... and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
-... BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds is useful in avoiding unnecessary sleeps.
-... But several usage cases need slightly different logic, here are Keywords for that.
+... BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds has two possible results: Fast pass or fail on timeout.
+... Generally, keywords in this Resource also allow for some kind of fast failure condition.
+... This usually requires more than a single keyword to run inside the iteration loop.
+... This library uses ScalarClosures for plugging in specific (multiple) Keywords.
-... This library uses ScalarClosures for plugging in specific Keywords.
... Storing private state in suite variables is easy, but it can lead to hard-to-debug issues,
... so this library tries to support explicit state passing.
... Unfortunately, failing limits type of message to return,
... Safe Stateful Validator: Take ${state} and ${data} arguments. Return new state, validation status and comment/message.
... TODO: Create a dummy closure for each type to be used as default value?
-... TODO: Figure out a way to merge this with FaitForFailure.robot
+... TODO: Figure out a way to merge this with WaitForFailure.robot
... TODO: Add Keywords that are Safe (return state, success and message)
... so that callers do not need to refresh state explicitly.
Library DateTime
${time_minimal} = BuiltIn.Evaluate int(${sleeps_left}) * ${period_in_seconds}
BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_If ${time_minimal} >= ${time_deadline} BuiltIn.Fail Not possible to succeed within the deadline. ${message}
+ [Arguments] ${timeout}=60s ${period}=1s ${getter}=${ScalarClosures__fail} ${stateless_validator}=${ScalarClosures__identity}
+ [Documentation] Repeatedly run getter and plug its output to validator. If both pass, return validator message.
+ ... If getter fails, fail. If validator fails, repeat in WUKS fashion (fail when timeout is exceeded).
+ ... FIXME: Cover this keyword in WaitUtilTest.robot
+ ${timeout_in_seconds} ${period_in_seconds} ${date_deadline} = WaitUtils__Check_Sanity_And_Compute_Derived_Times timeout=${timeout} period=${period}
+ ${iterations} = BuiltIn.Evaluate ${timeout_in_seconds} / ${period_in_seconds}
+ : FOR ${i} IN RANGE ${iterations}
+ \ ${data} = ScalarClosures.Run_Keyword_And_Collect_Garbage ScalarClosures.Run_Closure_As_Is ${getter}
+ \ ${status} ${message} = BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Ignore_Error ScalarClosures.Run_Keyword_And_Collect_Garbage ScalarClosures.Run_Closure_After_Replacing_First_Argument ${stateless_validator}
+ \ ... ${data}
+ \ BuiltIn.Return_From_Keyword_If "${status}" == "PASS" ${message}
+ \ WaitUtils__Is_Deadline_Reachable date_deadline=${date_deadline} period_in_seconds=${period_in_seconds} message=Last validator message: ${message}
+ \ BuiltIn.Sleep ${period_in_seconds} s
+ BuiltIn.Fail Logic error, we should have returned before.
[Arguments] ${date_deadline}=0 ${period_in_seconds}=1 ${count}=1 ${assertor}=${ScalarClosures__fail}
[Documentation] Pass only if ${assertor} passes ${count} times in a row with ${period_in_seconds} between attempts; less standard arguments.