*** Settings ***
Documentation Test suite for Ovsdb Southbound Cluster - Owner failover and recover
-Suite Setup ClusterManagement Setup
+Suite Setup Suite Setup
Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions
+Test Setup SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing
+Library Collections
Library RequestsLibrary
-Resource ../../../libraries/ClusterOvsdb.robot
Resource ../../../libraries/ClusterManagement.robot
-Variables ../../../variables/Variables.py
+Resource ../../../libraries/ClusterOvsdb.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot
+Resource ../../../variables/Variables.robot
*** Test Cases ***
Check Shards Status Before Fail
Check Entity Owner Status And Find Owner and Candidate Before Fail
[Documentation] Check Entity Owner Status and identify owner and candidate.
- ${original_owner} ${original_candidate_list} ClusterOvsdb.Get Ovsdb Entity Owner Status For One Device ovsdb://uuid/${ovsdb_uuid} 1
- ${original_candidate}= Get From List ${original_candidate_list} 0
- Set Suite Variable ${original_owner}
- Set Suite Variable ${original_candidate_list}
- Set Suite Variable ${original_candidate}
+ ${original_owner} ${original_candidate_list} = ClusterOvsdb.Get Ovsdb Entity Owner Status For One Device ovsdb://uuid/${ovsdb_uuid} 1
+ ${original_candidate} = Collections.Get From List ${original_candidate_list} 0
+ BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${original_owner}
+ BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${original_candidate_list}
+ BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${original_candidate}
Create Bridge Manually and Verify Before Fail
[Documentation] Create bridge with OVS command and verify it gets applied from all instances.
Kill Owner Instance
[Documentation] Kill Owner Instance and verify it is dead
ClusterManagement.Kill Single Member ${original_owner}
- Set Suite Variable ${new_cluster_list} ${original_candidate_list}
+ BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${new_cluster_list} ${original_candidate_list}
Check Shards Status After Fail
[Documentation] Create original cluster list and check Status for all shards in Ovsdb application.
Check Entity Owner Status And Find Owner and Candidate After Fail
[Documentation] Check Entity Owner Status and identify owner and candidate.
- ${new_owner} ${new_candidate_list} ClusterOvsdb.Get Ovsdb Entity Owner Status For One Device ovsdb://uuid/${ovsdb_uuid} ${original_candidate} ${new_cluster_list}
- ${new_candidate}= Get From List ${new_candidate_list} 0
- Set Suite Variable ${new_owner}
- Set Suite Variable ${new_candidate}
+ ${new_owner} ${new_candidate_list} = ClusterOvsdb.Get Ovsdb Entity Owner Status For One Device ovsdb://uuid/${ovsdb_uuid} ${original_candidate} ${new_cluster_list}
+ ${new_candidate} = Collections.Get From List ${new_candidate_list} 0
+ BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${new_owner}
+ BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${new_candidate}
Create Bridge Manually and Verify After Fail
[Documentation] Create bridge with OVS command and verify it gets applied from all instances.
Check Entity Owner Status After Recover
[Documentation] Check Entity Owner Status and identify owner and candidate.
- ${new_owner} ${new_candidate_list} ClusterOvsdb.Get Ovsdb Entity Owner Status For One Device ovsdb://uuid/${ovsdb_uuid} 1
- Set Suite Variable ${new_owner}
+ ${new_owner} ${new_candidate_list} = ClusterOvsdb.Get Ovsdb Entity Owner Status For One Device ovsdb://uuid/${ovsdb_uuid} 1
+ BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${new_owner}
Create Bridge Manually and Verify After Recover
[Documentation] Create bridge with OVS command and verify it gets applied from all instances.
Cleans Up Test Environment For Next Suite
[Documentation] Cleans up test environment, close existing sessions in teardown.
ClusterOvsdb.Configure Exit OVSDB Connection
+*** Keywords ***
+Suite Setup
+ SetupUtils.Setup_Utils_For_Setup_And_Teardown
+ ClusterManagement.ClusterManagement Setup
*** Settings ***
Documentation Test suite for Ovsdb Southbound Cluster - Candidate failover and recover
-Suite Setup SetupUtils.Setup_Utils_For_Setup_And_Teardown
+Suite Setup Suite Setup
Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions
Test Setup SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing
+Library Collections
Library RequestsLibrary
-Resource ../../../libraries/ClusterOvsdb.robot
Resource ../../../libraries/ClusterManagement.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/ClusterOvsdb.robot
Resource ../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot
-Variables ../../../variables/Variables.py
+Resource ../../../variables/Variables.robot
*** Test Cases ***
Check Shards Status Before Fail
Start OVS Multiple Connections
[Documentation] Connect OVS to all cluster instances.
- ${ovsdb_uuid} Ovsdb.Add Multiple Managers to OVS
- Set Suite Variable ${ovsdb_uuid}
+ ${ovsdb_uuid} = Ovsdb.Add Multiple Managers to OVS
+ BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${ovsdb_uuid}
Check Entity Owner Status And Find Owner and Candidate Before Fail
[Documentation] Check Entity Owner Status and identify owner and candidate.
- ${original_owner} ${original_candidate_list} ClusterOvsdb.Get Ovsdb Entity Owner Status For One Device ovsdb://uuid/${ovsdb_uuid} 1
- ${original_candidate}= Get From List ${original_candidate_list} 0
- Set Suite Variable ${original_owner}
- Set Suite Variable ${original_candidate}
+ ${original_owner} ${original_candidate_list} = ClusterOvsdb.Get Ovsdb Entity Owner Status For One Device ovsdb://uuid/${ovsdb_uuid} 1
+ ${original_candidate} = Collections.Get From List ${original_candidate_list} 0
+ BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${original_owner}
+ BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${original_candidate}
Create Bridge Manually and Verify Before Fail
[Documentation] Create bridge with OVS command and verify it gets applied from all instances.
Kill Candidate Instance
[Documentation] Kill Owner Instance and verify it is dead
${new_cluster_list} = ClusterManagement.Kill Single Member ${original_candidate}
- Set Suite Variable ${new_cluster_list}
+ BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${new_cluster_list}
Check Shards Status After Fail
[Documentation] Create original cluster list and check Status for all shards in Ovsdb application.
Check Entity Owner Status And Find Owner and Candidate After Fail
[Documentation] Check Entity Owner Status and identify owner and candidate.
- ${new_owner} ${new_candidate_list} ClusterOvsdb.Get Ovsdb Entity Owner Status For One Device ovsdb://uuid/${ovsdb_uuid} ${original_owner} ${new_cluster_list}
- ${new_candidate}= Get From List ${new_candidate_list} 0
- Set Suite Variable ${new_owner}
- Set Suite Variable ${new_candidate}
+ ${new_owner} ${new_candidate_list} = ClusterOvsdb.Get Ovsdb Entity Owner Status For One Device ovsdb://uuid/${ovsdb_uuid} ${original_owner} ${new_cluster_list}
+ ${new_candidate} = Collections.Get From List ${new_candidate_list} 0
+ BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${new_owner}
+ BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${new_candidate}
Create Bridge Manually and Verify After Fail
[Documentation] Create bridge with OVS command and verify it gets applied from all instances.
Check Entity Owner Status After Recover
[Documentation] Check Entity Owner Status and identify owner and candidate.
- ${new_owner} ${new_candidate_list} ClusterOvsdb.Get Ovsdb Entity Owner Status For One Device ovsdb://uuid/${ovsdb_uuid} 1
- Set Suite Variable ${new_owner}
+ ${new_owner} ${new_candidate_list} = ClusterOvsdb.Get Ovsdb Entity Owner Status For One Device ovsdb://uuid/${ovsdb_uuid} 1
+ BuiltIn.Set Suite Variable ${new_owner}
Create Bridge Manually and Verify After Recover
[Documentation] Create bridge with OVS command and verify it gets applied from all instances.
Cleans Up Test Environment For Next Suite
[Documentation] Cleans up test environment, close existing sessions in teardown.
ClusterOvsdb.Configure Exit OVSDB Connection
+*** Keywords ***
+Suite Setup
+ SetupUtils.Setup_Utils_For_Setup_And_Teardown
+ ClusterManagement.ClusterManagement Setup