+++ /dev/null
-# Cluster Monitor Tool
-This tool provides real-time visualization of the cluster member roles for all
-shards in the config datastore. It is useful for understanding cluster behavior
-in when controllers are isolated, downed, or rebooted.
-A file named `cluster.json` containing a list of the IP addresses of the
-controllers is required. This resides in the same directory as `monitor.py`.
-"user" and "pass" are not required for `monitor.py`, but they may be
-needed for other apps in this folder. Because this configuration
-information unique to your environment, it may be more convenient to
-copy the contents of this folder out of git to prevent these settings
-from being overwritten by updates.
-The file should look like this:
- {
- "cluster": {
- "controllers": [
- "",
- "",
- ""
- ],
- "user": "username",
- "pass": "password"
- }
- }
-## Usage: `monitor.py`
-### Starting `monitor.py`
-Before using, start and configure all controllers in the cluster. Use of the
-cluster deployment script is recommended. All controllers must initially be
-running so the tool can retrieve the controller and shard names. Once
-the tool is started and the controller and cluster shard names are retrieved,
-controllers can be isolated, downed, rebooted, etc.
-### The `monitor.py` UI
-Controller member names (not host names) are displayed across the top. Shard
-names are displayed to the left.
-In the upper left is a heart emoticon "<3" which toggles between yellow and
-black backgrounds with each update. If a controller is down, the HTTP timeout
-comes in to play and updating becomes much slower.
-The central matrix displays controller roles. When REST queries fail, the
-error type is displayed. Leader, Follower, and Candidate roles are color-
-## Other Scripts
-### `isolate.py`
-Isolates an indicated controller from the cluster.
-### `rejoin.py`
-Rejoins any isolated controllers to the cluster.
-### `timed_isolation.py`
-Isolates an indicated controller for a specified duration
-## Future Enhancements
-Add operational shards.
+++ /dev/null
-Controller Isolation Tool
-Author: Phillip Shea
-Updated: 2015-May-07
-This tool isolates an indicated controller from the cluster. The tool takes
-a single integer argument corresponding to the number of a controller
-in a json file's ordered list of controllers. This is the controller to
-be isolated.
-A file named 'cluster.json' containing a list of the IP addresses, ports and
-credentials of the controllers is required. It resides in the same
-directory as monitor.py.
-The file should look like this:
- {
- "cluster": {
- "controllers": [
- {"ip": "", "port": "8181"},
- {"ip": "", "port": "8181"},
- {"ip": "", "port": "8181"}
- ],
- "user": "username",
- "pass": "password",
- }
- }
-Usage:python isolate.py [controller to be isolated]
-import sys
-def import_utility_modules():
- global UtilLibrary, json
- import sys
- sys.path.append('../../../csit/libraries')
- import UtilLibrary
- import json
- with open('cluster.json') as cluster_file:
- data = json.load(cluster_file)
- print str(sys.exc_info())
- print "unable to open the file cluster.json"
- exit(1)
- cluster_list = data["cluster"]["controllers"]
- cluster_ips = []
- for controller in cluster_list:
- cluster_ips.append(controller["ip"])
- user_name = data["cluster"]["user"]
- user_pass = data["cluster"]["pass"]
- print str(sys.exc_info())
- print 'Error reading the file cluster.json'
- exit(1)
- isolate = int(sys.argv[1])
- print 'You must specify the number (e.g. 1, 2, 3) of the controller to isolate.'
- exit(1)
-print "isolating controller " + str(isolate)
-print UtilLibrary.isolate_controller(cluster_ips, user_name, user_pass, isolate)
+++ /dev/null
-Cluster Monitor Tool
-Author: Phillip Shea
-Updated: 2016-Mar-07
-This tool provides real-time visualization of the cluster member roles for all
-shards in either the config or operational datastore.
-A file named 'cluster.json' contaning a list of the IP addresses and port numbers
-of the controllers is required. This resides in the same directory as monitor.py.
-"user" and "pass" are not required for monitor.py, but they may be
-needed for other apps in this folder. The file should look like this:
- {
- "cluster": {
- "controllers": [
- {"ip": "", "port": "8181"},
- {"ip": "", "port": "8181"},
- {"ip": "", "port": "8181"}
- ],
- "user": "username",
- "pass": "password",
- "shards_to_exclude": [] # list of shard names to omit from output
- }
- }
-Usage:python monitor.py [-d data_store_name]
-from io import BytesIO
-import time
-import pprint
-import curses
-import sys
-import json
-import pycurl
-import string
-import argparse
-import math
-def rest_get(restURL, username, password):
- rest_buffer = BytesIO()
- c = pycurl.Curl()
- c.setopt(c.TIMEOUT, 2)
- c.setopt(c.CONNECTTIMEOUT, 1)
- c.setopt(c.FAILONERROR, False)
- c.setopt(c.URL, str(restURL))
- c.setopt(c.HTTPGET, 0)
- c.setopt(c.WRITEFUNCTION, rest_buffer.write)
- c.setopt(pycurl.USERPWD, "%s:%s" % (str(username), str(password)))
- c.perform()
- c.close()
- return json.loads(rest_buffer.getvalue())
-def getClusterRolesWithCurl(shardName, controllers):
- controller_state = {}
- for i, controller in enumerate(controllers):
- controller_state[controller["ip"]] = None
- url = "http://" + controller["ip"] + ":" + controller["port"]\
- + "/jolokia/read/org.opendaylight.controller:"
- url += 'Category=Shards,name=' + controller['name']
- url += '-shard-' + shardName + '-' + data_store.lower() + ',type=Distributed' + data_store + 'Datastore'
- try:
- resp = rest_get(url, username, password)
- if resp['status'] != 200:
- controller_state[controller["ip"]] = 'HTTP ' + str(resp['status'])
- if 'value' in resp:
- data_value = resp['value']
- controller_state[controller["ip"]] = data_value['RaftState']
- except:
- if 'timed out' in str(sys.exc_info()[1]):
- controller_state[controller["ip"]] = 'timeout'
- elif 'JSON' in str(sys.exc_info()):
- controller_state[controller["ip"]] = 'JSON error'
- elif 'connect to host' in str(sys.exc_info()):
- controller_state[controller["ip"]] = 'no connection'
- else:
- controller_state[controller["ip"]] = 'down'
- return controller_state
-def size_and_color(cluster_roles, field_length, ip_addr):
- status_dict = {}
- status_dict['txt'] = string.center(str(cluster_roles[ip_addr]), field_length)
- if cluster_roles[ip_addr] == "Leader":
- status_dict['color'] = curses.color_pair(2)
- elif cluster_roles[ip_addr] == "Follower":
- status_dict['color'] = curses.color_pair(3)
- elif cluster_roles[ip_addr] == "Candidate":
- status_dict['color'] = curses.color_pair(5)
- else:
- status_dict['color'] = curses.color_pair(0)
- return status_dict
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-parser.add_argument('-d', '--datastore', default='Config', type=str,
- help='polling can be done on "Config" or "Operational" data stores')
-args = parser.parse_args()
-data_store = args.datastore
-if data_store != 'Config' and data_store != 'Operational':
- print 'Only "Config" or "Operational" data store is available for polling'
- exit(1)
- with open('cluster.json') as cluster_file:
- data = json.load(cluster_file)
- print str(sys.exc_info())
- print 'Unable to open the file cluster.json'
- exit(1)
- controllers = data["cluster"]["controllers"]
- shards_to_exclude = data["cluster"]["shards_to_exclude"]
- username = data["cluster"]["user"]
- password = data["cluster"]["pass"]
- print str(sys.exc_info())
- print 'Error reading the file cluster.json'
- exit(1)
-Shards = set()
-stdscr = curses.initscr()
-curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLACK)
-curses.init_pair(2, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_GREEN)
-curses.init_pair(3, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_BLUE)
-curses.init_pair(4, curses.COLOR_WHITE, curses.COLOR_YELLOW)
-curses.init_pair(5, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_YELLOW)
-(maxy, maxx) = stdscr.getmaxyx()
-key = -1
-controller_len = 0
-field_len = 0
-while key != ord('q') and key != ord('Q'):
- key = max(key, stdscr.getch())
- # Retrieve controller names and shard names.
- for controller in controllers:
- key = max(key, stdscr.getch())
- if key == ord('q') or key == ord('Q'):
- break
- url = "http://" + controller["ip"] + ":" + controller["port"]\
- + "/jolokia/read/org.opendaylight.controller:"
- url += "Category=ShardManager,name=shard-manager-" + data_store.lower()\
- + ",type=Distributed" + data_store + "Datastore"
- try:
- data = rest_get(url, username, password)
- # grab the controller name from the first shard
- name = data['value']['LocalShards'][0]
- pos = name.find('-shard-')
- controller['name'] = name[:name.find('-shard-')]
- # collect shards found in any controller; does not require all controllers to have the same shards
- for localShard in data['value']['LocalShards']:
- shardName = localShard[(localShard.find("-shard-") + 7):localShard.rfind("-" + data_store.lower())]
- if shardName not in shards_to_exclude:
- Shards.add(shardName)
- except:
- if 'name' not in controller:
- controller['name'] = controller['ip'] + ':' + controller['port']
- controller_len = max(controller_len, len(controller['name']))
- if Shards:
- field_len = max(map(len, Shards)) + 2
- else:
- field_len = max(field_len, 0)
- # Ensure everything fits
- if controller_len + 1 + (field_len + 1) * len(Shards) > maxx:
- extra = controller_len + 1 + (field_len + 1) * len(Shards) - maxx
- delta = int(math.ceil(float(extra) / (1 + len(Shards))))
- controller_len -= delta
- field_len -= delta
- # display controller and shard headers
- for row, controller in enumerate(controllers):
- stdscr.addstr(row + 1, 0, string.center(controller['name'], controller_len), curses.color_pair(1))
- for data_column, shard in enumerate(Shards):
- stdscr.addstr(0, controller_len + 1 + (field_len + 1) * data_column, string.center(shard, field_len),
- curses.color_pair(1))
- stdscr.addstr(len(Shards) + 2, 0, 'Press q to quit.', curses.color_pair(1))
- stdscr.refresh()
- # display shard status
- odd_or_even = 0
- for data_column, shard_name in enumerate(Shards):
- key = max(key, stdscr.getch())
- if key == ord('q') or key == ord('Q'):
- break
- odd_or_even += 1
- if shard_name not in shards_to_exclude:
- cluster_stat = getClusterRolesWithCurl(shard_name, controllers)
- for row, controller in enumerate(controllers):
- status = size_and_color(cluster_stat, field_len, controller["ip"])
- stdscr.addstr(row + 1, controller_len + 1 + (field_len + 1) * data_column, status['txt'],
- status['color'])
- time.sleep(0.5)
- if odd_or_even % 2 == 0:
- stdscr.addstr(0, controller_len / 2 - 2, " <3 ", curses.color_pair(5))
- else:
- stdscr.addstr(0, controller_len / 2 - 2, " <3 ", curses.color_pair(0))
- stdscr.refresh()
-# clean up
+++ /dev/null
-Controller Isolation Tool
-Author: Phillip Shea
-Updated: 2015-May-07
-This tool isolates an indicated controller for a specified duration.
-The tool's first integer argument corresponds to the number of a controller
-in a json file's ordered list of controllers. This is the controller to
-be isolated. The second argument is the duration of isolation in
-A file named 'cluster.json' containing a list of the IP addresses and
-credentials of the controllers is required. It resides in the same
-directory as monitor.py.
-The file should look like this:
- {
- "cluster": {
- "controllers": [
- {"ip": "", "port": "8181"},
- {"ip": "", "port": "8181"},
- {"ip": "", "port": "8181"}
- ],
- "user": "username",
- "pass": "password",
- }
- }
-Usage:python timed_isolation.py [controller to be isolated] [duration of isolation in seconds]
-import sys
-import time
-def import_utility_modules():
- global UtilLibrary, json
- import sys
- sys.path.append('../../../csit/libraries')
- import UtilLibrary
- import json
- with open('cluster.json') as cluster_file:
- data = json.load(cluster_file)
- print str(sys.exc_info())
- print 'unable to open the file cluster.json'
- exit(1)
- cluster_list = data["cluster"]["controllers"]
- cluster_ips = []
- for controller in cluster_list:
- cluster_ips.append(controller["ip"])
- user_name = data["cluster"]["user"]
- user_pass = data["cluster"]["pass"]
- print str(sys.exc_info())
- print 'Error reading the file cluster.json'
- exit(1)
- isolate = int(sys.argv[1])
- duration = int(sys.argv[2])
- print 'You must specify the number (e.g. 1, 2, 3) of the controller to isolate.'
- exit(1)
-print 'Isolating controller ' + str(isolate)
-print UtilLibrary.isolate_controller(cluster_ips, user_name, user_pass, isolate)
-print 'Pausing for ' + str(duration) + ' seconds...'
-print UtilLibrary.flush_iptables(cluster_ips, user_name, user_pass)