--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Introducing switches to both the controllers C1 and C2
+Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions
+Library SSHLibrary
+Library Collections
+Library ../../libraries/RequestsLibrary.py
+Library ../../libraries/Common.py
+Variables ../../variables/Variables.py
+*** Variables ***
+${node1} "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01"
+${node2} "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02"
+${node3} "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03"
+${REST_CONTEXT} /controller/nb/v2/topology
+${REST_CONTEXT_ST} /controller/nb/v2/statistics
+${CTRL_USER} odluser
+${FLOW} ""
+*** Test Cases ***
+Switches are introduced to both the controllers C1 & C2
+ [Documentation] Switches are introduced to both the controllers C1 & C2
+ [Tags] Set-Bridges
+ Switch Connection 1
+ ${stdout1}= Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl set-controller s1 tcp:${CONTROLLER1} tcp:${CONTROLLER2}
+ ${stdout2}= Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl set-controller s2 tcp:${CONTROLLER1} tcp:${CONTROLLER2}
+ ${stdout2}= Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl set-controller s3 tcp:${CONTROLLER1} tcp:${CONTROLLER2}
+ ${stdout}= Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl show
+ Should Contain X Times ${stdout} Controller "tcp:${CONTROLLER1}" 3
+ Should Contain X Times ${stdout} Controller "tcp:${CONTROLLER2}" 3
+ ${stdout}= Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl get-controller "s1"
+ Should Contain ${stdout} ${CONTROLLER1}
+ Should Contain ${stdout} ${CONTROLLER2}
+ ${stdout}= Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl get-controller "s2"
+ Should Contain ${stdout} ${CONTROLLER1}
+ Should Contain ${stdout} ${CONTROLLER2}
+ ${stdout}= Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl get-controller "s3"
+ Should Contain ${stdout} ${CONTROLLER1}
+ Should Contain ${stdout} ${CONTROLLER2}
+Verifying the topology in C1
+ [Documentation] Get Topology for C1 and validate the result.
+ [Tags] get
+ Create Session session http://${Controller1_IP}:8080 headers=${HEADERS} auth=${auth}
+ ${resp} Get session ${REST_CONTEXT}/${CONTAINER}
+ Sleep 10
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ Log ${resp.content}
+ Should Contain X Times ${resp.content} ${node1} 4
+ Should Contain X Times ${resp.content} ${node2} 2
+ Should Contain X Times ${resp.content} ${node3} 2
+Verifying the topology in C2
+ [Documentation] Get Topology for C2 and validate the result.
+ [Tags] get
+ Create Session session http://${Controller2_IP}:8080 headers=${HEADERS} auth=${auth}
+ ${resp} Get session ${REST_CONTEXT}/${CONTAINER}
+ Sleep 10
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ Log ${resp.content}
+ Should Contain X Times ${resp.content} ${node1} 4
+ Should Contain X Times ${resp.content} ${node2} 2
+ Should Contain X Times ${resp.content} ${node3} 2
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Introducing switches to both the controllers C1 and C2
+Suite Teardown Delete All Sessions
+Library SSHLibrary
+Library Collections
+Library ../../libraries/RequestsLibrary.py
+Library ../../libraries/Common.py
+Variables ../../variables/Variables.py
+*** Variables ***
+${node1} "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01"
+${node2} "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02"
+${node3} "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03"
+${key} flowConfig
+${name} flow1
+${REST_CONTEXT_P} /controller/nb/v2/flowprogrammer
+${REST_CONTEXT_ST} /controller/nb/v2/statistics
+${node_id} 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02
+${FLOW} ""
+*** Test Cases ***
+Add a flow in C1
+ [Documentation] Adding a flow, list to validate the result in C1
+ [Tags] add
+ ${node} Create Dictionary type OF id ${node_id}
+ ${actions} Create List OUTPUT=1
+ ${body} Create Dictionary name ${name} installInHw true node
+ ... ${node} priority 1 etherType 0x800 nwDst
+ ... actions ${actions}
+ Create Session session http://${Controller1_IP}:8080 auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS}
+ ${resp} Put session ${REST_CONTEXT_P}/${CONTAINER}/node/OF/${node_id}/staticFlow/${name} data=${body}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 201
+Check flow stats in C1
+ [Documentation] Checking the flow stats and validating the result in C1
+ [Tags] get
+ Sleep 10
+ Create Session session http://${Controller1_IP}:8080 auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS}
+ ${resp} Get session ${REST_CONTEXT_ST}/${CONTAINER}/flow
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ Log ${resp.content}
+ Should Contain ${resp.content} ${FLOW}
+Check flow stats in C2
+ [Documentation] Checking the flow stats and validating the result in C2
+ [Tags] get
+ Sleep 10
+ Create Session session http://${Controller2_IP}:8080 auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS}
+ ${resp} Get session ${REST_CONTEXT_ST}/${CONTAINER}/flow
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ Log ${resp.content}
+ Should Contain ${resp.content} ${FLOW}
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation controller1 fails
+Library SSHLibrary
+Library Collections
+Library ../../libraries/RequestsLibrary.py
+Library ../../libraries/Common.py
+Variables ../../variables/Variables.py
+*** Variables ***
+${node1} "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01"
+${node2} "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02"
+${node3} "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03"
+${REST_CONTEXT} /controller/nb/v2/topology
+${REST_CONTEXT_ST} /controller/nb/v2/statistics
+${CTRL_USER} odluser
+${FLOW} ""
+*** Test Cases ***
+C1 fails
+ [Documentation] C1 fails suddenly
+ Open Connection ${Controller1_IP} prompt=$
+ Login With Public Key odluser ${USER_HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa any
+ Write cd controller-base/opendaylight
+ Write ./run.sh -stop
+ Sleep 5
+ Read
+C2 takes over and verifying the bridges
+ [Documentation] C2 is taking over from c1 failure
+ Switch Connection 1
+ ${stdout}= Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl show
+ Read
+ Should Contain X Times ${stdout} Controller "tcp:${CONTROLLER2}" 3
+ Sleep 5
+ Should Contain X Times ${stdout} is_connected: true 3
+Verifying the topology in C2
+ [Documentation] Get Topology for C2 and validate the result.
+ [Tags] get
+ Create Session session http://${Controller2_IP}:8080 headers=${HEADERS} auth=${auth}
+ ${resp} Get session ${REST_CONTEXT}/${CONTAINER}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ Log ${resp.content}
+ Should Contain X Times ${resp.content} ${node1} 4
+ Should Contain X Times ${resp.content} ${node2} 2
+ Should Contain X Times ${resp.content} ${node3} 2
+Check flow in flow stats in C2
+ [Documentation] Checking the flow stats and validating the result in C2
+ [Tags] get
+ Sleep 10
+ Create Session session http://${Controller2_IP}:8080 headers=${HEADERS} auth=${auth}
+ ${resp} Get session ${REST_CONTEXT_ST}/${CONTAINER}/flow
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ Log ${resp.content}
+ Should Contain ${resp.content} ${FLOW}
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation controller1 fails
+Library SSHLibrary
+Library Collections
+Library ../../libraries/RequestsLibrary.py
+Library ../../libraries/Common.py
+Variables ../../variables/Variables.py
+*** Variables ***
+${node1} "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01"
+${node2} "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02"
+${node3} "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03"
+${REST_CONTEXT} /controller/nb/v2/topology
+${REST_CONTEXT_ST} /controller/nb/v2/statistics
+${CTRL_USER} odluser
+${FLOW} ""
+*** Test Cases ***
+C1 recovers from failure
+ [Documentation] C1 recovers from failure
+ Switch Connection 2
+ Write cd controller-base/opendaylight
+ Write ./run.sh -start
+ Sleep 60
+ Read
+C2 fails
+ [Documentation] C2 fails suddenly
+ Open Connection ${Controller2_IP} prompt=$
+ Login With Public Key odluser ${USER_HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa any
+ Write cd controller-base/opendaylight
+ Write ./run.sh -stop
+ Sleep 5
+ Read
+C1 takes over and verifying the bridges
+ [Documentation] C1 is taking over from C2
+ Switch Connection 1
+ ${stdout}= Execute Command sudo ovs-vsctl show
+ Read
+ Should Contain X Times ${stdout} Controller "tcp:${CONTROLLER1}" 3
+ Should Contain X Times ${stdout} Controller "tcp:${CONTROLLER2}" 3
+Verifying the topology in C1
+ [Documentation] Get Topology for C1 and validate the result.
+ [Tags] get
+ Create Session session http://${Controller1_IP}:8080 headers=${HEADERS} auth=${auth}
+ ${resp} Get session ${REST_CONTEXT}/${CONTAINER}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ Log ${resp.content}
+ Should Contain X Times ${resp.content} ${node1} 4
+ Should Contain X Times ${resp.content} ${node2} 2
+ Should Contain X Times ${resp.content} ${node3} 2
+Check flow in flow stats in C1
+ [Documentation] Checking the flow stats and validating the result in C1
+ [Tags] get
+ Sleep 10
+ ${resp} Get session ${REST_CONTEXT_ST}/${CONTAINER}/flow
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ Log ${resp.content}
+ Should Contain ${resp.content} ${FLOW}
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Test suite for the OpenDaylight Cluster
+Suite Setup Start Suite
+Suite Teardown Stop Suite
+Library SSHLibrary
+*** Variables ***
+${start}= sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=${CONTROLLER},port=6633 --topo tree,2
+*** Keywords ***
+Start Suite
+ Log Start the test on the base edition
+ Open Connection ${MININET} prompt=>
+ Login With Public Key ${MININET_USER} ${USER_HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa any
+ Write sudo mn -c
+ Sleep 5
+ Write ${start}
+ Sleep 20
+ Read
+Stop Suite
+ Log Stop the test on the base edition
+ Read
+ Write exit
+ Sleep 4
+ Read
+ Close Connection