--- /dev/null
+ Utility library for configuring NETCONF topology node to connect to network elements. This operates
+ on the legacy network-topology model, with topology-id="topology-netconf".
+from logging import debug, info
+from requests import get, patch
+from sys import argv
+from time import sleep, time
+from uuid import uuid4
+def configure_device_range(
+ restconf_url,
+ device_name_prefix,
+ device_ipaddress,
+ device_port,
+ device_count,
+ first_device_id=1,
+ """Generate device_count names in format "$device_name_prefix-$i" and configure them into NETCONF topology at specified RESTCONF URL.
+ For example:
+ configure_device_range("", "example", "", 1730, 5)
+ would configure devices "example-0" through "example-4" to connect to
+ configure_device_range("", "example", "", 1720, 5, 5)
+ would configure devices "example-5" through "example-9" to connect to
+ This method assumes RFC8040 with RFC7952 encoding and support for RFC8072 (YANG patch). Payload it generates looks roughly like this:
+ {
+ "ietf-yang-patch:yang-patch" : {
+ "patch-id" : "test"
+ "edit" : [
+ {
+ "edit-id" : "test-edit",
+ "operation" : "replace",
+ "target" : "/node=test-node",
+ "value" : {
+ "node" : [
+ {
+ "node-id" : "test-node"
+ "netconf-node-topology:host" : "",
+ "netconf-node-topology:port" : 17830,
+ "netconf-node-topology:username" : "admin",
+ "netconf-node-topology:password" : "topsecret",
+ "netconf-node-topology:keepalive-delay" : 0,
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ info(
+ "Configure %s devices starting from %s (at %s:%s)",
+ device_count,
+ first_device_id,
+ device_ipaddress,
+ device_port,
+ )
+ device_names = []
+ edits = []
+ for i in range(first_device_id, first_device_id + device_count):
+ name = "{}-{}".format(device_name_prefix, i)
+ device_names.append(name)
+ edits.append(
+ """
+ {
+ "edit-id" : "node-%s",
+ "operation" : "replace",
+ "target" : "/network-topology:node[network-topology:node-id='%s']",
+ "value" : {
+ "node" : [
+ {
+ "node-id" : "%s",
+ "netconf-node-topology:host" : "%s",
+ "netconf-node-topology:port" : %s,
+ "netconf-node-topology:username" : "admin",
+ "netconf-node-topology:password" : "topsecret",
+ "netconf-node-topology:tcp-only" : false,
+ "netconf-node-topology:keepalive-delay" : 0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ % (name, name, name, device_ipaddress, device_port)
+ )
+ data = """
+ {
+ "ietf-yang-patch:yang-patch" : {
+ "patch-id" : "csit-%s",
+ "edit" : [
+ """ % str(
+ uuid4()
+ )
+ # TODO: I bet there is a fancier way to write this
+ it = iter(edits)
+ cur = next(it)
+ while True:
+ data = data + cur
+ nxt = next(it, None)
+ if nxt is None:
+ break
+ data += ", "
+ cur = nxt
+ data += """]
+ }
+ }"""
+ resp = patch(
+ url=restconf_url
+ + """/data/network-topology:network-topology/topology=topology-netconf""",
+ headers={
+ "Content-Type": "application/yang-patch+json",
+ "Accept": "application/yang-data+json",
+ "User-Agent": "csit agent",
+ },
+ data=data,
+ # FIXME: do not hard-code credentials here
+ auth=("admin", "admin"),
+ )
+ resp.raise_for_status()
+ status = resp.json()
+ # FIXME: validate response
+ # {
+ # "ietf-yang-patch:yang-patch-status" : {
+ # "patch-id" : "add-songs-patch-2",
+ # "ok" : [null]
+ # }
+ # }
+ # {
+ # "ietf-yang-patch:yang-patch-status" : {
+ # "patch-id" : "add-songs-patch",
+ # "edit-status" : {
+ # "edit" : [
+ # {
+ # "edit-id" : "edit1",
+ # "errors" : {
+ # "error" : [
+ # {
+ # "error-type": "application",
+ # "error-tag": "data-exists",
+ # "error-path": "/example-jukebox:jukebox/library\
+ # /artist[name='Foo Fighters']\
+ # /album[name='Wasting Light']\
+ # /song[name='Bridge Burning']",
+ # "error-message":
+ # "Data already exists; cannot be created"
+ # }
+ # ]
+ # }
+ # }
+ # ]
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
+ return device_names
+def await_devices_connected(restconf_url, device_names, deadline_seconds):
+ """Await all specified devices to become connected in NETCONF topology at specified RESTCONF URL."""
+ info("Awaiting connection of %s", device_names)
+ deadline = time() + deadline_seconds
+ names = set(device_names)
+ connected = set()
+ while time() < deadline:
+ resp = get(
+ url=restconf_url
+ + """/data/network-topology:network-topology/topology=topology-netconf?content=nonconfig""",
+ headers={"Accept": "application/yang-data+json"},
+ # FIXME: do not hard-code credentials here
+ auth=("admin", "admin"),
+ )
+ # FIXME: also check for 409 might be okay?
+ resp.raise_for_status()
+ if "node" not in resp.json()["network-topology:topology"][0]:
+ sleep(1)
+ continue
+ # Check all reported nodes
+ for node in resp.json()["network-topology:topology"][0]["node"]:
+ name = node["node-id"]
+ status = node["netconf-node-topology:connection-status"]
+ debug("Evaluating %s status %s", name, status)
+ if name in names:
+ if status == "connected":
+ if name not in connected:
+ debug("Device %s connected", name)
+ connected.add(name)
+ elif name in connected:
+ # also remove from connected in case we switched from
+ # connected on a device from previous iteration
+ connected.remove(name)
+ if len(connected) == len(names):
+ return
+ sleep(1)
+ raise Exception("Timed out waiting for %s to connect" % names.difference(connected))
+def main(args):
+ # FIXME: add proper option parsing
+ if args[0] == "configure":
+ names = configure_device_range(
+ restconf_url="",
+ device_name_prefix="example",
+ device_ipaddress="",
+ device_port=17830,
+ device_count=int(args[1]),
+ )
+ print(names)
+ elif args[0] == "await":
+ await_devices_connected(
+ restconf_url="",
+ deadline_seconds=5,
+ device_names=args[1:],
+ )
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Unhandled argument %s" % args[0])
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # i.e. main does not depend on name of the binary
+ main(argv[1:])
Library Collections
Library String
Library SSHLibrary timeout=1000s
+Library ../../../libraries/TopologyNetconfNodes.py
Resource ../../../libraries/KarafKeywords.robot
Resource ../../../libraries/NetconfKeywords.robot
Resource ../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot
${INSTALL_TESTTOOL} = Set Variable If '${IS_KARAF_APPL}' == 'False' False True
${SCHEMAS} = Set Variable If '${IS_KARAF_APPL}' == 'False' ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/netconf/CRUD/schemas ${schema_dir}
+ ${restconf_url} = BuiltIn.Set_Variable http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT}/rests
+ ${device_names} = BuiltIn.Set_Variable []
FOR ${devices} IN RANGE ${start} ${stop+1} ${increment}
${timeout} = BuiltIn.Evaluate ${devices}*${TIMEOUT_FACTOR}
${timeout} = Set Variable If ${timeout} > ${MIN_CONNECT_TIMEOUT} ${timeout} ${MIN_CONNECT_TIMEOUT}
Log To Console Starting Iteration with ${devices} devices
Run Keyword If "${INSTALL_TESTTOOL}"=="True" NetconfKeywords.Install_And_Start_Testtool debug=false schemas=${schema_dir} device-count=${devices} log_response=False
... ELSE NetconfKeywords.Start_Testtool ${TESTTOOL_EXECUTABLE} debug=false schemas=${SCHEMAS} device-count=${devices} log_response=False
- ${status} ${result} = Run Keyword And Ignore Error NetconfKeywords.Perform_Operation_On_Each_Device NetconfKeywords.Configure_Device timeout=${timeout}
- Exit For Loop If '${status}' == 'FAIL'
- ${status} ${result} = Run Keyword And Ignore Error NetconfKeywords.Perform_Operation_On_Each_Device NetconfKeywords.Wait_Connected timeout=${timeout} log_response=False
- Exit For Loop If '${status}' == 'FAIL'
+ ${devices_to_configure} = BuiltIn.Evaluate ${devices} - len(${device_names})
+ ${first_id} = BuiltIn.Evaluate len(${device_names}) + 1
+ ${device_names} = TopologyNetconfNodes.Configure Device Range restconf_url=${restconf_url} device_name_prefix=${DEVICE_NAME_BASE}
+ ... device_ipaddress=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} device_port=17830 device_count=${devices_to_configure} first_device_id=${first_id}
+ TopologyNetconfNodes.Await Devices Connected restconf_url=${restconf_url} device_names=${device_names} deadline_seconds=${timeout}
${status} ${result} = Run Keyword And Ignore Error Issue_Requests_On_Devices ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${devices} ${NUM_WORKERS}
Exit For Loop If '${status}' == 'FAIL'
- ${status} ${result} = Run Keyword And Ignore Error NetconfKeywords.Perform_Operation_On_Each_Device NetconfKeywords.Wait_Connected timeout=${timeout} log_response=False
- Exit For Loop If '${status}' == 'FAIL'
- ${status} ${result} = Run Keyword And Ignore Error NetconfKeywords.Perform_Operation_On_Each_Device NetconfKeywords.Deconfigure_Device timeout=${timeout} log_response=False
- Exit For Loop If '${status}' == 'FAIL'
- ${status} ${result} = Run Keyword And Ignore Error NetconfKeywords.Perform_Operation_On_Each_Device Check_Device_Deconfigured timeout=${timeout} log_response=False
- Exit For Loop If '${status}' == 'FAIL'
${maximum_devices} = Set Variable ${devices}