should contain ${result} goto_table:50
no table0 entry
- [Documentation] after Deleting trunk interface , checking for absence of table 0 in the flow dumps
+ [Documentation] After Deleting trunk interface, checking for absence of table 0 in the flow dumps
switch connection ${conn_id_1}
${bridgename} set variable BR1
${ovs-check} execute command sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows ${bridgename}
no goto_table entry
[Arguments] ${table-id}
- [Documentation] cchecks for absence of no goto_table afetr unbinding the service on the interface.
+ [Documentation] Checks for absence of no goto_table after unbinding the service on the interface.
switch connection ${conn_id_1}
${ovs-check1} execute command sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows ${bridgename}
Log ${ovs-check1}
table0 entry
[Arguments] ${connection-id} ${bridgename}
- [Documentation] after Deleting trunk interface , checking for absence of table 0 in the flow dumps
+ [Documentation] After Creating the trunk interface , checking for table 0 entry exist in the flow dumps
switch connection ${connection-id}
log switch connection
${ovs-check} execute command sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows ${bridgename}
ovs check for member interface creation
[Arguments] ${connection-id} ${bridgename}
+ [Documentation] This keyword verifies the member interface created on OVS by checking the table0 ,vlan and action=pop_vlan entries
switch connection ${connection-id}
${ovs-check} execute command sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows ${bridgename}
log ${ovs-check}
Create Interface
[Arguments] ${json_file} ${interface_mode}
+ [Documentation] Creates an trunk/transparent interface based on input provided to the json body
${body} OperatingSystem.Get File ${genius_config_dir}/${json_file}
log ${genius_config_dir}/${json_file}
${body} replace string ${body} "l2vlan-mode":"trunk" "l2vlan-mode":"${interface_mode}"
should be equal as strings ${resp.status_code} 500
Allocate IDs of size 3 from the pool
+ [Documentation] This testcase allocates 3 Ids from the created pool in test case 1
${body} OperatingSystem.Get File ${genius_config_dir}/${allocaterange_json}
${body} replace string ${body} test-key ${test_keys[2]}
${body} replace string ${body} 5 3
Should Be Equal As Strings ${get_resp.status_code} 200
Release a block of IDs allocated using releaseIds RPC
+ [Documentation] This testcase Releases the block of Ids by using the key which is sent in json.
${body} OperatingSystem.Get File ${genius_config_dir}/releaseIds.json
log ${body}
${body} replace string ${body} test-key ${test_keys[2]}
log ${released_ids}
Delete the ID Pool using deleteIdPool RPC
+ [Documentation] This testcase deletes the ID pool craeted in the 1st testcase.
${body} OperatingSystem.Get File ${genius_config_dir}/deleteIdPool.json
${body} replace string ${body} poolname ${pool-name}
log ${body}
*** Keywords ***
get Id pool
+ [Documentation] This keyword checks the created ID pool by doing GET.
${get_resp} RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${CONFIG_API}/id-manager:id-pools/id-pool/${pool-name}/available-ids-holder/ headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
Log ${get_resp.content}
Should Contain ${get_resp.content} 14
Log ${resp.content}
Delete VTEP -Vlan and gateway
- [Documentation] This Delete testcase deletes the ITM tunnel created between 2 dpns.
+ [Documentation] This testcase deletes the ITM tunnel created between 2 dpns.
Remove All Elements At URI And Verify ${CONFIG_API}/itm:transport-zones/transport-zone/${itm_created[0]}/
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 40 10 Verify Data Base after Delete ${Dpn_id_1} ${Dpn_id_2} ${tunnel-5}
... ${tunnel-6}
Check Table0 Entry for 2 Dpn
[Arguments] ${connection_id} ${Bridgename} ${port-num1}
- [Documentation] Checks the Table 0 entry in the OVS when flows are dumped in it.
+ [Documentation] Checks the Table 0 entry in the OVS when flows are dumped.
Switch Connection ${connection_id}
Log ${connection_id}
${check} Execute Command sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows ${Bridgename}
[Arguments] ${connection-id} ${tunnel}
+ [Documentation] Verifies the Tunnel is deleted from OVS
Log ${tunnel}
Switch Connection ${connection-id}
Log ${connection-id}
check interface status
[Arguments] ${tunnel} ${dpid}
+ [Documentation] Verifies the operational state of the interface .
${resp} RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${OPERATIONAL_API}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state/interface/${tunnel}/ headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
Log ${OPERATIONAL_API}/ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state/interface/${tunnel}/
Log ${resp.content}
Verify Data Base after Delete
[Arguments] ${Dpn_id_1} ${Dpn_id_2} ${tunnel-1} ${tunnel-2}
+ [Documentation] Verifies the config database after the Tunnel deletion is done.
${type} set variable odl-interface:tunnel-type-vxlan
No Content From URI session ${CONFIG_API}/itm-state:tunnel-list/internal-tunnel/${Dpn_id_1}/${Dpn_id_2}/${type}/ headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
No Content From URI session ${CONFIG_API}/itm-state:tunnel-list/internal-tunnel/${Dpn_id_2}/${Dpn_id_1}/${type}/ headers=${ACCEPT_XML}