--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation netconf-connector scaling test suite to find max connected devices
+... Copyright (c) 2019 Lumina Networks, Inc. and others. All rights reserved.
+... This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+... terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
+... and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
+... Increasing numbers of netconf devices will be connected and cleaned up
+... while validating and profiling between each iteration.
+Suite Setup Setup_Everything
+Suite Teardown Teardown_Everything
+Test Setup SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing
+Library Collections
+Library String
+Library SSHLibrary timeout=10s
+Resource ../../../libraries/CheckJVMResource.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/KarafKeywords.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/NetconfKeywords.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/SSHKeywords.robot
+Resource ../../../variables/Variables.robot
+*** Variables ***
+${DEVICE_NAME_BASE} netconf-scaling-device
+${DEVICE_TYPE} full-uri-device
+${BASE_PORT} 17830
+${DEVICES_RESULT_FILE} devices.csv
+*** Test Cases ***
+Find Max Netconf Devices
+ [Documentation] Find max number of switches starting from ${MIN_SWITCHES} till reaching ${MAX_SWITCHES} in steps of ${STEP_SWITCHES}
+ ${error_message} = BuiltIn.Set Variable Failure initializing suite
+ ${maximum_devices} = BuiltIn.Set Variable ${0}
+ ${discover_time} = BuiltIn.Set Variable 0
+ ${start} = BuiltIn.Convert to Integer ${INIT_DEVICE_COUNT}
+ ${stop} = BuiltIn.Convert to Integer ${MAX_DEVICE_COUNT}
+ ${increment} = BuiltIn.Convert to Integer ${DEVICE_INCREMENT}
+ CheckJVMResource.Get JVM Memory
+ : FOR ${devices} IN RANGE ${start} ${stop+1} ${increment}
+ \ ${timeout} = BuiltIn.Evaluate ${devices}*${TIMEOUT_FACTOR}
+ \ Log To Console Starting Iteration with ${devices} devices
+ \ NetconfKeywords.Install_And_Start_Testtool device-count=${devices}
+ \ ${status} ${result} = Run Keyword And Ignore Error NetconfKeywords.Perform_Operation_On_Each_Device Configure_Device timeout=${timeout}
+ \ Exit For Loop If '${status}' == 'FAIL'
+ \ ${status} ${result} = Run Keyword And Ignore Error NetconfKeywords.Perform_Operation_On_Each_Device Wait_Connected timeout=${timeout}
+ \ Exit For Loop If '${status}' == 'FAIL'
+ \ ${status} ${result} = Run Keyword And Ignore Error Issue_Requests_On_Devices ${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${devices}
+ \ ... ${NUM_WORKERS}
+ \ Exit For Loop If '${status}' == 'FAIL'
+ \ ${status} ${result} = Run Keyword And Ignore Error NetconfKeywords.Perform_Operation_On_Each_Device Wait_Connected timeout=${timeout}
+ \ Exit For Loop If '${status}' == 'FAIL'
+ \ ${status} ${result} = Run Keyword And Ignore Error NetconfKeywords.Perform_Operation_On_Each_Device Deconfigure_Device timeout=${timeout}
+ \ Exit For Loop If '${status}' == 'FAIL'
+ \ ${status} ${result} = Run Keyword And Ignore Error NetconfKeywords.Perform_Operation_On_Each_Device Check_Device_Deconfigured timeout=${timeout}
+ \ Exit For Loop If '${status}' == 'FAIL'
+ \ ${maximum_devices} = Set Variable ${devices}
+ \ CheckJVMResource.Get JVM Memory
+ \ NetconfKeywords.Stop_Testtool
+ [Teardown] Run Keywords NetconfKeywords.Stop_Testtool
+ ... AND Collect_Data_Points ${maximum_devices}
+ ... AND CheckJVMResource.Get JVM Memory
+*** Keywords ***
+ [Arguments] ${devices}
+ [Documentation] Parse and Log relevant information when Scale test finishes
+ OperatingSystem.Append To File ${DEVICES_RESULT_FILE} Max Devices\n
+ OperatingSystem.Append To File ${DEVICES_RESULT_FILE} ${devices}\n
+ [Arguments] ${client_ip} ${expected_count} ${worker_count}
+ [Documentation] Spawn the specified count of worker threads to issue a GET request to each of the devices.
+ ${current_ssh_connection}= SSHLibrary.Get Connection
+ SSHLibrary.Open_Connection ${client_ip}
+ SSHKeywords.Flexible_Mininet_Login
+ SSHLibrary.Write python getter.py --odladdress=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} --count=${expected_count} --name=${device_name_base} --workers=${worker_count}
+ : FOR ${number} IN RANGE 1 ${expected_count}+1
+ \ Read_Python_Tool_Operation_Result ${number}
+ SSHLibrary.Read_Until_Prompt
+ SSHLibrary.Close_Connection
+ SSHKeywords.Restore Current SSH Connection From Index ${current_ssh_connection.index}
+ [Documentation] Setup everything needed for the test cases.
+ # Setup resources used by the suite.
+ RequestsLibrary.Create_Session operational http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT}${OPERATIONAL_API} auth=${AUTH}
+ SSHLibrary.Set_Default_Configuration prompt=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_PROMPT}
+ SetupUtils.Setup_Utils_For_Setup_And_Teardown
+ NetconfKeywords.Setup_Netconf_Keywords
+ # Deploy testing tools.
+ SSHLibrary.Put_File ${CURDIR}/../../../../tools/netconf_tools/getter.py
+ SSHLibrary.Put_File ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/AuthStandalone.py
+ ${device_type}= BuiltIn.Set_Variable_If ${USE_NETCONF_CONNECTOR}==${True} default ${device_type}
+ BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${device_type}
+ [Documentation] Teardown the test infrastructure, perform cleanup and release all resources.
+ RequestsLibrary.Delete_All_Sessions
+ NetconfKeywords.Stop_Testtool
+ [Arguments] ${current_name}
+ [Documentation] Operation for configuring the device.
+ KarafKeywords.Log_Message_To_Controller_Karaf Configuring device ${current_name} to Netconf
+ NetconfKeywords.Configure_Device_In_Netconf ${current_name} device_type=${device_type} device_port=${current_port}
+ KarafKeywords.Log_Message_To_Controller_Karaf Device ${current_name} configured
+ [Arguments] ${current_name}
+ [Documentation] Operation for waiting until the device is connected.
+ KarafKeywords.Log_Message_To_Controller_Karaf Waiting for device ${current_name} to connect
+ NetconfKeywords.Wait_Device_Connected ${current_name} period=0.5s timeout=120s
+ KarafKeywords.Log_Message_To_Controller_Karaf Device ${current_name} connected
+ [Arguments] ${number}
+ [Documentation] Read and process a report line emitted from the Python tool that corresponds to the device with the given number.
+ ${test}= SSHLibrary.Read_Until_Regexp \\n
+ ${test}= String.Split_String ${test} |
+ ${response}= Collections.Get_From_List ${test} 0
+ ${message}= Collections.Get_From_List ${test} 1
+ BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_If '${response}' == 'ERROR' Fail Error getting data: ${message}
+ ${start}= Collections.Get_From_List ${test} 1
+ ${stop}= Collections.Get_From_List ${test} 2
+ ${ellapsed}= Collections.Get_From_List ${test} 3
+ BuiltIn.Log DATA REQUEST RESULT: Device=${number} StartTime=${start} StopTime=${stop} EllapsedTime=${ellapsed}
+ ${data}= Collections.Get_From_List ${test} 4
+ ${expected}= BuiltIn.Set_Variable '<data xmlns="${ODL_NETCONF_NAMESPACE}"></data>'
+ BuiltIn.Should_Be_Equal_As_Strings ${data} ${expected}
+ [Arguments] ${current_name}
+ [Documentation] Operation for deconfiguring the device.
+ KarafKeywords.Log_Message_To_Controller_Karaf Deconfiguring device ${current_name}
+ NetconfKeywords.Remove_Device_From_Netconf ${current_name}
+ KarafKeywords.Log_Message_To_Controller_Karaf Device ${current_name} deconfigured
+ [Arguments] ${current_name}
+ [Documentation] Operation for making sure the device is really deconfigured.
+ KarafKeywords.Log_Message_To_Controller_Karaf Waiting for device ${current_name} to disappear
+ NetconfKeywords.Wait_Device_Fully_Removed ${current_name} period=0.5s timeout=120s
+ KarafKeywords.Log_Message_To_Controller_Karaf Device ${current_name} removed