Library String
*** Variables ***
-&{Stream_dict} carbon=${6} nitrogen=${7} oxygen=${8}
+&{Stream_dict} carbon=${6} nitrogen=${7} oxygen=${8} fluorine=${9}
*** Keywords ***
... return ${value_if_false} otherwise.
BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Return Set_Variable_If_At_Least oxygen ${value_if_true} ${value_if_false}
+ [Arguments] ${value_if_true} ${value_if_false}
+ [Documentation] Compare fluorine to ${ODL_STREAM} and return ${value_if_true} if ${ODL_STREAM} is at least fluorine,
+ ... return ${value_if_false} otherwise.
+ BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Return Set_Variable_If_At_Least fluorine ${value_if_true} ${value_if_false}
[Arguments] ${value_if_true} ${value_if_false}
[Documentation] Compare carbon to ${ODL_STREAM} and return ${value_if_true} if ${ODL_STREAM} is at most carbon,
... return ${value_if_false} otherwise.
BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Return Set_Variable_If_At_Most oxygen ${value_if_true} ${value_if_false}
+ [Arguments] ${value_if_true} ${value_if_false}
+ [Documentation] Compare fluorine to ${ODL_STREAM} and return ${value_if_true} if ${ODL_STREAM} is at most fluorine,
+ ... return ${value_if_false} otherwise.
+ BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Return Set_Variable_If_At_Most fluorine ${value_if_true} ${value_if_false}
[Arguments] @{arguments}
[Documentation] Splits arguments into args and kwargs is used in Run_Keyword_If_At_Least_Else and Run_Keyword_If_At_Most_Else.
... run ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs} and return its value.
BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Return Run_Keyword_If_At_Least oxygen ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs}
+ [Arguments] ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs}
+ [Documentation] Compare fluorine to ${ODL_STREAM} and in case ${ODL_STREAM} is at least fluorine,
+ ... run ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs} and return its value.
+ BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Return Run_Keyword_If_At_Least fluorine ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs}
[Arguments] ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs}
[Documentation] Compare carbon to ${ODL_STREAM} and in case ${ODL_STREAM} is at most carbon,
... run ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs} and return its value.
BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Return Run_Keyword_If_At_Most oxygen ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs}
+ [Arguments] ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs}
+ [Documentation] Compare fluorine to ${ODL_STREAM} and in case ${ODL_STREAM} is at most fluroine,
+ ... run ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs} and return its value.
+ BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Return Run_Keyword_If_At_Most fluorine ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs}
[Arguments] ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs}
[Documentation] Compare carbon to ${ODL_STREAM} and in case ${ODL_STREAM} is more than carbon,
... run ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs} and return its value.
BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Return Run_Keyword_If_More_Than oxygen ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs}
+ [Arguments] ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs}
+ [Documentation] Compare fluorine to ${ODL_STREAM} and in case ${ODL_STREAM} is more than fluorine,
+ ... run ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs} and return its value.
+ BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Return Run_Keyword_If_More_Than fluorine ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs}
[Arguments] ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs}
[Documentation] Compare carbon to ${ODL_STREAM} and in case ${ODL_STREAM} is less than carbon,
[Documentation] Compare oxygen to ${ODL_STREAM} and in case ${ODL_STREAM} is less than oxygen,
... run ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs} and return its value.
BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Return Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than oxygen ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs}
+ [Arguments] ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs}
+ [Documentation] Compare fluorine to ${ODL_STREAM} and in case ${ODL_STREAM} is less than fluorine,
+ ... run ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs} and return its value.
+ BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Return Run_Keyword_If_Less_Than fluorine ${kw_name} @{varargs} &{kwargs}