the arguments. For example::
+    $ ./ 1.2.1 portmapping topology
+is equivalent to::
+    $ nosetests --with-xunit transportpce_tests/1.2.1/
+    $ nosetests --with-xunit transportpce_tests/1.2.1/
+Also, some shell environment variables can be used to modify their default behavior.
+For example the commands::
+    $ export LAUNCHER="python3"
+    $ ./ 2.2.1
+are equivalent to::
+    $ python3 transportpce_tests/2.2.1/
+    $ export LAUNCHER="nosetests"
+    $ export USE_LIGHTY="True"
+    $ ./ 7.1
+are equivalent to::
+    $ nosetests transportpce_tests/2.2.1/
+but will ask tests script to use the controller ` <>`_
+build instead of Karaf.
+These variables are also understood inside tox virtualenv thanks to the `passenv` parameter
+configured in `tox.ini`.
+Tox TransportPCE functional tests support is split into several tox profiles.
+Strictly spoken, only the following profiles perform functional tests as described above:
+* `testsPCE`. To evaluate the Path Computation behavior.
+* `tests121`. To evaluate the support of OpenROADM devices version 1.2.1 .
+* `tests221`. To evaluate the support of OpenROADM devices version 2.2.1 .
+* `tests71`. To evaluate the support of OpenROADM devices version 7.1 .
+* `tests_hybrid`. To evaluate the controller behavior in a mixed environment with several versions of OpenROADM devices.
+* `gnpy`. To evaluate the controller behavior when used in conjunction with `GNPy <>`_. Requires `docker <>`_.
+* `nbinotifications`. To evaluate the controller north-bound interface notifications support. Requires `docker <>`_.
+Each of these profiles depend on the `buildcontroller` profile, which is simply
+there to build the controller from sources and adapt OLM default timers.
+They can also depend on `sims121` or `sims221` or `sims71` profiles to download
+simulators of OpenROADM devices when needed.
+The `depend` parameter in `tox.ini` allows tox to establish the most efficient
+tests order strategy  when calling tox without the `-e` option.
+This is particularly important when the parallelized mode is enabled.
+If tox is called locally with the option `-e`, profiles not specified to this
+option but listed in the `depends` parameters are simply ignored.
+This means you have to specify manually the `buildcontroller` or `simsXXX`
+profiles if the controller was not build yet or the sims were not downloaded.
+For example::
+    $ tox -e buildcontroller,sims121,tests121
+will build the controller and download simulators before running every functional
+tests for OpenROADM devices 1.2.1.
+Once that done, you only need to list the others sims versions profiles before
+lauching hybrid tests::
+    $ tox -e sims221,sims71,tests_hybrid
+Also the same way arguments can be passed to the `` script,
+tests names can be passed as argument when calling the corresponding tox profiles.
+For example:
+    $  tox -e tests121 portmapping
+will launch by default the following command inside tox virtual environment::
+    $ nosetests --with-xunit transportpce_tests/1.2.1/
+    $  tox -e tests121 "portmapping topology"
+will perform::
+    $ nosetests --with-xunit transportpce_tests/1.2.1/
+    $ nosetests --with-xunit transportpce_tests/1.2.1/
+Note the necessity to use quotes here when listing several test names.
+If you need to test the portmapping behavior for every OpenROADM devices versions::
+    $  tox -e tests121,tests221,tests71 portmapping
+will perform::
+    $ nosetests --with-xunit transportpce_tests/1.2.1/
+    $ nosetests --with-xunit transportpce_tests/2.2.1/
+    $ nosetests --with-xunit transportpce_tests/7.1/
+Idem for OLM with only OpenROADM devices versions 1.2.1 and 2.2.1 ::
+    $  tox -e tests121,tests221 olm
+will perform::
+    $ nosetests --with-xunit transportpce_tests/1.2.1/
+    $ nosetests --with-xunit transportpce_tests/2.2.1/
+Profiles parrallelization
+Tox profiles execution can be parallelized.
+CI behavior can be configured from the `releng/builder` repository.
+This is `the current configuration <>`_
+in TransportPCE CI.
+Locally, tox jobs are not parallelized by default.
+You have to use the `-p` option to specify the level of concurrency::
+    $  tox -p
+    $  tox -p auto
+    $  tox -p 2
+The default parameter "auto" is based on the number of CPU cores,
+which is a bad idea for TransportPCE functional tests.
+Their most critical ressource is RAM, mostly because of the need
+to launch several simulators very greedy in memory.
+Unfortunately, "auto" is historically the only option available
+in OpenDaylight CI configuration.
+To palliate this problem, `tox.ini` current configuration uses the `depends` parameter
+to artifically chain tests profiles and limit to only 2 the number of controller instances
+run in parallel.
+Also, the default display will change from the classical sequence mode.
+You need to use the option `-o` to get it back (with the notable difference
+that displayed messages are now mixed between tests profiles).
+This is the default configuration in the CI::
+    $  tox -o -p 2
+Running different tests in parallel also creates concurrency access problems
+to others ressources than RAM, mostly the ports to listen to, and the log files.
+To this sake, and karaf build configuration have been customized to change
+thier listening ports and log files from shell environment variables.
+This environment variables are also understood by Python tests scripts and tox.
+You can take a look at the following Gerrit changes for more details
+And particularly at
+In a nutshell, TransportPCE CI uses tox and parrallelization to perform functional tests.
+And if your computer environment has enough RAM and CPU cores,
+it is perfectly possible to run the same way several functional tests concurrently on it.
+For example, the following command will test the portmapping behavior
+for every OpenROADM devices supported versions::
+    $  tox -p 3 -e buildcontroller,sims121,sims221,sims71,tests121,tests221,tests71 portmapping
index 31a56d8ac51622a8705fa3c216a5024de22a284e..407bfae2d22426a8d2931ff90f49c7cfafa8536e 100644 (file)
@@ -7,10 +7,9 @@
 package org.opendaylight.transportpce.olm.power;
-import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
 import java.math.BigDecimal;
 import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Locale;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Optional;
 import org.opendaylight.mdsal.binding.api.DataBroker;
@@ -28,12 +27,10 @@ import
 import org.slf4j.Logger;
 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
 public class PowerMgmtImpl implements PowerMgmt {
     private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PowerMgmtImpl.class);
     private final DataBroker db;
@@ -42,7 +39,7 @@ public class PowerMgmtImpl implements PowerMgmt {
     private final DeviceTransactionManager deviceTransactionManager;
     private static final BigDecimal DEFAULT_TPDR_PWR_100G = new BigDecimal(-5);
     private static final BigDecimal DEFAULT_TPDR_PWR_400G = new BigDecimal(0);
+    private static final String INTERFACE_NOT_PRESENT = "Interface {} on node {} is not present!";
     public PowerMgmtImpl(DataBroker db, OpenRoadmInterfaces openRoadmInterfaces,
                          CrossConnect crossConnect, DeviceTransactionManager deviceTransactionManager) {
@@ -63,304 +60,302 @@ public class PowerMgmtImpl implements PowerMgmt {
      * @return true/false based on status of operation.
     //TODO Need to Case Optical Power mode/NodeType in case of 2.2 devices
-    //@SuppressFBwarnings("DM_CONVERT_CASE")
     public Boolean setPower(ServicePowerSetupInput input) {"Olm-setPower initiated for input {}", input);
-        int lowerSpectralSlotNumber = input.getLowerSpectralSlotNumber().intValue();
-        int higherSpectralSlotNumber = input.getHigherSpectralSlotNumber().intValue();
         String spectralSlotName = String.join(GridConstant.SPECTRAL_SLOT_SEPARATOR,
-                String.valueOf(lowerSpectralSlotNumber),
-                String.valueOf(higherSpectralSlotNumber));
+                input.getLowerSpectralSlotNumber().toString(),
+                input.getHigherSpectralSlotNumber().toString());
         for (int i = 0; i < input.getNodes().size(); i++) {
             String nodeId = input.getNodes().get(i).getNodeId();
-            String srcTpId =  input.getNodes().get(i).getSrcTp();
             String destTpId = input.getNodes().get(i).getDestTp();
             Optional<Nodes> inputNodeOptional = OlmUtils.getNode(nodeId, this.db);
-            // If node type is transponder
-            if (inputNodeOptional.isPresent()
-                    && (inputNodeOptional.get().getNodeInfo().getNodeType() != null)
-                    && inputNodeOptional.get().getNodeInfo().getNodeType().equals(NodeTypes.Xpdr)
-                    && destTpId != null) {
+            if (inputNodeOptional.isEmpty()
+                    || inputNodeOptional.get().getNodeInfo().getNodeType() == null) {
+                LOG.error("OLM-PowerMgmtImpl : Error node type cannot be retrieved for node {}", nodeId);
+                continue;
+            }
+            Nodes inputNode = inputNodeOptional.get();
+            OpenroadmNodeVersion openroadmVersion = inputNode.getNodeInfo().getOpenroadmVersion();
-                Nodes inputNode = inputNodeOptional.get();
-                OpenroadmNodeVersion openroadmVersion = inputNode.getNodeInfo().getOpenroadmVersion();
-      "Getting data from input node {}", inputNode.getNodeInfo().getNodeType());
-      "Getting mapping data for node is {}",
+            switch (inputNode.getNodeInfo().getNodeType()) {
+                case Xpdr:
+                    if (destTpId == null) {
+                        continue;
+                    }
+          "Getting data from input node {}", inputNode.getNodeInfo().getNodeType());
+          "Getting mapping data for node is {}",
                         inputNode.nonnullMapping().values().stream().filter(o -> o.key()
                          .equals(new MappingKey(destTpId))).findFirst().toString());
-                // If its A-End transponder
-                if (destTpId.toLowerCase().contains("network")) {
-                    java.util.Optional<Mapping> mappingObject = inputNode.nonnullMapping()
-                            .values().stream().filter(o -> o.key()
-                            .equals(new MappingKey(destTpId))).findFirst();
-                    boolean setTpdrPowerResult;
-                    if (mappingObject.isPresent()) {
-                        String circuitPackName = mappingObject.get().getSupportingCircuitPackName();
-                        String portName = mappingObject.get().getSupportingPort();
-                        Map<String, Double> txPowerRangeMap = new HashMap<>();
-                        switch (openroadmVersion.getIntValue()) {
-                            case 1:
-                                txPowerRangeMap = PowerMgmtVersion121.getXponderPowerRange(circuitPackName, portName,
-                                    nodeId, deviceTransactionManager);
-                                break;
-                            case 2:
-                                txPowerRangeMap = PowerMgmtVersion221.getXponderPowerRange(circuitPackName, portName,
-                                    nodeId, deviceTransactionManager);
-                                break;
-                            case 3:
-                                txPowerRangeMap = PowerMgmtVersion710.getXponderPowerRange(circuitPackName, portName,
-                                    nodeId, deviceTransactionManager);
-                                break;
-                            default:
-                                LOG.error("Unrecognized OpenRoadm version");
-                        }
-                        if (!txPowerRangeMap.isEmpty()) {
-                  "Transponder range exists for nodeId: {}", nodeId);
-                            OpenroadmNodeVersion rdmOpenroadmVersion = openroadmVersion;
-                            String srgId =  input.getNodes().get(i + 1).getSrcTp();
-                            String nextNodeId = input.getNodes().get(i + 1).getNodeId();
-                            Optional<Nodes> inputNextOptional = OlmUtils.getNode(nextNodeId, this.db);
-                            if (inputNextOptional.isPresent()) {
-                                rdmOpenroadmVersion = inputNextOptional.get()
-                                        .getNodeInfo().getOpenroadmVersion();
-                            }
-                            Map<String, Double> rxSRGPowerRangeMap = new HashMap<>();
-                            Optional<Mapping> mappingObjectSRG = OlmUtils.getNode(nextNodeId, db)
-                                    .flatMap(node -> node.nonnullMapping().values()
-                                            .stream().filter(o -> o.key()
-                                                    .equals(new MappingKey(srgId))).findFirst());
+                    // If its not A-End transponder
+                    if (!destTpId.toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()).contains("NETWORK")) {
+              "{} is a drop node. Net power settings needed", nodeId);
+                        continue;
+                    }
-                            if (mappingObjectSRG.isPresent()) {
-                                switch (rdmOpenroadmVersion.getIntValue()) {
-                                    case 1:
-                                        rxSRGPowerRangeMap = PowerMgmtVersion121.getSRGRxPowerRange(nextNodeId, srgId,
-                                                deviceTransactionManager, mappingObjectSRG.get()
-                                                        .getSupportingCircuitPackName(),
-                                                mappingObjectSRG.get().getSupportingPort());
-                                        break;
-                                    case 2:
-                                        rxSRGPowerRangeMap = PowerMgmtVersion221.getSRGRxPowerRange(nextNodeId, srgId,
-                                                deviceTransactionManager, mappingObjectSRG.get()
-                                                        .getSupportingCircuitPackName(),
-                                                mappingObjectSRG.get().getSupportingPort());
-                                        break;
-                                    case 3:
-                                        rxSRGPowerRangeMap = PowerMgmtVersion710.getSRGRxPowerRange(nextNodeId, srgId,
-                                                deviceTransactionManager, mappingObjectSRG.get()
-                                                        .getSupportingCircuitPackName(),
-                                                mappingObjectSRG.get().getSupportingPort());
-                                        break;
-                                    default:
-                                        LOG.error("Unrecognized OpenRoadm version");
-                                        return false;
-                                }
-                            }
-                            double powerValue = 0;
-                            if (!rxSRGPowerRangeMap.isEmpty()) {
-                      "SRG Rx Power range exists for nodeId: {}", nodeId);
-                                if (txPowerRangeMap.get("MaxTx")
-                                        <= rxSRGPowerRangeMap.get("MaxRx")) {
-                                    powerValue = txPowerRangeMap.get("MaxTx");
-                                } else if (rxSRGPowerRangeMap.get("MaxRx")
-                                        < txPowerRangeMap.get("MaxTx")) {
-                                    powerValue = rxSRGPowerRangeMap.get("MaxRx");
-                                }
-                      "Calculated Transponder Power value is {}" , powerValue);
-                                String interfaceName = String.join(GridConstant.NAME_PARAMETERS_SEPARATOR,
-                                        destTpId, spectralSlotName);
-                                if (callSetTransponderPower(nodeId, interfaceName, new BigDecimal(powerValue),
-                                        openroadmVersion)) {
-                          "Transponder OCH connection: {} power updated ", interfaceName);
-                                    try {
-                              "Now going in sleep mode");
-                                        Thread.sleep(OlmUtils.OLM_TIMER_1);
-                                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                              "Transponder warmup failed for OCH connection: {}", interfaceName, e);
-                                    }
-                                } else {
-                          "Transponder OCH connection: {} power update failed ", interfaceName);
-                                }
-                            } else {
-                      "SRG Power Range not found, setting the Transponder range to default");
-                                String interfaceName = String.join(GridConstant.NAME_PARAMETERS_SEPARATOR,
-                                        destTpId, spectralSlotName);
-                                if (openroadmVersion.getIntValue() == 3) {
-                                    setTpdrPowerResult = callSetTransponderPower(nodeId, interfaceName,
-                                            DEFAULT_TPDR_PWR_400G, openroadmVersion);
-                                } else {
-                                    setTpdrPowerResult = callSetTransponderPower(nodeId, interfaceName,
-                                            DEFAULT_TPDR_PWR_100G, openroadmVersion);
-                                }
-                                if (setTpdrPowerResult) {
-                          "Transponder OCH connection: {} power updated ", interfaceName);
-                                    try {
-                                        Thread.sleep(OlmUtils.OLM_TIMER_1);
-                                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-                              "Transponder warmup failed for OCH connection: {}", interfaceName, e);
-                                    }
-                                } else {
-                          "Transponder OCH connection: {} power update failed ", interfaceName);
-                                }
-                            }
-                        } else {
-                  "Tranponder range not available setting to default power for nodeId: {}", nodeId);
-                            String interfaceName = String.join(GridConstant.NAME_PARAMETERS_SEPARATOR,
-                                    destTpId, spectralSlotName);
-                            if (openroadmVersion.getIntValue() == 3) {
-                                setTpdrPowerResult = callSetTransponderPower(nodeId, interfaceName,
-                                        DEFAULT_TPDR_PWR_400G, openroadmVersion);
-                            } else {
-                                setTpdrPowerResult = callSetTransponderPower(nodeId, interfaceName,
-                                        DEFAULT_TPDR_PWR_100G, openroadmVersion);
-                            }
-                            if (setTpdrPowerResult) {
-                      "Transponder OCH connection: {} power updated ", interfaceName);
-                                try {
-                                    Thread.sleep(OlmUtils.OLM_TIMER_1);
-                                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-                          "Transponder warmup failed for OCH connection: {}", interfaceName, e);
-                                }
-                            } else {
-                      "Transponder OCH connection: {} power update failed ", interfaceName);
-                            }
-                        }
-                    } else {
-              "Mapping object not found for nodeId: {}", nodeId);
+                    BigDecimal powerVal = getXpdrPowerValue(
+                            inputNode, destTpId, nodeId, openroadmVersion.getIntValue(),
+                            input.getNodes().get(i + 1).getSrcTp(), input.getNodes().get(i + 1).getNodeId());
+                    if (powerVal == null) {
                         return false;
-                } else {
-          "{} is a drop node. Net power settings needed", nodeId);
-                }
-            } else if (inputNodeOptional.isPresent()
-                    && (inputNodeOptional.get().getNodeInfo().getNodeType() != null)
-                    && inputNodeOptional.get().getNodeInfo().getNodeType().equals(NodeTypes.Rdm)) {
-                // If Degree is transmitting end then set power
-                Nodes inputNode = inputNodeOptional.get();
-                OpenroadmNodeVersion openroadmVersion = inputNode.getNodeInfo().getOpenroadmVersion();
-      "This is a roadm {} device", openroadmVersion.getName());
-                String connectionNumber = String.join(GridConstant.NAME_PARAMETERS_SEPARATOR,srcTpId, destTpId,
-                        spectralSlotName);
-      "Connection number is {}", connectionNumber);
-                if (destTpId.toLowerCase().contains("deg")) {
+                    String interfaceName = String.join(GridConstant.NAME_PARAMETERS_SEPARATOR,
+                        destTpId, spectralSlotName);
+                    if (!callSetTransponderPower(nodeId, interfaceName, powerVal, openroadmVersion)) {
+              "Transponder OCH connection: {} power update failed ", interfaceName);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+          "Transponder OCH connection: {} power updated ", interfaceName);
+                    try {
+              "Now going in sleep mode");
+                        Thread.sleep(OlmUtils.OLM_TIMER_1);
+                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+              "Transponder warmup failed for OCH connection: {}", interfaceName, e);
+                        // FIXME shouldn't it be LOG.warn  or LOG.error?
+                        // or maybe this try/catch block can simply be removed
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case Rdm:
+          "This is a roadm {} device", openroadmVersion.getName());
+                    String connectionNumber = String.join(GridConstant.NAME_PARAMETERS_SEPARATOR,
+                            input.getNodes().get(i).getSrcTp(), destTpId, spectralSlotName);
+          "Connection number is {}", connectionNumber);
+                    // If Drop node leave node is power mode
+                    if (destTpId.toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()).contains("SRG")) {
+              "Setting power at drop node");
+                        crossConnect.setPowerLevel(nodeId, OpticalControlMode.Power.getName(), null, connectionNumber);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    if (!destTpId.toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()).contains("DEG")) {
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    // If Degree is transmitting end then set power
                     Optional<Mapping> mappingObjectOptional = inputNode.nonnullMapping()
                             .values().stream().filter(o -> o.key()
                             .equals(new MappingKey(destTpId))).findFirst();
-                    if (mappingObjectOptional.isPresent()) {
-                        BigDecimal spanLossTx = null;
-              "Dest point is Degree {}", mappingObjectOptional.get());
-                        Mapping portMapping = mappingObjectOptional.get();
-                        // debut reprise
-                        if (openroadmVersion.getIntValue() == 1) {
-                            Optional<Interface> interfaceOpt;
-                            try {
-                                interfaceOpt =
-                                        this.openRoadmInterfaces.getInterface(nodeId, portMapping.getSupportingOts());
-                            } catch (OpenRoadmInterfaceException ex) {
-                                LOG.error("Failed to get interface {} from node {}!", portMapping.getSupportingOts(),
-                                        nodeId, ex);
-                                return false;
-                            } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
-                                LOG.error("Failed to get non existing interface {} from node {}!",
-                                    portMapping.getSupportingOts(), nodeId);
-                                return false;
-                            }
-                            if (interfaceOpt.isPresent()) {
-                                if (interfaceOpt.get().augmentation(Interface1.class).getOts()
-                                    .getSpanLossTransmit() != null) {
-                                    spanLossTx = interfaceOpt.get().augmentation(Interface1.class).getOts()
-                                            .getSpanLossTransmit().getValue();
-                          "Spanloss TX is {}", spanLossTx);
-                                } else {
-                                    LOG.error("interface {} has no spanloss value", interfaceOpt.get().getName());
-                                }
-                            } else {
-                                LOG.error("Interface {} on node {} is not present!", portMapping.getSupportingOts(),
-                                    nodeId);
-                                return false;
-                            }
-                        } else if (openroadmVersion.getIntValue() == 2) {
-                            Optional<
-                                .Interface> interfaceOpt;
-                            try {
-                                interfaceOpt =
-                                        this.openRoadmInterfaces.getInterface(nodeId, portMapping.getSupportingOts());
-                            } catch (OpenRoadmInterfaceException ex) {
-                                LOG.error("Failed to get interface {} from node {}!", portMapping.getSupportingOts(),
-                                        nodeId, ex);
-                                return false;
-                            } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
-                                LOG.error("Failed to get non existing interface {} from node {}!",
-                                    portMapping.getSupportingOts(), nodeId);
-                                return false;
-                            }
-                            if (interfaceOpt.isPresent()) {
-                                if (interfaceOpt.get().augmentation(
-                                        .openroadm.optical.transport.interfaces.rev181019.Interface1.class).getOts()
-                                        .getSpanLossTransmit() != null) {
-                                    spanLossTx = interfaceOpt.get().augmentation(
-                                            .openroadm.optical.transport.interfaces.rev181019.Interface1.class).getOts()
-                                            .getSpanLossTransmit().getValue();
-                          "Spanloss TX is {}", spanLossTx);
-                                } else {
-                                    LOG.error("interface {} has no spanloss value", interfaceOpt.get().getName());
-                                }
-                            } else {
-                                LOG.error("Interface {} on node {} is not present!", portMapping.getSupportingOts(),
-                                    nodeId);
-                                return false;
-                            }
-                        }
+                    if (mappingObjectOptional.isEmpty()) {
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    // TODO can it be return false rather than continue?
+                    // in that case, mappingObjectOptional could be moved inside method getSpanLossTx()
+          "Dest point is Degree {}", mappingObjectOptional.get());
+                    BigDecimal spanLossTx = getSpanLossTx(mappingObjectOptional.get().getSupportingOts(),
+                        destTpId, nodeId, openroadmVersion.getIntValue());
-                        if (spanLossTx == null || spanLossTx.intValue() <= 0 || spanLossTx.intValue() > 28) {
-                            LOG.error(
-                                "Power Value is null: spanLossTx null or out of openROADM range ]0,28] {}", spanLossTx);
+          "Spanloss TX is {}", spanLossTx);
+                    if (spanLossTx == null || spanLossTx.intValue() <= 0 || spanLossTx.intValue() > 28) {
+                        LOG.error("Power Value is null: spanLossTx null or out of openROADM range ]0,28] {}",
+                                spanLossTx);
+                        return false;
+                    }
+                    BigDecimal powerValue = getRdmPowerValue(spanLossTx, input);
+                    try {
+                        if (!crossConnect.setPowerLevel(nodeId, OpticalControlMode.Power.getName(), powerValue,
+                                connectionNumber)) {
+                  "Set Power failed for Roadm-connection: {} on Node: {}",
+                                    connectionNumber, nodeId);
+                            // FIXME shouldn't it be LOG.error
                             return false;
-                        BigDecimal powerValue = spanLossTx.subtract(BigDecimal.valueOf(9));
-                        powerValue = powerValue.min(BigDecimal.valueOf(2));
-                        //we work at constant power spectral density (50 GHz channel width @-20dBm=37.5GHz)
-                        // 87.5 GHz channel width @-20dBm=75GHz
-                        if (input.getWidth() != null && GridConstant.WIDTH_80.equals(input.getWidth().getValue())) {
-                            powerValue = powerValue.add(BigDecimal.valueOf(3));
-                        }
-              "Power Value is {}", powerValue);
-                        try {
-                            Boolean setXconnPowerSuccessVal = crossConnect.setPowerLevel(nodeId,
-                                OpticalControlMode.Power.getName(), powerValue, connectionNumber);
-                  "Success Value is {}", setXconnPowerSuccessVal);
-                            if (setXconnPowerSuccessVal) {
-                      "Roadm-connection: {} updated ", connectionNumber);
-                                Thread.sleep(OlmUtils.OLM_TIMER_2);
-                                crossConnect.setPowerLevel(nodeId, OpticalControlMode.GainLoss.getName(), powerValue,
-                                        connectionNumber);
-                                //TODO make this timer value configurable via OSGi blueprint
-                                // although the value recommended by the white paper is 20 seconds.
-                                // At least one vendor product needs 60 seconds
-                                // because it is not supporting GainLoss with target-output-power.
-                            } else {
-                      "Set Power failed for Roadm-connection: {} on Node: {}", connectionNumber,
-                                        nodeId);
-                                return false;
-                            }
-                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                            LOG.error("Olm-setPower wait failed :", e);
-                            return false;
+              "Roadm-connection: {} updated ", connectionNumber);
+                        Thread.sleep(OlmUtils.OLM_TIMER_2);
+                        // TODO make this timer value configurable via OSGi blueprint
+                        // although the value recommended by the white paper is 20 seconds.
+                        // At least one vendor product needs 60 seconds
+                        // because it is not supporting GainLoss with target-output-power.
+                        if (!crossConnect.setPowerLevel(nodeId, OpticalControlMode.GainLoss.getName(), powerValue,
+                                connectionNumber)) {
+                            LOG.warn("Setting power-control mode off failed for Roadm-connection: {}",
+                                connectionNumber);
+                            // FIXME no return false in that case?
+                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+                        LOG.error("Olm-setPower wait failed :", e);
+                        return false;
-                    // If Drop node leave node is power mode
-                } else if (destTpId.toLowerCase().contains("srg")) {
-          "Setting power at drop node");
-                    crossConnect.setPowerLevel(nodeId, OpticalControlMode.Power.getName(), null, connectionNumber);
-                }
-            } else {
-                LOG.error("OLM-PowerMgmtImpl : Error with node type for node {}", nodeId);
+                    break;
+                default :
+                    LOG.error("OLM-PowerMgmtImpl : Error with node type for node {}", nodeId);
+                    break;
         return true;
+    private Map<String, Double> getTxPowerRangeMap(Nodes inputNode, String destTpId, String nodeId,
+            Integer openroadmVersion) {
+        Optional<Mapping> mappingObject = inputNode.nonnullMapping().values().stream()
+                .filter(o -> o.key().equals(new MappingKey(destTpId))).findFirst();
+        if (mappingObject.isEmpty()) {
+  "Mapping object not found for nodeId: {}", nodeId);
+            // FIXME shouldn't it be LOG.error ?
+            return null;
+            // return null here means return false in setPower()
+            // TODO Align protections with getSRGRxPowerRangeMap
+        }
+        String circuitPackName = mappingObject.get().getSupportingCircuitPackName();
+        String portName = mappingObject.get().getSupportingPort();
+        switch (openroadmVersion) {
+            case 1:
+                return PowerMgmtVersion121.getXponderPowerRange(circuitPackName, portName,
+                    nodeId, deviceTransactionManager);
+            case 2:
+                return PowerMgmtVersion221.getXponderPowerRange(circuitPackName, portName,
+                    nodeId, deviceTransactionManager);
+            case 3:
+                return PowerMgmtVersion710.getXponderPowerRange(circuitPackName, portName,
+                    nodeId, deviceTransactionManager);
+            default:
+                LOG.error("Unrecognized OpenRoadm version");
+                return new HashMap<>();
+                // FIXME shouldn't it lead to a return false in setPower()?
+        }
+    }
+    private Map<String, Double> getSRGRxPowerRangeMap(String srgId, String nodeId, Integer openroadmVersion) {
+        Optional<Nodes> inputNode = OlmUtils.getNode(nodeId, this.db);
+        int rdmOpenroadmVersion =
+                inputNode.isPresent()
+                    ? inputNode.get().getNodeInfo().getOpenroadmVersion().getIntValue()
+                    : openroadmVersion;
+        Optional<Mapping> mappingObject = inputNode
+                .flatMap(node -> node.nonnullMapping().values().stream()
+                    .filter(o -> o.key().equals(new MappingKey(srgId))).findFirst());
+        if (mappingObject.isEmpty()) {
+            return new HashMap<>();
+            // FIXME shouldn't it lead to a return false in setPower() ?
+        }
+        String circuitPackName = mappingObject.get().getSupportingCircuitPackName();
+        String portName = mappingObject.get().getSupportingPort();
+        switch (rdmOpenroadmVersion) {
+            case 1:
+                return PowerMgmtVersion121.getSRGRxPowerRange(nodeId, srgId,
+                        deviceTransactionManager, circuitPackName, portName);
+            case 2:
+                return PowerMgmtVersion221.getSRGRxPowerRange(nodeId, srgId,
+                        deviceTransactionManager, circuitPackName, portName);
+            case 3:
+                return PowerMgmtVersion710.getSRGRxPowerRange(nodeId, srgId,
+                        deviceTransactionManager, circuitPackName, portName);
+            default:
+                LOG.error("Unrecognized OpenRoadm version");
+                return null;
+                //return null here means return false in setPower()
+                // TODO Align protections with getTxPowerRangeMap
+        }
+    }
+    private BigDecimal getSpanLossTx(String supportingOts, String destTpId, String nodeId, Integer openroadmVersion) {
+        try {
+            switch (openroadmVersion) {
+                case 1:
+                    Optional<Interface> interfaceOpt =
+                        this.openRoadmInterfaces.getInterface(nodeId, supportingOts);
+                    if (interfaceOpt.isEmpty()) {
+                        LOG.error(INTERFACE_NOT_PRESENT, supportingOts, nodeId);
+                        return null;
+                    }
+                    if (interfaceOpt.get().augmentation(Interface1.class).getOts()
+                            .getSpanLossTransmit() == null) {
+                        LOG.error("interface {} has no spanloss value", interfaceOpt.get().getName());
+                        return null;
+                    }
+                    return interfaceOpt.get()
+                            .augmentation(Interface1.class)
+                            .getOts().getSpanLossTransmit().getValue();
+                case 2:
+                    Optional<
+                            .interfaces.grp.Interface> interfaceOpt1 =
+                        this.openRoadmInterfaces.getInterface(nodeId, supportingOts);
+                    if (interfaceOpt1.isEmpty()) {
+                        LOG.error(INTERFACE_NOT_PRESENT, supportingOts, nodeId);
+                        return null;
+                    }
+                    if (interfaceOpt1.get().augmentation(
+                            .openroadm.optical.transport.interfaces.rev181019.Interface1.class).getOts()
+                                .getSpanLossTransmit() == null) {
+                        LOG.error("interface {} has no spanloss value", interfaceOpt1.get().getName());
+                        return null;
+                    }
+                    return interfaceOpt1.get()
+                            .augmentation(
+                                .openroadm.optical.transport.interfaces.rev181019.Interface1.class)
+                            .getOts().getSpanLossTransmit().getValue();
+                // TODO no case 3 ?
+                default:
+                    return null;
+            }
+        } catch (OpenRoadmInterfaceException ex) {
+            LOG.error("Failed to get interface {} from node {}!",
+                supportingOts, nodeId, ex);
+            return null;
+        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
+            LOG.error("Failed to get non existing interface {} from node {}!",
+                supportingOts, nodeId);
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
+    private BigDecimal getXpdrPowerValue(Nodes inputNode, String destTpId, String nodeId, Integer openroadmVersion,
+            String srgId, String nextNodeId) {
+        Map<String, Double> txPowerRangeMap = getTxPowerRangeMap(inputNode, destTpId, nodeId, openroadmVersion);
+        if (txPowerRangeMap == null) {
+            return null;
+            // return null here means return false in setPower()
+        }
+        BigDecimal powerVal =
+            openroadmVersion == 3 ? DEFAULT_TPDR_PWR_400G : DEFAULT_TPDR_PWR_100G;
+        if (txPowerRangeMap.isEmpty()) {
+  "Tranponder range not available setting to default power for nodeId: {}", nodeId);
+            return powerVal;
+        }
+        Map<String, Double> rxSRGPowerRangeMap = getSRGRxPowerRangeMap(srgId, nextNodeId, openroadmVersion);
+        if (rxSRGPowerRangeMap == null) {
+            return null;
+            // return null here means return false in setPower()
+            // TODO empty txPowerRangeMap + null rxSRGPowerRangeMap is allowed
+            // => confirm this behavior is OK
+        }
+        if (rxSRGPowerRangeMap.isEmpty()) {
+  "SRG Power Range not found, setting the Transponder range to default");
+            return powerVal;
+        }
+        powerVal = new BigDecimal(txPowerRangeMap.get("MaxTx"))
+            .min(new BigDecimal(rxSRGPowerRangeMap.get("MaxRx")));
+"Calculated Transponder Power value is {}" , powerVal);
+        return powerVal;
+    }
+    private BigDecimal getRdmPowerValue(BigDecimal spanLossTx, ServicePowerSetupInput input) {
+        BigDecimal powerValue = spanLossTx.subtract(BigDecimal.valueOf(9)).min(BigDecimal.valueOf(2));
+        // we work at constant power spectral density (50 GHz channel width @-20dBm=37.5GHz)
+        // 87.5 GHz channel width @-20dBm=75GHz
+        if (input.getWidth() != null) {
+            BigDecimal gridSize = input.getWidth().getValue();
+            LOG.debug("Input Gridsize is {}",gridSize);
+            if (gridSize.equals(GridConstant.WIDTH_80)) {
+                powerValue = powerValue.add(BigDecimal.valueOf(3));
+            }
+            // TODO no default or warning for unsupported grid sizes ?
+        }
+        // FIXME compliancy with OpenROADM MSA and approximations used
+        // cf JIRA ticket
+"Power Value is {}", powerValue);
+        return powerValue;
+    }
      * This methods turns down power a WL by performing
      * following steps:
@@ -385,155 +380,41 @@ public class PowerMgmtImpl implements PowerMgmt {"Olm-powerTurnDown initiated for input {}", input);
         /*Starting with last element into the list Z -> A for
           turning down A -> Z */
-        int lowerSpectralSlotNumber = input.getLowerSpectralSlotNumber().intValue();
-        int higherSpectralSlotNumber = input.getHigherSpectralSlotNumber().intValue();
         String spectralSlotName = String.join(GridConstant.SPECTRAL_SLOT_SEPARATOR,
-                String.valueOf(lowerSpectralSlotNumber),
-                String.valueOf(higherSpectralSlotNumber));
+                input.getLowerSpectralSlotNumber().toString(),
+                input.getHigherSpectralSlotNumber().toString());
         for (int i = input.getNodes().size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
             String nodeId = input.getNodes().get(i).getNodeId();
-            String srcTpId =  input.getNodes().get(i).getSrcTp();
             String destTpId = input.getNodes().get(i).getDestTp();
-            String connectionNumber =  String.join(GridConstant.NAME_PARAMETERS_SEPARATOR,srcTpId, destTpId,
-                    spectralSlotName);
-            if (destTpId.toLowerCase().contains("srg")) {
-                crossConnect.setPowerLevel(nodeId, OpticalControlMode.Off.getName(), null, connectionNumber);
-            } else if (destTpId.toLowerCase().contains("deg")) {
-                try {
+            String connectionNumber =  String.join(GridConstant.NAME_PARAMETERS_SEPARATOR,
+                    input.getNodes().get(i).getSrcTp(), destTpId, spectralSlotName);
+            try {
+                if (destTpId.toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()).contains("DEG")) {
                     if (!crossConnect.setPowerLevel(nodeId, OpticalControlMode.Power.getName(), new BigDecimal(-60),
                             connectionNumber)) {
                         LOG.warn("Power down failed for Roadm-connection: {}", connectionNumber);
                         return false;
-                    if (! crossConnect.setPowerLevel(nodeId, OpticalControlMode.Off.getName(), null,
-                        connectionNumber)) {
+                    if (!crossConnect.setPowerLevel(nodeId, OpticalControlMode.Off.getName(), null, connectionNumber)) {
                         LOG.warn("Setting power-control mode off failed for Roadm-connection: {}", connectionNumber);
                         return false;
-                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-                    LOG.error("Olm-powerTurnDown wait failed: ",e);
-                    return false;
+                } else if (destTpId.toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()).contains("SRG")) {
+                    if (!crossConnect.setPowerLevel(nodeId, OpticalControlMode.Off.getName(), null, connectionNumber)) {
+                        LOG.warn("Setting power-control mode off failed for Roadm-connection: {}", connectionNumber);
+                        // FIXME a return false would allow sync with DEG case but makes current Unit tests fail
+                    }
+            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+                LOG.error("Olm-powerTurnDown wait failed: ",e);
+                return false;
         return true;
-    /*
-     * This method does an edit-config on roadm connection subtree for a given
-     * connection number in order to set power level for use by the optical
-     * power control.
-     *
-     * @param inputNode
-     *            PortMapping network node.
-     * @param destTpId
-     *            Destination termination point.
-     * @param srgId
-     *            SRG Id to which network port is connected to.
-     * @param nextNodeId
-     *            Next roadm connect.
-     * @param waveLength
-     *            WaveLength number part of request
-     * @return true/false based on status of operation.
-     */
-    /*private boolean setTransponderPowerTx(Nodes inputNode, String destTpId, String srgId,
-                                          String nextNodeId, Long waveLength) {
-        Map<String, Double> txPowerRangeMap = null;
-        Map<String, Double> rxSRGPowerRangeMap = null;
-        OpenroadmVersion openroadmVersion;
-        Optional<Mapping> mappingObject = inputNode.getMapping().stream().filter(o -> o.key()
-                .equals(new MappingKey(destTpId))).findFirst();
-        String nodeId = inputNode.getNodeId();
-        if (mappingObject.isPresent()) {
-            String circuitPackName = mappingObject.get().getSupportingCircuitPackName();
-            String portName = mappingObject.get().getSupportingPort();
-            openroadmVersion = inputNode.getNodeInfo().getOpenroadmVersion();
-            if (openroadmVersion.getIntValue() == 1) {
-                txPowerRangeMap = PowerMgmtVersion121.getXponderPowerRange(circuitPackName, portName,
-                        nodeId, deviceTransactionManager);
-            } else if (openroadmVersion.getIntValue() == 2) {
-                txPowerRangeMap = PowerMgmtVersion221.getXponderPowerRange(circuitPackName, portName,
-                        nodeId, deviceTransactionManager);
-            }
-  "Transponder power range is fine");
-            if (!txPowerRangeMap.isEmpty()) {
-      "Transponder power range is not null {}, {}", nextNodeId,srgId);
-                //Transponder range is not empty then check SRG Range
-                Optional<Mapping> mappingObjectSRG = OlmUtils.getNode(nextNodeId, db)
-                        .flatMap(node -> node.getMapping()
-                                .stream().filter(o -> o.key()
-                                        .equals(new MappingKey(srgId))).findFirst());
-                if (mappingObjectSRG.isPresent()) {
-          "Transponder range exists for nodeId: {}", nodeId);
-                    if (openroadmVersion.getIntValue() == 1) {
-                        rxSRGPowerRangeMap = PowerMgmtVersion121.getSRGRxPowerRange(nextNodeId, srgId,
-                                deviceTransactionManager, mappingObjectSRG.get().getSupportingCircuitPackName(),
-                                mappingObjectSRG.get().getSupportingPort());
-                    } else if (openroadmVersion.getIntValue() == 2) {
-                        rxSRGPowerRangeMap = PowerMgmtVersion221.getSRGRxPowerRange(nextNodeId, srgId,
-                                deviceTransactionManager, mappingObjectSRG.get().getSupportingCircuitPackName(),
-                                mappingObjectSRG.get().getSupportingPort());
-                    }
-                }
-                double powerValue = 0;
-                if (!rxSRGPowerRangeMap.isEmpty()) {
-                    LOG.debug("SRG Rx Power range exists for nodeId: {}", nodeId);
-                    if (txPowerRangeMap.get("MaxTx")
-                            <= rxSRGPowerRangeMap.get("MaxRx")) {
-                        powerValue = txPowerRangeMap.get("MaxTx");
-                    } else if (rxSRGPowerRangeMap.get("MaxRx")
-                            < txPowerRangeMap.get("MaxTx")) {
-                        powerValue = rxSRGPowerRangeMap.get("MaxRx");
-                    }
-                    LOG.debug("Calculated Transponder Power value is {}" , powerValue);
-                    String interfaceName = destTpId + "-" + waveLength;
-                    if (callSetTransponderPower(nodeId,interfaceName,new BigDecimal(powerValue),
-                            openroadmVersion)) {
-              "Transponder OCH connection: {} power updated ", interfaceName);
-                        try {
-                  "Now going in sleep mode");
-                            Thread.sleep(90000);
-                            return true;
-                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                  "Transponder warmup failed for OCH connection: {}", interfaceName, e);
-                            return false;
-                        }
-                    } else {
-              "Transponder OCH connection: {} power update failed ", interfaceName);
-                        return false;
-                    }
-                } else {
-          "Transponder Range exists but SRG Power Range not found");
-                    return false;
-                }
-            } else {
-      "Tranponder range not available seting to default power for nodeId: {}", nodeId);
-                String interfaceName = destTpId + "-" + waveLength;
-                if (callSetTransponderPower(nodeId,interfaceName,new BigDecimal(-5),
-                        openroadmVersion)) {
-          "Transponder OCH connection: {} power updated ", interfaceName);
-                    try {
-                        Thread.sleep(OlmUtils.OLM_TIMER_1);
-                        return true;
-                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
-              "Transponder warmup failed for OCH connection: {}", interfaceName, e);
-                        return false;
-                    }
-                } else {
-          "Transponder OCH connection: {} power update failed ", interfaceName);
-                    return false;
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-  "Mapping object not found for nodeId: {}", nodeId);
-            return false;
-        }
-    }*/
      * This method retrieves transponder OCH interface and
      * sets power.
@@ -550,36 +431,37 @@ public class PowerMgmtImpl implements PowerMgmt {
     private boolean callSetTransponderPower(String nodeId, String interfaceName, BigDecimal txPower,
                                             OpenroadmNodeVersion openroadmVersion) {
         boolean powerSetupResult = false;
         try {
             switch (openroadmVersion.getIntValue()) {
                 case 1:
-                    Optional<Interface> interfaceOptional121;
-                    interfaceOptional121 = openRoadmInterfaces.getInterface(nodeId, interfaceName);
-                    if (!interfaceOptional121.isPresent()) {
-                        LOG.error("Interface {} on node {} is not present!", interfaceName, nodeId);
+                    Optional<Interface> interfaceOptional121 =
+                        openRoadmInterfaces.getInterface(nodeId, interfaceName);
+                    if (interfaceOptional121.isEmpty()) {
+                        LOG.error(INTERFACE_NOT_PRESENT, interfaceName, nodeId);
                         return false;
                     powerSetupResult = PowerMgmtVersion121.setTransponderPower(nodeId, interfaceName,
-                                txPower, deviceTransactionManager, interfaceOptional121.get());
+                            txPower, deviceTransactionManager, interfaceOptional121.get());
                 case 2:
-                            .Interface> interfaceOptional221;
-                    interfaceOptional221 = openRoadmInterfaces.getInterface(nodeId, interfaceName);
-                    if (!interfaceOptional221.isPresent()) {
-                        LOG.error("Interface {} on node {} is not present!", interfaceName, nodeId);
+                            .Interface> interfaceOptional221 =
+                        openRoadmInterfaces.getInterface(nodeId, interfaceName);
+                    if (interfaceOptional221.isEmpty()) {
+                        LOG.error(INTERFACE_NOT_PRESENT, interfaceName, nodeId);
                         return false;
                     powerSetupResult = PowerMgmtVersion221.setTransponderPower(nodeId, interfaceName,
-                                txPower, deviceTransactionManager, interfaceOptional221.get());
+                            txPower, deviceTransactionManager, interfaceOptional221.get());
                 case 3:
-                            .Interface> interfaceOptional710;
-                    interfaceOptional710 = openRoadmInterfaces.getInterface(nodeId, interfaceName);
-                    if (!interfaceOptional710.isPresent()) {
-                        LOG.error("Interface {} on node {} is not present!", interfaceName, nodeId);
+                            .Interface> interfaceOptional710 =
+                        openRoadmInterfaces.getInterface(nodeId, interfaceName);
+                    if (interfaceOptional710.isEmpty()) {
+                        LOG.error(INTERFACE_NOT_PRESENT, interfaceName, nodeId);
                         return false;
                     powerSetupResult = PowerMgmtVersion710.setTransponderPower(nodeId, interfaceName,
@@ -593,98 +475,14 @@ public class PowerMgmtImpl implements PowerMgmt {
             LOG.error("Failed to get interface {} from node {}!", interfaceName, nodeId, ex);
             return false;
-        if (powerSetupResult) {
-            LOG.debug("Transponder power set up completed successfully for nodeId {} and interface {}",
-                    nodeId,interfaceName);
-        } else {
+        if (!powerSetupResult) {
             LOG.debug("Transponder power setup failed for nodeId {} on interface {}",
                     nodeId, interfaceName);
-        }
-        return powerSetupResult;
-    }
-    /*
-     * This method retrieves transponder OCH interface and
-     * sets power.
-     *
-     * @param nodeId
-     *            Unique identifier for the mounted netconf- node
-     * @param interfaceName
-     *            OCH interface name carrying WL
-     * @param openroadmVersion
-     *            Version of openRoadm device software
-     * @param wavelength
-     *            Wavelength Number    *
-     * @return true/false based on status of operation
-     */
-    /*private boolean callSetRoadmPowerTx(String nodeId, String interfaceName,
-                                        OpenroadmVersion openroadmVersion,
-                                        Long wavelength, String connectionNumber) {
-        if (interfaceName == null) {
-            crossConnect.setPowerLevel(nodeId,
-                    OpticalControlMode.Power , null,connectionNumber);
-            return true;
-        }
-        try {
-            if (openroadmVersion.getIntValue() == 1) {
-                Optional<Interface> interfaceOpt;
-                interfaceOpt = openRoadmInterfaces.getInterface(nodeId, interfaceName);
-                if (interfaceOpt.isPresent()) {
-                    BigDecimal spanLossTx = interfaceOpt.get().augmentation(Interface1.class).getOts()
-                            .getSpanLossTransmit().getValue();
-                    LOG.debug("Spanloss TX is {}", spanLossTx);
-                    BigDecimal powerValue = BigDecimal.valueOf(Math.min(spanLossTx.doubleValue() - 9, 2));
-                    LOG.debug("Power Value is {}", powerValue);
-                    Boolean setXconnPowerSuccessVal = crossConnect.setPowerLevel(nodeId,
-                            OpticalControlMode.Power, powerValue,connectionNumber);
-                    if (setXconnPowerSuccessVal) {
-              "Roadm-connection: {} updated ");
-                        //TODO - commented code because one vendor is not supporting
-                        //GainLoss with target-output-power
-                        Thread.sleep(OlmUtils.OLM_TIMER_2);
-                        crossConnect.setPowerLevel(nodeId,
-                                OpticalControlMode.GainLoss, powerValue,connectionNumber);
-                        return true;
-                    } else {
-              "Set Power failed for Roadm-connection: {} on Node: {}", connectionNumber, nodeId);
-                        return false;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    LOG.error("Interface {} on node {} is not present!", interfaceName, nodeId);
-                    return false;
-                }
-            } else if (openroadmVersion.getIntValue() == 2) {
-                Optional<
-                        .grp.Interface> interfaceOpt;
-                interfaceOpt = openRoadmInterfaces.getInterface(nodeId, interfaceName);
-                if (interfaceOpt.isPresent()) {
-                    BigDecimal spanLossTx = interfaceOpt.get().augmentation(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.http
-                            .org.openroadm.optical.transport.interfaces.rev181019.Interface1.class).getOts()
-                            .getSpanLossTransmit().getValue();
-                    LOG.debug("Spanloss TX is {}", spanLossTx);
-                    BigDecimal powerValue = BigDecimal.valueOf(Math.min(spanLossTx.doubleValue() - 9, 2));
-                    LOG.debug("Power Value is {}", powerValue);
-                    Boolean setXconnPowerSuccessVal = crossConnect.setPowerLevel(nodeId,
-                            OpticalControlMode.Power, powerValue,connectionNumber);
-                    if (setXconnPowerSuccessVal) {
-              "Roadm-connection: {} updated ");
-                        //TODO - commented code because one vendor is not supporting
-                        //GainLoss with target-output-power
-                        Thread.sleep(OlmUtils.OLM_TIMER_2);
-                        crossConnect.setPowerLevel(nodeId,
-                                OpticalControlMode.GainLoss, powerValue,connectionNumber);
-                        return true;
-                    } else {
-              "Set Power failed for Roadm-connection: {} on Node: {}", connectionNumber, nodeId);
-                        return false;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        } catch (OpenRoadmInterfaceException | InterruptedException ex) {
-            LOG.error("Error during power setup on Roadm nodeId: {} for connection: {}", nodeId, connectionNumber, ex);
             return false;
-        return false;
-    }*/
+        LOG.debug("Transponder power set up completed successfully for nodeId {} and interface {}",
+                nodeId,interfaceName);
+        return true;
+    }
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..b261d95
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+set -e
+cd $(dirname $0)
+#install maven and JDK11 on the Gate since they are not there by default
+which mvn >/dev/null || ./
+cd ../
+#patch OLM constant to speed up tests, unnecessary for PCE tests
+sed -i'_' 's@=.*//#FUNCTESTVAL=@=@g' olm/src/main/java/org/opendaylight/transportpce/olm/util/
+if [ "$USE_LIGHTY" != "True" ]; then
+    for suffix in 121 221 71; do
+        rm -rf "karaf$suffix"
+        cp -r karaf "karaf$suffix"
+    done
+#build controller, source JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS to remove illegal reflective acces warnings introduced by Java11
+. "$current_dir"/
+mvn clean install -B -q -s tests/odl_settings.xml -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dodlparent.spotbugs.skip -Dodlparent.checkstyle.skip
+mv  olm/src/main/java/org/opendaylight/transportpce/olm/util/OlmUtils.java_  olm/src/main/java/org/opendaylight/transportpce/olm/util/
+#patch Karaf exec for the same reason at runtime and also to have the possibility to use alternative ports
+#build Lighty if needed
+if [ "$USE_LIGHTY" = "True" ]; then
+    cd lighty
+    ./
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 298c8cb3f6895ae4d457af29680e7fc697b7cd1f..82315a4a68cd72fb75b378a45024856f5caf3114 100644 (file)
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -23,21 +23,9 @@ changedir = {toxinidir}/tests
 parallel_show_output = true
-whitelist_externals = sh
-                      sudo
+whitelist_externals =
 commands =
-#install maven and JDK11 on the Gate since they are not there by default
-  sh -c "which mvn >/dev/null || ./"
-#patch OLM constant to speed up tests, unnecessary for PCE tests
-  sh -c "sed -i'_' 's@=.*//#FUNCTESTVAL=@=@g' ../olm/src/main/java/org/opendaylight/transportpce/olm/util/"
-  sh -c 'if [ "$USE_LIGHTY" != "True" ]; then (cd ../; for suffix in 121 221 71; do rm -rf "karaf$suffix"; cp -r karaf "karaf$suffix";done) ; fi'
-#build controller, source JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS to remove illegal reflective acces warnings introduced by Java11
-  sh -c ". $PWD/ && cd .. && mvn clean install -B -q -s tests/odl_settings.xml -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dodlparent.spotbugs.skip -Dodlparent.checkstyle.skip"
-  sh -c "mv  ../olm/src/main/java/org/opendaylight/transportpce/olm/util/OlmUtils.java_  ../olm/src/main/java/org/opendaylight/transportpce/olm/util/"
-#patch Karaf exec for the same reason at runtime and also to have the possibility to use alternative ports
-  sh -c "../karaf/target/assembly/ressources/"
-#build Lighty if needed
-  sh -c 'if [ "$USE_LIGHTY" = "True" ]; then (cd ../lighty && ./; fi'
+  ./
 whitelist_externals =