[Documentation] Run 'netstat' on the remote machine and count occurences of given port in the given state connected to process with the given name.
[Arguments] ${port} ${state} ${name}
+ BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Ignore Error Check_And_Install_Netstat
${output} = SSHLibrary.Execute_Command
... ${NETSTAT_COMMAND} 2> /dev/null | grep -E ":${port} .+ ${state} .+${name}" | wc -l
RETURN ${output}
+ [Documentation] Check if netstat is installed and install it if not.
+ ${netstat_installed} = SSHLibrary.Execute_Command netstat --version
+ IF '${netstat_installed}' is not string and '${netstat_installed}' != '0'
+ Install_Netstat
+ [Documentation] Install netstat if it is not already installed.
+ SSHLibrary.Execute_Command sudo apt-get update
+ SSHLibrary.Execute_Command sudo apt-get install -y net-tools
[Documentation] Set \${SSHKeywords__current_venv_path} variable to ${venv_path}. Path should be absolute.
[Arguments] ${venv_path}