OvsManager.Disconnect Switch From Controller And Verify Disconnected ${switch_name} ${old_master}
BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${disc_cntl} ${old_master}
${new_master}= BuiltIn.Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5x 3s Verify New Master Controller Node ${switch_name} ${old_master}
- ${owner} ${successors}= ClusterOpenFlow.Get OpenFlow Entity Owner Status For One Device openflow:${idx} ${active_member} ${old_successors}
+ ${owner} ${successors}= ClusterOpenFlow.Get OpenFlow Entity Owner Status For One Device openflow:${idx} ${active_member} ${old_successors} after_stop=True
BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Strings ${new_master} ${ODL_SYSTEM_${owner}_IP}
BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${old_owner}
BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${old_successors}
BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${disc_cntl} ${old_slave}
${tmp_candidates}= BuiltIn.Create List @{ClusterManagement__member_index_list}
Collections.Remove Values From List ${tmp_candidates} ${old_successor}
- ${owner} ${successors}= ClusterOpenFlow.Get OpenFlow Entity Owner Status For One Device openflow:${idx} ${active_member} ${tmp_candidates}
+ ${owner} ${successors}= ClusterOpenFlow.Get OpenFlow Entity Owner Status For One Device openflow:${idx} ${active_member} ${tmp_candidates} after_stop=True
BuiltIn.Should Be Equal ${owner} ${old_owner}
BuiltIn.Should Be Equal As Strings ${new_master} ${ODL_SYSTEM_${owner}_IP}
BuiltIn.Set Test Variable ${old_owner}
*** Test Cases ***
Enable Stale Flow Entry
- [Documentation] Check Flows after mininet starts.
+ [Documentation] Enable stale flow entry feature.
# Stale flows/groups feature is only available in Boron onwards.
CompareStream.Run Keyword If At Least Boron TemplatedRequests.Put As Json Templated folder=${VAR_DIR}/frm-config mapping={"STALE":"true"} session=session