[Arguments] ${network_name} ${connection_id}
[Documentation] Retrieve the net id for the given network name to create specific vm instance
Switch Connection ${connection_id}
- ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt neutron net-list | grep "${network_name}" | get_field 1
+ ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt neutron net-list | grep "${network_name}" | get_field 1 30s
Log ${output}
${splitted_output}= Split String ${output} ${EMPTY}
${net_id}= Get from List ${splitted_output} 0
Switch Connection ${devstack_conn_id}
${net_id}= Get Net Id ${net_name} ${devstack_conn_id}
: FOR ${VmElement} IN @{vm_instance_names}
- \ ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt nova boot --image ${image} --flavor ${flavor} --nic net-id=${net_id} ${VmElement}
+ \ ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt nova boot --image ${image} --flavor ${flavor} --nic net-id=${net_id} ${VmElement} 30s
\ Log ${output}
\ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 25s 5s Verify VM Is ACTIVE ${VmElement}
[Arguments] ${vm_name}
[Documentation] Run these commands to check whether the created vm instance is active or not.
- ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt nova show ${vm_name} | grep OS-EXT-STS:vm_state
+ ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt nova show ${vm_name} | grep OS-EXT-STS:vm_state 30s
Log ${output}
Should Contain ${output} active
[Documentation] Delete Router and Interface to the subnets.
${devstack_conn_id}= Get ControlNode Connection
Switch Connection ${devstack_conn_id}
- ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt neutron -v router-delete ${router_name}
+ ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt neutron -v router-delete ${router_name} 60s
Close Connection
Should Contain ${output} Deleted router:
${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt sudo ip netns list
Log ${output}
: FOR ${index} IN @{vm_indices}
- \ ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt nova show ${index}
+ \ ${output}= Write Commands Until Prompt nova show ${index} 30s
\ Log ${output}
Close Connection