--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Test suite to validate IPv6 vpnservice functionality in an Openstack integrated environment.
+... The assumption of this suite is that the environment is already configured with the proper
+... integration bridges and vxlan tunnels.
+Suite Setup Basic Vpnservice Suite Setup
+Suite Teardown Basic Vpnservice Suite Teardown
+Test Setup SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing
+Test Teardown Get Test Teardown Debugs
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Resource ../../../libraries/Utils.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/OpenStackOperations.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/DevstackUtils.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/VpnOperations.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/OVSDB.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/Tcpdump.robot
+Resource ../../../variables/Variables.robot
+Resource ../../../variables/netvirt/Variables.robot
+*** Variables ***
+@{SUBNETS_CIDR} 2001:db8:0:2::/64 2001:db8:0:3::/64
+@{EXTRA_NW_IP} 2001:db9:cafe:d::10 2001:db9:abcd:d::20
+@{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET} 2001:db9:cafe:d::/64 2001:db9:abcd:d::/64
+${NET1_ADDR_POOL} --allocation-pool start=2001:db8:0:2::2,end=2001:db8:0:2:ffff:ffff:ffff:fffe
+${NET2_ADDR_POOL} --allocation-pool start=2001:db8:0:3::2,end=2001:db8:0:3:ffff:ffff:ffff:fffe
+${SECURITY_GROUP} sg-ipv6-vpnservice
+${UPDATE_NETWORK} UpdateNetwork
+${UPDATE_SUBNET} UpdateSubnet
+${UPDATE_PORT} UpdatePort
+*** Test Cases ***
+Create Neutron Networks
+ [Documentation] Create two networks
+ Create Network ${NETWORKS[0]}
+ Create Network ${NETWORKS[1]}
+ ${NET_LIST} List Networks
+ Log ${NET_LIST}
+ Should Contain ${NET_LIST} ${NETWORKS[0]}
+ Should Contain ${NET_LIST} ${NETWORKS[1]}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3s 1s Check For Elements At URI ${NETWORK_URL} ${NETWORKS}
+ Update Network ${NETWORKS[0]} additional_args=--description ${UPDATE_NETWORK}
+ ${output} = Show Network ${NETWORKS[0]}
+ Should Contain ${output} ${UPDATE_NETWORK}
+Create Neutron Subnets
+ [Documentation] Create two subnets for previously created networks
+ ${net1_additional_args}= Catenate --ip-version=6 --ipv6-address-mode=slaac --ipv6-ra-mode=slaac ${NET1_ADDR_POOL}
+ ${net2_additional_args}= Catenate --ip-version=6 --ipv6-address-mode=slaac --ipv6-ra-mode=slaac ${NET2_ADDR_POOL}
+ Create SubNet ${NETWORKS[0]} ${SUBNETS[0]} ${SUBNETS_CIDR[0]} ${net1_additional_args}
+ Create SubNet ${NETWORKS[1]} ${SUBNETS[1]} ${SUBNETS_CIDR[1]} ${net2_additional_args}
+ ${SUB_LIST} List Subnets
+ Log ${SUB_LIST}
+ Should Contain ${SUB_LIST} ${SUBNETS[0]}
+ Should Contain ${SUB_LIST} ${SUBNETS[1]}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3s 1s Check For Elements At URI ${SUBNETWORK_URL} ${SUBNETS}
+ Update SubNet ${SUBNETS[0]} additional_args=--description ${UPDATE_SUBNET}
+ ${output} = Show SubNet ${SUBNETS[0]}
+ Should Contain ${output} ${UPDATE_SUBNET}
+Create Routers
+ [Documentation] Create Router
+ Create Router ${ROUTERS[0]}
+ ${router_output} = List Router
+ Log ${router_output}
+ Should Contain ${router_output} ${ROUTERS[0]}
+ ${router_list} = Create List ${ROUTERS[0]}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3s 1s Check For Elements At URI ${ROUTER_URL} ${router_list}
+Add Interfaces To Router
+ [Documentation] Add Interfaces
+ ${devstack_conn_id} = Get ControlNode Connection
+ \ Add Router Interface ${ROUTERS[0]} ${INTERFACE}
+ ${interface_output} = Show Router Interface ${ROUTERS[0]}
+ \ ${subnet_id} = Get Subnet Id ${INTERFACE} ${devstack_conn_id}
+ \ Should Contain ${interface_output} ${subnet_id}
+ ${GWMAC_ADDRS} ${GWIP_ADDRS} = Get Gateway MAC And IP Address ${ROUTERS[0]}
+ Set Suite Variable ${GWMAC_ADDRS}
+ Set Suite Variable ${GWIP_ADDRS}
+Add Ssh V6 Allow Rule
+ [Documentation] Allow all TCP/UDP/ICMP6 packets for this suite
+ Neutron Security Group Create ${SECURITY_GROUP}
+ Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${SECURITY_GROUP} direction=ingress ethertype=IPv6 port_range_max=65535 port_range_min=1 protocol=tcp
+ Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${SECURITY_GROUP} direction=egress ethertype=IPv6 port_range_max=65535 port_range_min=1 protocol=tcp
+ Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${SECURITY_GROUP} direction=ingress ethertype=IPv6 protocol=icmp
+ Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${SECURITY_GROUP} direction=egress ethertype=IPv6 protocol=icmp
+ Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${SECURITY_GROUP} direction=ingress ethertype=IPv6 port_range_max=65535 port_range_min=1 protocol=udp
+ Neutron Security Group Rule Create ${SECURITY_GROUP} direction=egress ethertype=IPv6 port_range_max=65535 port_range_min=1 protocol=udp
+Create Neutron Ports
+ [Documentation] Create four ports under previously created subnets
+ ${allowed_address_pairs_args}= Set Variable --allowed-address-pairs type=dict list=true ip_address=${EXTRA_NW_SUBNET[0]} ip_address=${EXTRA_NW_SUBNET[1]}
+ Create Port ${NETWORKS[0]} ${PORT_LIST[0]} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} additional_args=${allowed_address_pairs_args}
+ Create Port ${NETWORKS[0]} ${PORT_LIST[1]} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} additional_args=${allowed_address_pairs_args}
+ Create Port ${NETWORKS[1]} ${PORT_LIST[2]} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} additional_args=${allowed_address_pairs_args}
+ Create Port ${NETWORKS[1]} ${PORT_LIST[3]} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP} additional_args=${allowed_address_pairs_args}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3s 1s Check For Elements At URI ${PORT_URL} ${PORT_LIST}
+ Update Port ${PORT_LIST[0]} additional_args=--name ${UPDATE_PORT}
+ ${output} = Show Port ${UPDATE_PORT}
+ Should Contain ${output} ${UPDATE_PORT}
+ Update Port ${UPDATE_PORT} additional_args=--name ${PORT_LIST[0]}
+Create Nova VMs
+ [Documentation] Create Vm instances on compute node with port
+ Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node ${PORT_LIST[0]} ${VM_INSTANCES_NET10[0]} ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}
+ Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node ${PORT_LIST[1]} ${VM_INSTANCES_NET10[1]} ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}
+ Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node ${PORT_LIST[2]} ${VM_INSTANCES_NET20[0]} ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}
+ Create Vm Instance With Port On Compute Node ${PORT_LIST[3]} ${VM_INSTANCES_NET20[1]} ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} sg=${SECURITY_GROUP}
+ \ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 25s 5s Verify VM Is ACTIVE ${VM}
+ Log Check for routes
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 10s Wait For Routes To Propogate ${NETWORKS} ${SUBNETS_CIDR}
+ ${prefix_net10}= Replace String ${SUBNETS_CIDR[0]} ::/64 (:[a-f0-9]{,4}){,4}
+ Log ${prefix_net10}
+ ${status} ${message} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5x 60s Collect VM IPv6 SLAAC Addresses
+ ... true ${prefix_net10} @{VM_INSTANCES_NET10}
+ ${prefix_net20}= Replace String ${SUBNETS_CIDR[1]} ::/64 (:[a-f0-9]{,4}){,4}
+ Log ${prefix_net20}
+ ${status} ${message} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5x 60s Collect VM IPv6 SLAAC Addresses
+ ... true ${prefix_net20} @{VM_INSTANCES_NET20}
+ ${VM_IP_NET10}= Collect VM IPv6 SLAAC Addresses false ${prefix_net10} @{VM_INSTANCES_NET10}
+ ${VM_IP_NET20}= Collect VM IPv6 SLAAC Addresses false ${prefix_net20} @{VM_INSTANCES_NET20}
+ Log ${VM_IP_NET10}
+ Log ${VM_IP_NET20}
+ ${VM_INSTANCES}= Collections.Combine Lists ${VM_INSTANCES_NET10} ${VM_INSTANCES_NET20}
+ ${VM_IPS}= Collections.Combine Lists ${VM_IP_NET10} ${VM_IP_NET20}
+ Log Many Obtained IPs ${VM_IPS}
+ : FOR ${index} IN RANGE 0 ${LOOP_COUNT}
+ \ ${status} ${message} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Should Not Contain @{VM_IPS}[${index}] None
+ \ Run Keyword If '${status}' == 'FAIL' Write Commands Until Prompt nova console-log @{VM_INSTANCES}[${index}] 30s
+ Log ${VM_IP_NET10}
+ Set Suite Variable ${VM_IP_NET10}
+ Log ${VM_IP_NET20}
+ Set Suite Variable ${VM_IP_NET20}
+ Should Not Contain ${VM_IP_NET10} None
+ Should Not Contain ${VM_IP_NET20} None
+ [Teardown] Run Keywords Show Debugs @{VM_INSTANCES_NET10} @{VM_INSTANCES_NET20}
+ ... AND Get Suite Teardown Debugs
+Check ELAN Datapath Traffic Within The Networks
+ [Documentation] Checks datapath within the same network with different vlans.
+ ${output}= Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET10[0]} ping6 -c 3 ${VM_IP_NET10[1]}
+ Should Contain ${output} 64 bytes
+ ${output}= Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[1] ${VM_IP_NET20[0]} ping6 -c 3 ${VM_IP_NET20[1]}
+ Should Contain ${output} 64 bytes
+Check L3_Datapath Traffic Across Networks With Router
+ [Documentation] Datapath test across the networks using router for L3.
+ Log Verification of FIB Entries and Flow
+ ${cn1_conn_id} = Start Packet Capture on Node ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} file_Name=tcpDumpCN1
+ ${cn2_conn_id} = Start Packet Capture on Node ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} file_Name=tcpDumpCN2
+ ${os_conn_id} = Start Packet Capture on Node ${OS_CONTROL_NODE_IP} file_Name=tcpDumpOS
+ ${vm_instances} = Create List @{VM_IP_NET10} @{VM_IP_NET20}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Check For Elements At URI ${FIB_ENTRY_URL} ${vm_instances}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify Flows Are Present For L3VPN ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} ${VM_IP_NET10}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify Flows Are Present For L3VPN ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} ${VM_IP_NET20}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify GWMAC Entry On ODL ${GWMAC_ADDRS}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify GWMAC Flow Entry On Flow Table ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify GWMAC Flow Entry On Flow Table ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP}
+ Log L3 Datapath test across the networks using router
+ ${dst_ip_list} = Create List ${VM_IP_NET10[1]} @{VM_IP_NET20}
+ Log Many Destination IPs list ${dst_ip_list}
+ Log Many Source IP ${VM_IP_NET10[1]}
+ Test Operations From Vm Instance ${NETWORKS[0]} ${VM_IP_NET10[0]} ${dst_ip_list}
+ ${dst_ip_list} = Create List ${VM_IP_NET20[1]} @{VM_IP_NET10}
+ Log Many Destination IPs list ${dst_ip_list}
+ Log Many Source IP ${VM_IP_NET20[0]}
+ Test Operations From Vm Instance ${NETWORKS[1]} ${VM_IP_NET20[0]} ${dst_ip_list}
+ [Teardown] Test Teardown With Tcpdump Stop ${cn1_conn_id} ${cn2_conn_id} ${os_conn_id}
+Add Multiple Extra Routes And Check Datapath Before L3VPN Creation
+ [Documentation] Add multiple extra routes and check data path before L3VPN creation
+ Log "Adding extra one route to VM"
+ ${CONFIG_EXTRA_ROUTE_IP1} = Catenate sudo ip -6 addr add ${EXTRA_NW_IP[0]}/64 dev eth0
+ ${output} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET10[0]} ${CONFIG_EXTRA_ROUTE_IP1}
+ ${output} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET10[0]} ip -6 a
+ ${CONFIG_EXTRA_ROUTE_IP2} = Catenate sudo ip -6 addr add ${EXTRA_NW_IP[1]}/64 dev eth0
+ ${output} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET10[0]} ${CONFIG_EXTRA_ROUTE_IP2}
+ ${output} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET10[0]} ip -6 a
+ ${EXT_RT1} = Set Variable destination=${EXTRA_NW_SUBNET[0]},gateway=${VM_IP_NET10[0]}
+ ${EXT_RT2} = Set Variable destination=${EXTRA_NW_SUBNET[1]},gateway=${VM_IP_NET10[0]}
+ ${cmd} = Catenate ${RT_OPTIONS} ${EXT_RT1} ${RT_OPTIONS} ${EXT_RT2}
+ Update Router @{ROUTERS}[0] ${cmd}
+ Show Router @{ROUTERS}[0] -D
+ Log "Verify FIB table"
+ ${vm_instances} = Create List @{EXTRA_NW_SUBNET}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Check For Elements At URI ${FIB_ENTRY_URL} ${vm_instances}
+ ${output} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET10[1]} ping6 -c 3 @{EXTRA_NW_IP}[1]
+ Should Contain ${output} 64 bytes
+ ${output} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[1] ${VM_IP_NET20[1]} ping6 -c 3 @{EXTRA_NW_IP}[1]
+ Should Contain ${output} 64 bytes
+ ${output} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET10[1]} ping6 -c 3 @{EXTRA_NW_IP}[0]
+ Should Contain ${output} 64 bytes
+Delete Extra Route
+ [Documentation] Delete the extra routes
+ Update Router @{ROUTERS}[0] ${RT_CLEAR}
+ Show Router @{ROUTERS}[0] -D
+Delete And Recreate Extra Route
+ [Documentation] Recreate multiple extra route and check data path before L3VPN creation
+ Log "Adding extra route to VM"
+ ${CONFIG_EXTRA_ROUTE_IP1} = Catenate sudo ip -6 addr add ${EXTRA_NW_IP[1]}/64 dev eth0
+ ${output} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET10[0]} ${CONFIG_EXTRA_ROUTE_IP1}
+ ${EXT_RT1} = Set Variable destination=${EXTRA_NW_SUBNET[0]},gateway=${VM_IP_NET10[0]}
+ ${cmd} = Catenate ${RT_OPTIONS} ${EXT_RT1}
+ Update Router @{ROUTERS}[0] ${cmd}
+ Show Router @{ROUTERS}[0] -D
+ ${output} = Execute Command on VM Instance @{NETWORKS}[0] ${VM_IP_NET10[1]} ping6 -c 3 @{EXTRA_NW_IP}[0]
+ Should Contain ${output} 64 bytes
+ # clear off extra-routes before the next set of tests
+ [Teardown] Run Keywords Update Router @{ROUTERS}[0] ${RT_CLEAR}
+ ... AND Show Router @{ROUTERS}[0] -D
+ ... AND Get Test Teardown Debugs
+Create L3VPN
+ [Documentation] Creates L3VPN and verify the same
+ ${devstack_conn_id} = Get ControlNode Connection
+ Switch Connection ${devstack_conn_id}
+ ${net_id} = Get Net Id @{NETWORKS}[0] ${devstack_conn_id}
+ ${tenant_id} = Get Tenant ID From Network ${net_id}
+ VPN Create L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]} name=${VPN_NAME[0]} rd=@{RDS}[0] exportrt=@{RDS}[0] importrt=@{RDS}[0] tenantid=${tenant_id}
+ ${resp}= VPN Get L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]}
+ Should Contain ${resp} ${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]}
+Associate L3VPN To Routers
+ [Documentation] Associating router to L3VPN
+ ${devstack_conn_id}= Get ControlNode Connection
+ ${router_id}= Get Router Id ${ROUTERS[0]} ${devstack_conn_id}
+ Associate VPN to Router routerid=${router_id} vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]}
+ ${resp}= VPN Get L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]}
+ Should Contain ${resp} ${router_id}
+Verify L3VPN Datapath With Router Association
+ [Documentation] Datapath test across the networks using L3VPN with router association.
+ Log Verify VPN interfaces, FIB entries and Flow table
+ ${vm_instances} = Create List @{VM_IP_NET10} @{VM_IP_NET20}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Check For Elements At URI ${VPN_IFACES_URL} ${vm_instances}
+ ${RD} = Strip String ${RDS[0]} characters="[]
+ Log ${RD}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 5s Check For Elements At URI ${CONFIG_API}/odl-fib:fibEntries/vrfTables/${RD}/ ${vm_instances}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 5s Verify Flows Are Present For L3VPN ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} ${vm_instances}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 60s 5s Verify Flows Are Present For L3VPN ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} ${vm_instances}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify GWMAC Entry On ODL ${GWMAC_ADDRS}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify GWMAC Flow Entry On Flow Table ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify GWMAC Flow Entry On Flow Table ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP}
+ Log Check datapath from network1 to network2
+ ${dst_ip_list} = Create List @{VM_IP_NET10}[1] @{VM_IP_NET20}
+ Log ${dst_ip_list}
+ Test Operations From Vm Instance ${NETWORKS[0]} @{VM_IP_NET10}[0] ${dst_ip_list}
+ Log Check datapath from network2 to network1
+ ${dst_ip_list} = Create List @{VM_IP_NET20}[1] @{VM_IP_NET10}
+ Log ${dst_ip_list}
+ Test Operations From Vm Instance ${NETWORKS[1]} @{VM_IP_NET20}[0] ${dst_ip_list}
+Dissociate L3VPN From Routers
+ [Documentation] Dissociating router from L3VPN
+ ${devstack_conn_id}= Get ControlNode Connection
+ ${router_id}= Get Router Id ${ROUTERS[0]} ${devstack_conn_id}
+ Dissociate VPN to Router routerid=${router_id} vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]}
+ ${resp}= VPN Get L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]}
+ Should Not Contain ${resp} ${router_id}
+Delete Router And Router Interfaces With L3VPN
+ [Documentation] Delete Router and Interface to the subnets with L3VPN associate
+ # Asscoiate router with L3VPN
+ ${devstack_conn_id} = Get ControlNode Connection
+ ${router_id}= Get Router Id ${ROUTERS[0]} ${devstack_conn_id}
+ Associate VPN to Router routerid=${router_id} vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]}
+ ${resp}= VPN Get L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]}
+ Should Contain ${resp} ${router_id}
+ #Delete Interface
+ \ Remove Interface ${ROUTERS[0]} ${INTERFACE}
+ ${interface_output} = Show Router Interface ${ROUTERS[0]}
+ \ ${subnet_id} = Get Subnet Id ${INTERFACE} ${devstack_conn_id}
+ \ Should Not Contain ${interface_output} ${subnet_id}
+ # Delete Router and Interface to the subnets.
+ Delete Router ${ROUTERS[0]}
+ ${router_output} = List Router
+ Log ${router_output}
+ Should Not Contain ${router_output} ${ROUTERS[0]}
+ ${router_list} = Create List ${ROUTERS[0]}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 3s 1s Check For Elements Not At URI ${ROUTER_URL} ${router_list}
+ # Verify Router Entry removed from L3VPN
+ ${resp}= VPN Get L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]}
+ Should Not Contain ${resp} ${router_id}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify GWMAC Flow Entry Removed From Flow Table ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP}
+ Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 30s 5s Verify GWMAC Flow Entry Removed From Flow Table ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP}
+Delete Router With NonExistentRouter Name
+ [Documentation] Delete router with nonExistentRouter name
+ ${devstack_conn_id}= Get ControlNode Connection
+ Switch Connection ${devstack_conn_id}
+ ${output} = Write Commands Until Prompt neutron router-delete nonExistentRouter 30s
+ Close Connection
+ Should Match Regexp ${output} Unable to find router with name or id 'nonExistentRouter'|Unable to find router\\(s\\) with id\\(s\\) 'nonExistentRouter'
+Associate L3VPN To Networks
+ [Documentation] Associates L3VPN to networks and verify
+ ${devstack_conn_id} = Get ControlNode Connection
+ ${network1_id} = Get Net Id ${NETWORKS[0]} ${devstack_conn_id}
+ ${network2_id} = Get Net Id ${NETWORKS[1]} ${devstack_conn_id}
+ Associate L3VPN To Network networkid=${network1_id} vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]}
+ ${resp}= VPN Get L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]}
+ Should Contain ${resp} ${network1_id}
+ Associate L3VPN To Network networkid=${network2_id} vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]}
+ ${resp}= VPN Get L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]}
+ Should Contain ${resp} ${network2_id}
+Dissociate L3VPN From Networks
+ [Documentation] Dissociate L3VPN from networks
+ ${devstack_conn_id} = Get ControlNode Connection
+ ${network1_id} = Get Net Id ${NETWORKS[0]} ${devstack_conn_id}
+ ${network2_id} = Get Net Id ${NETWORKS[1]} ${devstack_conn_id}
+ Dissociate L3VPN From Networks networkid=${network1_id} vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]}
+ ${resp}= VPN Get L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]}
+ Should Not Contain ${resp} ${network1_id}
+ Dissociate L3VPN From Networks networkid=${network2_id} vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]}
+ ${resp}= VPN Get L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]}
+ Should Not Contain ${resp} ${network2_id}
+Delete L3VPN
+ [Documentation] Delete L3VPN
+ VPN Delete L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]}
+Create Multiple L3VPN
+ [Documentation] Creates three L3VPNs and then verify the same
+ ${devstack_conn_id} = Get ControlNode Connection
+ Switch Connection ${devstack_conn_id}
+ ${net_id} = Get Net Id @{NETWORKS}[0] ${devstack_conn_id}
+ ${tenant_id} = Get Tenant ID From Network ${net_id}
+ VPN Create L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]} name=${VPN_NAME[0]} rd=${RDS[0]} exportrt=${RDS[0]} importrt=${RDS[0]} tenantid=${tenant_id}
+ VPN Create L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[1]} name=${VPN_NAME[1]} rd=${RDS[1]} exportrt=${RDS[1]} importrt=${RDS[1]} tenantid=${tenant_id}
+ VPN Create L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[2]} name=${VPN_NAME[2]} rd=${RDS[2]} exportrt=${RDS[2]} importrt=${RDS[2]} tenantid=${tenant_id}
+ ${resp}= VPN Get L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]}
+ Should Contain ${resp} ${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]}
+ ${resp}= VPN Get L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[1]}
+ Should Contain ${resp} ${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[1]}
+ ${resp}= VPN Get L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[2]}
+ Should Contain ${resp} ${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[2]}
+Delete Multiple L3VPN
+ [Documentation] Delete three L3VPNs created using Multiple L3VPN Test
+ VPN Delete L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[0]}
+ VPN Delete L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[1]}
+ VPN Delete L3VPN vpnid=${VPN_INSTANCE_ID[2]}
+*** Keywords ***
+Test Teardown With Tcpdump Stop
+ [Arguments] ${cn1_conn_id} ${cn2_conn_id} ${os_conn_id}
+ Stop Packet Capture on Node ${cn1_conn_id}
+ Stop Packet Capture on Node ${cn2_conn_id}
+ Stop Packet Capture on Node ${os_conn_id}
+ Get Test Teardown Debugs
+Get Gateway MAC And IP Address
+ [Arguments] ${router_Name}
+ [Documentation] Get Gateway mac and IP Address
+ ${devstack_conn_id}= Get ControlNode Connection
+ Switch Connection ${devstack_conn_id}
+ ${output} = Write Commands Until Prompt neutron router-port-list ${router_Name} 30s
+ @{MacAddr-list} = Get Regexp Matches ${output} ${MAC_REGEX}
+ @{IpAddr-list} = Get Regexp Matches ${output} ${IP6_REGEX}
+ [Return] ${MacAddr-list} ${IpAddr-list}
+Verify GWMAC Flow Entry On Flow Table
+ [Arguments] ${cnIp}
+ [Documentation] Verify the GWMAC Table, ARP Response table and Dispatcher table.
+ ${flow_output}= Run Command On Remote System ${cnIp} sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows br-int
+ Log ${flow_output}
+ ${group_output}= Run Command On Remote System ${cnIp} sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-groups br-int
+ Log ${group_output}
+ Should Contain ${flow_output} table=${DISPATCHER_TABLE}
+ ${dispatcher_table} = Get Lines Containing String ${flow_output} table=${DISPATCHER_TABLE}
+ Log ${dispatcher_table}
+ Should Contain ${dispatcher_table} goto_table:${GWMAC_TABLE}
+ Should Not Contain ${dispatcher_table} goto_table:${ARP_RESPONSE_TABLE}
+ Should Contain ${flow_output} table=${GWMAC_TABLE}
+ ${gwmac_table} = Get Lines Containing String ${flow_output} table=${GWMAC_TABLE}
+ Log ${gwmac_table}
+ #Verify GWMAC address present in table 19
+ : FOR ${macAdd} IN @{GWMAC_ADDRS}
+ \ Should Contain ${gwmac_table} dl_dst=${macAdd} actions=goto_table:${L3_TABLE}
+ #verify Miss entry
+ Should Contain ${gwmac_table} actions=resubmit(,17)
+ #arp request and response
+ Should Match Regexp ${gwmac_table} ${ARP_RESPONSE_REGEX}
+ ${match} = Should Match Regexp ${gwmac_table} ${ARP_REQUEST_REGEX}
+ ${groupID} = Split String ${match} separator=:
+ Log groupID
+ Should Contain ${flow_output} table=${IPV6_TABLE}
+ ${icmp_ipv6_flows} = Get Lines Containing String ${flow_output} icmp_type=135
+ Log ${icmp_ipv6_flows}
+ : FOR ${ip_addr} IN @{GWIP_ADDRS}
+ \ ${rule} = Set Variable icmp_type=135,icmp_code=0,nd_target=${ip_addr} actions=CONTROLLER:65535
+ \ Should Match Regexp ${icmp_ipv6_flows} ${rule}