... for simplicity.
... TODO: Change the 4 testcases to use unique message IDs.
+... TODO: There are many sections with too many "Should_[Not_]Contain" keyword
+... invocations (see Check_Multiple_Modules_Merge_Replace for a particularly bad
+... example). Create a resource that will be able to extract the data from the
+... requests and search for them in the response, then convert to usage of this
+... resource (think "Thou shall not repeat yourself").
Suite Setup Setup_Everything
Suite Teardown Teardown_Everything
Test Setup SetupUtils.Setup_Test_With_Logging_And_Without_Fast_Failing
BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} additional="otherthing"
BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} xmlns:prefix="http://www.example.com/my-schema-example.html"
[Documentation] Request a "merge" operation adding an element in candidate configuration and check the reply.
- Perform_Test config-modules-merge-1
+ Perform_Test merge-1
[Documentation] Make sure the running configuration is still unchanged as the change was not commited yet.
[Documentation] Commit the change and check the reply.
Perform_Test commit-edit
[Documentation] Check that the change is now in the configuration.
${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message get-config-edit-after-commit
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <name>name0</name>
- [Documentation] Check that the change is also visible through Restconf.
- ${data}= Utils.Get_Data_From_URI config config:modules headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${data} <name>name0</name>
+ Check_First_Batch_Data_Present ${reply}
[Documentation] Close the session and disconnect.
- [Documentation] Check that the change is still visible through Restconf after Netconf disconnect.
- ${data}= Utils.Get_Data_From_URI config config:modules headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${data} <name>name0</name>
[Documentation] Reconnect to ODL Netconf and fail if that is not possible.
[Documentation] Check that the change is now in the configuration.
${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message get-config-edit-after-commit
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <name>name0</name>
+ Check_First_Batch_Data_Present ${reply}
- [Documentation] Check that the change is still visible through Restconf after Netconf reconnect.
- ${data}= Utils.Get_Data_From_URI config config:modules headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${data} <name>name0</name>
[Documentation] Request a "create" operation of an element that already exists and check that it fails with the correct error (RFC 6241, section 7.2, operation "create").
- Perform_Test config-modules-create
+ Perform_Test create
[Documentation] Delete the created element from the candidate configuration and check the reply.
- Perform_Test config-modules-delete
+ Perform_Test delete
[Documentation] Make sure the element is still present in the running configuration as the delete command was not committed yet.
${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message get-config-no-delete-before-commit
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <name>name0</name>
+ Check_First_Batch_Data_Present ${reply}
[Documentation] Commit the deletion of the element and check the reply.
[Documentation] Check that the element is gone.
Check_Test_Objects_Not_Present_In_Config get-config-delete-after-commit
- [Documentation] Check that "Not Found" is returned when Restconf is asked for the deleted element.
- ${response}= RequestsLibrary.Get config config:modules ${ACCEPT_XML}
- BuiltIn.Should_Be_Equal_As_Strings 404 ${response.status_code}
[Documentation] Attempt to perform "commit" when there are no changes in the candidate configuration and check that it returns OK status.
Perform_Test commit-no-transaction
[Documentation] Create an element to be discarded and check the reply.
- Perform_Test config-modules-merge-2
+ Perform_Test merge-2
[Documentation] Check that the element to be discarded is present in the candidate configuration.
${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message get-config-candidate
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <name>name1</name>
- BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} name0
+ Check_First_Batch_Data_Not_Present ${reply}
+ Check_Second_Batch_Data_Present ${reply}
[Documentation] Ask the server to discard the candidate and check the reply.
[Documentation] Check that the element was really discarded.
Check_Test_Objects_Not_Present_In_Config get-config-candidate-discard
- [Documentation] Create the element with "name2" subelement again and check the reply.
+ [Documentation] Use a create request with the third batch to create the infrastructure.
+ Perform_Test merge-multiple-create
+ [Documentation] Use a create request with the third batch to create the infrastructure.
Perform_Test merge-multiple-1
+ [Documentation] Use a merge request with the third batch to create the infrastructure.
[Documentation] Add a "name3" subelement to the element and check the reply.
Perform_Test merge-multiple-2
[Documentation] Add a "name4" subelement to the element and check the reply.
Perform_Test merge-multiple-3
[Documentation] Commit the changes and check the reply.
Perform_Test merge-multiple-commit
[Documentation] Check that the 3 subelements are now present in the running configuration.
${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message merge-multiple-check
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <name>name2</name>
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <name>name3</name>
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <name>name4</name>
- [Documentation] Check that the 3 subelements are visible via Restconf.
- ${data}= Utils.Get_Data_From_URI config config:modules headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${data} <name>name2</name>
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${data} <name>name3</name>
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${data} <name>name4</name>
+ Check_Multiple_Batch_Data_Present ${reply}
[Documentation] Simulate session failure by disconnecting without terminating the session.
- [Documentation] Check that the 3 subelements are visible via Restconf.
- ${data}= Utils.Get_Data_From_URI config config:modules headers=${ACCEPT_XML}
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${data} <name>name2</name>
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${data} <name>name3</name>
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${data} <name>name4</name>
[Documentation] Reconnect to ODL Netconf and fail if that is not possible.
[Documentation] Check that the 3 subelements are now present in the running configuration.
${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message merge-multiple-check
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <name>name2</name>
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <name>name3</name>
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <name>name4</name>
+ Check_Multiple_Batch_Data_Present ${reply}
[Documentation] Add another subelement named "test" to the element and check the reply.
Perform_Test merge-multiple-edit
[Documentation] Check that the "test" subelement exists and has correct value for "port" subelement.
${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message merge-multiple-edit-check
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <port xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">2022</port>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <id>test</id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <model>Dixi</model>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <manufacturer>BMW</manufacturer>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <year>1928</year>
[Documentation] Update the value of the "port" subelement of the "test" subelement and check the reply.
[Documentation] Check that the value of the "port" was really updated.
${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message merge-multiple-update-check
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <port xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">3000</port>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <id>test</id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <model>Bentley Speed Six</model>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <manufacturer>Bentley</manufacturer>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <year>1930</year>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <model>Dixi</model>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <manufacturer>BMW</manufacturer>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <year>1928</year>
[Documentation] Replace the content of the "test" with another completely different and check the reply.
[Documentation] Check that the new content is there and the old content is gone.
${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message merge-multiple-replace-check
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <name>test</name>
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <address xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf"></address>
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <tcp-only xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">false</tcp-only>
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <port xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">4000</port>
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <password xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">admin</password>
- BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <username xmlns="urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:md:sal:connector:netconf">admin</username>
- BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <name>global-event-executor</name>
- BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <name>binding-osgi-broker</name>
- BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <name>dom-broker</name>
- BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <name>global-netconf-dispatcher</name>
- BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <name>global-netconf-processing-executor</name>
- [Documentation] Remove the testing "module" element and all its subelements and check the reply.
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <id>REPLACE</id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <manufacturer>FIAT</manufacturer>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <model>Panda</model>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <year>2003</year>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <car-id>REPLACE</car-id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <id>TOY001</id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <id>CUST001</id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <car-id>TOY001</car-id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <person-id>CUST001</person-id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <id>OLD001</id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <id>CUST002</id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <car-id>OLD001</car-id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <person-id>CUST002</person-id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <id>CAROLD</id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <id>CUSTOLD</id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <car-id>CAROLD</car-id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <person-id>CUSTOLD</person-id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <id>CARYOUNG</id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <id>CUSTYOUNG</id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <car-id>CARYOUNG</car-id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <person-id>CUSTYOUNG</person-id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <id>CARMID</id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <id>CUSTMID</id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <car-id>CARMID</car-id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <person-id>CUSTMID</person-id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <id>CAROLD2</id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Contain ${reply} <id>CUSTOLD2</id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <car-id>CAROLD2</car-id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <person-id>CUSTOLD2</person-id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <id>CUSTBAD</id>
+ BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <id>test</id>
+ [Documentation] Remove the testing elements and all their subelements and check the reply.
Perform_Test merge-multiple-remove
[Documentation] Commit the removal and check the reply.
Perform_Test merge-multiple-remove-commit
- [Documentation] Attempt to delete the "module" element again and check that it fails with the correct error.
+ [Documentation] Attempt to delete the elements again and check that it fails with the correct error.
Perform_Test delete-not-existing
+ [Arguments] ${reply} ${keyword}
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <id>TOY001</id>
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <id>CUST001</id>
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <car-id>TOY001</car-id>
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <person-id>CUST001</person-id>
+ [Arguments] ${reply}
+ Check_First_Batch_Data ${reply} BuiltIn.Should_Contain
+ [Arguments] ${reply}
+ Check_First_Batch_Data ${reply} BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain
+ [Arguments] ${reply} ${keyword}
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <id>OLD001</id>
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <id>CUST002</id>
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <car-id>OLD001</car-id>
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <person-id>CUST002</person-id>
+ [Arguments] ${reply}
+ Check_Second_Batch_Data ${reply} BuiltIn.Should_Contain
+ [Arguments] ${reply} ${keyword}
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <id>CAROLD</id>
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <id>CUSTOLD</id>
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <car-id>CAROLD</car-id>
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <person-id>CUSTOLD</person-id>
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <id>CARYOUNG</id>
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <id>CUSTYOUNG</id>
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <car-id>CARYOUNG</car-id>
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <person-id>CUSTYOUNG</person-id>
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <id>CARMID</id>
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <id>CUSTMID</id>
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <car-id>CARMID</car-id>
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <person-id>CUSTMID</person-id>
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <id>CAROLD2</id>
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <id>CUSTOLD2</id>
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <car-id>CAROLD2</car-id>
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <person-id>CUSTOLD2</person-id>
+ [Arguments] ${reply}
+ Check_Multiple_Batch_Data ${reply} BuiltIn.Should_not_Contain
+ [Arguments] ${reply}
+ Check_Multiple_Batch_Data ${reply} BuiltIn.Should_Contain
+ [Arguments] ${reply} ${keyword}
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <id>CUSTBAD</id>
+ BuiltIn.RunKeyword ${keyword} ${reply} <id>test</id>
+ [Arguments] ${reply}
+ Check_First_Batch_Data_Not_Present ${reply}
+ Check_Second_Batch_Data ${reply} BuiltIn.Should_not_Contain
+ Check_Multiple_Batch_Data_Absent ${reply}
+ Check_Auxiliary_Data ${reply} BuiltIn.Should_not_Contain
+ BuiltIn.Should_not_Contain ${reply} <id>test</id>
[Arguments] ${name}
[Documentation] Use dataset with the specified name to get the configuration and check that none of our test objects are there.
${reply}= Load_And_Send_Message ${name}
- BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <name>name0</name>
- BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <name>name1</name>
- BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <name>name2</name>
- BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <name>name3</name>
- BuiltIn.Should_Not_Contain ${reply} <name>name4</name>
+ Check_Test_Objects_Absent ${reply}
+ BuiltIn.Should_not_Contain ${reply} <id>REPLACE</id>
+ [Return] ${reply}
[Arguments] ${name}