*** Variables ***
${REST_CONTEXT_VTNS} controller/nb/v2/vtn/default/vtns
+${REST_CONTEXT} controller/nb/v2/vtn/default
${VERSION_VTN} controller/nb/v2/vtn/version
${VTN_INVENTORY} restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes
${DUMPFLOWS} dpctl dump-flows -O OpenFlow13
${index} 7
+@{FLOWELMENTS} nw_src= nw_dst= actions=drop
*** Keywords ***
Start SuiteVtnMa
[Documentation] Start VTN Manager Init Test Suite
${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Put session ${REST_CONTEXT_VTNS}/${vtn_name}/vbridges/${vBridge_name}/interfaces/${interface_name}/portmap data=${json_data} headers=${HEADERS}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+Add a macmap
+ [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${vBridge_name} ${macmap_data}
+ [Documentation] Create a macmap for a vbridge
+ ${json_data}= json.dumps ${macmap_data}
+ ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Post session ${REST_CONTEXT_VTNS}/${vtn_name}/vbridges/${vBridge_name}/macmap/allow data=${macmap_data} headers=${HEADERS}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 201
Mininet Ping Should Succeed
[Arguments] ${host1} ${host2}
Write ${host1} ping -c 10 ${host2}
${result} Read Until mininet>
Should Contain ${result} ${sourcemacaddress}
Should Contain ${result} ${destmacaddress}
+Add a flowcondition
+ [Arguments] ${cond_name} ${flowcond_data}
+ [Documentation] Create a flowcondition for a interface of a vbridge
+ ${json_data}= json.dumps ${flowcond_data}
+ ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Put session ${REST_CONTEXT}/flowconditions/${cond_name} data=${json_data} headers=${HEADERS}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 201
+Delete a flowcondition
+ [Arguments] ${cond_name}
+ [Documentation] Delete a flowcondition for a interface of a vbridge
+ ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Delete session ${REST_CONTEXT}/flowconditions/${cond_name}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+Add a flowfilter
+ [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${vBridge_name} ${interface_name} ${flowfilter_data} ${ff_index}
+ [Documentation] Create a flowfilter for a vtn
+ ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Put session ${REST_CONTEXT_VTNS}/${vtn_name}/vbridges/${vBridge_name}/interfaces/${interface_name}/flowfilters/IN/${ff_index} data=${flowfilter_data} headers=${HEADERS}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 201
+Add a flowfilter_vtn
+ [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${flowfilter_data} ${ff_index}
+ [Documentation] Create a flowfilter for a vtn
+ ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Put session ${REST_CONTEXT_VTNS}/${vtn_name}/flowfilters/${ff_index} data=${flowfilter_data} headers=${HEADERS}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 201
+Add a flowfilter_vbr
+ [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${vBridge_name} ${flowfilter_data} ${ff_index}
+ [Documentation] Create a flowfilter for a vbr
+ ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Put session ${REST_CONTEXT_VTNS}/${vtn_name}/vbridges/${vBridge_name}/flowfilters/IN/${ff_index} data=${flowfilter_data} headers=${HEADERS}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 201
+Update a flowfilter
+ [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${vBridge_name} ${interface_name} ${flowfilter_data} ${ff_index}
+ [Documentation] Create a flowfilter for a vtn
+ ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Put session ${REST_CONTEXT_VTNS}/${vtn_name}/vbridges/${vBridge_name}/interfaces/${interface_name}/flowfilters/IN/${ff_index} data=${flowfilter_data} headers=${HEADERS}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+Add a flowfilter for drop
+ [Arguments] ${vtn_name} ${vBridge_name} ${interface_name} ${flowfilter_data} ${ff_index}
+ [Documentation] Create a flowfilter for a vtn
+ ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Put session ${REST_CONTEXT_VTNS}/${vtn_name}/vbridges/${vBridge_name}/interfaces/${interface_name}/flowfilters/IN/${ff_index} data=${flowfilter_data} headers=${HEADERS}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+Verify Flow Entry for Inet Flowfilter
+ [Documentation] Verify switch flow entry using flowfilter for a vtn
+ ${booleanValue}= Run Keyword And Return Status Verify Actions on Flow Entry
+ Should Not Be Equal As Strings ${booleanValue} True
+Verify Removed Flow Entry for Inet Drop Flowfilter
+ [Documentation] Verify removed switch flow entry using flowfilter drop for a vtn
+ ${booleanValue}= Run Keyword And Return Status Verify Actions on Flow Entry
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${booleanValue} True
+Verify Actions on Flow Entry
+ write ${DUMPFLOWS}
+ ${result} Read Until mininet>
+ : FOR ${flowElement} IN @{FLOWELMENTS}
+ \ should Contain ${result} ${flowElement}
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Test suite for VTN Manager using OF13
+Suite Setup Start SuiteVtnMaTest
+Suite Teardown Stop SuiteVtnMaTest
+Resource ../../../libraries/VtnMaKeywords.robot
+*** Variables ***
+${flowfilterInetdata} {"index":1,"condition":"cond1","filterType":{"pass":{}},"actions":[{"inet4src":{"address":""}},{"inet4dst":{"address":""}}]}
+${flowfilterInetdropdata} {"index":1,"condition":"cond1","filterType":{"drop":{}},"actions":[{"inet4src":{"address":""}},{"inet4dst":{"address":""}}]}
+${flowfilterIcmpCodedata} {"index":2,"condition":"cond1","filterType":{"pass":{}},"actions":[{"icmpcode":{"code":9}}]}
+${flowfilterTpsrcTpdstdata} {"index":3,"condition":"cond1","filterType":{"pass":{}},"actions":[{"tpsrc":{"port":"5"}},{"tpdst":{"port":"10"}}]}
+${flowfilterDscpdata} {"index":6,"condition":"cond1","filterType":{"pass":{}},"actions":[{"dscp": {"dscp": 10}}]}
+${macmap_data} {"machost": [{"address": "0e:d5:e3:40:a3:f0", "vlan": "0"},{"address": "9a:dd:b0:8a:de:2f", "vlan": "0"}]}
+${flowfiltervlanpcp} {"index":7,"condition":"cond1","filterType":{"pass":{}},"actions":[{"inet4src":{"address":""}},{"inet4dst":{"address":""}},{"icmpcode":{"code":1}},{"vlanpcp":{"priority":3}}]}
+${vtn_flowfilterInetdata} {"index":8,"condition":"cond1","filterType":{"pass":{}},"actions":[{"inet4src":{"address":""}},{"inet4dst":{"address":""}}]}
+${vbr_flowfilterInetdata} {"index":9,"condition":"cond1","filterType":{"pass":{}},"actions":[{"inet4src":{"address":""}},{"inet4dst":{"address":""}}]}
+*** Test Cases ***
+Check if switch1 detected
+ [Documentation] Check if openflow:1 is detected
+ BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 12 3 Fetch vtn switch inventory openflow:1
+Check if switch2 detected
+ [Documentation] Check if openflow:2 is detected
+ BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 3 1 Fetch vtn switch inventory openflow:2
+Check if switch3 detected
+ [Documentation] Check if openflow:3 is detected
+ BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 3 1 Fetch vtn switch inventory openflow:3
+Add a vtn Tenant1
+ [Documentation] Add a vtn Tenant1
+ Add a vtn Tenant1 {"idleTimeout": "200","hardTimeout": "600","description": "Virtual Tenant1 for Hackfest network"}
+Add a vBridge vBridge1
+ [Documentation] Add a vBridge vBridge1 in vtn Tenant1
+ Add a vBridge Tenant1 vBridge1 {"ageInterval": "300","description": "vBridge1 for Tenant1"}
+Add a interface If1
+ [Documentation] Add a interface if1 into vBridge vBridge1
+ Add a interface Tenant1 vBridge1 if1 {"enabled": "true","description": "Interface1 for vBridge1 for Tenant1"}
+Add a interface if2
+ [Documentation] Add a interface if2 into vBridge vBridge1
+ Add a interface Tenant1 vBridge1 if2 {"enabled": "true","description": "Interface2 for vBridge1 for Tenant1"}
+Add a portmap for interface if1
+ [Documentation] Create a portmap on Interface if1 of vBridge1
+ ${node} Create Dictionary type=OF id=00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02
+ ${port} Create Dictionary name=s2-eth1
+ ${portmap_data} Create Dictionary node=${node} port=${port}
+ Add a portmap Tenant1 vBridge1 if1 ${portmap_data}
+Add a portmap for interface if2
+ [Documentation] Create a portmap on Interface if2 of vBridge1
+ ${node} Create Dictionary type=OF id=00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03
+ ${port} Create Dictionary name=s3-eth1
+ ${portmap_data} Create Dictionary node=${node} port=${port}
+ Add a portmap Tenant1 vBridge1 if2 ${portmap_data}
+Ping h1 to h3
+ [Documentation] Ping h1 to h3, verify no packet loss
+ Mininet Ping Should Succeed h1 h3
+Add a vBridge vBridge2
+ [Documentation] Add a vBridge vBridge2 in vtn Tenant1
+ Add a vBridge Tenant1 vBridge2 {}
+Add a interface If3
+ [Documentation] Add a interface if3 into vBrdige vBridge1
+ Add a interface Tenant1 vBridge1 if3 {}
+Add a interface if4
+ [Documentation] Add a interface if4 into vBrdige vBridge1
+ Add a interface Tenant1 vBridge1 if4 {}
+Add a portmap for interface if3
+ [Documentation] Create a portmap on Interface if3 of vBridge1
+ ${node} Create Dictionary type=OF id=00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02
+ ${port} Create Dictionary name=s2-eth2
+ ${portmap_data} Create Dictionary node=${node} port=${port}
+ Add a portmap Tenant1 vBridge1 if3 ${portmap_data}
+Add a portmap for interface if4
+ [Documentation] Create a portmap on Interface if4 of vBridge1
+ ${node} Create Dictionary type=OF id=00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03
+ ${port} Create Dictionary name=s3-eth2
+ ${portmap_data} Create Dictionary node=${node} port=${port}
+ Add a portmap Tenant1 vBridge1 if4 ${portmap_data}
+Ping h2 to h4
+ [Documentation] Ping h2 to h4, verify no packet loss
+ Mininet Ping Should Succeed h2 h4
+Add a macmap
+ [Documentation] Create a macmap on vBridge vBridge1
+ Add a macmap Tenant1 vBridge1 ${macmap_data}
+Get flow
+ [Documentation] Get flow of a vtn Tenant1
+ Get flow Tenant1
+Add a flowcondition cond1
+ [Documentation] Create a flowcondition cond1
+ ${inet4}= Create Dictionary src= dst=
+ ${inetMatch}= Create Dictionary inet4=${inet4}
+ ${matchElement}= Create Dictionary index=1 inetMatch=${inetMatch}
+ @{matchlist} Create List ${matchElement}
+ ${flowcond_data}= Create Dictionary name=cond1 match=${matchlist}
+ Add a flowcondition cond1 ${flowcond_data}
+Add a flowfilter with inet4src and inet4dst
+ [Documentation] Create a flowfilter with inet4 and Verify ping
+ Add a flowfilter Tenant1 vBridge1 if1 ${flowfilterInetdata} ${index}
+ Mininet Ping Should Succeed h1 h3
+Add a flowfilter with Icmp code
+ [Documentation] Create a flowfilter with icmp code and Verify ping
+ Update a flowfilter Tenant1 vBridge1 if1 ${flowfilterIcmpCodedata} ${index}
+ Mininet Ping Should Succeed h1 h3
+Add a flowfilter with tpsrc and tpdst
+ [Documentation] Create a flowfilter with tpsrc and tpdst and Verify ping
+ Update a flowfilter Tenant1 vBridge1 if1 ${flowfilterTpsrcTpdstdata} ${index}
+ Mininet Ping Should Succeed h1 h3
+Add a flowfilter with dscp
+ [Documentation] Create a flowfilter with dscp and Verify ping
+ Update a flowfilter Tenant1 vBridge1 if1 ${flowfilterDscpdata} ${index}
+ Mininet Ping Should Succeed h1 h3
+Verify Flow Entry for Inet Flowfilter
+ [Documentation] Verify Flow Entry for Inet Flowfilter
+ Verify Flow Entry for Inet Flowfilter
+Add a flowfilter with vlanpcp
+ [Documentation] Create a flowfilter with vlanpcp and Verify ping
+ Update a flowfilter Tenant1 vBridge1 if1 ${flowfiltervlanpcp} ${index}
+ Mininet Ping Should Succeed h1 h3
+Add a flowfilter_vtn with inet4src and inet4dst
+ [Documentation] Create a vtn_flowfilter with inet4 and Verify ping
+ Add a flowfilter_vtn Tenant1 ${vtn_flowfilterInetdata} ${index}
+ Mininet Ping Should Succeed h1 h3
+Add a flowfilter_vbr with inet4src and inet4dst
+ [Documentation] Create a vbr_flowfilter with inet4 and Verify ping
+ Add a flowfilter_vbr Tenant1 vBridge1 ${vbr_flowfilterInetdata} ${index}
+ Mininet Ping Should Succeed h1 h3
+Add a flowfilter with inet4 for drop
+ [Documentation] Create a flowfilter with inet4 for drop action and Verify no pinging
+ Add a flowfilter for drop Tenant1 vBridge1 if1 ${flowfilterInetdropdata} ${index}
+ Mininet Ping Should Not Succeed h1 h3
+Verify Removed Flow Entry For Inet After Drop Action
+ [Documentation] Verify no flows between the hosts after drop
+ Verify Removed Flow Entry for Inet Drop Flowfilter
+Delete a flowcondition
+ [Documentation] Delete a flowcondition
+ Delete a flowcondition cond1
+Delete a vtn Tenant1
+ [Documentation] Delete a vtn Tenant1
+ Delete a vtn Tenant1