... and check the data is replicated in all instances in ${controller_index_list}.
${expected_body}= Hsf Json ${body}
${resp} RequestsLibrary.Put Request controller${controller_index} ${uri} ${body} ${headers}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+ ${status_code}= Convert To String ${resp.status_code}
+ Should Match Regexp ${status_code} 20(0|1)
: FOR ${i} IN @{controller_index_list}
\ ${data} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 1s Get Data From URI controller${i}
\ ... ${uri} ${headers}
Resource ClusterKeywords.robot
Resource MininetKeywords.robot
Resource Utils.robot
+Resource OVSDB.robot
Variables ../variables/Variables.py
*** Keywords ***
Create Bridge And Verify
[Arguments] ${controller_index_list} ${controller_index}
[Documentation] Create bridge in ${controller_index} and verify it gets applied in all instances in ${controller_index_list}.
- ${sample}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${CURDIR}/../variables/ovsdb/create_bridge_3node.json
- Log ${sample}
- ${sample1} Replace String ${sample} tcp:controller1:6633 tcp:${ODL_SYSTEM_1_IP}:6640
- Log ${sample1}
- ${sample2} Replace String ${sample1} tcp:controller2:6633 tcp:${ODL_SYSTEM_2_IP}:6640
- Log ${sample2}
- ${sample3} Replace String ${sample2} tcp:controller3:6633 tcp:${ODL_SYSTEM_3_IP}:6640
- Log ${sample3}
- ${sample4} Replace String ${sample3} ${MININET}
- Log ${sample4}
- ${sample5} Replace String ${sample4} br01 ${BRIDGE}
- Log ${sample5}
- ${body} Replace String ${sample5} 61644 ${OVSDB_PORT}
+ # need to get UUID which should be the same on all controllers in cluster, so asking controller1
+ ${ovsdb_uuid}= Get OVSDB UUID controller_http_session=controller1
+ ${body}= OperatingSystem.Get File ${CURDIR}/../variables/ovsdb/create_bridge_3node.json
+ ${body} Replace String ${body} ovsdb:// ovsdb://uuid/${ovsdb_uuid}
+ ${body} Replace String ${body} tcp:controller1:6633 tcp:${ODL_SYSTEM_1_IP}:6640
+ ${body} Replace String ${body} tcp:controller2:6633 tcp:${ODL_SYSTEM_2_IP}:6640
+ ${body} Replace String ${body} tcp:controller3:6633 tcp:${ODL_SYSTEM_3_IP}:6640
+ ${body} Replace String ${body} ${MININET}
+ ${body} Replace String ${body} br01 ${BRIDGE}
+ ${body} Replace String ${body} 61644 ${OVSDB_PORT}
Log ${body}
${dictionary}= Create Dictionary ${MININET}=1 ${OVSDBPORT}=4 ${BRIDGE}=1
- Put And Check At URI In Cluster ${controller_index_list} ${controller_index} ${SOUTHBOUND_CONFIG_API}%2Fbridge%2F${BRIDGE} ${body} ${HEADERS}
+ Put And Check At URI In Cluster ${controller_index_list} ${controller_index} ${CONFIG_TOPO_API}/topology/ovsdb:1/node/ovsdb:%2F%2Fuuid%2F${ovsdb_uuid}%2Fbridge%2F${BRIDGE} ${body} ${HEADERS}
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 5s 1s Check Item Occurrence At URI In Cluster ${controller_index_list} ${dictionary} ${OPERATIONAL_TOPO_API}
Should Contain ${output} is_connected
- [Arguments] ${ovs_system_ip}=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${controller_ip}=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}
+ [Arguments] ${ovs_system_ip}=${TOOLS_SYSTEM_IP} ${controller_ip}=${ODL_SYSTEM_IP} ${controller_http_session}=session
[Documentation] Queries the topology in the operational datastore and searches for the node that has
... the ${ovs_system_ip} argument as the "remote-ip". If found, the value returned will be the value of
... node-id stripped of "ovsdb://uuid/". If not found, ${EMPTY} will be returned.
${uuid}= Set Variable ${EMPTY}
- ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Get Request session ${OPERATIONAL_TOPO_API}/topology/ovsdb:1
+ ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Get Request ${controller_http_session} ${OPERATIONAL_TOPO_API}/topology/ovsdb:1
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
${resp_json}= To Json ${resp.content}
${topologies}= Get From Dictionary ${resp_json} topology