+++ /dev/null
-*** Settings ***
-Documentation Initial test case to setup vxlan tunnels as required for netvirt-vpnservice. It is assumed
-... that the test environment is already deployed and ready.
-Library SSHLibrary
-Library RequestsLibrary
-Resource ../../libraries/KarafKeywords.robot
-Resource ../../libraries/Utils.robot
-Variables ../../variables/Variables.py
-*** Variables ***
-${bridge_ref_info_api} /restconf/operational/odl-interface-meta:bridge-ref-info
-*** Test Cases ***
-Create Vxlan Tunnels
- # TODO: in case of multiple control nodes, we can put that in a loop, but for now the only
- # job we have uses two nodes.
- ${control_node_dpid}= Get DPID For Compute Node ${OS_CONTROL_NODE_IP}
- ${node_1_dpid}= Get DPID For Compute Node ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP}
- ${node_2_dpid}= Get DPID For Compute Node ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP}
- ${control_node_adapter}= Get Ethernet Adapter From Compute Node ${OS_CONTROL_NODE_IP}
- ${node_1_adapter}= Get Ethernet Adapter From Compute Node ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP}
- ${node_2_adapter}= Get Ethernet Adapter From Compute Node ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP}
- ${first_two_octets} ${third_octet} ${last_octet}= Split String From Right ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} . 2
- ${subnet}= Set Variable ${first_two_octets}.0.0/16
- ${gateway}= Get Default Gateway ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP}
- Create TEP For Compute Node ${OS_CONTROL_NODE_IP} ${control_node_dpid} ${control_node_adapter} ${subnet} ${gateway}
- Create TEP For Compute Node ${OS_COMPUTE_1_IP} ${node_1_dpid} ${node_1_adapter} ${subnet} ${gateway}
- Create TEP For Compute Node ${OS_COMPUTE_2_IP} ${node_2_dpid} ${node_2_adapter} ${subnet} ${gateway}
-*** Keywords ***
-Get DPID For Compute Node
- [Arguments] ${ip}
- [Documentation] Returns the decimal form of the dpid of br-int as found in bridge-ref-info API
- ... that matches the ovs UUID for the given ${ip}
- ${found_dpid}= Set Variable ${EMPTY}
- Create Session odl_session http://${ODL_SYSTEM_IP}:${RESTCONFPORT} auth=${AUTH} headers=${HEADERS}
- ${uuid}= Run Command On Remote System ${ip} sudo ovs-vsctl show | head -1
- ${resp}= RequestsLibrary.Get Request odl_session ${bridge_ref_info_api}
- Log ${resp.content}
- ${resp_json}= To Json ${resp.content}
- ${bride_ref_info}= Get From Dictionary ${resp_json} bridge-ref-info
- ${bridge_list}= Get From Dictionary ${bride_ref_info} bridge-ref-entry
- : FOR ${bridge} IN @{bridge_list}
- \ ${ref}= Get From Dictionary ${bridge} bridge-reference
- \ ${dpid}= Get From Dictionary ${bridge} dpid
- \ ${found_dpid}= Set Variable If """${uuid}""" in """${ref}""" ${dpid} ${found_dpid}
- [Return] ${found_dpid}
-Get Ethernet Adapter From Compute Node
- [Arguments] ${ip}
- [Documentation] Returns the adapter name on the system for the provided ${ip}
- ${adapter}= Run Command On Remote System ${ip} /usr/sbin/ip addr show
- Log ${adapter}
- ${adapter}= Run Command On Remote System ${ip} /usr/sbin/ip addr show | grep ${ip} | cut -d " " -f 11
- [Return] ${adapter}
-Get Default Gateway
- [Arguments] ${ip}
- [Documentation] Returns the default gateway used by ${ip}
- ${gateway}= Run Command On Remote System ${ip} /usr/sbin/route -n
- Log ${gateway}
- ${gateway}= Run Command On Remote System ${ip} /usr/sbin/route -n | grep '^' | cut -d " " -f 10
- [Return] ${gateway}
-Create TEP For Compute Node
- [Arguments] ${ip} ${dpid} ${adapter} ${subnet} ${gateway}
- [Documentation] Uses tep:add karaf console command to create tep for given values
- Issue Command On Karaf Console tep:add ${dpid} ${adapter} 0 ${ip} ${subnet} ${gateway} TZA