def _randomize(spread, maxn):
"""Returns a randomized switch or table id"""
if spread not in _spreads:
- raise Exception('Spread method {0} not available'.format(spread))
+ raise Exception('Spread method {} not available'.format(spread))
while True:
if spread == 'gauss':
ga = abs(random.gauss(0, 1))
if switches is None:
return 0
return len(switches)
+def validate_responses(received, expected):
+ """Compares given response summary with expected results.
+ Args:
+ :param received: dictionary returned from operations_* and (de)configure_flows*
+ of this library
+ e.g. received = { 200:41 } - this means that we 41x receives response with status code 200
+ :param expected: list of expected http result codes
+ e.g. expected=[200] - we expect only http status 200 to be present
+ Returns:
+ :returns True: if list of http statuses from received responses is the same as exxpected
+ :returns False: elseware
+ """
+ return True if received.keys() == expected else False
Suite Setup Create Http Session
Suite Teardown Delete Http Session And Store Plot Data
Library OperatingSystem
-Library Collections
Library XML
Library SSHLibrary
+Library Collections
Variables ../../../variables/
Library RequestsLibrary
Library ../../../libraries/
${swnr} 63
${flnr} 100000
${fpr} 25
+${nrthreads} 5
${swspread} linear
${tabspread} first
@{cntls} ${CONTROLLER}
${imonitor} 600s
${ichange} 450s
${outfile} flows_setup_time.csv
+${setupfile} flows_install_rate.csv
+${setuptime} 0
${inittime} 0
${restarttime} 0
[Documentation] Configuration of ${flnr} flows into config datastore
${flows} ${notes}= Generate New Flow Details flows=${flnr} switches=${swnr} swspread=${swspread} tabspread=${tabspread}
Log ${notes}
- ${res}= Configure Flows Bulk flow_details=${flows} controllers=@{cntls} nrthreads=5 fpr=${fpr}
+ ${starttime}= Get Time epoch
+ ${res}= Configure Flows Bulk flow_details=${flows} controllers=@{cntls} nrthreads=${nrthreads} fpr=${fpr}
Log ${res}
Set Suite Variable ${flows}
+ ${http204ok}= Create List ${204}
+ ${validation}= Validate Responses ${res} ${http204ok}
+ Should Be True ${validation}
+ [Teardown] Save Setup Time setuptime
Wait Stats Collected
[Documentation] Waits till ${flnr} flows are initially collected
Delete All Sessions
Append To File ${outfile} InitCollectionTime,AfterMininetRestartCollectionTime\n
Append To File ${outfile} ${inittime},${restarttime}\n
+ ${rate}= Evaluate (${flnr}/${setuptime})
+ Append To File ${setupfile} FlowsSetupRate,FlowsSetupTime\n
+ Append To File ${setupfile} ${rate},${setuptime}\n
Are Switches Connected Topo
[Documentation] Checks wheather switches are connected to controller
${res}= Evaluate int(${endtime})-int(${starttime})
${inittime}= Set Variable If "${note}"=="inittime" ${res} ${inittime}
${restarttime}= Set Variable If "${note}"=="restarttime" ${res} ${restarttime}
+ ${setuptime}= Set Variable If "${note}"=="setuptime" ${res} ${setuptime}
Set Suite Variable ${inittime}
Set Suite Variable ${restarttime}
- Log To Console ${inittime} ${restarttime} ${res}
+ Set Suite Variable ${setuptime}
Inventory Change Reached
[Arguments] ${rswitches} ${rflows}
*** Settings ***
-Documentation Suite checks if StatMngr is able to collect flows correctly
+Documentation Suite to measure setup reate using add-flows-rpc operation
Suite Setup Create Http Session
Suite Teardown Delete Http Session And Store Plot Data
Library OperatingSystem
-Library Collections
Library XML
Library SSHLibrary
Variables ../../../variables/
Library RequestsLibrary
Library ../../../libraries/
Library ../../../libraries/
-Resource ../../../libraries/WaitForFailure.robot
*** Variables ***
${swnr} 63
${linux_prompt} >
${start_cmd} sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=${CONTROLLER} --topo linear,${swnr} --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13
${iperiod} 1s
-${ichange} 60s
+${ichange} 450s
${outfile} flows_setup_time.csv
${setuptime} 0
Connect Switches
Configure Flows
- [Documentation] Setup of ${flnr} flows using rpc calls
- [Teardown] SaveSetupTime
+ [Documentation] Setup of ${flnr} flows using rpc calls
${flows} ${notes}= Generate New Flow Details flows=${flnr} switches=${swnr} swspread=${swspread} tabspread=${tabspread}
Log ${notes}
${starttime}= Get Time epoch
${res}= Operations Add Flows Rpc flow_details=${flows} controllers=@{cntls} nrthreads=${nrthreads} fpr=${fpr}
Log ${res}
Set Suite Variable ${flows}
- Log To Console ${res}
+ ${http200ok}= Create List ${200}
+ ${validation}= Validate Responses ${res} ${http200ok}
+ Should Be True ${validation}
+ [Teardown] Save Setup Time
Wait Stats Collected
[Documentation] Waits till ${flnr} flows are initially collected
[Documentation] Flows deconfiguration
${res}= Operations Remove Flows Rpc flow_details=${flows} controllers=@{cntls} nrthreads=${nrthreads} fpr=${fpr}
Log ${res}
+ ${http200ok}= Create List ${200}
+ ${validation}= Validate Responses ${res} ${http200ok}
+ Should Be True ${validation}
Check No Flows In Operational After Remove
[Documentation] No flows should be found after their removeal
Delete Http Session And Store Plot Data
Delete All Sessions
- Append To File ${outfile} FlowsSetupTime\n
- Append To File ${outfile} ${setuptime}\n
+ ${rate}= Evaluate (${flnr}/${setuptime})
+ Append To File ${outfile} FlowsSetupRate,FlowsSetupTime\n
+ Append To File ${outfile} ${rate},${setuptime}\n
Are Switches Connected Topo
[Documentation] Checks wheather switches are connected to controller
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Suite to measure flow setup rate using operation add-flows-ds
+Suite Setup Create Http Session
+Suite Teardown Delete Http Session And Store Plot Data
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library XML
+Library SSHLibrary
+Variables ../../../variables/
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Library ../../../libraries/
+Library ../../../libraries/
+*** Variables ***
+${swnr} 63
+${flnr} 100000
+${fpr} 25
+${nrthreads} 5
+${swspread} linear
+${tabspread} first
+@{cntls} ${CONTROLLER}
+${linux_prompt} >
+${start_cmd} sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=${CONTROLLER} --topo linear,${swnr} --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13
+${iperiod} 1s
+${ichange} 450s
+${outfile} flows_setup_time.csv
+${setuptime} 0
+*** Test Cases ***
+Connect Mininet
+ Connect Switches
+Configure Flows
+ [Documentation] Setup of ${flnr} flows using add-flows-ds operation
+ ${flows} ${notes}= Generate New Flow Details flows=${flnr} switches=${swnr} swspread=${swspread} tabspread=${tabspread}
+ Log ${notes}
+ ${starttime}= Get Time epoch
+ ${res}= Operations Add Flows Ds flow_details=${flows} controllers=@{cntls} nrthreads=${nrthreads} fpr=${fpr}
+ Log ${res}
+ Set Suite Variable ${flows}
+ ${http200ok}= Create List ${200}
+ ${validation}= Validate Responses ${res} ${http200ok}
+ Should Be True ${validation}
+ [Teardown] SaveSetupTime
+Wait Stats Collected
+ [Documentation] Waits till ${flnr} flows are initially collected
+ Inventory Change Reached ${swnr} ${flnr}
+Deconfigure Flows
+ [Documentation] Flows deconfiguration
+ ${res}= Operations Remove Flows Ds flow_details=${flows} controllers=@{cntls} nrthreads=${nrthreads} fpr=${fpr}
+ Log ${res}
+ ${http200ok}= Create List ${200}
+ ${validation}= Validate Responses ${res} ${http200ok}
+ Should Be True ${validation}
+Check No Flows In Operational After Remove
+ [Documentation] No flows should be found after their removeal
+ Inventory Change Reached ${swnr} 0
+Stop Mininet End
+ Stop Switches
+*** Keywords ***
+Connect Switches
+ [Documentation] Starts mininet with requested number of switches (${swnr})
+ Log Starting mininet with ${swnr} switches
+ Open Connection ${MININET} prompt=${linux_prompt} timeout=600
+ Login With Public Key ${MININET_USER} ${USER_HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa any
+ Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager ptcp:6644
+ Execute Command sudo mn -c
+ Write ${start_cmd}
+ Read Until mininet>
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 10s 1s Are Switches Connected Topo
+Create Http Session
+ Create Session session http://${CONTROLLER}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS_XML}
+Stop Switches
+ [Documentation] Stops mininet
+ Log Stopping mininet
+ Read
+ Write exit
+ Read Until ${linux_prompt}
+ Close Connection
+Delete Http Session And Store Plot Data
+ Delete All Sessions
+ ${rate}= Evaluate (${flnr}/${setuptime})
+ Append To File ${outfile} FlowsSetupRate,FlowsSetupTime\n
+ Append To File ${outfile} ${rate},${setuptime}\n
+Are Switches Connected Topo
+ [Documentation] Checks wheather switches are connected to controller
+ ${resp}= Get session ${OPERATIONAL_TOPO_API}/topology/flow:1 headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
+ Log ${resp.content}
+ ${count}= Get Element Count ${resp.content} xpath=node
+ Should Be Equal As Numbers ${count} ${swnr}
+Check Flows Inventory
+ [Arguments] ${rswitches} ${rflows}
+ [Documentation] Checks in inventory has required state
+ ${sw} ${repf} ${foundf}= Flow Stats Collected controller=${CONTROLLER}
+ Should Be Equal As Numbers ${rswitches} ${sw}
+ Should Be Equal As Numbers ${rflows} ${foundf}
+Save Setup Time
+ [Documentation] Count the difference and stores it
+ ${endtime}= Get Time epoch
+ Log Stats collection finished at time ${endtime}
+ ${setuptime}= Evaluate int(${endtime})-int(${starttime})
+ Set Suite Variable ${setuptime}
+Inventory Change Reached
+ [Arguments] ${rswitches} ${rflows}
+ [Documentation] This keywordwaits till inventory reaches required state
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${ichange} ${iperiod} Check Flows Inventory ${rswitches} ${rflows}
--- /dev/null
+# Place the suites in run order:
--- /dev/null
+# Place the suites in run order: