PathMap and PathPolicy VTN Manager Sandbox testing. 41/26441/23
authorpriya.ramasubbu <>
Thu, 3 Sep 2015 13:33:38 +0000 (19:03 +0530)
committerGerrit Code Review <>
Mon, 12 Oct 2015 23:36:58 +0000 (23:36 +0000)
    * Add new files mininet topology and pathpolicy test cases

Change-Id: I7a6ea77645b9414fe95a582209925272616714c8
Signed-off-by: priya.ramasubbu <>
csit/libraries/MininetTopo/ [new file with mode: 0644]
csit/suites/vtn/VTN_Mgr_OF13/010__vtn_manager_pathpolicy.robot [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/csit/libraries/MininetTopo/ b/csit/libraries/MininetTopo/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f72bb87
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+"""Custom topology example
+Three directly connected switches plus a host for each switch:
+   host --- switch --- switch --- switch --- host
+Adding the 'topos' dict with a key/value pair to generate our newly defined
+topology enables one to pass in '--topo=mytopo' from the command line.
+from mininet.topo import Topo
+class PathpolicyTopo(Topo):
+    """Simple topology example."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        # Initialize topology
+        Topo.__init__(self)
+        # Add hosts and switches
+        leftHost = self.addHost('h1')
+        rightHost = self.addHost('h2')
+        leftSwitch = self.addSwitch('s1')
+        middleSwitch = self.addSwitch('s2')
+        middleSwitch2 = self.addSwitch('s4')
+        rightSwitch = self.addSwitch('s3')
+        # Add links
+        self.addLink(leftHost, leftSwitch)
+        self.addLink(leftSwitch, middleSwitch)
+        self.addLink(leftSwitch, middleSwitch2)
+        self.addLink(middleSwitch, rightSwitch)
+        self.addLink(middleSwitch2, rightSwitch)
+        self.addLink(rightSwitch, rightHost)
+topos = {'pathpolicytopo': (lambda: PathpolicyTopo())}
index 56dc1831ffd3321615b23afb540274e19d015894..cfaaa48afe96f44ebcf8a34ec9dd83da2cb66613 100644 (file)
@@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ ${index}          7
 @{FLOWELMENTS}    nw_src=    nw_dst=    actions=drop
 ${vlanmap_bridge1}    {"vlan": "200"}
 ${vlanmap_bridge2}    {"vlan": "300"}
+${pathpolicy_topo}    sudo mn --controller=remote,ip=${CONTROLLER} --custom --topo pathpolicytopo --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13
+@{PATHMAP_ATTR}    "index":"1"    "condition":"flowcond_path"    "policy":"1"
+${policy_id}    1
+@{PATHPOLICY_ATTR}    "id":"1"    "type":"OF"    "name":"s4-eth2"
 *** Keywords ***
 Start SuiteVtnMa
@@ -82,6 +87,80 @@ Add a portmap
     ${resp}=    RequestsLibrary.Put    session    ${REST_CONTEXT_VTNS}/${vtn_name}/vbridges/${vBridge_name}/interfaces/${interface_name}/portmap    data=${json_data}    headers=${HEADERS}
     Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
+Add a pathmap
+    [Arguments]    ${pathmap_data}
+    [Documentation]    Create a pathmap for a vtn
+    ${json_data}=   json.dumps    ${pathmap_data}
+    ${resp}=    RequestsLibrary.Put    session    ${REST_CONTEXT}/pathmaps/${policy_id}    data=${pathmap_data}    headers=${HEADERS}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    201
+Get a pathmap
+    [Documentation]    Get a pathmap for a vtn.
+    ${resp}=    RequestsLibrary.Get   session    ${REST_CONTEXT}/pathmaps
+    : FOR    ${pathElement}    IN    @{PATHMAP_ATTR}
+    \    should Contain    ${resp.content}    ${pathElement}
+Add a pathpolicy
+    [Arguments]    ${pathpolicy_data}
+    [Documentation]    Create a pathpolicy for a vtn
+    ${json_data}=   json.dumps    ${pathpolicy_data}
+    ${resp}=    RequestsLibrary.Put    session    ${REST_CONTEXT}/pathpolicies/${policy_id}    data=${pathpolicy_data}    headers=${HEADERS}
+    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    201
+Get a pathpolicy
+    [Documentation]    Get a pathpolicy for a vtn.
+    ${resp}=    RequestsLibrary.Get   session    ${REST_CONTEXT}/pathpolicies/${policy_id}
+    : FOR    ${pathpolicyElement}    IN    @{PATHPOLICY_ATTR}
+    \    should Contain    ${resp.content}    ${pathpolicyElement}
+Verify flowEntryBeforePathPolicy
+    [Documentation]    Checking Flows on switch S1 and switch S3 before applying path policy
+    write    ${DUMPFLOWS}
+    ${result}    Read Until    mininet>
+    @{list_to_verify}    Create List    in_port=1    actions=output:2    actions=output:3
+    : FOR    ${flowverifyElement}    IN    @{list_to_verify}
+    \    should Contain    ${result}    ${flowverifyElement}
+Verify flowEntryAfterPathPolicy
+    [Documentation]    Checking Flows on switch S1 and switch S3 after applying path policy
+    write    ${DUMPFLOWS}
+    ${result}    Read Until    mininet>
+    @{list_to_verify}    Create List    in_port=1    actions=output:3    in_port=2
+    : FOR    ${flowverifyElement}    IN    @{list_to_verify}
+    \    should Contain    ${result}    ${flowverifyElement}
+Start PathSuiteVtnMaTest
+    [Documentation]    Start VTN Manager Test Suite and Mininet
+    Start SuiteVtnMaTest
+    Start Mininet    ${MININET}    ${pathpolicy_topo}    ${custom}
+Stop PathSuiteVtnMaTest
+    [Documentation]    Cleanup/Shutdown work at the completion of all tests.
+    Delete All Sessions
+    Stop Mininet    ${mininet_conn_id}
+Delete a pathmap
+    [Documentation]    Delete a pathmap for a vtn
+    ${resp}=    RequestsLibrary.Delete    session    ${REST_CONTEXT}/pathmaps/1
+    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
+Get a pathmap after delete
+    [Documentation]    Get a pathmap for a vtn.
+    ${resp}=    RequestsLibrary.Get   session    ${REST_CONTEXT}/pathmaps
+    : FOR    ${pathElement}    IN    @{PATHMAP_ATTR}
+    \    should Not Contain    ${resp.content}    ${pathElement}
+Delete a pathpolicy
+    [Documentation]    Delete a pathpolicy for a vtn
+    ${resp}=    RequestsLibrary.Delete    session    ${REST_CONTEXT}/pathpolicies/1
+    Should Be Equal As Strings    ${resp.status_code}    200
+Get a pathpolicy after delete
+    [Documentation]    Get a pathpolicy for a vtn after delete.
+    ${resp}=    RequestsLibrary.Get   session    ${REST_CONTEXT}/pathpolicies/${policy_id}
+    : FOR    ${pathpolicyElement}    IN    @{PATHPOLICY_ATTR}
+    \    should Not Contain    ${resp.content}    ${pathpolicyElement}
 Add a macmap
     [Arguments]    ${vtn_name}    ${vBridge_name}    ${macmap_data}
     [Documentation]    Create a macmap for a vbridge
diff --git a/csit/suites/vtn/VTN_Mgr_OF13/010__vtn_manager_pathpolicy.robot b/csit/suites/vtn/VTN_Mgr_OF13/010__vtn_manager_pathpolicy.robot
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..83b8411
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Documentation     Test suite for VTN Manager using OF13
+Suite Setup       Start PathSuiteVtnMaTest
+Suite Teardown    Stop PathSuiteVtnMaTest
+Resource          ../../../libraries/VtnMaKeywords.robot
+*** Variables ***
+${pathmapdata}    {"index": 1,"condition":"flowcond_path","policy":1,"idleTimeout": 300,"hardTimeout": 0}
+${pathpolicydata}    {"id": 1,"default": 100000,"cost": [{"location": {"node": {"type": "OF","id": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01"},"port": {"type": "OF","id": "3","name": "s1-eth3"}},"cost": 1000},{"location": {"node": {"type": "OF","id": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04"},"port": {"type": "OF","id": "2","name": "s4-eth2"}},"cost": 1000},{"location": {"node": {"type": "OF", "id": "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03"},"port": {"type": "OF","id": "3","name": "s3-eth3"}},"cost": 100000}]}
+*** Test Cases ***
+Check if switch1 detected
+    [Documentation]    Check if openflow:1 is detected
+    BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds    12     3    Fetch vtn switch inventory     openflow:1
+Check if switch2 detected
+    [Documentation]    Check if openflow:2 is detected
+    BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds    3     1    Fetch vtn switch inventory     openflow:2
+Check if switch3 detected
+    [Documentation]    Check if openflow:3 is detected
+    BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds    3     1    Fetch vtn switch inventory     openflow:3
+Check if switch4 detected
+    [Documentation]    Check if openflow:4 is detected
+    BuiltIn.Wait_Until_Keyword_Succeeds    3     1    Fetch vtn switch inventory     openflow:4
+Add a vtn Tenant_path
+    [Documentation]    Add a vtn Tenant_path
+    Add a vtn    Tenant_path    {"idleTimeout": "200","hardTimeout": "600","description": "Virtual Tenant_path for Hackfest network"}
+Add a vBridge vBridge1
+    [Documentation]    Add a vBridge vBridge1 in vtn Tenant_path
+    Add a vBridge    Tenant_path    vBridge1    {"ageInterval": "300","description": "vBridge1 for Tenant_path"}
+Add a interface If1_path
+    [Documentation]    Add a interface if1_path into vBrdige vBridge1
+    Add a interface    Tenant_path    vBridge1    if1_path    {}
+Add a portmap for interface if1_path
+    [Documentation]    Create a portmap on Interface if1 of vBridge1
+    ${node}    Create Dictionary    type=OF    id=00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01
+    ${port}    Create Dictionary    name=s1-eth1    type=OF    id=1
+    ${portmap_data}    Create Dictionary    node=${node}    port=${port}
+    Add a portmap    Tenant_path    vBridge1    if1_path    ${portmap_data}
+Add a interface If2_path
+    [Documentation]    Add a interface if2_path into vBrdige vBridge1
+    Add a interface    Tenant_path    vBridge1    if2_path   {}
+Add a portmap for interface if2_path
+    [Documentation]    Create a portmap on Interface if2_path of vBridge1
+    ${node}    Create Dictionary    type=OF    id=00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03
+    ${port}    Create Dictionary    name=s3-eth3    type=OF    id=3
+    ${portmap_data}    Create Dictionary    node=${node}    port=${port}
+    Add a portmap    Tenant_path    vBridge1    if2_path    ${portmap_data}
+Ping h1 to h2 before path policy
+    [Documentation]    Ping h1 to h2, verify no packet loss
+    Mininet Ping Should Succeed    h1    h2
+Verify flowEntryBeforePathPolicy
+    [Documentation]    Checking Flows on switch s1 and s3
+    [Tags]    Switch
+    Verify flowEntryBeforePathPolicy
+Add a flowcondition flowcond_path
+    [Documentation]    Create a flowcondition flowcond_path
+    ${inet4}=    Create Dictionary    src=    dst=    protocol=1
+    ${inetMatch}=    Create Dictionary    inet4=${inet4}
+    ${ethernet}=    Create Dictionary    src=ca:9e:58:0c:1e:f0    dst=ba:bd:0f:e3:a8:c8    type=2048
+    ${matchElement}=    Create Dictionary    index=1    ethernet=${ethernet}    inetMatch=${inetMatch}
+    @{matchlist}    Create List    ${matchElement}
+    ${flowcond_data}=    Create Dictionary    name=flowcond_path    match=${matchlist}
+    Add a flowcondition  flowcond_path    ${flowcond_data}
+Add a pathmap
+    [Documentation]    Create a pathmap in the vtn
+    Add a pathmap    ${pathmapdata}
+Get a pathmap
+    [Documentation]    Retrieve a pathmap in the vtn
+    Get a pathmap
+Add a pathpolicy
+    [Documentation]    Create a pathpolicy in the vtn
+    Add a pathpolicy    ${pathpolicydata}
+Get a pathpolicy
+    [Documentation]    Retrieve a pathpolicy in the vtn
+    Get a pathpolicy
+Ping h1 to h2 after path policy
+    [Documentation]    Ping h1 to h2, verify no packet loss
+    Mininet Ping Should Succeed    h1    h2
+Verify flowEntryAfterPathPolicy
+    [Documentation]    Checking Flows on switch s1 and s3
+    [Tags]    Switch
+    Verify flowEntryAfterPathPolicy
+Delete a pathmap
+    [Documentation]    Delete a pathmap
+    Delete a pathmap
+Get a pathmap after delete
+    [Documentation]    Retrieve a pathmap in the vtn after delete to check whether it is deleted properly
+    Get a pathmap after delete
+Delete a pathpolicy
+    [Documentation]    Delete a pathpolicy
+    Delete a pathpolicy
+Get a pathpolicy after delete
+    [Documentation]    Retrieve a pathpolicy in the vtn after delete to check whether it is deleted properly
+    Get a pathpolicy after delete
+Delete a flowcondition
+    [Documentation]    Delete a flowcondition
+    Delete a flowcondition    flowcond_path
+Delete a vtn Tenant_path
+    [Documentation]    Delete a vtn Tenant_path
+    Delete a vtn    Tenant_path
index 09002cdea7c142201a58818a86792eba25eee78f..ed59efacb10391e62c0cbce71b9db5bc55c56735 100644 (file)
@@ -128,6 +128,11 @@ CREATE_FULLYMESH_TOPOLOGY_FILE = ""
 CREATE_FULLYMESH_TOPOLOGY_FILE_PATH = "libraries/MininetTopo/" +\
+# Mininet Custom Topology Path and File for Path Policy
+                                       CREATE_PATHPOLICY_TOPOLOGY_FILE
 GBP_REGEP_API = "/restconf/operations/endpoint:register-endpoint"
 GBP_UNREGEP_API = "/restconf/operations/endpoint:unregister-endpoint"
 GBP_TENANTS_API = "/restconf/config/policy:tenants"