Remove unused protobuff messages
authorTom Pantelis <>
Sat, 23 Jan 2016 05:05:24 +0000 (00:05 -0500)
committerGerrit Code Review <>
Mon, 1 Feb 2016 19:20:41 +0000 (19:20 +0000)
Removed the following unused protobuff messages:


Change-Id: I245068fe7c9ead9ea70d9983e73984067c7655da
Signed-off-by: Tom Pantelis <>
java/org/opendaylight/controller/protobuff/messages/cluster/example/ [deleted file]
java/org/opendaylight/controller/protobuff/messages/cluster/raft/test/ [deleted file]
java/org/opendaylight/controller/protobuff/messages/common/ [deleted file]
java/org/opendaylight/controller/protobuff/messages/shard/ [deleted file]
resources/KeyValueMessages.proto [deleted file]
resources/MockPayload.proto [deleted file]
resources/ShardManager.proto [deleted file]
resources/SimpleNormalizedNode.proto [deleted file]

diff --git a/java/org/opendaylight/controller/protobuff/messages/cluster/example/ b/java/org/opendaylight/controller/protobuff/messages/cluster/example/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5410840..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
-// source: KeyValueMessages.proto
-package org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.cluster.example;
-public final class KeyValueMessages {
-  private KeyValueMessages() {}
-  public static void registerAllExtensions(
- registry) {
-    registry.add(org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.cluster.example.KeyValueMessages.key);
-    registry.add(org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.cluster.example.KeyValueMessages.value);
-  }
-  public static final int KEY_FIELD_NUMBER = 2;
-  /**
-   * <code>extend .org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.AppendEntries.ReplicatedLogEntry.Payload { ... }</code>
-   */
-  public static final
-      org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.cluster.raft.AppendEntriesMessages.AppendEntries.ReplicatedLogEntry.Payload,
-      java.lang.String> key =
-          .newFileScopedGeneratedExtension(
-        java.lang.String.class,
-        null);
-  public static final int VALUE_FIELD_NUMBER = 3;
-  /**
-   * <code>extend .org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.AppendEntries.ReplicatedLogEntry.Payload { ... }</code>
-   */
-  public static final
-      org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.cluster.raft.AppendEntriesMessages.AppendEntries.ReplicatedLogEntry.Payload,
-      java.lang.String> value =
-          .newFileScopedGeneratedExtension(
-        java.lang.String.class,
-        null);
-  public static
-      getDescriptor() {
-    return descriptor;
-  }
-  private static
-      descriptor;
-  static {
-    java.lang.String[] descriptorData = {
-      "\n\026KeyValueMessages.proto\022(org.opendaylig" +
-      "ht.controller.cluster.raft\032\033AppendEntrie" +
-      "sMessages.proto:_\n\003key\" +
-      "t.controller.cluster.raft.AppendEntries." +
-      "ReplicatedLogEntry.Payload\030\002 \001(\t:a\n\005valu" +
-      "e\" +
-      "raft.AppendEntries.ReplicatedLogEntry.Pa" +
-      "yload\030\003 \001(\tBT\n>org.opendaylight.controll" +
-      "er.protobuff.messages.cluster.exampleB\020K" +
-      "eyValueMessagesH\001"
-    };
- assigner =
-      new {
-        public assignDescriptors(
-   root) {
-          descriptor = root;
-          key.internalInit(descriptor.getExtensions().get(0));
-          value.internalInit(descriptor.getExtensions().get(1));
-          return null;
-        }
-      };
-      .internalBuildGeneratedFileFrom(descriptorData,
-        new[] {
-          org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.cluster.raft.AppendEntriesMessages.getDescriptor(),
-        }, assigner);
-  }
-  // @@protoc_insertion_point(outer_class_scope)
diff --git a/java/org/opendaylight/controller/protobuff/messages/cluster/raft/test/ b/java/org/opendaylight/controller/protobuff/messages/cluster/raft/test/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 76ae4a8..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
-// source: MockPayload.proto
-package org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.cluster.raft.test;
-public final class MockPayloadMessages {
-  private MockPayloadMessages() {}
-  public static void registerAllExtensions(
- registry) {
-    registry.add(org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.cluster.raft.test.MockPayloadMessages.value);
-  }
-  public static final int VALUE_FIELD_NUMBER = 2;
-  /**
-   * <code>extend .org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.AppendEntries.ReplicatedLogEntry.Payload { ... }</code>
-   */
-  public static final
-      org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.cluster.raft.AppendEntriesMessages.AppendEntries.ReplicatedLogEntry.Payload,
-      java.lang.String> value =
-          .newFileScopedGeneratedExtension(
-        java.lang.String.class,
-        null);
-  public static
-      getDescriptor() {
-    return descriptor;
-  }
-  private static
-      descriptor;
-  static {
-    java.lang.String[] descriptorData = {
-      "\n\021MockPayload.proto\" +
-      "ntroller.cluster.raft.test\032\033AppendEntrie" +
-      "sMessages.proto:a\n\005value\" +
-      "ght.controller.cluster.raft.AppendEntrie" +
-      "s.ReplicatedLogEntry.Payload\030\002 \001(\tBW\n@or" +
-      "g.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.mess" +
-      "ages.cluster.raft.testB\023MockPayloadMessa" +
-      "ges"
-    };
- assigner =
-      new {
-        public assignDescriptors(
-   root) {
-          descriptor = root;
-          value.internalInit(descriptor.getExtensions().get(0));
-          return null;
-        }
-      };
-      .internalBuildGeneratedFileFrom(descriptorData,
-        new[] {
-          org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.cluster.raft.AppendEntriesMessages.getDescriptor(),
-        }, assigner);
-  }
-  // @@protoc_insertion_point(outer_class_scope)
diff --git a/java/org/opendaylight/controller/protobuff/messages/common/ b/java/org/opendaylight/controller/protobuff/messages/common/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 67ab472..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,696 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
-// source: SimpleNormalizedNode.proto
-package org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common;
-public final class SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage {
-  private SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage() {}
-  public static void registerAllExtensions(
- registry) {
-  }
-  public interface NormalizedNodeXmlOrBuilder
-      extends {
-    // required string nodeIdentifier = 1;
-    /**
-     * <code>required string nodeIdentifier = 1;</code>
-     */
-    boolean hasNodeIdentifier();
-    /**
-     * <code>required string nodeIdentifier = 1;</code>
-     */
-    java.lang.String getNodeIdentifier();
-    /**
-     * <code>required string nodeIdentifier = 1;</code>
-     */
-        getNodeIdentifierBytes();
-    // required string xmlString = 2;
-    /**
-     * <code>required string xmlString = 2;</code>
-     */
-    boolean hasXmlString();
-    /**
-     * <code>required string xmlString = 2;</code>
-     */
-    java.lang.String getXmlString();
-    /**
-     * <code>required string xmlString = 2;</code>
-     */
-        getXmlStringBytes();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Protobuf type {@code org.opendaylight.controller.mdsal.NormalizedNodeXml}
-   */
-  public static final class NormalizedNodeXml extends
-      implements NormalizedNodeXmlOrBuilder {
-    // Use NormalizedNodeXml.newBuilder() to construct.
-    private NormalizedNodeXml(<?> builder) {
-      super(builder);
-      this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields();
-    }
-    private NormalizedNodeXml(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; }
-    private static final NormalizedNodeXml defaultInstance;
-    public static NormalizedNodeXml getDefaultInstance() {
-      return defaultInstance;
-    }
-    public NormalizedNodeXml getDefaultInstanceForType() {
-      return defaultInstance;
-    }
-    private final unknownFields;
-    @java.lang.Override
-    public final
-        getUnknownFields() {
-      return this.unknownFields;
-    }
-    private NormalizedNodeXml(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      initFields();
-      int mutable_bitField0_ = 0;
- unknownFields =
-      try {
-        boolean done = false;
-        while (!done) {
-          int tag = input.readTag();
-          switch (tag) {
-            case 0:
-              done = true;
-              break;
-            default: {
-              if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields,
-                                     extensionRegistry, tag)) {
-                done = true;
-              }
-              break;
-            }
-            case 10: {
-              bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
-              nodeIdentifier_ = input.readBytes();
-              break;
-            }
-            case 18: {
-              bitField0_ |= 0x00000002;
-              xmlString_ = input.readBytes();
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      } catch ( e) {
-        throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this);
-      } catch ( e) {
-        throw new
-            e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this);
-      } finally {
-        this.unknownFields =;
-        makeExtensionsImmutable();
-      }
-    }
-    public static final
-        getDescriptor() {
-      return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_NormalizedNodeXml_descriptor;
-    }
-    protected
-        internalGetFieldAccessorTable() {
-      return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_NormalizedNodeXml_fieldAccessorTable
-          .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized(
-              org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml.class, org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml.Builder.class);
-    }
-    public static<NormalizedNodeXml> PARSER =
-        new<NormalizedNodeXml>() {
-      public NormalizedNodeXml parsePartialFrom(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-          throws {
-        return new NormalizedNodeXml(input, extensionRegistry);
-      }
-    };
-    @java.lang.Override
-    public<NormalizedNodeXml> getParserForType() {
-      return PARSER;
-    }
-    private int bitField0_;
-    // required string nodeIdentifier = 1;
-    public static final int NODEIDENTIFIER_FIELD_NUMBER = 1;
-    private java.lang.Object nodeIdentifier_;
-    /**
-     * <code>required string nodeIdentifier = 1;</code>
-     */
-    public boolean hasNodeIdentifier() {
-      return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001);
-    }
-    /**
-     * <code>required string nodeIdentifier = 1;</code>
-     */
-    public java.lang.String getNodeIdentifier() {
-      java.lang.Object ref = nodeIdentifier_;
-      if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) {
-        return (java.lang.String) ref;
-      } else {
- bs =
-            ( ref;
-        java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8();
-        if (bs.isValidUtf8()) {
-          nodeIdentifier_ = s;
-        }
-        return s;
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * <code>required string nodeIdentifier = 1;</code>
-     */
-    public
-        getNodeIdentifierBytes() {
-      java.lang.Object ref = nodeIdentifier_;
-      if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) {
- b =
-                (java.lang.String) ref);
-        nodeIdentifier_ = b;
-        return b;
-      } else {
-        return ( ref;
-      }
-    }
-    // required string xmlString = 2;
-    public static final int XMLSTRING_FIELD_NUMBER = 2;
-    private java.lang.Object xmlString_;
-    /**
-     * <code>required string xmlString = 2;</code>
-     */
-    public boolean hasXmlString() {
-      return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002);
-    }
-    /**
-     * <code>required string xmlString = 2;</code>
-     */
-    public java.lang.String getXmlString() {
-      java.lang.Object ref = xmlString_;
-      if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) {
-        return (java.lang.String) ref;
-      } else {
- bs =
-            ( ref;
-        java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8();
-        if (bs.isValidUtf8()) {
-          xmlString_ = s;
-        }
-        return s;
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * <code>required string xmlString = 2;</code>
-     */
-    public
-        getXmlStringBytes() {
-      java.lang.Object ref = xmlString_;
-      if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) {
- b =
-                (java.lang.String) ref);
-        xmlString_ = b;
-        return b;
-      } else {
-        return ( ref;
-      }
-    }
-    private void initFields() {
-      nodeIdentifier_ = "";
-      xmlString_ = "";
-    }
-    private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1;
-    public final boolean isInitialized() {
-      byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized;
-      if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1;
-      if (!hasNodeIdentifier()) {
-        memoizedIsInitialized = 0;
-        return false;
-      }
-      if (!hasXmlString()) {
-        memoizedIsInitialized = 0;
-        return false;
-      }
-      memoizedIsInitialized = 1;
-      return true;
-    }
-    public void writeTo( output)
-                        throws {
-      getSerializedSize();
-      if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) {
-        output.writeBytes(1, getNodeIdentifierBytes());
-      }
-      if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) {
-        output.writeBytes(2, getXmlStringBytes());
-      }
-      getUnknownFields().writeTo(output);
-    }
-    private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
-    public int getSerializedSize() {
-      int size = memoizedSerializedSize;
-      if (size != -1) return size;
-      size = 0;
-      if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) {
-        size +=
-          .computeBytesSize(1, getNodeIdentifierBytes());
-      }
-      if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) {
-        size +=
-          .computeBytesSize(2, getXmlStringBytes());
-      }
-      size += getUnknownFields().getSerializedSize();
-      memoizedSerializedSize = size;
-      return size;
-    }
-    private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
-    @java.lang.Override
-    protected java.lang.Object writeReplace()
-        throws {
-      return super.writeReplace();
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml parseFrom(
- data)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(data);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml parseFrom(
- data,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml parseFrom(byte[] data)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(data);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml parseFrom(
-        byte[] data,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml parseFrom( input)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(input);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml parseFrom(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml parseDelimitedFrom( input)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml parseDelimitedFrom(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml parseFrom(
- input)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(input);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml parseFrom(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry);
-    }
-    public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); }
-    public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); }
-    public static Builder newBuilder(org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml prototype) {
-      return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype);
-    }
-    public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); }
-    @java.lang.Override
-    protected Builder newBuilderForType(
- parent) {
-      Builder builder = new Builder(parent);
-      return builder;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Protobuf type {@code org.opendaylight.controller.mdsal.NormalizedNodeXml}
-     */
-    public static final class Builder extends
-       implements org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXmlOrBuilder {
-      public static final
-          getDescriptor() {
-        return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_NormalizedNodeXml_descriptor;
-      }
-      protected
-          internalGetFieldAccessorTable() {
-        return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_NormalizedNodeXml_fieldAccessorTable
-            .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized(
-                org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml.class, org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml.Builder.class);
-      }
-      // Construct using org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml.newBuilder()
-      private Builder() {
-        maybeForceBuilderInitialization();
-      }
-      private Builder(
- parent) {
-        super(parent);
-        maybeForceBuilderInitialization();
-      }
-      private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() {
-        if ( {
-        }
-      }
-      private static Builder create() {
-        return new Builder();
-      }
-      public Builder clear() {
-        super.clear();
-        nodeIdentifier_ = "";
-        bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001);
-        xmlString_ = "";
-        bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002);
-        return this;
-      }
-      public Builder clone() {
-        return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial());
-      }
-      public
-          getDescriptorForType() {
-        return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_NormalizedNodeXml_descriptor;
-      }
-      public org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml getDefaultInstanceForType() {
-        return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml.getDefaultInstance();
-      }
-      public org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml build() {
-        org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml result = buildPartial();
-        if (!result.isInitialized()) {
-          throw newUninitializedMessageException(result);
-        }
-        return result;
-      }
-      public org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml buildPartial() {
-        org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml result = new org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml(this);
-        int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_;
-        int to_bitField0_ = 0;
-        if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) {
-          to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
-        }
-        result.nodeIdentifier_ = nodeIdentifier_;
-        if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002)) {
-          to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000002;
-        }
-        result.xmlString_ = xmlString_;
-        result.bitField0_ = to_bitField0_;
-        onBuilt();
-        return result;
-      }
-      public Builder mergeFrom( other) {
-        if (other instanceof org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml) {
-          return mergeFrom((org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml)other);
-        } else {
-          super.mergeFrom(other);
-          return this;
-        }
-      }
-      public Builder mergeFrom(org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml other) {
-        if (other == org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml.getDefaultInstance()) return this;
-        if (other.hasNodeIdentifier()) {
-          bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
-          nodeIdentifier_ = other.nodeIdentifier_;
-          onChanged();
-        }
-        if (other.hasXmlString()) {
-          bitField0_ |= 0x00000002;
-          xmlString_ = other.xmlString_;
-          onChanged();
-        }
-        this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields());
-        return this;
-      }
-      public final boolean isInitialized() {
-        if (!hasNodeIdentifier()) {
-          return false;
-        }
-        if (!hasXmlString()) {
-          return false;
-        }
-        return true;
-      }
-      public Builder mergeFrom(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-          throws {
-        org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml parsedMessage = null;
-        try {
-          parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry);
-        } catch ( e) {
-          parsedMessage = (org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common.SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage.NormalizedNodeXml) e.getUnfinishedMessage();
-          throw e;
-        } finally {
-          if (parsedMessage != null) {
-            mergeFrom(parsedMessage);
-          }
-        }
-        return this;
-      }
-      private int bitField0_;
-      // required string nodeIdentifier = 1;
-      private java.lang.Object nodeIdentifier_ = "";
-      /**
-       * <code>required string nodeIdentifier = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public boolean hasNodeIdentifier() {
-        return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001);
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string nodeIdentifier = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public java.lang.String getNodeIdentifier() {
-        java.lang.Object ref = nodeIdentifier_;
-        if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) {
-          java.lang.String s = (( ref)
-              .toStringUtf8();
-          nodeIdentifier_ = s;
-          return s;
-        } else {
-          return (java.lang.String) ref;
-        }
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string nodeIdentifier = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public
-          getNodeIdentifierBytes() {
-        java.lang.Object ref = nodeIdentifier_;
-        if (ref instanceof String) {
- b =
-                  (java.lang.String) ref);
-          nodeIdentifier_ = b;
-          return b;
-        } else {
-          return ( ref;
-        }
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string nodeIdentifier = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public Builder setNodeIdentifier(
-          java.lang.String value) {
-        if (value == null) {
-    throw new NullPointerException();
-  }
-  bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
-        nodeIdentifier_ = value;
-        onChanged();
-        return this;
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string nodeIdentifier = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public Builder clearNodeIdentifier() {
-        bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001);
-        nodeIdentifier_ = getDefaultInstance().getNodeIdentifier();
-        onChanged();
-        return this;
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string nodeIdentifier = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public Builder setNodeIdentifierBytes(
- value) {
-        if (value == null) {
-    throw new NullPointerException();
-  }
-  bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
-        nodeIdentifier_ = value;
-        onChanged();
-        return this;
-      }
-      // required string xmlString = 2;
-      private java.lang.Object xmlString_ = "";
-      /**
-       * <code>required string xmlString = 2;</code>
-       */
-      public boolean hasXmlString() {
-        return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) == 0x00000002);
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string xmlString = 2;</code>
-       */
-      public java.lang.String getXmlString() {
-        java.lang.Object ref = xmlString_;
-        if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) {
-          java.lang.String s = (( ref)
-              .toStringUtf8();
-          xmlString_ = s;
-          return s;
-        } else {
-          return (java.lang.String) ref;
-        }
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string xmlString = 2;</code>
-       */
-      public
-          getXmlStringBytes() {
-        java.lang.Object ref = xmlString_;
-        if (ref instanceof String) {
- b =
-                  (java.lang.String) ref);
-          xmlString_ = b;
-          return b;
-        } else {
-          return ( ref;
-        }
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string xmlString = 2;</code>
-       */
-      public Builder setXmlString(
-          java.lang.String value) {
-        if (value == null) {
-    throw new NullPointerException();
-  }
-  bitField0_ |= 0x00000002;
-        xmlString_ = value;
-        onChanged();
-        return this;
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string xmlString = 2;</code>
-       */
-      public Builder clearXmlString() {
-        bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000002);
-        xmlString_ = getDefaultInstance().getXmlString();
-        onChanged();
-        return this;
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string xmlString = 2;</code>
-       */
-      public Builder setXmlStringBytes(
- value) {
-        if (value == null) {
-    throw new NullPointerException();
-  }
-  bitField0_ |= 0x00000002;
-        xmlString_ = value;
-        onChanged();
-        return this;
-      }
-      // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:org.opendaylight.controller.mdsal.NormalizedNodeXml)
-    }
-    static {
-      defaultInstance = new NormalizedNodeXml(true);
-      defaultInstance.initFields();
-    }
-    // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:org.opendaylight.controller.mdsal.NormalizedNodeXml)
-  }
-  private static
-    internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_NormalizedNodeXml_descriptor;
-  private static
-      internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_NormalizedNodeXml_fieldAccessorTable;
-  public static
-      getDescriptor() {
-    return descriptor;
-  }
-  private static
-      descriptor;
-  static {
-    java.lang.String[] descriptorData = {
-      "\n\032SimpleNormalizedNode.proto\022!org.openda" +
-      "ylight.controller.mdsal\">\n\021NormalizedNod" +
-      "eXml\022\026\n\016nodeIdentifier\030\001 \002(\t\022\021\n\txmlStrin" +
-      "g\030\002 \002(\tBT\n5org.opendaylight.controller.p" +
-      "rotobuff.messages.commonB\033SimpleNormaliz" +
-      "edNodeMessage"
-    };
- assigner =
-      new {
-        public assignDescriptors(
-   root) {
-          descriptor = root;
-          internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_NormalizedNodeXml_descriptor =
-            getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(0);
-          internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_NormalizedNodeXml_fieldAccessorTable = new
-              internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_NormalizedNodeXml_descriptor,
-              new java.lang.String[] { "NodeIdentifier", "XmlString", });
-          return null;
-        }
-      };
-      .internalBuildGeneratedFileFrom(descriptorData,
-        new[] {
-        }, assigner);
-  }
-  // @@protoc_insertion_point(outer_class_scope)
diff --git a/java/org/opendaylight/controller/protobuff/messages/shard/ b/java/org/opendaylight/controller/protobuff/messages/shard/
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2324dfc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1513 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler.  DO NOT EDIT!
-// source: ShardManager.proto
-package org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard;
-public final class ShardManagerMessages {
-  private ShardManagerMessages() {}
-  public static void registerAllExtensions(
- registry) {
-  }
-  public interface FindPrimaryOrBuilder
-      extends {
-    // required string shardName = 1;
-    /**
-     * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-     */
-    boolean hasShardName();
-    /**
-     * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-     */
-    java.lang.String getShardName();
-    /**
-     * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-     */
-        getShardNameBytes();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Protobuf type {@code org.opendaylight.controller.mdsal.FindPrimary}
-   */
-  public static final class FindPrimary extends
-      implements FindPrimaryOrBuilder {
-    // Use FindPrimary.newBuilder() to construct.
-    private FindPrimary(<?> builder) {
-      super(builder);
-      this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields();
-    }
-    private FindPrimary(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; }
-    private static final FindPrimary defaultInstance;
-    public static FindPrimary getDefaultInstance() {
-      return defaultInstance;
-    }
-    public FindPrimary getDefaultInstanceForType() {
-      return defaultInstance;
-    }
-    private final unknownFields;
-    @java.lang.Override
-    public final
-        getUnknownFields() {
-      return this.unknownFields;
-    }
-    private FindPrimary(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      initFields();
-      int mutable_bitField0_ = 0;
- unknownFields =
-      try {
-        boolean done = false;
-        while (!done) {
-          int tag = input.readTag();
-          switch (tag) {
-            case 0:
-              done = true;
-              break;
-            default: {
-              if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields,
-                                     extensionRegistry, tag)) {
-                done = true;
-              }
-              break;
-            }
-            case 10: {
-              bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
-              shardName_ = input.readBytes();
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      } catch ( e) {
-        throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this);
-      } catch ( e) {
-        throw new
-            e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this);
-      } finally {
-        this.unknownFields =;
-        makeExtensionsImmutable();
-      }
-    }
-    public static final
-        getDescriptor() {
-      return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_FindPrimary_descriptor;
-    }
-    protected
-        internalGetFieldAccessorTable() {
-      return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_FindPrimary_fieldAccessorTable
-          .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized(
-              org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary.class, org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary.Builder.class);
-    }
-    public static<FindPrimary> PARSER =
-        new<FindPrimary>() {
-      public FindPrimary parsePartialFrom(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-          throws {
-        return new FindPrimary(input, extensionRegistry);
-      }
-    };
-    @java.lang.Override
-    public<FindPrimary> getParserForType() {
-      return PARSER;
-    }
-    private int bitField0_;
-    // required string shardName = 1;
-    public static final int SHARDNAME_FIELD_NUMBER = 1;
-    private java.lang.Object shardName_;
-    /**
-     * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-     */
-    public boolean hasShardName() {
-      return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001);
-    }
-    /**
-     * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-     */
-    public java.lang.String getShardName() {
-      java.lang.Object ref = shardName_;
-      if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) {
-        return (java.lang.String) ref;
-      } else {
- bs =
-            ( ref;
-        java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8();
-        if (bs.isValidUtf8()) {
-          shardName_ = s;
-        }
-        return s;
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-     */
-    public
-        getShardNameBytes() {
-      java.lang.Object ref = shardName_;
-      if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) {
- b =
-                (java.lang.String) ref);
-        shardName_ = b;
-        return b;
-      } else {
-        return ( ref;
-      }
-    }
-    private void initFields() {
-      shardName_ = "";
-    }
-    private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1;
-    public final boolean isInitialized() {
-      byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized;
-      if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1;
-      if (!hasShardName()) {
-        memoizedIsInitialized = 0;
-        return false;
-      }
-      memoizedIsInitialized = 1;
-      return true;
-    }
-    public void writeTo( output)
-                        throws {
-      getSerializedSize();
-      if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) {
-        output.writeBytes(1, getShardNameBytes());
-      }
-      getUnknownFields().writeTo(output);
-    }
-    private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
-    public int getSerializedSize() {
-      int size = memoizedSerializedSize;
-      if (size != -1) return size;
-      size = 0;
-      if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) {
-        size +=
-          .computeBytesSize(1, getShardNameBytes());
-      }
-      size += getUnknownFields().getSerializedSize();
-      memoizedSerializedSize = size;
-      return size;
-    }
-    private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
-    @java.lang.Override
-    protected java.lang.Object writeReplace()
-        throws {
-      return super.writeReplace();
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary parseFrom(
- data)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(data);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary parseFrom(
- data,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary parseFrom(byte[] data)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(data);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary parseFrom(
-        byte[] data,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary parseFrom( input)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(input);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary parseFrom(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary parseDelimitedFrom( input)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary parseDelimitedFrom(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary parseFrom(
- input)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(input);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary parseFrom(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry);
-    }
-    public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); }
-    public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); }
-    public static Builder newBuilder(org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary prototype) {
-      return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype);
-    }
-    public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); }
-    @java.lang.Override
-    protected Builder newBuilderForType(
- parent) {
-      Builder builder = new Builder(parent);
-      return builder;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Protobuf type {@code org.opendaylight.controller.mdsal.FindPrimary}
-     */
-    public static final class Builder extends
-       implements org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimaryOrBuilder {
-      public static final
-          getDescriptor() {
-        return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_FindPrimary_descriptor;
-      }
-      protected
-          internalGetFieldAccessorTable() {
-        return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_FindPrimary_fieldAccessorTable
-            .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized(
-                org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary.class, org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary.Builder.class);
-      }
-      // Construct using org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary.newBuilder()
-      private Builder() {
-        maybeForceBuilderInitialization();
-      }
-      private Builder(
- parent) {
-        super(parent);
-        maybeForceBuilderInitialization();
-      }
-      private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() {
-        if ( {
-        }
-      }
-      private static Builder create() {
-        return new Builder();
-      }
-      public Builder clear() {
-        super.clear();
-        shardName_ = "";
-        bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001);
-        return this;
-      }
-      public Builder clone() {
-        return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial());
-      }
-      public
-          getDescriptorForType() {
-        return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_FindPrimary_descriptor;
-      }
-      public org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary getDefaultInstanceForType() {
-        return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary.getDefaultInstance();
-      }
-      public org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary build() {
-        org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary result = buildPartial();
-        if (!result.isInitialized()) {
-          throw newUninitializedMessageException(result);
-        }
-        return result;
-      }
-      public org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary buildPartial() {
-        org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary result = new org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary(this);
-        int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_;
-        int to_bitField0_ = 0;
-        if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) {
-          to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
-        }
-        result.shardName_ = shardName_;
-        result.bitField0_ = to_bitField0_;
-        onBuilt();
-        return result;
-      }
-      public Builder mergeFrom( other) {
-        if (other instanceof org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary) {
-          return mergeFrom((org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary)other);
-        } else {
-          super.mergeFrom(other);
-          return this;
-        }
-      }
-      public Builder mergeFrom(org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary other) {
-        if (other == org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary.getDefaultInstance()) return this;
-        if (other.hasShardName()) {
-          bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
-          shardName_ = other.shardName_;
-          onChanged();
-        }
-        this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields());
-        return this;
-      }
-      public final boolean isInitialized() {
-        if (!hasShardName()) {
-          return false;
-        }
-        return true;
-      }
-      public Builder mergeFrom(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-          throws {
-        org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary parsedMessage = null;
-        try {
-          parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry);
-        } catch ( e) {
-          parsedMessage = (org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.FindPrimary) e.getUnfinishedMessage();
-          throw e;
-        } finally {
-          if (parsedMessage != null) {
-            mergeFrom(parsedMessage);
-          }
-        }
-        return this;
-      }
-      private int bitField0_;
-      // required string shardName = 1;
-      private java.lang.Object shardName_ = "";
-      /**
-       * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public boolean hasShardName() {
-        return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001);
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public java.lang.String getShardName() {
-        java.lang.Object ref = shardName_;
-        if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) {
-          java.lang.String s = (( ref)
-              .toStringUtf8();
-          shardName_ = s;
-          return s;
-        } else {
-          return (java.lang.String) ref;
-        }
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public
-          getShardNameBytes() {
-        java.lang.Object ref = shardName_;
-        if (ref instanceof String) {
- b =
-                  (java.lang.String) ref);
-          shardName_ = b;
-          return b;
-        } else {
-          return ( ref;
-        }
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public Builder setShardName(
-          java.lang.String value) {
-        if (value == null) {
-    throw new NullPointerException();
-  }
-  bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
-        shardName_ = value;
-        onChanged();
-        return this;
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public Builder clearShardName() {
-        bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001);
-        shardName_ = getDefaultInstance().getShardName();
-        onChanged();
-        return this;
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public Builder setShardNameBytes(
- value) {
-        if (value == null) {
-    throw new NullPointerException();
-  }
-  bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
-        shardName_ = value;
-        onChanged();
-        return this;
-      }
-      // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:org.opendaylight.controller.mdsal.FindPrimary)
-    }
-    static {
-      defaultInstance = new FindPrimary(true);
-      defaultInstance.initFields();
-    }
-    // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:org.opendaylight.controller.mdsal.FindPrimary)
-  }
-  public interface PrimaryFoundOrBuilder
-      extends {
-    // required string primaryPath = 1;
-    /**
-     * <code>required string primaryPath = 1;</code>
-     */
-    boolean hasPrimaryPath();
-    /**
-     * <code>required string primaryPath = 1;</code>
-     */
-    java.lang.String getPrimaryPath();
-    /**
-     * <code>required string primaryPath = 1;</code>
-     */
-        getPrimaryPathBytes();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Protobuf type {@code org.opendaylight.controller.mdsal.PrimaryFound}
-   */
-  public static final class PrimaryFound extends
-      implements PrimaryFoundOrBuilder {
-    // Use PrimaryFound.newBuilder() to construct.
-    private PrimaryFound(<?> builder) {
-      super(builder);
-      this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields();
-    }
-    private PrimaryFound(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; }
-    private static final PrimaryFound defaultInstance;
-    public static PrimaryFound getDefaultInstance() {
-      return defaultInstance;
-    }
-    public PrimaryFound getDefaultInstanceForType() {
-      return defaultInstance;
-    }
-    private final unknownFields;
-    @java.lang.Override
-    public final
-        getUnknownFields() {
-      return this.unknownFields;
-    }
-    private PrimaryFound(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      initFields();
-      int mutable_bitField0_ = 0;
- unknownFields =
-      try {
-        boolean done = false;
-        while (!done) {
-          int tag = input.readTag();
-          switch (tag) {
-            case 0:
-              done = true;
-              break;
-            default: {
-              if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields,
-                                     extensionRegistry, tag)) {
-                done = true;
-              }
-              break;
-            }
-            case 10: {
-              bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
-              primaryPath_ = input.readBytes();
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      } catch ( e) {
-        throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this);
-      } catch ( e) {
-        throw new
-            e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this);
-      } finally {
-        this.unknownFields =;
-        makeExtensionsImmutable();
-      }
-    }
-    public static final
-        getDescriptor() {
-      return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_PrimaryFound_descriptor;
-    }
-    protected
-        internalGetFieldAccessorTable() {
-      return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_PrimaryFound_fieldAccessorTable
-          .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized(
-              org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound.class, org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound.Builder.class);
-    }
-    public static<PrimaryFound> PARSER =
-        new<PrimaryFound>() {
-      public PrimaryFound parsePartialFrom(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-          throws {
-        return new PrimaryFound(input, extensionRegistry);
-      }
-    };
-    @java.lang.Override
-    public<PrimaryFound> getParserForType() {
-      return PARSER;
-    }
-    private int bitField0_;
-    // required string primaryPath = 1;
-    public static final int PRIMARYPATH_FIELD_NUMBER = 1;
-    private java.lang.Object primaryPath_;
-    /**
-     * <code>required string primaryPath = 1;</code>
-     */
-    public boolean hasPrimaryPath() {
-      return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001);
-    }
-    /**
-     * <code>required string primaryPath = 1;</code>
-     */
-    public java.lang.String getPrimaryPath() {
-      java.lang.Object ref = primaryPath_;
-      if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) {
-        return (java.lang.String) ref;
-      } else {
- bs =
-            ( ref;
-        java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8();
-        if (bs.isValidUtf8()) {
-          primaryPath_ = s;
-        }
-        return s;
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * <code>required string primaryPath = 1;</code>
-     */
-    public
-        getPrimaryPathBytes() {
-      java.lang.Object ref = primaryPath_;
-      if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) {
- b =
-                (java.lang.String) ref);
-        primaryPath_ = b;
-        return b;
-      } else {
-        return ( ref;
-      }
-    }
-    private void initFields() {
-      primaryPath_ = "";
-    }
-    private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1;
-    public final boolean isInitialized() {
-      byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized;
-      if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1;
-      if (!hasPrimaryPath()) {
-        memoizedIsInitialized = 0;
-        return false;
-      }
-      memoizedIsInitialized = 1;
-      return true;
-    }
-    public void writeTo( output)
-                        throws {
-      getSerializedSize();
-      if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) {
-        output.writeBytes(1, getPrimaryPathBytes());
-      }
-      getUnknownFields().writeTo(output);
-    }
-    private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
-    public int getSerializedSize() {
-      int size = memoizedSerializedSize;
-      if (size != -1) return size;
-      size = 0;
-      if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) {
-        size +=
-          .computeBytesSize(1, getPrimaryPathBytes());
-      }
-      size += getUnknownFields().getSerializedSize();
-      memoizedSerializedSize = size;
-      return size;
-    }
-    private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
-    @java.lang.Override
-    protected java.lang.Object writeReplace()
-        throws {
-      return super.writeReplace();
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound parseFrom(
- data)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(data);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound parseFrom(
- data,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound parseFrom(byte[] data)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(data);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound parseFrom(
-        byte[] data,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound parseFrom( input)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(input);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound parseFrom(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound parseDelimitedFrom( input)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound parseDelimitedFrom(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound parseFrom(
- input)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(input);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound parseFrom(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry);
-    }
-    public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); }
-    public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); }
-    public static Builder newBuilder(org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound prototype) {
-      return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype);
-    }
-    public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); }
-    @java.lang.Override
-    protected Builder newBuilderForType(
- parent) {
-      Builder builder = new Builder(parent);
-      return builder;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Protobuf type {@code org.opendaylight.controller.mdsal.PrimaryFound}
-     */
-    public static final class Builder extends
-       implements org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFoundOrBuilder {
-      public static final
-          getDescriptor() {
-        return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_PrimaryFound_descriptor;
-      }
-      protected
-          internalGetFieldAccessorTable() {
-        return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_PrimaryFound_fieldAccessorTable
-            .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized(
-                org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound.class, org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound.Builder.class);
-      }
-      // Construct using org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound.newBuilder()
-      private Builder() {
-        maybeForceBuilderInitialization();
-      }
-      private Builder(
- parent) {
-        super(parent);
-        maybeForceBuilderInitialization();
-      }
-      private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() {
-        if ( {
-        }
-      }
-      private static Builder create() {
-        return new Builder();
-      }
-      public Builder clear() {
-        super.clear();
-        primaryPath_ = "";
-        bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001);
-        return this;
-      }
-      public Builder clone() {
-        return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial());
-      }
-      public
-          getDescriptorForType() {
-        return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_PrimaryFound_descriptor;
-      }
-      public org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound getDefaultInstanceForType() {
-        return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound.getDefaultInstance();
-      }
-      public org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound build() {
-        org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound result = buildPartial();
-        if (!result.isInitialized()) {
-          throw newUninitializedMessageException(result);
-        }
-        return result;
-      }
-      public org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound buildPartial() {
-        org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound result = new org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound(this);
-        int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_;
-        int to_bitField0_ = 0;
-        if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) {
-          to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
-        }
-        result.primaryPath_ = primaryPath_;
-        result.bitField0_ = to_bitField0_;
-        onBuilt();
-        return result;
-      }
-      public Builder mergeFrom( other) {
-        if (other instanceof org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound) {
-          return mergeFrom((org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound)other);
-        } else {
-          super.mergeFrom(other);
-          return this;
-        }
-      }
-      public Builder mergeFrom(org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound other) {
-        if (other == org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound.getDefaultInstance()) return this;
-        if (other.hasPrimaryPath()) {
-          bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
-          primaryPath_ = other.primaryPath_;
-          onChanged();
-        }
-        this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields());
-        return this;
-      }
-      public final boolean isInitialized() {
-        if (!hasPrimaryPath()) {
-          return false;
-        }
-        return true;
-      }
-      public Builder mergeFrom(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-          throws {
-        org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound parsedMessage = null;
-        try {
-          parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry);
-        } catch ( e) {
-          parsedMessage = (org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryFound) e.getUnfinishedMessage();
-          throw e;
-        } finally {
-          if (parsedMessage != null) {
-            mergeFrom(parsedMessage);
-          }
-        }
-        return this;
-      }
-      private int bitField0_;
-      // required string primaryPath = 1;
-      private java.lang.Object primaryPath_ = "";
-      /**
-       * <code>required string primaryPath = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public boolean hasPrimaryPath() {
-        return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001);
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string primaryPath = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public java.lang.String getPrimaryPath() {
-        java.lang.Object ref = primaryPath_;
-        if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) {
-          java.lang.String s = (( ref)
-              .toStringUtf8();
-          primaryPath_ = s;
-          return s;
-        } else {
-          return (java.lang.String) ref;
-        }
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string primaryPath = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public
-          getPrimaryPathBytes() {
-        java.lang.Object ref = primaryPath_;
-        if (ref instanceof String) {
- b =
-                  (java.lang.String) ref);
-          primaryPath_ = b;
-          return b;
-        } else {
-          return ( ref;
-        }
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string primaryPath = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public Builder setPrimaryPath(
-          java.lang.String value) {
-        if (value == null) {
-    throw new NullPointerException();
-  }
-  bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
-        primaryPath_ = value;
-        onChanged();
-        return this;
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string primaryPath = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public Builder clearPrimaryPath() {
-        bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001);
-        primaryPath_ = getDefaultInstance().getPrimaryPath();
-        onChanged();
-        return this;
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string primaryPath = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public Builder setPrimaryPathBytes(
- value) {
-        if (value == null) {
-    throw new NullPointerException();
-  }
-  bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
-        primaryPath_ = value;
-        onChanged();
-        return this;
-      }
-      // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:org.opendaylight.controller.mdsal.PrimaryFound)
-    }
-    static {
-      defaultInstance = new PrimaryFound(true);
-      defaultInstance.initFields();
-    }
-    // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:org.opendaylight.controller.mdsal.PrimaryFound)
-  }
-  public interface PrimaryNotFoundOrBuilder
-      extends {
-    // required string shardName = 1;
-    /**
-     * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-     */
-    boolean hasShardName();
-    /**
-     * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-     */
-    java.lang.String getShardName();
-    /**
-     * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-     */
-        getShardNameBytes();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Protobuf type {@code org.opendaylight.controller.mdsal.PrimaryNotFound}
-   */
-  public static final class PrimaryNotFound extends
-      implements PrimaryNotFoundOrBuilder {
-    // Use PrimaryNotFound.newBuilder() to construct.
-    private PrimaryNotFound(<?> builder) {
-      super(builder);
-      this.unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields();
-    }
-    private PrimaryNotFound(boolean noInit) { this.unknownFields =; }
-    private static final PrimaryNotFound defaultInstance;
-    public static PrimaryNotFound getDefaultInstance() {
-      return defaultInstance;
-    }
-    public PrimaryNotFound getDefaultInstanceForType() {
-      return defaultInstance;
-    }
-    private final unknownFields;
-    @java.lang.Override
-    public final
-        getUnknownFields() {
-      return this.unknownFields;
-    }
-    private PrimaryNotFound(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      initFields();
-      int mutable_bitField0_ = 0;
- unknownFields =
-      try {
-        boolean done = false;
-        while (!done) {
-          int tag = input.readTag();
-          switch (tag) {
-            case 0:
-              done = true;
-              break;
-            default: {
-              if (!parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields,
-                                     extensionRegistry, tag)) {
-                done = true;
-              }
-              break;
-            }
-            case 10: {
-              bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
-              shardName_ = input.readBytes();
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      } catch ( e) {
-        throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this);
-      } catch ( e) {
-        throw new
-            e.getMessage()).setUnfinishedMessage(this);
-      } finally {
-        this.unknownFields =;
-        makeExtensionsImmutable();
-      }
-    }
-    public static final
-        getDescriptor() {
-      return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_PrimaryNotFound_descriptor;
-    }
-    protected
-        internalGetFieldAccessorTable() {
-      return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_PrimaryNotFound_fieldAccessorTable
-          .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized(
-              org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound.class, org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound.Builder.class);
-    }
-    public static<PrimaryNotFound> PARSER =
-        new<PrimaryNotFound>() {
-      public PrimaryNotFound parsePartialFrom(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-          throws {
-        return new PrimaryNotFound(input, extensionRegistry);
-      }
-    };
-    @java.lang.Override
-    public<PrimaryNotFound> getParserForType() {
-      return PARSER;
-    }
-    private int bitField0_;
-    // required string shardName = 1;
-    public static final int SHARDNAME_FIELD_NUMBER = 1;
-    private java.lang.Object shardName_;
-    /**
-     * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-     */
-    public boolean hasShardName() {
-      return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001);
-    }
-    /**
-     * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-     */
-    public java.lang.String getShardName() {
-      java.lang.Object ref = shardName_;
-      if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) {
-        return (java.lang.String) ref;
-      } else {
- bs =
-            ( ref;
-        java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8();
-        if (bs.isValidUtf8()) {
-          shardName_ = s;
-        }
-        return s;
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-     */
-    public
-        getShardNameBytes() {
-      java.lang.Object ref = shardName_;
-      if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) {
- b =
-                (java.lang.String) ref);
-        shardName_ = b;
-        return b;
-      } else {
-        return ( ref;
-      }
-    }
-    private void initFields() {
-      shardName_ = "";
-    }
-    private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1;
-    public final boolean isInitialized() {
-      byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized;
-      if (isInitialized != -1) return isInitialized == 1;
-      if (!hasShardName()) {
-        memoizedIsInitialized = 0;
-        return false;
-      }
-      memoizedIsInitialized = 1;
-      return true;
-    }
-    public void writeTo( output)
-                        throws {
-      getSerializedSize();
-      if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) {
-        output.writeBytes(1, getShardNameBytes());
-      }
-      getUnknownFields().writeTo(output);
-    }
-    private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
-    public int getSerializedSize() {
-      int size = memoizedSerializedSize;
-      if (size != -1) return size;
-      size = 0;
-      if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) {
-        size +=
-          .computeBytesSize(1, getShardNameBytes());
-      }
-      size += getUnknownFields().getSerializedSize();
-      memoizedSerializedSize = size;
-      return size;
-    }
-    private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
-    @java.lang.Override
-    protected java.lang.Object writeReplace()
-        throws {
-      return super.writeReplace();
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound parseFrom(
- data)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(data);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound parseFrom(
- data,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound parseFrom(byte[] data)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(data);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound parseFrom(
-        byte[] data,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound parseFrom( input)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(input);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound parseFrom(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound parseDelimitedFrom( input)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound parseDelimitedFrom(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound parseFrom(
- input)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(input);
-    }
-    public static org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound parseFrom(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-        throws {
-      return PARSER.parseFrom(input, extensionRegistry);
-    }
-    public static Builder newBuilder() { return Builder.create(); }
-    public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); }
-    public static Builder newBuilder(org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound prototype) {
-      return newBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype);
-    }
-    public Builder toBuilder() { return newBuilder(this); }
-    @java.lang.Override
-    protected Builder newBuilderForType(
- parent) {
-      Builder builder = new Builder(parent);
-      return builder;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Protobuf type {@code org.opendaylight.controller.mdsal.PrimaryNotFound}
-     */
-    public static final class Builder extends
-       implements org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFoundOrBuilder {
-      public static final
-          getDescriptor() {
-        return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_PrimaryNotFound_descriptor;
-      }
-      protected
-          internalGetFieldAccessorTable() {
-        return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_PrimaryNotFound_fieldAccessorTable
-            .ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized(
-                org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound.class, org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound.Builder.class);
-      }
-      // Construct using org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound.newBuilder()
-      private Builder() {
-        maybeForceBuilderInitialization();
-      }
-      private Builder(
- parent) {
-        super(parent);
-        maybeForceBuilderInitialization();
-      }
-      private void maybeForceBuilderInitialization() {
-        if ( {
-        }
-      }
-      private static Builder create() {
-        return new Builder();
-      }
-      public Builder clear() {
-        super.clear();
-        shardName_ = "";
-        bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001);
-        return this;
-      }
-      public Builder clone() {
-        return create().mergeFrom(buildPartial());
-      }
-      public
-          getDescriptorForType() {
-        return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_PrimaryNotFound_descriptor;
-      }
-      public org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound getDefaultInstanceForType() {
-        return org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound.getDefaultInstance();
-      }
-      public org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound build() {
-        org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound result = buildPartial();
-        if (!result.isInitialized()) {
-          throw newUninitializedMessageException(result);
-        }
-        return result;
-      }
-      public org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound buildPartial() {
-        org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound result = new org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound(this);
-        int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_;
-        int to_bitField0_ = 0;
-        if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001)) {
-          to_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
-        }
-        result.shardName_ = shardName_;
-        result.bitField0_ = to_bitField0_;
-        onBuilt();
-        return result;
-      }
-      public Builder mergeFrom( other) {
-        if (other instanceof org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound) {
-          return mergeFrom((org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound)other);
-        } else {
-          super.mergeFrom(other);
-          return this;
-        }
-      }
-      public Builder mergeFrom(org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound other) {
-        if (other == org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound.getDefaultInstance()) return this;
-        if (other.hasShardName()) {
-          bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
-          shardName_ = other.shardName_;
-          onChanged();
-        }
-        this.mergeUnknownFields(other.getUnknownFields());
-        return this;
-      }
-      public final boolean isInitialized() {
-        if (!hasShardName()) {
-          return false;
-        }
-        return true;
-      }
-      public Builder mergeFrom(
- input,
- extensionRegistry)
-          throws {
-        org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound parsedMessage = null;
-        try {
-          parsedMessage = PARSER.parsePartialFrom(input, extensionRegistry);
-        } catch ( e) {
-          parsedMessage = (org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard.ShardManagerMessages.PrimaryNotFound) e.getUnfinishedMessage();
-          throw e;
-        } finally {
-          if (parsedMessage != null) {
-            mergeFrom(parsedMessage);
-          }
-        }
-        return this;
-      }
-      private int bitField0_;
-      // required string shardName = 1;
-      private java.lang.Object shardName_ = "";
-      /**
-       * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public boolean hasShardName() {
-        return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001);
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public java.lang.String getShardName() {
-        java.lang.Object ref = shardName_;
-        if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) {
-          java.lang.String s = (( ref)
-              .toStringUtf8();
-          shardName_ = s;
-          return s;
-        } else {
-          return (java.lang.String) ref;
-        }
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public
-          getShardNameBytes() {
-        java.lang.Object ref = shardName_;
-        if (ref instanceof String) {
- b =
-                  (java.lang.String) ref);
-          shardName_ = b;
-          return b;
-        } else {
-          return ( ref;
-        }
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public Builder setShardName(
-          java.lang.String value) {
-        if (value == null) {
-    throw new NullPointerException();
-  }
-  bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
-        shardName_ = value;
-        onChanged();
-        return this;
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public Builder clearShardName() {
-        bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000001);
-        shardName_ = getDefaultInstance().getShardName();
-        onChanged();
-        return this;
-      }
-      /**
-       * <code>required string shardName = 1;</code>
-       */
-      public Builder setShardNameBytes(
- value) {
-        if (value == null) {
-    throw new NullPointerException();
-  }
-  bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
-        shardName_ = value;
-        onChanged();
-        return this;
-      }
-      // @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:org.opendaylight.controller.mdsal.PrimaryNotFound)
-    }
-    static {
-      defaultInstance = new PrimaryNotFound(true);
-      defaultInstance.initFields();
-    }
-    // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:org.opendaylight.controller.mdsal.PrimaryNotFound)
-  }
-  private static
-    internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_FindPrimary_descriptor;
-  private static
-      internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_FindPrimary_fieldAccessorTable;
-  private static
-    internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_PrimaryFound_descriptor;
-  private static
-      internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_PrimaryFound_fieldAccessorTable;
-  private static
-    internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_PrimaryNotFound_descriptor;
-  private static
-      internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_PrimaryNotFound_fieldAccessorTable;
-  public static
-      getDescriptor() {
-    return descriptor;
-  }
-  private static
-      descriptor;
-  static {
-    java.lang.String[] descriptorData = {
-      "\n\022ShardManager.proto\022!org.opendaylight.c" +
-      "ontroller.mdsal\" \n\013FindPrimary\022\021\n\tshardN" +
-      "ame\030\001 \002(\t\"#\n\014PrimaryFound\022\023\n\013primaryPath" +
-      "\030\001 \002(\t\"$\n\017PrimaryNotFound\022\021\n\tshardName\030\001" +
-      " \002(\tBL\n4org.opendaylight.controller.prot" +
-      "obuff.messages.shardB\024ShardManagerMessag" +
-      "es"
-    };
- assigner =
-      new {
-        public assignDescriptors(
-   root) {
-          descriptor = root;
-          internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_FindPrimary_descriptor =
-            getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(0);
-          internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_FindPrimary_fieldAccessorTable = new
-              internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_FindPrimary_descriptor,
-              new java.lang.String[] { "ShardName", });
-          internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_PrimaryFound_descriptor =
-            getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(1);
-          internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_PrimaryFound_fieldAccessorTable = new
-              internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_PrimaryFound_descriptor,
-              new java.lang.String[] { "PrimaryPath", });
-          internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_PrimaryNotFound_descriptor =
-            getDescriptor().getMessageTypes().get(2);
-          internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_PrimaryNotFound_fieldAccessorTable = new
-              internal_static_org_opendaylight_controller_mdsal_PrimaryNotFound_descriptor,
-              new java.lang.String[] { "ShardName", });
-          return null;
-        }
-      };
-      .internalBuildGeneratedFileFrom(descriptorData,
-        new[] {
-        }, assigner);
-  }
-  // @@protoc_insertion_point(outer_class_scope)
diff --git a/resources/KeyValueMessages.proto b/resources/KeyValueMessages.proto
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8dc790b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-package org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft;
-import "AppendEntriesMessages.proto";
-option java_package = "org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.cluster.example";
-option java_outer_classname = "KeyValueMessages";
-option optimize_for = SPEED;
-// proto file for the payload of Example, extending AppendEntries
-extend AppendEntries.ReplicatedLogEntry.Payload {
-    optional string key = 2;
-    optional string value = 3;
diff --git a/resources/MockPayload.proto b/resources/MockPayload.proto
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ce29db4..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-import "AppendEntriesMessages.proto";
-package org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.test;
-option java_package = "org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.cluster.raft.test";
-option java_outer_classname = "MockPayloadMessages";
-extend AppendEntries.ReplicatedLogEntry.Payload {
-    optional string value = 2;
diff --git a/resources/ShardManager.proto b/resources/ShardManager.proto
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index abd6fcc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-package org.opendaylight.controller.mdsal;
-option java_package = "org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.shard";
-option java_outer_classname = "ShardManagerMessages";
-message FindPrimary {
-  required string shardName = 1;
-message PrimaryFound {
-  required string primaryPath =1;
-message PrimaryNotFound {
-  required string shardName =1;
diff --git a/resources/SimpleNormalizedNode.proto b/resources/SimpleNormalizedNode.proto
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e0b21d3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-package org.opendaylight.controller.mdsal;
-option java_package = "org.opendaylight.controller.protobuff.messages.common";
-option java_outer_classname = "SimpleNormalizedNodeMessage";
-message NormalizedNodeXml {
-  required string nodeIdentifier=1;
-  required string xmlString = 2;