[Arguments] ${folder} ${mapping}={} ${session}=default ${verify}=False ${iterations}=${EMPTY} ${iter_start}=1
[Documentation] Add arguments sensible for JSON data, return Get_Templated response text.
... Optionally, verification against JSON data (may be iterated) is called.
+ ... Only subset of JSON data is verified and returned if JMES path is specified in
+ ... file ${folder}${/}jmespath.expr.
${response_text} = Get_Templated folder=${folder} mapping=${mapping} accept=${ACCEPT_EMPTY} session=${session} normalize_json=True
BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_If ${verify} Verify_Response_As_Json_Templated response=${response_text} folder=${folder} base_name=data mapping=${mapping}
... iterations=${iterations} iter_start=${iter_start}
[Arguments] ${folder} ${mapping}={} ${session}=default ${verify}=False ${iterations}=${EMPTY} ${iter_start}=1
[Documentation] Add arguments sensible for JSON data, return Put_Templated response text.
... Optionally, verification against response.json (no iteration) is called.
+ ... Only subset of JSON data is verified and returned if JMES path is specified in
+ ... file ${folder}${/}jmespath.expr.
${response_text} = Put_Templated folder=${folder} base_name=data extension=json accept=${ACCEPT_EMPTY} content_type=${HEADERS_YANG_JSON}
... mapping=${mapping} session=${session} normalize_json=True endline=${\n} iterations=${iterations} iter_start=${iter_start}
BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_If ${verify} Verify_Response_As_Json_Templated response=${response_text} folder=${folder} base_name=response mapping=${mapping}
[Arguments] ${folder} ${mapping}={} ${session}=default ${verify}=False ${iterations}=${EMPTY} ${iter_start}=1
+ ... ${additional_allowed_status_codes}=${NO_STATUS_CODES} ${explicit_status_codes}=${NO_STATUS_CODES}
[Documentation] Add arguments sensible for JSON data, return Post_Templated response text.
... Optionally, verification against response.json (no iteration) is called.
+ ... Only subset of JSON data is verified and returned if JMES path is specified in
+ ... file ${folder}${/}jmespath.expr.
+ ... Response status code must be one of values from ${explicit_status_codes} if specified or one of set
+ ... created from all positive HTTP status codes together with ${additional_allowed_status_codes}.
${response_text} = Post_Templated folder=${folder} base_name=data extension=json accept=${ACCEPT_EMPTY} content_type=${HEADERS_YANG_JSON}
... mapping=${mapping} session=${session} normalize_json=True endline=${\n} iterations=${iterations} iter_start=${iter_start}
+ ... additional_allowed_status_codes=${additional_allowed_status_codes} explicit_status_codes=${explicit_status_codes}
BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_If ${verify} Verify_Response_As_Json_Templated response=${response_text} folder=${folder} base_name=response mapping=${mapping}
[Return] ${response_text}
[Return] ${response_text}
- [Arguments] ${uri} ${data} ${session}=default
+ [Arguments] ${uri} ${data} ${session}=default ${additional_allowed_status_codes}=${NO_STATUS_CODES} ${explicit_status_codes}=${NO_STATUS_CODES}
[Documentation] Specify JSON headers and return Post_To_Uri normalized response text.
... Yang json content type is used as a workaround to RequestsLibrary json conversion eagerness.
+ ... Response status code must be one of values from ${explicit_status_codes} if specified or one of set
+ ... created from all positive HTTP status codes together with ${additional_allowed_status_codes}.
${response_text} = Post_To_Uri uri=${uri} data=${data} accept=${ACCEPT_EMPTY} content_type=${HEADERS_YANG_JSON} session=${session}
- ... normalize_json=True
+ ... normalize_json=True additional_allowed_status_codes=${additional_allowed_status_codes} explicit_status_codes=${explicit_status_codes}
[Return] ${response_text}
Check_Status_Code ${response} additional_allowed_status_codes=${additional_allowed_status_codes}
[Return] ${response.text}
+ [Arguments] ${folder}
+ [Documentation] Reads JMES path from file ${folder}${/}jmespath.expr if the file exists and
+ ... returns the JMES path. Empty string is returned otherwise.
+ ${read_jmes_file} = BuiltIn.Run Keyword And Return Status OperatingSystem.File Should Exist ${folder}${/}jmespath.expr
+ ${jmes_expression} = Run Keyword If ${read_jmes_file} == ${true} OperatingSystem.Get_File ${folder}${/}jmespath.expr
+ ${expression} = BuiltIn.Set Variable If ${read_jmes_file} == ${true} ${jmes_expression} ${EMPTY}
+ [Return] ${expression}
[Arguments] ${folder} ${accept} ${mapping}={} ${session}=default ${normalize_json}=False
[Documentation] Resolve URI from folder, call Get_From_Uri, return response text.
${uri} = Resolve_Text_From_Template_Folder folder=${folder} base_name=location extension=uri mapping=${mapping}
- ${response_text} = Get_From_Uri uri=${uri} accept=${accept} session=${session} normalize_json=${normalize_json}
+ ${jmes_expression} = Resolve_Jmes_Path ${folder}
+ ${response_text} = Get_From_Uri uri=${uri} accept=${accept} session=${session} normalize_json=${normalize_json} jmes_path=${jmes_expression}
[Return] ${response_text}
${uri} = Resolve_Text_From_Template_Folder folder=${folder} base_name=location extension=uri mapping=${mapping}
${data} = Resolve_Text_From_Template_Folder folder=${folder} base_name=${base_name} extension=${extension} mapping=${mapping} endline=${endline}
... iterations=${iterations} iter_start=${iter_start}
+ ${jmes_expression} = Resolve_Jmes_Path ${folder}
${response_text} = Put_To_Uri uri=${uri} data=${data} content_type=${content_type} accept=${accept} session=${session}
- ... normalize_json=${normalize_json}
+ ... normalize_json=${normalize_json} jmes_path=${jmes_expression}
[Return] ${response_text}
${uri} = Resolve_Text_From_Template_Folder folder=${folder} base_name=location extension=uri mapping=${mapping}
${data} = Resolve_Text_From_Template_Folder folder=${folder} name_prefix=post_ base_name=${base_name} extension=${extension} mapping=${mapping}
... endline=${endline} iterations=${iterations} iter_start=${iter_start}
+ ${jmes_expression} = Resolve_Jmes_Path ${folder}
${response_text} = Post_To_Uri uri=${uri} data=${data} content_type=${content_type} accept=${accept} session=${session}
- ... normalize_json=${normalize_json} additional_allowed_status_codes=${additional_allowed_status_codes} explicit_status_codes=${explicit_status_codes}
+ ... jmes_path=${jmes_expression} normalize_json=${normalize_json} additional_allowed_status_codes=${additional_allowed_status_codes} explicit_status_codes=${explicit_status_codes}
[Return] ${response_text}
# TODO: Support for XML-aware comparison could be added, but there are issues with namespaces and similar.
${expected_text} = Resolve_Text_From_Template_Folder folder=${folder} base_name=${base_name} extension=${extension} mapping=${mapping} endline=${endline}
... iterations=${iterations} iter_start=${iter_start}
+ BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_And_Return_If """${expected_text}""" == """${EMPTY}""" BuiltIn.Should_Be_Equal ${EMPTY} ${response}
BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_If ${normalize_json} Normalize_Jsons_And_Compare expected_raw=${expected_text} actual_raw=${response}
... ELSE BuiltIn.Should_Be_Equal ${expected_text} ${response}
- [Arguments] ${uri} ${accept}=${ACCEPT_EMPTY} ${session}=default ${normalize_json}=False
+ [Arguments] ${uri} ${accept}=${ACCEPT_EMPTY} ${session}=default ${normalize_json}=False ${jmes_path}=${EMPTY}
[Documentation] GET data from given URI, check status code and return response text.
... \${accept} is a Python object with headers to use.
... If \${normalize_json}, normalize as JSON text before returning.
${response} = RequestsLibrary.Get_Request alias=${session} uri=${uri} headers=${accept}
Check_Status_Code ${response}
BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_Unless ${normalize_json} BuiltIn.Return_From_Keyword ${response.text}
- ${text_normalized} = norm_json.normalize_json_text ${response.text}
+ ${text_normalized} = norm_json.normalize_json_text ${response.text} jmes_path=${jmes_path}
[Return] ${text_normalized}
[Arguments] ${uri} ${data} ${content_type} ${accept} ${session}=default ${normalize_json}=False
+ ... ${jmes_path}=${EMPTY}
[Documentation] PUT data to given URI, check status code and return response text.
... \${content_type} and \${accept} are mandatory Python objects with headers to use.
... If \${normalize_json}, normalize text before returning.
${response} = RequestsLibrary.Put_Request alias=${session} uri=${uri} data=${data} headers=${headers}
Check_Status_Code ${response}
BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_Unless ${normalize_json} BuiltIn.Return_From_Keyword ${response.text}
- ${text_normalized} = norm_json.normalize_json_text ${response.text}
+ ${text_normalized} = norm_json.normalize_json_text ${response.text} jmes_path=${jmes_path}
[Return] ${text_normalized}
[Arguments] ${uri} ${data} ${content_type} ${accept} ${session}=default ${normalize_json}=False
- ... ${additional_allowed_status_codes}=${NO_STATUS_CODES} ${explicit_status_codes}=${NO_STATUS_CODES}
+ ... ${jmes_path}=${EMPTY} ${additional_allowed_status_codes}=${NO_STATUS_CODES} ${explicit_status_codes}=${NO_STATUS_CODES}
[Documentation] POST data to given URI, check status code and return response text.
... \${content_type} and \${accept} are mandatory Python objects with headers to use.
... If \${normalize_json}, normalize text before returning.
${response} = RequestsLibrary.Post_Request alias=${session} uri=${uri} data=${data} headers=${headers}
Check_Status_Code ${response} additional_allowed_status_codes=${additional_allowed_status_codes} explicit_status_codes=${explicit_status_codes}
BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_Unless ${normalize_json} BuiltIn.Return_From_Keyword ${response.text}
- ${text_normalized} = norm_json.normalize_json_text ${response.text}
+ ${text_normalized} = norm_json.normalize_json_text ${response.text} jmes_path=${jmes_path}
[Return] ${text_normalized}
# and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
import collections as _collections
+import jmespath
import simplejson as _json
except ImportError: # Python2.7 calls it json.
def dumps_indented(obj, indent=1):
- Wrapper for json.dumps with default indentation level. Adds newline.
+ Wrapper for json.dumps with default indentation level.
The main value is that BuiltIn.Evaluate cannot easily accept Python object
as part of its argument.
Also, allows to use something different from RequestsLibrary.To_Json
pretty_json = _json.dumps(obj, separators=(',', ': '), indent=indent)
return pretty_json + '\n' # to avoid diff "no newline" warning line
return obj
-def normalize_json_text(text, strict=False, indent=1, keys_with_bits=[]):
+def normalize_json_text(text, strict=False, indent=1, keys_with_bits=[], jmes_path=None):
Attempt to return sorted indented JSON string.
+ If jmes_path is set the related subset of JSON data is returned as
+ indented JSON string if the subset exists. Empty string is returned if the
+ subset doesn't exist.
+ Empty string is returned if text is not passed.
If parse error happens:
If strict is true, raise the exception.
If strict is not true, return original text with error message.
If keys_with_bits is non-empty, run sort_bits on intermediate Python object.
+ if not text:
+ return ""
+ if jmes_path:
+ json_obj = _json.loads(text)
+ subset = jmespath.search(jmes_path, json_obj)
+ if not subset:
+ return ""
+ text = _json.dumps(subset)
object_decoded = loads_sorted(text)
except ValueError as err:
return str(err) + '\n' + text
if keys_with_bits:
sort_bits(object_decoded, keys_with_bits)
pretty_json = dumps_indented(object_decoded, indent=indent)
return pretty_json
--- /dev/null
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation Test suite testing IoTDM PluginManager RPC calls registrations of default plugins and
+... communication channels and re-configuration of port of registered plugins
+Suite Setup Setup Suite
+Suite Teardown Teardown Suite
+Resource ../../../variables/Variables.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/ClusterManagement.robot
+Resource ../../../libraries/TemplatedRequests.robot
+*** Variables ***
+${VAR_BASE} ${CURDIR}/../../../variables/IoTDM/
+# TODO 500 seems to be a bug in ODL, remove when solved
+@{NEGATIVE_RESULTS} ${500} ${400}
+*** Test Cases ***
+1.00 Default result of onem2m-plugin-manager-plugin-data RPC
+ [Documentation] Verifies the result of RPC and looks for data items related to:
+ ... HTTP, CoAP, MQTT, WS and Onem2mExample
+ BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 15 sec 1 sec Verify Default PluginData Output
+1.01 Plugin data of HTTP - filtered
+ [Documentation] Verifies all plugin data about HTTP provider module plugin
+ Verify RPC Plugin Data http/filtered
+1.02 Plugin data of CoAP - filtered
+ [Documentation] Verifies all plugin data about CoAP provider module plugin
+ Verify RPC Plugin Data coap/filtered
+1.03 Plugin data of MQTT - filtered
+ [Documentation] Verifies all plugin data about MQTT provider module plugin
+ Verify RPC Plugin Data mqtt/filtered
+1.04 Plugin data of WS - filtered
+ [Documentation] Verifies all plugin data about WS provider module plugin
+ Verify RPC Plugin Data ws/filtered
+1.05 Plugin data of Onem2mExample - filtered
+ [Documentation] Verifies all plugin data about Onem2mExample provider module plugin
+ Verify RPC Plugin Data onem2m_example/filtered
+1.06 Plugin data of TSDR - filtered
+ [Documentation] Verifies all plugin data about Onem2mExample provider module plugin
+ Verify RPC Plugin Data tsdr/filtered
+1.07 Plugin data of SimpleAdapter - filtered
+ [Documentation] Verifies all plugin data about Onem2mExample provider module plugin
+ Verify RPC Plugin Data simple_adapter/filtered
+2.00.01 Default result of onem2m-plugin-manager-iotdm-plugin-registrations RPC - HTTP
+ [Documentation] Verifies if the result of the RPC contains correct data about HTTP
+ Verify RPC Plugin Registrations http/default
+2.00.02 Default result of onem2m-plugin-manager-iotdm-plugin-registrations RPC - CoAP
+ [Documentation] Verifies if the result of the RPC contains correct data about CoAP
+ Verify RPC Plugin Registrations coap/default
+2.00.03 Default result of onem2m-plugin-manager-iotdm-plugin-registrations RPC - MQTT
+ [Documentation] Verifies if the result of the RPC contains correct data about MQTT
+ Verify RPC Plugin Registrations mqtt/default
+2.00.04 Default result of onem2m-plugin-manager-iotdm-plugin-registrations RPC - WS
+ [Documentation] Verifies if the result of the RPC contains correct data about ws
+ Verify RPC Plugin Registrations ws/default
+2.00.05 Default result of onem2m-plugin-manager-iotdm-plugin-registrations RPC - Onem2mExample
+ [Documentation] Verifies if the result of the RPC contains correct data about Onem2mExample
+ Verify RPC Plugin Registrations onem2m_example/default
+2.01.01 Default result of onem2m-plugin-manager-iotdm-plugin-registrations RPC filtered - HTTP
+ [Documentation] Verifies if the result of the RPC with input filter contains correct data about HTTP only
+ Verify RPC Plugin Registrations http/filtered
+2.01.02 Default result of onem2m-plugin-manager-iotdm-plugin-registrations RPC filtered - CoAP
+ [Documentation] Verifies if the result of the RPC with input filter contains correct data about CoAP only
+ Verify RPC Plugin Registrations coap/filtered
+2.01.03 Default result of onem2m-plugin-manager-iotdm-plugin-registrations RPC filtered - MQTT
+ [Documentation] Verifies if the result of the RPC with input filter contains correct data about MQTT only
+ Verify RPC Plugin Registrations mqtt/filtered
+2.01.04 Default result of onem2m-plugin-manager-iotdm-plugin-registrations RPC filtered - WS
+ [Documentation] Verifies if the result of the RPC with input filter contains correct data about WS only
+ Verify RPC Plugin Registrations ws/filtered
+2.01.05 Default result of onem2m-plugin-manager-iotdm-plugin-registrations RPC filtered - Onem2mExample
+ [Documentation] Verifies if the result of the RPC with input filter contains correct data about Onem2mExample only
+ Verify RPC Plugin Registrations onem2m_example/filtered
+3.00.01 Default result of onem2m-plugin-manager-db-api-client-registrations RPC - Onem2mExample
+ [Documentation] Verifies the result of RPC and looks for Onem2mExample registration
+ Verify RPC Db Registrations onem2m_example/filtered
+3.00.02 Default result of onem2m-plugin-manager-db-api-client-registrations RPC - TSDR
+ [Documentation] Verifies the result of RPC and looks for TSDR registration
+ Verify RPC Db Registrations tsdr/default
+3.00.03 Default result of onem2m-plugin-manager-db-api-client-registrations RPC - SimpleAdapter
+ [Documentation] Verifies the result of RPC and looks for SimpleAdapter registration
+ Verify RPC Db Registrations simple_adapter/default
+3.01.00 Default result of onem2m-plugin-manager-db-api-client-registrations RPC - filtered Onem2mExample
+ [Documentation] Verifies result of RPC with input filter for Onem2mExample
+ Verify RPC Db Registrations onem2m_example/filtered
+3.01.01 Default result of onem2m-plugin-manager-db-api-client-registrations RPC - filtered TSDR
+ [Documentation] Verifies result of RPC with input filter for TSDR
+ Verify RPC Db Registrations tsdr/filtered
+3.01.02 Default result of onem2m-plugin-manager-db-api-client-registrations RPC - filtered SimpleAdapter
+ [Documentation] Verifies result of RPC with input filter for SimpleAdapter
+ Verify RPC Db Registrations simple_adapter/filtered
+4.00.01 Default result of onem2m-plugin-manager-simple-config-client-registrations RPC - Onem2mExample
+ [Documentation] Verifies the result of RPC and looks for Onem2mExample registration
+ Verify RPC Positive simple_config_registrations/default
+4.00.02 Default result of onem2m-plugin-manager-simple-config-client-registrations RPC - filtered Onem2mExample
+ [Documentation] Verifies the result of RPC with input filter and looks for Onem2mExample registration only
+ Verify RPC Positive simple_config_registrations/filtered
+5.00.01 Default Communication channel for HTTP plugin
+ [Documentation] Verifies the default instance of HTTP communication channel for HTTP provider
+ Verify RPC Comm Channels http/default
+5.00.02 Default Communication channel for CoAP plugin
+ [Documentation] Verifies the default instance of CoAP communication channel for CoAP provider
+ Verify RPC Comm Channels coap/default
+5.00.03 Default Communication channel for MQTT plugin
+ [Documentation] Verifies the default instance of MQTT communication channel for MQTT provider
+ Verify RPC Comm Channels mqtt/default
+5.00.04 Default Communication channel for WS plugin
+ [Documentation] Verifies the default instance of WS communication channel for WS provider
+ Verify RPC Comm Channels ws/default
+5.00.05 Default Communication channel for Onem2mExample plugin
+ [Documentation] Verifies the default instance of HTTP communication channel for Onem2mExample plugin
+ Verify RPC Comm Channels onem2m_example/default
+5.01.01 Default Communication channel for HTTP plugin - filtered
+ [Documentation] Verifies the default instances of HTTP communication channel for HTTP provider using RPC with input filter
+ Verify RPC Comm Channels http/filtered
+5.01.02 Default Communication channel for CoAP plugin - filtered
+ [Documentation] Verifies the default instance of CoAP communication channel for CoAP provider using RPC with input filter
+ Verify RPC Comm Channels coap/filtered
+5.01.03 Default Communication channel for MQTT plugin - filtered
+ [Documentation] Verifies the default instance of MQTT communication channel for MQTT provider using RPC with input filter
+ Verify RPC Comm Channels mqtt/filtered
+5.01.04 Default Communication channel for WS plugin - filtered
+ [Documentation] Verifies the default instance of WS communication channel for WS provider using RPC with input filter
+ Verify RPC Comm Channels ws/filtered
+5.01.05 Default Communication channel for Onem2mExample plugin - filtered
+ [Documentation] Verifies the default instance of HTTP communication channel for Onem2mExample plugin using RPC with input filter
+ Verify RPC Comm Channels onem2m_example/filtered
+6.00.01 Change port number of HTTP provider plugin
+ [Documentation] Configures new port number for HTTP provider module and verifies
+ TemplatedRequests.Put_As_Json_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/put_http/change_port verify=True
+ TemplatedRequests.Get_As_Json_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/get_http verify=True
+ Verify PluginData After Reconfiguration of HTTP
+6.00.02 Check HTTP communication using new port
+ [Documentation] Sends GET request to the new port and verifies if it is possible to use the new configured port
+ ... for HTTP communication and verifies also if the old port is not opened for HTTP communication.
+ [Tags] not-implemented exclude
+6.01.01 Change port number of CoAP provider plugin
+ [Documentation] Configures new port number for CoAP provider module and verifies
+ TemplatedRequests.Put_As_Json_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/put_coap/change_port verify=True
+ TemplatedRequests.Get_As_Json_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/get_coap verify=True
+ Verify PluginData After Reconfiguration of CoAP
+6.01.02 Check CoAP communication using new port
+ [Documentation] Sends GET request to the new port and verifies if it is possible to use the new configured port
+ ... for CoAP communication and verifies also if the old port is not opened for CoAP communication.
+ [Tags] not-implemented exclude
+6.02.00 Setup MQTT communication
+ [Documentation] MQTT communication is not configured by default. This TC turns it ON and verifies.
+ [Tags] not-implemented exclude
+ #TemplatedRequests.Put_As_Json_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/put_mqtt verify=True
+ #TODO: this will not work because we need to have MQTT broker provisioned in cluster
+ #TODO: this needs to be solved with releng team
+6.02.01 Change port number of MQTT provider plugin
+ [Documentation] Configures new port number for MQTT provider module and verifies
+ [Tags] not-implemented exclude
+ #TemplatedRequests.Put_As_Json_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/put_mqtt/change_port verify=True
+ #TemplatedRequests.Get_As_Json_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/get_mqtt verify=True
+ #Verify PluginData After Reconfiguration of MQTT
+ #TODO: this will not work because we need to have MQTT broker provisioned in cluster
+ #TODO: this needs to be solved with releng team
+6.02.02 Check MQTT communication using new port
+ [Documentation] Sends GET request to the new port and verifies if it is possible to use the new configured port
+ ... for MQTT communication and verifies also if the old port is not opened for MQTT communication.
+ [Tags] not-implemented exclude
+ #TODO: this will not work because we need to have MQTT broker provisioned in cluster
+ #TODO: this needs to be solved with releng team
+6.03.01 Change port number of WS provider plugin
+ [Documentation] Configures new port number for WS provider module and verifies
+ [Tags] not-implemented exclude
+ #todo check current configuration of ws if the feature is added to IoTDM project as in 6.01
+6.03.02 Check WS communication using new port
+ [Documentation] Sends GET request to the new port and verifies if it is possible to use the new configured port
+ ... for WS communication and verifies also if the old port is not opened for WS communication.
+ [Tags] not-implemented exclude
+6.04 Change port number of Onem2mExample provider plugin
+ [Documentation] Configures new port number for Onem2mExample module using SimpleConfig and verifies
+ Verify RPC Positive put_onem2m_example/change_port
+ Verify RPC Positive get_onem2m_example
+ Verify PluginData After Reconfiguration of Onem2mExample
+6.05 Restart IoTDM and verify configuration of all plugins
+ [Documentation] Restarts IoTDM and verifies if the modules still uses new configuration
+ [Tags] persistence
+ Restart Cluster
+ BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 60 sec 1 sec Verify PluginData After Reconfiguration of All Modules
+ #todo change for ws port in ${VAR_BASE}/plugin_data/changed_data when feature is added to IoTDM project
+6.06 Revert Configurations of all plugins
+ [Documentation] Reverts configuration of all re-configured plugins back to default state
+ TemplatedRequests.Delete_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/put_http/change_port
+ TemplatedRequests.Delete_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/put_coap/change_port
+ #TODO revert also MQTT when issues solved
+ # TemplatedRequests.Delete_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/put_mqtt/change_port
+ #TODO revert for ws when feature is added to IoTDM project
+ # TemplatedRequests.Delete_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/put_ws/change_port
+ # Calls RPC for configuration delete
+ Verify RPC Positive put_onem2m_example
+7.00 Test missing configuration of HTTP provider module
+ [Documentation] Tests multiple cases of missing mandatory configuration items of HTTP provider module
+ Verify RPC Negative TC http_cfg/missing_sec_level
+ Verify RPC Negative TC http_cfg/missing_sec_conn
+ Verify RPC Negative TC http_cfg/missing_server_port
+7.01 Test invalid values in configuration of HTTP provider module
+ [Documentation] Tests multiple cases of invalid values set in configuration of HTTP provider module
+ Verify RPC Negative TC http_cfg/invalid_server_port
+ Verify RPC Negative TC http_cfg/invalid_sec_level
+ Verify RPC Negative TC http_cfg/invalid_sec_conn
+7.02 Test missing configuration of CoAP provider module
+ [Documentation] Tests multiple cases of missing mandatory configuration items of CoAP provider module
+ Verify RPC Negative TC coap_cfg/missing_sec_level
+ Verify RPC Negative TC coap_cfg/missing_sec_conn
+ Verify RPC Negative TC coap_cfg/missing_server_port
+7.03 Test invalid values in configuration of CoAP provider module
+ [Documentation] Tests multiple cases of invalid values set in configuration of CoAP provider module
+ Verify RPC Negative TC coap_cfg/invalid_server_port
+ Verify RPC Negative TC coap_cfg/invalid_sec_level
+ Verify RPC Negative TC coap_cfg/invalid_sec_conn
+7.04 Test missing configuration of MQTT provider module
+ [Documentation] Tests multiple cases of missing mandatory configuration items of MQTT provider module
+ Verify RPC Negative TC mqtt_cfg/missing_mqtt_broker_ip
+ Verify RPC Negative TC mqtt_cfg/missing_mqtt_broker_port
+ Verify RPC Negative TC mqtt_cfg/missing_sec_level
+7.05 Test invalid values in configuration of MQTT provider module
+ [Documentation] Tests multiple cases of invalid values set in configuration of MQTT provider module
+ Verify RPC Negative TC mqtt_cfg/invalid_mqtt_broker_ip
+ Verify RPC Negative TC mqtt_cfg/invalid_sec_level
+ Verify RPC Negative TC mqtt_cfg/invalid_mqtt_broker_port
+7.06 Test missing configuration of WS provider module
+ [Documentation] Tests multiple cases of missing mandatory configuration items of WS provider module
+ [Tags] not-implemented exclude
+ #todo check missing configuration of ws if the feature is added to IoTDM project as in 7.00
+7.07 Test invalid values in configuration of WS provider module
+ [Documentation] Tests multiple cases of invalid values set in configuration of WS provider module
+ [Tags] not-implemented exclude
+ #todo check invalid configuration of ws if the feature is added to IoTDM project as in 7.01
+7.08 Test conflicting configuration handling for HTTP
+ [Documentation] Tests configuration of TCP port number for HTTP provider module.
+ ... The new configuration conflicts with configurtion of Onem2mExample plugin module.
+ [Tags] not-implemented exclude
+ #NOTE: the conflicting configuration results with 200 all the times beacuse the init() method of the module
+ # is called asynchronously later and if it fails it's just logged and bundle init has failed...
+ # so we can check registration in plugin manager
+ # TODO: But it just says that there is not expected registration so we need to implement some registry of
+ # TODO: registration failures and provide RPCs to list registration errors and clear registration errors
+ # TODO: Improvement task opened: Bug 7771 - Implementation of registry of errors and related RPCs for PluginManager
+7.09 Test conflicting configuration handling for MQTT
+ [Documentation] Tests configuration of TCP port number for MQTT provider module.
+ [Tags] not-implemented exclude
+ # TODO: Improvement task opened: Bug 7771
+7.10 Test conflicting configuration handling for WS
+ [Documentation] Tests configuration of TCP port number for WS provider module.
+ [Tags] not-implemented exclude
+ # TODO: Improvement task opened: Bug 7771
+7.11 Test conflicting configuration handling for Onem2mExample
+ [Documentation] Tests configuration of TCP port number for Onem2mExample provider module.
+ [Tags] not-implemented exclude
+ # TODO: Improvement task opened: Bug 7771
+7.12 Test conflicting configuration handling for Coap
+ [Documentation] Tests configuration of TCP port number for Coap provider module.
+ [Tags] not-implemented exclude
+ # TODO: Improvement task opened: Bug 7771
+8.00 Test default configuration in onem2m-core
+ [Documentation] Tests usage of default configuration for IoTDM plugins
+ [Tags] not-implemented exclude
+9.00 Test onem2m-simple-config:iplugin-cfg-get doesn`t contain anything in key-val-list
+ [Documentation] Verify if key-val-list doesn`t exist
+ Verify RPC Simple Config get_default
+9.01 Test onem2m-simple-config:iplugin-cfg-put to add values to IoTDM SimpleConfig
+ [Documentation] Adds multiple values to Simple config
+ Verify RPC Simple Config put
+9.02 Test onem2m-simple-config:iplugin-cfg-get contains values that were set
+ [Documentation] Tests if SimpleConfig contains added values
+ Verify RPC Simple Config get
+9.03 Test onem2m-simple-config:iplugin-cfg-key-get receives single data
+ [Documentation] Tests if SimpleConfig receive correct value
+ Verify RPC Simple Config Key get0
+ Verify RPC Simple Config Key get1
+9.04 Test onem2m-simple-config:iplugin-cfg-key-put set single data
+ [Documentation] Adds value to SimpleConfig using key and verify that it exists
+ Verify RPC Simple Config Key put
+ Verify RPC Simple Config Key put/check
+9.05 Test onem2m-simple-config:iplugin-cfg-key-get-startup data
+ [Documentation] Tests if key startup recieves correct data
+ Verify RPC Simple Config Key startup
+9.06 Test onem2m-simple-config:iplugin-cfg-key-del deletes single data
+ [Documentation] Deletes previously added value from SimpleConfig and verify it doesn`t exist anymore
+ Verify RPC Simple Config delete_key
+ Verify RPC Negative Simple Config negative/get_key
+9.07 Test onem2m-simple-config:iplugin-cfg-key-get-startup data does not exist
+ [Documentation] Calls the startup rpc on key that does not exit and checks error
+ Verify RPC Negative Simple Config negative/get_startup_key
+9.08 Test onem2m-simple-config:iplugin-cfg-key-del delete not existing single data
+ [Documentation] Try to delete not existing data and check fail
+ Verify RPC Negative Simple Config negative/delete_key
+9.09 Test onem2m-simple-config:iplugin-cfg-put to add wrong values and expect error
+ [Documentation] Tests if SimpleConfig doesn`t allow to add values to SimpleConfig
+ Verify RPC Negative TC simple_config/iplugin_cfg_put/non_reg_plugin verify=${true}
+ Verify RPC Negative TC simple_config/iplugin_cfg_put/non_reg_instance verify=${true}
+9.10 Test onem2m-simple-config:iplugin-cfg-get-startup contains expected data
+ [Documentation] Check if startup content contains only expected data
+ Verify RPC Simple Config get_startup
+9.11 Test iplugin-cfg-get-startup-config and iplugin-cfg-get-running-config should equal
+ [Documentation] Tests if StartupConfig and running config are the same in content
+ ${resp1} = TemplatedRequests.Post_As_Json_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/simple_config/get_startup/config verify=True
+ ${resp2} = TemplatedRequests.Post_As_Json_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/simple_config/get_running_config verify=True
+ Should Be Equal ${resp1} ${resp2}
+9.12 Test onem2m-simple-config:iplugin-cfg-del to delete all the values
+ [Documentation] Deletes previously added values from Onem2mExample plugin and verify that they are gone
+ Verify RPC Simple Config delete_config
+ Verify RPC Simple Config get_startup/config/default
+9.13 Test IoTDM BUG 7593
+ [Documentation] Multiple times try to delete configuration which doesn't exist.
+ ... https://bugs.opendaylight.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7593
+ Verify RPC Negative TC simple_config/multi_delete verify=${true}
+ Verify RPC Negative TC simple_config/multi_delete verify=${true}
+ Verify RPC Negative TC simple_config/multi_delete verify=${true}
+9.14 Test onem2m-simple-config:iplugin-cfg-del to delete empty config
+ [Documentation] Delete of empty configuration passes without error
+ Verify RPC Simple Config delete_config
+10.01 Test input filters of onem2m-plugin-manager:onem2m-plugin-manager-iotdm-plugin-registrations
+ [Documentation] Use all filtering inputs and all combinations of them.
+ ... Verify that the output includes onlyt expected items or is empty because there is not such plugin in
+ ... the system.
+ [Tags] not-implemented exclude
+10.02 Test input filters of onem2m-plugin-manager:onem2m-plugin-manager-communication-channels
+ [Documentation] Use all filtering inputs and all combinations of them.
+ ... Verify that the output includes onlyt expected items or is empty because there is not such plugin
+ ... or channel in the system.
+ [Tags] not-implemented exclude
+10.03 Test input filters of onem2m-plugin-manager:onem2m-plugin-manager-db-api-client-registrations
+ [Documentation] Use all filtering inputs and all combinations of them.
+ ... Verify that the output includes onlyt expected items or is empty because there is not such plugin in
+ ... the system.
+ [Tags] not-implemented exclude
+10.04 Test input filters of onem2m-plugin-manager:onem2m-plugin-manager-simple-config-client-registrations
+ [Documentation] Use all filtering inputs and all combinations of them.
+ ... Verify that the output includes onlyt expected items or is empty because there is not such plugin in
+ ... the system.
+ [Tags] not-implemented exclude
+10.05 Test input filters of onem2m-plugin-manager:onem2m-plugin-manager-plugin-data
+ [Documentation] Use all filtering inputs and all combinations of them.
+ ... Verify that the output includes onlyt expected items or is empty because there is not such plugin in
+ ... the system.
+ [Tags] not-implemented exclude
+*** Keywords ***
+ Fail "Not implemented"
+Setup Suite
+ [Documentation] Prepares suite keywords and initialize mqtt and coap
+ TemplatedRequests.Create_Default_Session
+ ClusterManagement.ClusterManagement_Setup
+Teardown Suite
+ Delete all sessions
+Restart Cluster
+ [Documentation] Restart IoTDM running on remote machine
+ Log Restarting cluster of IoTDM instances
+ ClusterManagement.Stop_Members_From_List_Or_All
+ ClusterManagement.Start_Members_From_List_Or_All
+Verify Default PluginData Output
+ [Documentation] Verifies output of RPC call onem2m-plugin-manager:onem2m-plugin-manager-plugin-data
+ ... whether contains data about all default modules registering as plugins.
+ Verify RPC Plugin Data http/default
+ Verify RPC Plugin Data coap/default
+ Verify RPC Plugin Data mqtt/default
+ Verify RPC Plugin Data ws/default
+ Verify RPC Plugin Data onem2m_example/default
+ Verify RPC Plugin Data tsdr/default
+ Verify RPC Plugin Data simple_adapter/default
+Verify PluginData After Reconfiguration of HTTP
+ [Documentation] Verifies plugin registration change after re-configuration of the plugin. Re-registration
+ ... should be done in 15 seconds and is checked in one second interval
+ BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 15 sec 1 sec Verify RPC Plugin Data http/changed_port
+Verify PluginData After Reconfiguration of CoAP
+ [Documentation] Verifies plugin registration change after re-configuration of the plugin. Re-registration
+ ... should be done in 15 seconds and is checked in one second interval
+ BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 15 sec 1 sec Verify RPC Plugin Data coap/changed_port
+Verify PluginData After Reconfiguration of MQTT
+ [Documentation] Verifies plugin registration change after re-configuration of the plugin. Re-registration
+ ... should be done in 15 seconds and is checked in one second interval
+ #BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds 15 sec 1 sec Verify RPC Plugin Data mqtt/changed_port
+Verify PluginData After Reconfiguration of Onem2mExample
+ [Documentation] Verifies plugin registration change after re-configuration of the plugin. Re-registration
+ ... should be done immediatelly because Onem2mExample plugin uses SimpleConfig for its configuration.
+ Verify RPC Plugin Data onem2m_example/changed_port
+Verify PluginData After Reconfiguration of All Modules
+ [Documentation] Verifies registrations of all default plugins after re-configuration.
+ Verify PluginData After Reconfiguration of HTTP
+ Verify PluginData After Reconfiguration of CoAP
+ # TODO verify also MQTT when imlemented
+ #Verify PluginData After Reconfiguration of MQTT
+ Verify PluginData After Reconfiguration of Onem2mExample
+Verify RPC Positive
+ [Arguments] ${variables_folder}
+ [Documentation] Verifies positive RPC scenario
+ TemplatedRequests.Post_As_Json_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/${variables_folder} verify=True
+Verify RPC Negative
+ [Arguments] ${variables_folder} ${verify}=${false}
+ [Documentation] Verifies negative RPC scenario
+ TemplatedRequests.Post_As_Json_Templated folder=${VAR_BASE}/${variables_folder} verify=${verify} explicit_status_codes=${NEGATIVE_RESULTS}
+Verify RPC Plugin Data
+ [Arguments] ${plugin_data_folder}
+ [Documentation] Verifies positive PluginData RPC scenarios described in plugin_data variables directory
+ Verify RPC Positive plugin_data/${plugin_data_folder}
+Verify RPC Plugin Registrations
+ [Arguments] ${plugin_reg_folder}
+ [Documentation] Verifies positive IoTDMPluginRegistrations RPC scenarios described in iotdm_plugin_registrations variables directory
+ Verify RPC Positive iotdm_plugin_registrations/${plugin_reg_folder}
+Verify RPC Db Registrations
+ [Arguments] ${db_reg_folder}
+ [Documentation] Verifies positive DbRegistrations RPC scenarios described in db_registrations variables directory
+ Verify RPC Positive db_registrations/${db_reg_folder}
+Verify RPC Comm Channels
+ [Arguments] ${comm_channel_folder}
+ [Documentation] Verifies positive CommunicationChannels RPC scenarios described in communication_channels variables directory
+ Verify RPC Positive communication_channels/${comm_channel_folder}
+Verify RPC Negative TC
+ [Arguments] ${negative_tc_folder} ${verify}=${false}
+ [Documentation] Verifies negative re-configuration TCs described in negative_tcs variables directory
+ Verify RPC Negative negative_tcs/${negative_tc_folder} verify=${verify}
+Verify RPC Simple Config
+ [Arguments] ${simple_config_folder}
+ [Documentation] Verifies positive SimpleConfig RPC scenarios described in simple_config variables directory
+ Verify RPC Positive simple_config/${simple_config_folder}
+Verify RPC Negative Simple Config
+ [Arguments] ${negative_tc_folder} ${verify}=${false}
+ [Documentation] Verifies negative SimpleConfig RPC scenarios described in simple_config variables directory
+ Verify RPC Negative simple_config/${negative_tc_folder} verify=${verify}
+Verify RPC Simple Config Key
+ [Arguments] ${simple_config_key_folder}
+ [Documentation] Verifies positive SimpleConfig Key RPC scenarios described in simple_config_key variables directory
+ Verify RPC Positive simple_config_key/${simple_config_key_folder}
--- /dev/null
+"output"."onem2m-communication-channel-protocols"[?"communication-channel-protocol" == `coap`] | [0]."onem2m-communication-channel-addresses"[?"communication-channel-address" == ``] | [0]."onem2m-communication-channel-ports"[?"onem2m-communication-channel-port" == `5683`] | [0]
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {}
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ {
+ "onem2m-communication-channel-port": 5683,
+ "channel-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "UDP",
+ "channel-state": "RUNNING",
+ "channel-type": "SERVER",
+ "port": 5683,
+ "protocol": "coap",
+ "channel-configuration": {
+ "is-default": false
+ },
+ "address": ""
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugins": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-plugin-name": "coap(s)-base",
+ "iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-plugin-instance-id": "default"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "protocol-name": "coap",
+ "plugin-name": "coap(s)-base",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "onem2m-communication-channel-protocols": [
+ {
+ "communication-channel-protocol": "coap",
+ "onem2m-communication-channel-addresses": [
+ {
+ "communication-channel-address": "",
+ "onem2m-communication-channel-ports": [
+ {
+ "onem2m-communication-channel-port": 5683,
+ "channel-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "UDP",
+ "channel-state": "RUNNING",
+ "channel-type": "SERVER",
+ "port": 5683,
+ "protocol": "coap",
+ "channel-configuration": {
+ "is-default": false
+ },
+ "address": ""
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugins": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-plugin-name": "coap(s)-base",
+ "iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-plugin-instance-id": "default"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+"output"."onem2m-communication-channel-protocols"[?"communication-channel-protocol" == `http`] | [0]."onem2m-communication-channel-addresses"[?"communication-channel-address" == ``] | [0]."onem2m-communication-channel-ports"[?"onem2m-communication-channel-port" == `8282`] | [0]
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {}
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ {
+ "onem2m-communication-channel-port": 8282,
+ "channel-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "channel-state": "RUNNING",
+ "channel-type": "SERVER",
+ "port": 8282,
+ "protocol": "http",
+ "channel-configuration": {
+ "is-default": false
+ },
+ "address": ""
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugins": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-plugin-name": "http(s)-base",
+ "iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-plugin-instance-id": "default"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "protocol-name": "http",
+ "plugin-name": "http(s)-base",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "onem2m-communication-channel-protocols": [
+ {
+ "communication-channel-protocol": "http",
+ "onem2m-communication-channel-addresses": [
+ {
+ "communication-channel-address": "",
+ "onem2m-communication-channel-ports": [
+ {
+ "onem2m-communication-channel-port": 8282,
+ "channel-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "channel-state": "RUNNING",
+ "channel-type": "SERVER",
+ "port": 8282,
+ "protocol": "http",
+ "channel-configuration": {
+ "is-default": false
+ },
+ "address": ""
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugins": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-plugin-name": "http(s)-base",
+ "iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-plugin-instance-id": "default"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+"output"."onem2m-communication-channel-protocols"[?"communication-channel-protocol" == `mqtt`] | [0]
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {}
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "protocol-name": "mqtt",
+ "plugin-name": "mqtt",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {}
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+"output"."onem2m-communication-channel-protocols"[?"communication-channel-protocol" == `http`] | [0]."onem2m-communication-channel-addresses"[?"communication-channel-address" == ``] | [0]."onem2m-communication-channel-ports"[?"onem2m-communication-channel-port" == `8283`] | [0]
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {}
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ {
+ "onem2m-communication-channel-port": 8283,
+ "channel-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "channel-state": "RUNNING",
+ "channel-type": "SERVER",
+ "port": 8283,
+ "protocol": "http",
+ "channel-configuration": {
+ "is-default": false
+ },
+ "address": ""
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugins": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-plugin-instance-id": "default"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "protocol-name": "http",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "onem2m-communication-channel-protocols": [
+ {
+ "communication-channel-protocol": "http",
+ "onem2m-communication-channel-addresses": [
+ {
+ "communication-channel-address": "",
+ "onem2m-communication-channel-ports": [
+ {
+ "onem2m-communication-channel-port": 8283,
+ "channel-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "channel-state": "RUNNING",
+ "channel-type": "SERVER",
+ "port": 8283,
+ "protocol": "http",
+ "channel-configuration": {
+ "is-default": false
+ },
+ "address": ""
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugins": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-plugin-instance-id": "default"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+"output"."onem2m-communication-channel-protocols"[?"communication-channel-protocol" == `websocket`] | [0]."onem2m-communication-channel-addresses"[?"communication-channel-address" == ``] | [0]."onem2m-communication-channel-ports"[?"onem2m-communication-channel-port" == `8888`] | [0]
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {}
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ {
+ "onem2m-communication-channel-port": 8888,
+ "channel-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "channel-state": "INIT",
+ "channel-type": "SERVER",
+ "port": 8888,
+ "protocol": "websocket",
+ "channel-configuration": {
+ "is-default": false
+ },
+ "address": ""
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugins": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-plugin-name": "ws",
+ "iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-plugin-instance-id": "default"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "protocol-name": "websocket",
+ "plugin-name": "ws",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "onem2m-communication-channel-protocols": [
+ {
+ "communication-channel-protocol": "websocket",
+ "onem2m-communication-channel-addresses": [
+ {
+ "communication-channel-address": "",
+ "onem2m-communication-channel-ports": [
+ {
+ "onem2m-communication-channel-port": 8888,
+ "channel-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "channel-state": "INIT",
+ "channel-type": "SERVER",
+ "port": 8888,
+ "protocol": "websocket",
+ "channel-configuration": {
+ "is-default": false
+ },
+ "address": ""
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugins": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-plugin-name": "ws",
+ "iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-plugin-instance-id": "default"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {}
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "registered-db-api-client-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "db-api-client-plugin-data": {
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2mexample.impl.Onem2mExampleCustomProtocol"
+ },
+ "db-api-client-state": "STARTED"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "registered-db-api-client-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "registered-db-api-client-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "db-api-client-plugin-data": {
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2mexample.impl.Onem2mExampleCustomProtocol"
+ },
+ "db-api-client-state": "STARTED"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+"output"."registered-db-api-client-plugins-table"[?"plugin-name" == `Onem2mSimpleAdapterProvider`] | [0]
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {}
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mSimpleAdapterProvider",
+ "registered-db-api-client-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "db-api-client-plugin-data": {
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mSimpleAdapterProvider",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.simpleadapter.impl.Onem2mSimpleAdapterProvider"
+ },
+ "db-api-client-state": "STARTED"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mSimpleAdapterProvider",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "registered-db-api-client-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mSimpleAdapterProvider",
+ "registered-db-api-client-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "db-api-client-plugin-data": {
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mSimpleAdapterProvider",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.simpleadapter.impl.Onem2mSimpleAdapterProvider"
+ },
+ "db-api-client-state": "STARTED"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+"output"."registered-db-api-client-plugins-table"[?"plugin-name" == `Onem2mTsdrProvider`] | [0]
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {}
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mTsdrProvider",
+ "registered-db-api-client-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "db-api-client-plugin-data": {
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mTsdrProvider",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.tsdr.impl.Onem2mTsdrProvider"
+ },
+ "db-api-client-state": "STARTED"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mTsdrProvider",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "registered-db-api-client-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mTsdrProvider",
+ "registered-db-api-client-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "db-api-client-plugin-data": {
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mTsdrProvider",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.tsdr.impl.Onem2mTsdrProvider"
+ },
+ "db-api-client-state": "STARTED"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-coap-providers": [
+ {
+ "coap-provider-instance-name": "CoapProviderDefault",
+ "router-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ },
+ "server-config": {
+ "server-port": 7776,
+ "server-security-level": "l0",
+ "secure-connection": false
+ },
+ "notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ }
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-http-providers": [
+ {
+ "http-provider-instance-name": "HttpProviderDefault",
+ "server-config": {
+ "server-port": 7777,
+ "server-security-level": "l0",
+ "secure-connection": false
+ },
+ "router-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ },
+ "notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ }
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-mqtt-providers": [
+ {
+ "mqtt-provider-instance-name": "MqttProviderDefault",
+ "mqtt-client-config": {
+ "mqtt-broker-port": 7788,
+ "security-level": "l0",
+ "mqtt-broker-ip": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-simple-config":
+ {
+ "key-val-list" : [
+ {"cfg-key": "port","cfg-val": "7779"}
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "coap(s)-base",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "coap(s)-base",
+ "registered-iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "coap(s)-base",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.protocols.coap.rx.Onem2mCoapBaseIotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "UDP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 7776,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "coap",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+"output"."registered-iotdm-plugins-table"[?"plugin-name" == `coap(s)-base`] | [0]
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "coap(s)-base",
+ "registered-iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "coap(s)-base",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.protocols.coap.rx.Onem2mCoapBaseIotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "UDP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 5683,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "coap",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "coap(s)-base",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "registered-iotdm-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "coap(s)-base",
+ "registered-iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "coap(s)-base",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.protocols.coap.rx.Onem2mCoapBaseIotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "UDP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 5683,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "coap",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "http(s)-base",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "registered-iotdm-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "http(s)-base",
+ "registered-iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "http(s)-base",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.protocols.http.rx.Onem2mHttpBaseIotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 7777,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "http",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+"output"."registered-iotdm-plugins-table"[?"plugin-name" == `http(s)-base`] | [0]
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "http(s)-base",
+ "registered-iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "http(s)-base",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.protocols.http.rx.Onem2mHttpBaseIotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 8282,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "http",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "http(s)-base",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "registered-iotdm-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "http(s)-base",
+ "registered-iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "http(s)-base",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.protocols.http.rx.Onem2mHttpBaseIotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 8282,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "http",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "mqtt",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "registered-iotdm-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "mqtt",
+ "registered-iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.protocols.mqtt.rx.Onem2mMqttIotdmPlugin",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "mqtt"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "address": "",
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "port": 7788,
+ "protocol": "mqtt",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+"output"."registered-iotdm-plugins-table"[?"plugin-name" == `mqtt`] | [0]
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {}
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "mqtt",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {}
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "registered-iotdm-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "registered-iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2mexample.impl.Onem2mExampleCustomProtocol"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 7779,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "http",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+"output"."registered-iotdm-plugins-table"[?"plugin-name" == `Onem2mExample`] | [0]
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {}
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "registered-iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2mexample.impl.Onem2mExampleCustomProtocol"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 8283,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "http",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "registered-iotdm-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "registered-iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2mexample.impl.Onem2mExampleCustomProtocol"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 8283,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "http",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {}
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "registered-iotdm-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "http(s)-base",
+ "registered-iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "http(s)-base",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.protocols.http.rx.Onem2mHttpBaseIotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 8282,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "http",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "mqtt",
+ "registered-iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.protocols.mqtt.rx.Onem2mMqttIotdmPlugin",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "mqtt"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "address": "",
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "port": 1883,
+ "protocol": "mqtt",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "ws",
+ "registered-iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "ws",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.protocols.websocket.rx.Onem2mWebsocketIotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 8888,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "websocket",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "registered-iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2mexample.impl.Onem2mExampleCustomProtocol"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 8283,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "http",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "coap(s)-base",
+ "registered-iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "coap(s)-base",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.protocols.coap.rx.Onem2mCoapBaseIotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "UDP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 5683,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "coap",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+"output"."registered-iotdm-plugins-table"[?"plugin-name" == `ws`] | [0]
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {}
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "ws",
+ "registered-iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "ws",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.protocols.websocket.rx.Onem2mWebsocketIotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 8888,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "websocket",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "ws",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "registered-iotdm-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "ws",
+ "registered-iotdm-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "ws",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.protocols.websocket.rx.Onem2mWebsocketIotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 8888,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "websocket",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-coap-providers": [
+ {
+ "coap-provider-instance-name": "CoapProviderDefault",
+ "server-config": {
+ "server-port": 5683,
+ "secure-connection": "asds",
+ "server-security-level": "l0"
+ },
+ "notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": "false"
+ },
+ "router-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": "false"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-coap-providers": [
+ {
+ "coap-provider-instance-name": "CoapProviderDefault",
+ "server-config": {
+ "server-port": 5683,
+ "secure-connection": "false",
+ "server-security-level": "l4"
+ },
+ "notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": "false"
+ },
+ "router-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": "false"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-coap-providers": [
+ {
+ "coap-provider-instance-name": "CoapProviderDefault",
+ "server-config": {
+ "server-port": 82828,
+ "secure-connection": "false",
+ "server-security-level": "l0"
+ },
+ "notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": "false"
+ },
+ "router-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": "false"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-coap-providers": [
+ {
+ "coap-provider-instance-name": "CoapProviderDefault",
+ "server-config": {
+ "server-port": 5683,
+ "server-security-level": "l0"
+ },
+ "notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": "false"
+ },
+ "router-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": "false"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-coap-providers": [
+ {
+ "coap-provider-instance-name": "CoapProviderDefault",
+ "server-config": {
+ "server-port": 5683,
+ "secure-connection": "false"
+ },
+ "notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": "false"
+ },
+ "router-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": "false"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-coap-providers": [
+ {
+ "coap-provider-instance-name": "CoapProviderDefault",
+ "server-config": {
+ "secure-connection": "false",
+ "server-security-level": "l0"
+ },
+ "notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": "false"
+ },
+ "router-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": "false"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-http-providers" : [
+ {
+ "http-provider-instance-name": "HttpProviderDefault",
+ "router-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ },
+ "server-config": {
+ "secure-connection": "asds",
+ "server-security-level": "l0",
+ "server-port": 8282
+ },
+ "notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ }
+ }
+ ]
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-http-providers" : [
+ {
+ "http-provider-instance-name": "HttpProviderDefault",
+ "router-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ },
+ "server-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false,
+ "server-security-level": "l4",
+ "server-port": 8282
+ },
+ "notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ }
+ }
+ ]
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-http-providers" : [
+ {
+ "http-provider-instance-name": "HttpProviderDefault",
+ "router-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ },
+ "server-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false,
+ "server-security-level": "l0",
+ "server-port": 82828
+ },
+ "notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ }
+ }
+ ]
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-http-providers" : [
+ {
+ "http-provider-instance-name": "HttpProviderDefault",
+ "router-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ },
+ "server-config": {
+ "server-security-level": "l0",
+ "server-port": 7777
+ },
+ "notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ }
+ }
+ ]
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-http-providers" : [
+ {"http-provider-instance-name": "HttpProviderDefault",
+ "router-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ },
+ "server-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false,
+ "server-port": 7777
+ },
+ "notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ }
+ }
+ ]
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-http-providers" : [
+ {
+ "http-provider-instance-name": "HttpProviderDefault",
+ "router-plugin-config": {"secure-connection": false},
+ "server-config": {
+ "server-security-level": "l0",
+ "secure-connection": false},
+ "notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ }
+ }
+ ]
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-mqtt-providers" : [
+ {
+ "mqtt-provider-instance-name": "MqttProviderDefault",
+ "mqtt-client-config": {
+ "mqtt-broker-port" : 1883,
+ "mqtt-broker-ip" : "12777777",
+ "security-level" : "l0"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-mqtt-providers" : [
+ {
+ "mqtt-provider-instance-name": "MqttProviderDefault",
+ "mqtt-client-config": {
+ "mqtt-broker-port" : 188387,
+ "mqtt-broker-ip" : "",
+ "security-level" : "l0"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-mqtt-providers" : [
+ {
+ "mqtt-provider-instance-name": "MqttProviderDefault",
+ "mqtt-client-config": {
+ "mqtt-broker-port" : 1883,
+ "mqtt-broker-ip" : "",
+ "security-level" : "l4"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-mqtt-providers" : [
+ {
+ "mqtt-provider-instance-name": "MqttProviderDefault",
+ "mqtt-client-config": {
+ "mqtt-broker-port" : 1883,
+ "security-level" : "l0"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-mqtt-providers" : [
+ {
+ "mqtt-provider-instance-name": "MqttProviderDefault",
+ "mqtt-client-config": {
+ "mqtt-broker-ip" : "",
+ "security-level" : "l0"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-mqtt-providers" : [
+ {
+ "mqtt-provider-instance-name": "MqttProviderDefault",
+ "mqtt-client-config": {
+ "mqtt-broker-port" : 1883,
+ "mqtt-broker-ip" : ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name":"Onem2mExample",
+ "instance-name":"aaa",
+ "plugin-simple-config" : {
+ "key-val-list" : [
+ {
+ "cfg-key":"000000",
+ "cfg-val":"testVal"
+ },
+ {
+ "cfg-key":"11111",
+ "cfg-val":"Val1"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ "errors":{
+ "error":[
+ {
+ "error-type":"application",
+ "error-tag":"operation-failed",
+ "error-message":"No such plugin registered: pluginName: Onem2mExample, instanceId: aaa",
+ "error-info":"<severity>error</severity>"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name":"aaa",
+ "instance-name":"default",
+ "plugin-simple-config" : {
+ "key-val-list" : [
+ {
+ "cfg-key":"000000",
+ "cfg-val":"testVal"
+ },
+ {
+ "cfg-key":"11111",
+ "cfg-val":"Val1"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ "errors":
+ {
+ "error":[
+ {
+ "error-type":"application",
+ "error-tag":"operation-failed",
+ "error-message":"No such plugin registered: pluginName: aaa, instanceId: default",
+ "error-info":"<severity>error</severity>"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name":"Onem2mExample",
+ "instance-name":"default",
+ "cfg-key":"testKey10"
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ "errors":{
+ "error":[
+ {
+ "error-type":"application",
+ "error-tag":"operation-failed",
+ "error-message":"No such key found: PluginName: Onem2mExample, InstanceName: default, Key: testKey10",
+ "error-info":"<severity>error</severity>"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "coap(s)-base",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "coap(s)-base",
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "implemented-interfaces": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPluginConfigurable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "plugin-configuration": {
+ "onem2m-protocol-coap:router-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ },
+ "onem2m-protocol-coap:server-config": {
+ "server-port": 7776,
+ "server-security-level": "l0",
+ "secure-connection": false
+ },
+ "onem2m-protocol-coap:notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ }
+ },
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "coap(s)-base",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.protocols.coap.rx.Onem2mCoapBaseIotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "UDP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 7776,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "coap",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+"output"."onem2m-plugin-manager-plugins-table"[?"plugin-name" == `coap(s)-base`] | [0]
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "coap(s)-base",
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "implemented-interfaces": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPluginConfigurable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "plugin-configuration": {
+ "onem2m-protocol-coap:router-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ },
+ "onem2m-protocol-coap:server-config": {
+ "server-port": 5683,
+ "server-security-level": "l0",
+ "secure-connection": false
+ },
+ "onem2m-protocol-coap:notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ }
+ },
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "coap(s)-base",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.protocols.coap.rx.Onem2mCoapBaseIotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "UDP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 5683,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "coap",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "coap(s)-base",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "coap(s)-base",
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "implemented-interfaces": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPluginConfigurable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "plugin-configuration": {
+ "onem2m-protocol-coap:router-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ },
+ "onem2m-protocol-coap:server-config": {
+ "server-port": 5683,
+ "server-security-level": "l0",
+ "secure-connection": false
+ },
+ "onem2m-protocol-coap:notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ }
+ },
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "coap(s)-base",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.protocols.coap.rx.Onem2mCoapBaseIotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "UDP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 5683,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "coap",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "http(s)-base",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "http(s)-base",
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "implemented-interfaces": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPluginConfigurable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "plugin-configuration": {
+ "onem2m-protocol-http:notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ },
+ "onem2m-protocol-http:server-config": {
+ "server-port": 7777,
+ "server-security-level": "l0",
+ "secure-connection": false
+ },
+ "onem2m-protocol-http:router-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ }
+ },
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "http(s)-base",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.protocols.http.rx.Onem2mHttpBaseIotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 7777,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "http",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+"output"."onem2m-plugin-manager-plugins-table"[?"plugin-name" == `http(s)-base`] | [0]
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "http(s)-base",
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "implemented-interfaces": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPluginConfigurable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "plugin-configuration": {
+ "onem2m-protocol-http:notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ },
+ "onem2m-protocol-http:server-config": {
+ "server-port": 8282,
+ "server-security-level": "l0",
+ "secure-connection": false
+ },
+ "onem2m-protocol-http:router-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ }
+ },
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "http(s)-base",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.protocols.http.rx.Onem2mHttpBaseIotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 8282,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "http",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "http(s)-base",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "http(s)-base",
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "implemented-interfaces": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPluginConfigurable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "plugin-configuration": {
+ "onem2m-protocol-http:notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ },
+ "onem2m-protocol-http:server-config": {
+ "server-port": 8282,
+ "server-security-level": "l0",
+ "secure-connection": false
+ },
+ "onem2m-protocol-http:router-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ }
+ },
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "http(s)-base",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.protocols.http.rx.Onem2mHttpBaseIotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 8282,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "http",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "mqtt",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "mqtt",
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "implemented-interfaces": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPluginConfigurable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "plugin-configuration": {
+ "onem2m-protocol-mqtt:mqtt-client-config": {
+ "mqtt-broker-port": 7788,
+ "security-level": "l0",
+ "mqtt-broker-ip": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "mqtt",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.protocols.mqtt.rx.Onem2mMqttIotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 7788,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "mqtt",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+"output"."onem2m-plugin-manager-plugins-table"[?"plugin-name" == `mqtt`] | [0]
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "mqtt",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {}
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "implemented-interfaces": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPluginConfigurable"
+ },
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPluginSimpleConfigClient"
+ },
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPluginDbClient"
+ }
+ ],
+ "db-api-client-data": {
+ "db-api-client-state": "STARTED"
+ },
+ "plugin-configuration": {
+ "plugin-simple-config": {
+ "key-val-list": [
+ {
+ "cfg-key": "port",
+ "cfg-val": "7779"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2mexample.impl.Onem2mExampleCustomProtocol"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 7779,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "http",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+"output"."onem2m-plugin-manager-plugins-table"[?"plugin-name" == `Onem2mExample`] | [0]
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "implemented-interfaces": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPluginConfigurable"
+ },
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPluginSimpleConfigClient"
+ },
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPluginDbClient"
+ }
+ ],
+ "db-api-client-data": {
+ "db-api-client-state": "STARTED"
+ },
+ "plugin-configuration": {},
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2mexample.impl.Onem2mExampleCustomProtocol"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 8283,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "http",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "implemented-interfaces": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPluginConfigurable"
+ },
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPluginSimpleConfigClient"
+ },
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPluginDbClient"
+ }
+ ],
+ "db-api-client-data": {
+ "db-api-client-state": "STARTED"
+ },
+ "plugin-configuration": {},
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2mexample.impl.Onem2mExampleCustomProtocol"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 8283,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "http",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+"output"."onem2m-plugin-manager-plugins-table"[?"plugin-name" == `Onem2mSimpleAdapterProvider`] | [0]
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mSimpleAdapterProvider",
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "db-api-client-data": {
+ "db-api-client-state": "STARTED"
+ },
+ "implemented-interfaces": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPluginDbClient"
+ }
+ ],
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mSimpleAdapterProvider",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.simpleadapter.impl.Onem2mSimpleAdapterProvider",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mSimpleAdapterProvider",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mSimpleAdapterProvider",
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "db-api-client-data": {
+ "db-api-client-state": "STARTED"
+ },
+ "implemented-interfaces": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPluginDbClient"
+ }
+ ],
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mSimpleAdapterProvider",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.simpleadapter.impl.Onem2mSimpleAdapterProvider",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+"output"."onem2m-plugin-manager-plugins-table"[?"plugin-name" == `Onem2mTsdrProvider`] | [0]
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mTsdrProvider",
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "db-api-client-data": {
+ "db-api-client-state": "STARTED"
+ },
+ "implemented-interfaces": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPluginDbClient"
+ }
+ ],
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mTsdrProvider",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.tsdr.impl.Onem2mTsdrProvider",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mTsdrProvider",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mTsdrProvider",
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "db-api-client-data": {
+ "db-api-client-state": "STARTED"
+ },
+ "implemented-interfaces": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPluginDbClient"
+ }
+ ],
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mTsdrProvider",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.tsdr.impl.Onem2mTsdrProvider",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+"output"."onem2m-plugin-manager-plugins-table"[?"plugin-name" == `ws`] | [0]
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "ws",
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "implemented-interfaces": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPlugin"
+ }
+ ],
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "ws",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.protocols.websocket.rx.Onem2mWebsocketIotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 8888,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "websocket",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "ws",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "ws",
+ "onem2m-plugin-manager-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "implemented-interfaces": [
+ {
+ "iotdm-interface": "IotdmPlugin"
+ }
+ ],
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "ws",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2m.protocols.websocket.rx.Onem2mWebsocketIotdmPlugin"
+ },
+ "iotdm-plugin-registrations": [
+ {
+ "registration-data": {
+ "transport-protocol": "TCP",
+ "registration-mode": "Exclusive",
+ "port": 8888,
+ "local-url": "*",
+ "protocol": "websocket",
+ "address": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-coap-providers": [
+ {
+ "coap-provider-instance-name": "CoapProviderDefault",
+ "server-config": {
+ "server-port": 7776,
+ "secure-connection": "false",
+ "server-security-level": "l0"
+ },
+ "notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": "false"
+ },
+ "router-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": "false"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-coap-providers": [
+ {
+ "coap-provider-instance-name": "CoapProviderDefault",
+ "server-config": {
+ "server-port": 5683,
+ "secure-connection": "false",
+ "server-security-level": "l0"
+ },
+ "notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": "false"
+ },
+ "router-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": "false"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-http-providers": [
+ {
+ "http-provider-instance-name": "HttpProviderDefault",
+ "router-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ },
+ "server-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false,
+ "server-security-level": "l0",
+ "server-port": 7777
+ },
+ "notifier-plugin-config": {
+ "secure-connection": false
+ }
+ }
+ ]
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-mqtt-providers": [
+ {
+ "mqtt-provider-instance-name": "MqttProviderDefault",
+ "mqtt-client-config": {
+ "mqtt-broker-port": 7788,
+ "mqtt-broker-ip": "",
+ "security-level": "l0"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "onem2m-protocol-mqtt-providers": [
+ {
+ "mqtt-provider-instance-name": "MqttProviderDefault",
+ "mqtt-client-config": {
+ "mqtt-broker-port": 1883,
+ "mqtt-broker-ip": "",
+ "security-level": "l0"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input":
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-simple-config":
+ {
+ "key-val-list" : [
+ {"cfg-key": "port","cfg-val": "7779"}
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ {
+ "output": {
+ "instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-simple-config": {
+ "key-val-list": [
+ {
+ "cfg-key": "port",
+ "cfg-val": "7779"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input":
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {}
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name":"Onem2mExample",
+ "instance-name":"default"
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {}
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name":"Onem2mExample",
+ "instance-name":"default",
+ "cfg-key":"testKey2"
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {}
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-simple-config": {
+ "key-val-list": [
+ {
+ "cfg-key": "11111",
+ "cfg-val": "Val1"
+ },
+ {
+ "cfg-key": "000000",
+ "cfg-val": "testVal"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "onem2m-simple-config-list": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-simple-config": {
+ "key-val-list": [
+ {
+ "cfg-key": "11111",
+ "cfg-val": "Val1"
+ },
+ {
+ "cfg-key": "000000",
+ "cfg-val": "testVal"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "onem2m-simple-config-list": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "instance-name": "default"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "onem2m-simple-config-list": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-simple-config": {
+ "key-val-list": [
+ {
+ "cfg-key": "11111",
+ "cfg-val": "Val1"
+ },
+ {
+ "cfg-key": "000000",
+ "cfg-val": "testVal"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "instance-name": "default"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-simple-config": {
+ "key-val-list": [
+ {
+ "cfg-key": "11111",
+ "cfg-val": "Val1"
+ },
+ {
+ "cfg-key": "000000",
+ "cfg-val": "testVal"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name":"Onem2mExample",
+ "instance-name":"default",
+ "cfg-key":"testKey2"
+ }
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ {
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name":"Onem2mExample",
+ "instance-name":"default",
+ "cfg-key":"testKey2"
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "instance-name": "default",
+ "cfg-key": "testKey2"
+ }
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-simple-config": {
+ "key-val-list": [
+ {
+ "cfg-key": "000000",
+ "cfg-val": "testVal"
+ },
+ {
+ "cfg-key": "11111",
+ "cfg-val": "Val1"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-simple-config": {
+ "key-val-list": [
+ {
+ "cfg-key": "11111",
+ "cfg-val": "Val1"
+ },
+ {
+ "cfg-key": "000000",
+ "cfg-val": "testVal"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "instance-name": "default",
+ "cfg-key": "testKey2"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {}
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "instance-name": "default",
+ "cfg-key": "000000"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "cfg-val": "testVal",
+ "instance-name": "default",
+ "cfg-key": "000000"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "instance-name": "default",
+ "cfg-key": "11111"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "cfg-val": "Val1",
+ "instance-name": "default",
+ "cfg-key": "11111"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "instance-name": "default",
+ "cfg-key": "testKey2"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "cfg-val": "Val2",
+ "instance-name": "default",
+ "cfg-key": "testKey2"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "instance-name": "default",
+ "cfg-key": "testKey2",
+ "cfg-val": "Val2"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-simple-config": {
+ "key-val-list": [
+ {
+ "cfg-key": "testKey2",
+ "cfg-val": "Val2"
+ },
+ {
+ "cfg-key": "11111",
+ "cfg-val": "Val1"
+ },
+ {
+ "cfg-key": "000000",
+ "cfg-val": "testVal"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "instance-name": "default",
+ "cfg-key": "testKey2"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "cfg-val": "Val2",
+ "instance-name": "default",
+ "cfg-key": "testKey2"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {}
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "registered-simple-config-client-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "registered-simple-config-client-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-simple-config": {
+ "key-val-list": [
+ {
+ "cfg-key": "000000",
+ "cfg-val": "testVal"
+ },
+ {
+ "cfg-key": "11111",
+ "cfg-val": "Val1"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2mexample.impl.Onem2mExampleCustomProtocol"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+"output"."registered-simple-config-client-plugins-table"[?"plugin-name" == `Onem2mExample`] | [0]
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {}
--- /dev/null
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "registered-simple-config-client-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2mexample.impl.Onem2mExampleCustomProtocol"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ "input": {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default"
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ "output": {
+ "registered-simple-config-client-plugins-table": [
+ {
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "registered-simple-config-client-plugin-instances": [
+ {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "iotdm-common-plugin-data": {
+ "plugin-instance-name": "default",
+ "plugin-name": "Onem2mExample",
+ "plugin-class": "org.opendaylight.iotdm.onem2mexample.impl.Onem2mExampleCustomProtocol"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file