--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Metconf MDSAL Northbound test suite.
+... Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved.
+... This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+... terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
+... and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
+Suite Setup Setup_Everything
+Suite Teardown Teardown_Everything
+Test Setup SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Fast_Failing
+Test Teardown FailFast.Start_Failing_Fast_If_This_Failed
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Library SSHLibrary
+Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/FailFast.robot
+Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/SetupUtils.robot
+Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/Utils.robot
+Variables ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/Variables.py
+*** Variables ***
+${datadir} ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/netconf/MDSAL
+${dataext} msg
+*** Test Cases ***
+ [Documentation] Connect to ODL Netconf and fail if that is not possible.
+ Open_ODL_Netconf_Connection
+ ${hello_message}= Get_Data hello
+ Transmit_Message ${hello_message}
+ [Documentation] Make sure the configuration has only the default elements in it.
+ Perform_Test get-config
+ [Documentation] Check that messages with missing "message-ID" attribute are rejected with the correct error (RFC 6241, section 4.1).
+ Perform_Test missing-attr
+ [Documentation] Check that additional attributes in messages are returned properly (RFC 6241, sections 4.1 and 4.2).
+ ${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message additional-attr
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} message-id="1"
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} attribute="something"
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} additional="otherthing"
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} xmlns:prefix="http://www.example.com/my-schema-example.html"
+ [Documentation] Request a "merge" operation adding an element in candidate configuration and check the reply.
+ Perform_Test config-modules-merge-1
+ [Documentation] Make sure the running configuration is still unchanged as the change was not commited yet.
+ Perform_Test get-config-no-edit-before-commit
+ [Documentation] Commit the change and check the reply.
+ Perform_Test commit-edit
+ [Documentation] Check that the change is now in the configuration.
+ ${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message get-config-edit-after-commit
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <name>name0</name>
+ [Documentation] Check that the change is also visible through Restconf.
+ ${data}= Utils.Get_Data_From_URI config config:modules headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${data} <name>name0</name>
+ [Documentation] Request a "create" operation of an element that already exists and check that it fails with the correct error (RFC 6241, section 7.2, operation "create").
+ Perform_Test config-modules-create
+ [Documentation] Delete the created element from the candidate configuration and check the reply.
+ Perform_Test config-modules-delete
+ [Documentation] Make sure the element is still present in the running configuration as the delete command was not committed yet.
+ ${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message get-config-no-delete-before-commit
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <name>name0</name>
+ [Documentation] Commit the deletion of the element and check the reply.
+ Perform_Test commit-delete
+ [Documentation] Check that the element is gone.
+ Perform_Test get-config-delete-after-commit
+ [Documentation] Check that "Not Found" is returned when Restconf is asked for the deleted element.
+ ${response}= RequestsLibrary.Get config config:modules ${ACCEPT_XML}
+ BuiltIn.Should_Be_Equal_As_Strings ${response.status_code} 404
+ [Documentation] Attempt to perform "commit" when there are no changes in the candidate configuration and check that it fails with the correct error.
+ Test_Commit_With_No_Transactions
+ [Documentation] Create the element in the candidate configuration again and check the reply.
+ Perform_Test config-modules-merge-2
+ [Documentation] Check that the element is present in the candidate configuration.
+ ${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message get-config-candidate
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <name>name1</name>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} name0
+ [Documentation] Ask the server to discard the candidate and check the reply.
+ Perform_Test commit-discard
+ [Documentation] Check that the element was really discarded.
+ Perform_Test get-config-candidate-discard
+ [Documentation] Create the element with "name2" subelement again and check the reply.
+ Perform_Test merge-multiple-1
+ [Documentation] Add a "name3" subelement to the element and check the reply.
+ Perform_Test merge-multiple-2
+ [Documentation] Add a "name4" subelement to the element and check the reply.
+ Perform_Test merge-multiple-3
+ [Documentation] Commit the changes and check the reply.
+ Perform_Test merge-multiple-commit
+ [Documentation] Check that the 3 subelements are now present in the running configuration.
+ ${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message merge-multiple-check
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <name>name2</name>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <name>name3</name>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <name>name4</name>
+ [Documentation] Check that the 3 subelements are visible via Restconf.
+ ${data}= Utils.Get_Data_From_URI config config:modules headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${data} <name>name2</name>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${data} <name>name3</name>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${data} <name>name4</name>
+ [Documentation] Add another subelement named "test" to the element and check the reply.
+ Perform_Test merge-multiple-edit
+ [Documentation] Commit the addition of the "test" subelement and check the reply.
+ Perform_Test merge-multiple-edit-commit
+ [Documentation] Check that the "test" subelement exists and has correct value for "port" subelement.
+ ${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message merge-multiple-edit-check
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <port xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">2022</port>
+ [Documentation] Update the value of the "port" subelement of the "test" subelement and check the reply.
+ Perform_Test merge-multiple-update
+ [Documentation] Commit the update and check the reply.
+ Perform_Test merge-multiple-update-commit
+ [Documentation] Check that the value of the "port" was really updated.
+ ${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message merge-multiple-update-check
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <port xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">3000</port>
+ [Documentation] Replace the content of the "test" with another completely different and check the reply.
+ Perform_Test merge-multiple-replace
+ [Documentation] Commit the replace and check the reply.
+ Perform_Test merge-multiple-replace-commit
+ [Documentation] Check that the new content is there and the old content is gone.
+ ${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message merge-multiple-replace-check
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <name>test</name>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <address xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf"></address>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <tcp-only xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">false</tcp-only>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <port xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">4000</port>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <password xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">admin</password>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <username xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">admin</username>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <name>global-event-executor</name>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <name>binding-osgi-broker</name>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <name>dom-broker</name>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <name>global-netconf-dispatcher</name>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <name>global-netconf-processing-executor</name>
+ [Documentation] Remove the testing "module" element and all its subelements and check the reply.
+ Perform_Test merge-multiple-remove
+ [Documentation] Commit the removal and check the reply.
+ Perform_Test merge-multiple-remove-commit
+ [Documentation] Attempt to delete the "module" element again and check that it fails with the correct error.
+ Perform_Test delete-not-existing
+ [Documentation] Attempt to commit and check the reply.
+ Test_Commit_With_No_Transactions
+ [Teardown] Utils.Report_Failure_Due_To_Bug 4455
+ [Documentation] Attempt to remove the "module" element again and check that the operation is "silently ignored".
+ Perform_Test remove-not-existing
+ [Documentation] Attempt to commit and check the reply.
+ Perform_Test remove-not-existing-commit
+ [Documentation] Close the session and check that it was closed properly.
+ Perform_Test close-session
+*** Keywords ***
+ [Arguments] ${name}
+ [Documentation] Load the specified data from the data directory and return it.
+ ${data}= OperatingSystem.Get_File ${datadir}${/}${name}.${dataext}
+ [Return] ${data}
+ [Arguments] ${host}=${CONTROLLER} ${port}=${ODL_NETCONF_PORT} ${user}=${ODL_NETCONF_USER} ${password}=${ODL_NETCONF_PASSWORD}
+ [Documentation] Open a netconf connecion to the given machine.
+ # The "-s netconf" flag (see the "SSHLibrary.Write" line below) is not
+ # supported by SSHLibrary, therefore we need to use this elaborate and
+ # pretty tricky way to connect to the ODL Netconf port.
+ # TODO: Extract into NetconfKeywords as there are other tests that are
+ # going to need to use this operation (Netconf Performance and Scaling
+ # comes to my mind now as one of the things tested is the performance
+ # of the direct netconf connection.
+ SSHLibrary.Open_Connection ${host} prompt=${ODL_SYSTEM_PROMPT} timeout=10s
+ Utils.Flexible_Controller_Login
+ SSHLibrary.Write sshpass -p ${password} ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ${user}\@ -p ${port} -s netconf
+ ${hello}= SSHLibrary.Read_Until ${ODL_NETCONF_PROMPT}
+ [Return] ${hello}
+ [Arguments] ${message}
+ [Documentation] Transmit message to Netconf connection and discard the echo of the message.
+ SSHLibrary.Write ${message}
+ SSHLibrary.Read_Until ${ODL_NETCONF_PROMPT}
+ [Arguments] ${message}
+ [Documentation] Send message to Netconf connection and get the reply.
+ Transmit_Message ${message}
+ ${reply}= SSHLibrary.Read_Until ${ODL_NETCONF_PROMPT}
+ [Return] ${reply}
+ [Arguments] ${searched_string}
+ [Documentation] Prepare the specified string for searching in Netconf connection replies.
+ ... The string passed to this keyword is coming from a data
+ ... file which has different end of line conventions than
+ ... the actual Netconf reply. This keyword patches the string
+ ... to match what Netconf actually returns.
+ ${result}= BuiltIn.Evaluate "\\r\\n".join("""${searched_string}""".split("\\n"))
+ [Return] ${result}
+ [Arguments] ${name}
+ [Documentation] Load a message from the data file set, send it to Netconf and return the reply.
+ ${request}= Get_Data ${name}-request
+ ${reply}= Send_Message ${request}
+ [Return] ${reply}
+ [Arguments] ${name}
+ [Documentation] Load the expected reply from the data file set and return it.
+ ${expected_reply}= Get_Data ${name}-reply
+ ${expected}= Prepare_For_Search ${expected_reply}
+ [Return] ${expected}
+ [Documentation] Correctly close the Netconf connection and make sure it is really dead.
+ Utils.Write_Bare_Ctrl_D
+ SSHLibrary.Read_Until_Prompt
+ [Documentation] Setup resources and create session for Restconf checking.
+ SetupUtils.Setup_Utils_For_Setup_And_Teardown
+ RequestsLibrary.Create_Session config http://${CONTROLLER}:${RESTCONFPORT}${CONFIG_API} auth=${AUTH}
+ [Documentation] Close the Netconf connection and destroy all sessions in the requests library.
+ Close_ODL_Netconf_Connection
+ RequestsLibrary.Delete_All_Sessions
+ [Arguments] ${name}
+ [Documentation] Load and send the request from the dataset and compare the returned reply to the one stored in the dataset.
+ ${actual}= Load_And_Send_Message ${name}
+ ${expected}= Load_Expected_Reply ${name}
+ ${newline}= BuiltIn.Evaluate "\\r\\n"
+ BuiltIn.Should_Be_Equal ${actual} ${newline}${expected}${ODL_NETCONF_PROMPT}
+ [Return] ${actual}
+ [Documentation] Issue a "commit" RPC request and check that it fails with "No current transactions" error.
+ ${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message commit-no-transaction
+ ${expected}= Load_Expected_Reply commit-no-transaction
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} ${expected}