import org.opendaylight.transportpce.pce.constraints.PceConstraints;
import org.opendaylight.transportpce.pce.constraints.PceConstraintsCalc;
import org.opendaylight.transportpce.pce.gnpy.ConnectToGnpyServer;
+import org.opendaylight.transportpce.pce.gnpy.GnpyException;
import org.opendaylight.transportpce.pce.gnpy.GnpyResult;
import org.opendaylight.transportpce.pce.gnpy.GnpyUtilitiesImpl;
import org.opendaylight.transportpce.pce.graph.PceGraph;"cancelResourceReserve ...");
- public void pathComputationWithConstraints(PceConstraints hardConstraints, PceConstraints softConstraints)
- throws Exception {
+ public void pathComputationWithConstraints(PceConstraints hardConstraints, PceConstraints softConstraints) {
PceCalculation nwAnalizer =
new PceCalculation(input, networkTransaction, hardConstraints, softConstraints, rc);
this.message = rc.getMessage();
this.responseCode = rc.getResponseCode();
- if (!rc.getStatus()) {
- LOG.error("In pathComputation, pathComputationWithConstraints: result = {}", rc.toString());
- return;
+ AToZDirection atoz = null;
+ ZToADirection ztoa = null;
+ if (rc.getStatus()) {
+ atoz = rc.getAtoZDirection();
+ ztoa = rc.getZtoADirection();
- // Verify the path with GNPy
- AToZDirection atoz = rc.getAtoZDirection();
- ZToADirection ztoa = rc.getZtoADirection();
- ConnectToGnpyServer connectToGnpy = new ConnectToGnpyServer();
- // Verify that the GNPy server exists
- if (connectToGnpy.isGnpyURLExist()) {
-"Gnpy instance is connected T-PCE");
- GnpyUtilitiesImpl gnpy = new GnpyUtilitiesImpl(networkTransaction, input);
- if (gnpy.verifyComputationByGnpy(atoz, ztoa, pceHardConstraints)) {
-"The path is feasible according to Gnpy");
- setPathDescription(new PathDescriptionBuilder().setAToZDirection(atoz).setZToADirection(ztoa));
- }
- else {
-"The path is not feasible according to Gnpy");
- HardConstraints gnpyPathAsHC = null;
- gnpyPathAsHC = gnpy.askNewPathFromGnpy(atoz, ztoa, gnpyPathAsHC, pceHardConstraints);
- if (gnpyPathAsHC != null) {
-"GNPy succeed to find another path");
- // Compute the path
- PathComputationRequestInput inputFromGnpy = new PathComputationRequestInputBuilder()
- .setServiceName(input.getServiceName())
- .setHardConstraints(gnpyPathAsHC)
- .setSoftConstraints(input.getSoftConstraints())
- .setPceMetric(PceMetric.HopCount)
- .setServiceAEnd(input.getServiceAEnd())
- .setServiceZEnd(input.getServiceZEnd())
- .build();
- PceConstraintsCalc constraintsGnpy = new PceConstraintsCalc(inputFromGnpy, networkTransaction);
- PceConstraints gnpyHardConstraints = constraintsGnpy.getPceHardConstraints();
- PceConstraints gnpySoftConstraints = constraintsGnpy.getPceSoftConstraints();
- pathComputationWithConstraints(gnpyHardConstraints, gnpySoftConstraints);
- atoz = rc.getAtoZDirection();
- ztoa = rc.getZtoADirection();
+ try {
+ ConnectToGnpyServer connectToGnpy = new ConnectToGnpyServer();
+ if (connectToGnpy.isGnpyURLExist()) {
+ GnpyUtilitiesImpl gnpy = new GnpyUtilitiesImpl(networkTransaction, input);
+ if (rc.getStatus() && gnpyToCheckFeasiblity(atoz,ztoa,gnpy)) {
setPathDescription(new PathDescriptionBuilder().setAToZDirection(atoz).setZToADirection(ztoa));
- if (gnpy.verifyComputationByGnpy(atoz, ztoa, pceHardConstraints)) {
-"In pathComputation: the new path computed by GNPy is valid");
- setPathDescription(new PathDescriptionBuilder().setAToZDirection(atoz).setZToADirection(ztoa));
- this.success = true;
- this.message = "Path is calculated by GNPy ";
- this.responseCode = ResponseCodes.RESPONSE_OK;
- } else {
-"In pathComputation: the new path computed by GNPy is not valid");
- this.success = false;
- this.message = "No path available ";
- this.responseCode = ResponseCodes.RESPONSE_FAILED;
- }
- } else {
-"GNPy failed to find another path");
- this.success = false;
- this.message = "No path available by PCE and GNPy ";
- this.responseCode = ResponseCodes.RESPONSE_FAILED;
+ return;
+ callGnpyToComputeNewPath(gnpy);
+ } else {
+ setPathDescription(new PathDescriptionBuilder().setAToZDirection(atoz).setZToADirection(ztoa));
+ return;
+ }
+ catch (GnpyException e) {
+ LOG.error("Exception raised by GNPy {}",e.getMessage());
+ setPathDescription(new PathDescriptionBuilder().setAToZDirection(atoz).setZToADirection(ztoa));
+ return;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ private boolean gnpyToCheckFeasiblity(AToZDirection atoz, ZToADirection ztoa, GnpyUtilitiesImpl gnpy)
+ throws GnpyException, Exception {
+ //Call GNPy for path verification
+ if (gnpy.verifyComputationByGnpy(atoz, ztoa, pceHardConstraints)) {
+"In pceSendingPceRPC: the path is feasible according to Gnpy");
gnpyAtoZ = gnpy.getGnpyAtoZ();
gnpyZtoA = gnpy.getGnpyZtoA();
- } else {
-"in PCESendingPceRPCs: Cannot connect to GNPy!!");
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private void callGnpyToComputeNewPath(GnpyUtilitiesImpl gnpy) throws GnpyException, Exception {
+ //Call GNPy in the case of non feasibility
+"In pceSendingPceRPC: the path is not feasible according to Gnpy");
+ HardConstraints gnpyPathAsHC = null;
+ gnpyPathAsHC = gnpy.askNewPathFromGnpy(gnpyPathAsHC, pceHardConstraints);
+ if (gnpyPathAsHC == null) {
+"In pceSendingPceRPC: GNPy failed to find another path");
+ this.success = false;
+ this.message = "No path available by PCE and GNPy ";
+ this.responseCode = ResponseCodes.RESPONSE_FAILED;
+ gnpyAtoZ = gnpy.getGnpyAtoZ();
+ gnpyZtoA = gnpy.getGnpyZtoA();
+ return;
+ }
+"In pceSendingPceRPC: GNPy succeed to find another path");
+ // Compute the path
+ PathComputationRequestInput inputFromGnpy = new PathComputationRequestInputBuilder()
+ .setServiceName(input.getServiceName()).setHardConstraints(gnpyPathAsHC)
+ .setSoftConstraints(input.getSoftConstraints()).setPceMetric(PceMetric.HopCount)
+ .setServiceAEnd(input.getServiceAEnd()).setServiceZEnd(input.getServiceZEnd()).build();
+ PceConstraintsCalc constraintsGnpy = new PceConstraintsCalc(inputFromGnpy, networkTransaction);
+ PceConstraints gnpyHardConstraints = constraintsGnpy.getPceHardConstraints();
+ PceConstraints gnpySoftConstraints = constraintsGnpy.getPceSoftConstraints();
+ pathComputationWithConstraints(gnpyHardConstraints, gnpySoftConstraints);
+ AToZDirection atoz = rc.getAtoZDirection();
+ ZToADirection ztoa = rc.getZtoADirection();
+ if (gnpyToCheckFeasiblity(atoz, ztoa,gnpy)) {
+"In pceSendingPceRPC: the new path computed by GNPy is valid");
+ this.success = true;
+ this.message = "Path is calculated by GNPy";
+ this.responseCode = ResponseCodes.RESPONSE_OK;
setPathDescription(new PathDescriptionBuilder().setAToZDirection(atoz).setZToADirection(ztoa));
-"In pathComputation Graph is Found");
+ } else {
+"In pceSendingPceRPC: the new path computed by GNPy is not valid");
+ this.success = false;
+ this.message = "No path available";
+ this.responseCode = ResponseCodes.RESPONSE_FAILED;
+ setPathDescription(new PathDescriptionBuilder().setAToZDirection(null).setZToADirection(null));
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConnectToGnpyServer.class);
static final String URL_GNPY = "";
- public String gnpyCnx(String jsonTxt) {
+ public String gnpyCnx(String jsonTxt) throws GnpyException {
String jsonRespTxt = null;
try {
URL url = new URL(URL_GNPY);
String userCredentials = "gnpy:gnpy";
if (conn.getResponseCode() != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED) {
- LOG.error("No valid response from GNPy : HTTP error code : {}", conn.getResponseCode());
- return null;
+ throw new GnpyException(String.format(
+ "In connectToGnpyServer: could not connect to GNPy - response code: %s",conn.getResponseCode()));
InputStreamReader response = new InputStreamReader((conn.getInputStream()));
if (response != null) {
- try {
- jsonRespTxt = CharStreams.toString(response);
- } catch (IOException e1) {
- LOG.warn("Could not read characters of GNPy response: {}", e1.getMessage());
- }
+ jsonRespTxt = CharStreams.toString(response);
- } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
- LOG.warn("Exception : Malformed GNPy URL");
} catch (IOException e) {
- LOG.warn("IOException when connecting to GNPy server: {}", e.getMessage());
+ throw new GnpyException("In connectToGnpyServer: excpetion",e);
return jsonRespTxt;
conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
if (conn.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
+"In connectToGnpyServer: Gnpy instance is connected to T-PCE");
exist = true;
catch (IOException e) {
- LOG.warn("Could not connect to GNPy server");
+ LOG.warn("In connectToGnpyserver: could not connect to GNPy server {}",e.getMessage());
+ return exist;
return exist;
- public String readResponse(InputStreamReader response) {
+ public String readResponse(InputStreamReader response) throws GnpyException {
String output = null;
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(response);
String line;
output = sb.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {
- LOG.warn("IOException when reading GNPy response: {}", e.getMessage());
+ throw new GnpyException("In connectToGnpyserver: could not read response",e);
return output;
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright © 2020 Orange, Inc. and others. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+ * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
+ * and is available at
+ */
+package org.opendaylight.transportpce.pce.gnpy;
+ * Class to create exception to manage missing data for GNPy.
+ *
+ * @author Ahmed Triki ( )
+ *
+ */
+public class GnpyException extends Exception {
+ public GnpyException(String message) {
+ super(message);
+ }
+ public GnpyException(String message, Throwable cause) {
+ super(message, cause);
+ }
private Map<String, IpAddress> mapNodeRefIp = new HashMap<String, IpAddress>();
//private Map<String, IpAddress> mapFiberIp = new HashMap<String, IpAddress>();
- public GnpyResult(String gnpyResponseString, GnpyTopoImpl gnpyTopo) throws Exception {
+ public GnpyResult(String gnpyResponseString, GnpyTopoImpl gnpyTopo) throws GnpyException, Exception {
this.mapNodeRefIp = gnpyTopo.getMapNodeRefIp();
// Create the schema context
final ModuleInfoBackedContext moduleContext = ModuleInfoBackedContext.create();
Iterable<? extends YangModuleInfo> moduleInfos;
moduleInfos = Collections.singleton(BindingReflections.getModuleInfo(Result.class));
SchemaContext schemaContext = moduleContext.tryToCreateSchemaContext().get();
// Create the binding binding normalized node codec registry
YangInstanceIdentifier yangId = YangInstanceIdentifier.of(pathQname);
DataObject dataObject = null;
// Create the object response
- // Create JsonReader from String
InputStream streamGnpyRespnse = new ByteArrayInputStream(gnpyResponseString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
InputStreamReader gnpyResultReader = new InputStreamReader(streamGnpyRespnse);
JsonReader jsonReader = new JsonReader(gnpyResultReader);
if (codecRegistry.fromNormalizedNode(yangId, normalizedNode) != null) {
dataObject = codecRegistry.fromNormalizedNode(yangId, normalizedNode).getValue();
} else {
- LOG.warn("The codec registry from the normalized node is null!");
+ throw new GnpyException("In GnpyResult: the codec registry from the normalized node is null!");
List<Response> responses = null;
responses = ((Result) dataObject).getResponse();
- if (responses != null) {
-"The response id is {}; ", responses.get(0).getResponseId());
- } else {
- LOG.warn("The response is null!");
+ if (responses == null) {
+ throw new GnpyException("In GnpyResult: the response from GNpy is null!");
+"The response id is {}; ", responses.get(0).getResponseId());
this.response = responses.get(0);
if (response != null) {
if (response.getResponseType() instanceof NoPathCase) {
isFeasible = false;
-"The path is not feasible ");
+"In GnpyResult: The path is not feasible ");
} else if (response.getResponseType() instanceof PathCase) {
isFeasible = true;
-"The path is feasible ");
+"In GnpyResult: The path is feasible ");
return isFeasible;
return Optional.ofNullable(result.getResult());
- private SchemaContext getSchemaContext(Class<? extends DataObject> objectClass) throws Exception {
+ private SchemaContext getSchemaContext(Class<? extends DataObject> objectClass) throws GnpyException, Exception {
final ModuleInfoBackedContext moduleContext = ModuleInfoBackedContext.create();
Iterable<? extends YangModuleInfo> moduleInfos;
SchemaContext schemaContext = null;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import org.opendaylight.transportpce.pce.constraints.PceConstraints;
import org.opendaylight.transportpce.pce.constraints.PceConstraints.ResourcePair;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.inet.types.rev130715.IpAddress;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
- * Class to create the topology corresponding to GNPy requirements.
+ * Class to create the service corresponding to GNPy requirements.
* @author Ahmed Triki ( )
public class GnpyServiceImpl {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GnpyServiceImpl.class);
+ private static final double FIX_CH = 0.05; //Fix-grid channel width (THz)
+ private static final int NB_SLOT_BW = 4; //Number of slot in 50GHz channel (THz)
+ private static final double SLOT_BW = 0.00625; //Nominal central frequency granularity (THz)
+ private static final double MAX_CENTRAL_FREQ = 196.1; //Minimum channel center frequency (openRoadm spec) (THz)
+ private static final double FLEX_CENTRAL_FREQ = 193.1; //Flex-grid reference channel frequency (THz)
+ private static final double CONVERT_TH_HZ = 1e12; //Convert THz to Hz
private List<PathRequest> pathRequest = new ArrayList<>();
private List<Synchronization> synchronization = new ArrayList<>();
private Map<String, String> mapDisgNodeRefNode = new HashMap<String, String>();
private Map<String, IpAddress> mapNodeRefIp = new HashMap<String, IpAddress>();
- private Map<String, String> mapLinkFiber = new HashMap<String, String>();
+ private Map<String, List<String>> mapLinkFiber = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
private Map<String, IpAddress> mapFiberIp = new HashMap<String, IpAddress>();
+ private List<String> trxList = new ArrayList<>();
private List<Elements> elements = new ArrayList<>();
+ private List<RouteObjectIncludeExclude> routeObjectIncludeExcludes = new ArrayList<>();
+ private Long index = (long) 0; //index of the element in the path
+ private IpAddress currentNodeIpAddress = null;
* Construct the GnpyServiceImpl
public GnpyServiceImpl(PathComputationRequestInput input, AToZDirection atoz, Long requestId, GnpyTopoImpl gnpyTopo,
- PceConstraints pceHardConstraints) {
+ PceConstraints pceHardConstraints) throws GnpyException {
this.elements = gnpyTopo.getElements();
this.mapDisgNodeRefNode = gnpyTopo.getMapDisgNodeRefNode();
this.mapNodeRefIp = gnpyTopo.getMapNodeRefIp();
this.mapLinkFiber = gnpyTopo.getMapLinkFiber();
this.mapFiberIp = gnpyTopo.getMapFiberIp();
- this.pathRequest = extractPathRequest(input, atoz, requestId, pceHardConstraints);
- this.synchronization = extractSynchronization(requestId);
+ this.trxList = gnpyTopo.getTrxList();
+ try {
+ this.pathRequest = extractPathRequest(input, atoz, requestId, pceHardConstraints);
+ this.synchronization = extractSynchronization(requestId);
+ } catch (NullPointerException e) {
+ throw new GnpyException("In GnpyServiceImpl: one of the elements is null",e);
+ }
public GnpyServiceImpl(PathComputationRequestInput input, ZToADirection ztoa, Long requestId, GnpyTopoImpl gnpyTopo,
- PceConstraints pceHardConstraints) {
+ PceConstraints pceHardConstraints) throws GnpyException {
this.elements = gnpyTopo.getElements();
this.mapDisgNodeRefNode = gnpyTopo.getMapDisgNodeRefNode();
this.mapNodeRefIp = gnpyTopo.getMapNodeRefIp();
this.mapLinkFiber = gnpyTopo.getMapLinkFiber();
this.mapFiberIp = gnpyTopo.getMapFiberIp();
- pathRequest = extractPathRequest(input, ztoa, requestId, pceHardConstraints);
- synchronization = extractSynchronization(requestId);
+ this.trxList = gnpyTopo.getTrxList();
+ try {
+ pathRequest = extractPathRequest(input, ztoa, requestId, pceHardConstraints);
+ synchronization = extractSynchronization(requestId);
+ } catch (NullPointerException e) {
+ throw new GnpyException("In GnpyServiceImpl: one of the elements of service is null",e);
+ }
- //Create the pathRequest
- public List<PathRequest> extractPathRequest(PathComputationRequestInput input, AToZDirection atoz, Long requestId,
- PceConstraints pceHardConstraints) {
- // 1.1 Create explicitRouteObjects
- // 1.1.1. create RouteObjectIncludeExclude list
- List<RouteObjectIncludeExclude> routeObjectIncludeExcludes = new ArrayList<>();
- IpAddress ipAddressCurrent = null;
- Long index = (long) 0;
- // List of A to Z
- List<AToZ> listAtoZ = atoz.getAToZ();
- if (listAtoZ != null) {
- int atozSize = listAtoZ.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < atozSize; i++) {
- String nodeId = null;
- if (listAtoZ.get(i).getResource().getResource()
- instanceof
- .pce.resource.resource.resource.Node) {
- .pce.resource.resource.resource.Node node =
- (
- .pce.resource.resource.resource.Node) listAtoZ.get(i).getResource().getResource();
- nodeId = node.getNodeId();
- if (nodeId != null) {
- String nodeRef = this.mapDisgNodeRefNode.get(nodeId);
- IpAddress ipAddress = this.mapNodeRefIp.get(nodeRef);
- for (Elements element : this.elements) {
- if (element.getUid().contains(ipAddress.getIpv4Address().getValue().toString())) {
- if ((ipAddressCurrent == null) || (ipAddressCurrent != ipAddress)) {
- ipAddressCurrent = ipAddress;
- // Fill in routeObjectIncludeExcludes
- RouteObjectIncludeExclude routeObjectIncludeExclude1 = addRouteObjectIncludeExclude(
- ipAddress, 1, index);
- routeObjectIncludeExcludes.add(routeObjectIncludeExclude1);
- index++;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- LOG.warn("node ID is null");
- }
- // TODO else if termination point not implemented in this
- // version
- } else if (listAtoZ.get(i).getResource().getResource()
- instanceof
- .pce.resource.resource.resource.Link) {
- .pce.resource.resource.resource.Link link =
- (
- .pce.resource.resource.resource.Link) listAtoZ.get(i).getResource().getResource();
+ private List<PathRequest> extractPathRequest(PathComputationRequestInput input, AToZDirection atoz, Long requestId,
+ PceConstraints pceHardConstraints) throws GnpyException {
- String clfi = this.mapLinkFiber.get(link.getLinkId());
- IpAddress fiberIp = this.mapFiberIp.get(clfi);
- if (clfi != null) {
- RouteObjectIncludeExclude routeObjectIncludeExclude1 = addRouteObjectIncludeExclude(fiberIp, 1,
- index);
- routeObjectIncludeExcludes.add(routeObjectIncludeExclude1);
- index++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- routeObjectIncludeExcludes = extractHardConstraints(pceHardConstraints);
- //TODO integrate the maxLatency/ Metric and max OSNR as additional constraints to GNPy
+ // Create the source and destination nodes
+ String sourceNode = input.getServiceAEnd().getNodeId();
+ String destNode = input.getServiceZEnd().getNodeId();
+ if (!trxList.contains(sourceNode) || !trxList.contains(destNode)) {
+ throw new GnpyException("In GnpyServiceImpl: source and destination should be transmitter nodes");
- // 1.1. Create ExplicitRouteObjects
+ // Create explicitRouteObjects
+ List<AToZ> listAtoZ = atoz.getAToZ();
+ if (listAtoZ != null) {
+ extractRouteObjectIcludeAtoZ(listAtoZ);
+ } else {
+ extractHardConstraints(pceHardConstraints);
+ }
ExplicitRouteObjects explicitRouteObjects = new ExplicitRouteObjectsBuilder()
- // 1.2 Create a path constraints
- Long rate = atoz.getRate();
- // 1.2.1. Create EffectiveFreqSlot
- List<EffectiveFreqSlot> effectiveFreqSlot = new ArrayList<>();
- EffectiveFreqSlot effectiveFreqSlot1 = new EffectiveFreqSlotBuilder().setM(5).setN(8).build();
- effectiveFreqSlot.add(effectiveFreqSlot1);
- // 1.2.2. Create Te-Bandwidth
- TeBandwidth teBandwidth = new TeBandwidthBuilder().setPathBandwidth(new BigDecimal(rate))
- .setTechnology("flexi-grid").setTrxType("openroadm-beta1").setTrxMode("W100G")
- .setEffectiveFreqSlot(effectiveFreqSlot).setSpacing(new BigDecimal(50000000000.0)).build();
- PathConstraints pathConstraints = new PathConstraintsBuilder().setTeBandwidth(teBandwidth).build();
- // 1.3. Create the source and destination nodes
- String sourceNode = input.getServiceAEnd().getNodeId();
- String destNode = input.getServiceZEnd().getNodeId();
- // Create the path-request elements
+ //Create Path Constraint
+ PathConstraints pathConstraints = createPathConstraints(atoz.getRate(),atoz.getAToZWavelengthNumber());
// Create the path request
List<PathRequest> pathRequestList = new ArrayList<>();
- PathRequest pathRequest1 = new PathRequestBuilder().setRequestId(requestId)
+ PathRequest pathRequestEl = new PathRequestBuilder().setRequestId(requestId)
- pathRequestList.add(pathRequest1);
+ pathRequestList.add(pathRequestEl);
+ LOG.debug("In GnpyServiceImpl: path request AToZ is extracted");
return pathRequestList;
- public List<PathRequest> extractPathRequest(PathComputationRequestInput input, ZToADirection ztoa, Long requestId,
- PceConstraints pceHardConstraints) {
- // 1.1 Create explicitRouteObjects
- // 1.1.1. create RouteObjectIncludeExclude list
- List<RouteObjectIncludeExclude> routeObjectIncludeExcludes = new ArrayList<>();
- IpAddress ipAddressCurrent = null;
- Long index = (long) 0;
+ private List<PathRequest> extractPathRequest(PathComputationRequestInput input, ZToADirection ztoa, Long requestId,
+ PceConstraints pceHardConstraints) throws GnpyException {
+ // Create the source and destination nodes
+ String sourceNode = input.getServiceZEnd().getNodeId();
+ String destNode = input.getServiceAEnd().getNodeId();
+ if (!trxList.contains(sourceNode) || !trxList.contains(destNode)) {
+ throw new GnpyException("In GnpyServiceImpl: source and destination should be transmitter nodes");
+ }
+ // Create explicitRouteObjects
List<ZToA> listZtoA = ztoa.getZToA();
if (listZtoA != null) {
- int ztoaSize = listZtoA.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < ztoaSize; i++) {
- String nodeId = null;
- if (listZtoA.get(i).getResource().getResource()
- instanceof
- .pce.resource.resource.resource.Node) {
- .pce.resource.resource.resource.Node node =
- (
- .pce.resource.resource.resource.Node) listZtoA.get(i).getResource().getResource();
- nodeId = node.getNodeId();
- if (nodeId != null) {
- String nodeRef = this.mapDisgNodeRefNode.get(nodeId);
- IpAddress ipAddress = this.mapNodeRefIp.get(nodeRef);
- for (Elements element : this.elements) {
- if (element.getUid().contains(ipAddress.getIpv4Address().getValue().toString())) {
- if ((ipAddressCurrent == null) || (ipAddressCurrent != ipAddress)) {
- ipAddressCurrent = ipAddress;
- // Fill in routeObjectIncludeExcludes
- RouteObjectIncludeExclude routeObjectIncludeExclude1 = addRouteObjectIncludeExclude(
- ipAddress, 1, index);
- routeObjectIncludeExcludes.add(routeObjectIncludeExclude1);
- index++;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- LOG.warn("node ID is null");
- }
- // TODO else if termination point not implemented in this
- // version
- } else if (listZtoA.get(i).getResource().getResource()
- instanceof
- .pce.resource.resource.resource.Link) {
- .pce.resource.resource.resource.Link link =
- (
- .pce.resource.resource.resource.Link) listZtoA.get(i).getResource().getResource();
- String clfi = this.mapLinkFiber.get(link.getLinkId());
- IpAddress fiberIp = this.mapFiberIp.get(clfi);
- if (clfi != null) {
- RouteObjectIncludeExclude routeObjectIncludeExclude1 =
- addRouteObjectIncludeExclude(fiberIp, 1, index);
- routeObjectIncludeExcludes.add(routeObjectIncludeExclude1);
- index++;
- }
- }
- }
+ extractRouteObjectIcludeZtoA(listZtoA);
} else {
- routeObjectIncludeExcludes = extractHardConstraints(pceHardConstraints);
+ extractHardConstraints(pceHardConstraints);
- // 1.1. Create ExplicitRouteObjects
ExplicitRouteObjects explicitRouteObjects = new ExplicitRouteObjectsBuilder()
- // 1.2 Create a path constraints
- Long rate = ztoa.getRate();
- // 1.2.1. Create EffectiveFreqSlot
- List<EffectiveFreqSlot> effectiveFreqSlot = new ArrayList<>();
- EffectiveFreqSlot effectiveFreqSlot1 = new EffectiveFreqSlotBuilder().setM(5).setN(8).build();
- effectiveFreqSlot.add(effectiveFreqSlot1);
- // 1.2.2. Create Te-Bandwidth
- TeBandwidth teBandwidth = new TeBandwidthBuilder().setPathBandwidth(new BigDecimal(rate))
- .setTechnology("flexi-grid").setTrxType("openroadm-beta1").setTrxMode("W100G")
- .setEffectiveFreqSlot(effectiveFreqSlot).setSpacing(new BigDecimal(50000000000.0)).build();
- PathConstraints pathConstraints = new PathConstraintsBuilder().setTeBandwidth(teBandwidth).build();
- // 1.3. Create the source and destination nodes
- String sourceNode = input.getServiceZEnd().getNodeId();
- String destNode = input.getServiceAEnd().getNodeId();
- // Create the path-request elements
+ //Create Path Constraint
+ //to be deleted
+ //Long wavelengthNumber = (ztoa.getZToAWavelengthNumber() != null) ? ztoa.getZToAWavelengthNumber() : null;
+ PathConstraints pathConstraints = createPathConstraints(ztoa.getRate(),ztoa.getZToAWavelengthNumber());
// Create the path request
List<PathRequest> pathRequestList = new ArrayList<>();
- PathRequest pathRequest1 = new PathRequestBuilder().setRequestId(requestId)
+ PathRequest pathRequestEl = new PathRequestBuilder().setRequestId(requestId)
- pathRequestList.add(pathRequest1);
+ pathRequestList.add(pathRequestEl);
+ LOG.debug("In GnpyServiceImpl: path request ZToA is extracted");
return pathRequestList;
- //Create RouteObjectIncludeExclude list
- public List<RouteObjectIncludeExclude> extractHardConstraints(PceConstraints pceHardConstraints) {
+ //Extract RouteObjectIncludeExclude list in the case of pre-computed path A-to-Z
+ private void extractRouteObjectIcludeAtoZ(List<AToZ> listAtoZ) throws GnpyException {
+ for (int i = 0; i < listAtoZ.size(); i++) {
+ createResource(listAtoZ.get(i).getResource().getResource());
+ }
+ }
+ //Extract RouteObjectIncludeExclude list in the case of pre-computed path Z-to-A
+ private void extractRouteObjectIcludeZtoA(List<ZToA> listZtoA) throws GnpyException {
+ for (int i = 0; i < listZtoA.size(); i++) {
+ createResource(listZtoA.get(i).getResource().getResource());
+ }
+ }
+ //Create a new resource node or link
+ private void createResource(@Nullable Resource resource) throws GnpyException {
+ if (resource
+ instanceof
+ .pce.resource.resource.resource.Node) {
+ .pce.resource.resource.resource.Node node =
+ (
+ .pce.resource.resource.resource.Node) resource;
+ if (node.getNodeId() == null) {
+ throw new GnpyException("In gnpyServiceImpl: nodeId is null");
+ }
+ addNodeToRouteObject(this.mapDisgNodeRefNode.get(node.getNodeId()));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (resource
+ instanceof
+ .pce.resource.resource.resource.Link) {
+ .pce.resource.resource.resource.Link link =
+ (
+ .pce.resource.resource.resource.Link) resource;
+ addLinkToRouteObject(link.getLinkId());
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ //Create RouteObjectIncludeExclude list in the case of hard constraint
+ private void extractHardConstraints(PceConstraints pceHardConstraints) throws GnpyException {
List<String> listNodeToInclude = getListToInclude(pceHardConstraints);
- List<RouteObjectIncludeExclude> routeObjectIncludeExcludes = new ArrayList<>();
- IpAddress ipAddressCurrent = null;
- Long index = (long) 0;
if (listNodeToInclude != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < listNodeToInclude.size(); i++) {
String nodeId = listNodeToInclude.get(i);
- if (nodeId != null) {
- IpAddress ipAddress = this.mapNodeRefIp.get(nodeId);
- for (Elements element : this.elements) {
- if (element.getUid().contains(ipAddress.getIpv4Address().getValue().toString())) {
- if ((ipAddressCurrent == null) || (ipAddressCurrent != ipAddress)) {
- ipAddressCurrent = ipAddress;
- // Fill in routeObjectIncludeExcludes
- RouteObjectIncludeExclude routeObjectIncludeExclude1 = addRouteObjectIncludeExclude(
- ipAddress, 1, index);
- routeObjectIncludeExcludes.add(routeObjectIncludeExclude1);
- index++;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- LOG.warn("node ID is null");
- }
+ addNodeToRouteObject(nodeId);
- return routeObjectIncludeExcludes;
- }
- // Create the synchronization
- public List<Synchronization> extractSynchronization(Long requestId) {
- // Create RequestIdNumber
- List<Long> requestIdNumber = new ArrayList<>();
- requestIdNumber.add(requestId);
- // Create a synchronization
- Svec svec = new SvecBuilder().setRelaxable(true).setDisjointness(new TePathDisjointness(true, true, false))
- .setRequestIdNumber(requestIdNumber).build();
- List<Synchronization> synchro = new ArrayList<>();
- Synchronization synchronization1 = new SynchronizationBuilder().setSynchronizationId(new Long(0)).setSvec(svec)
- .build();
- synchro.add(synchronization1);
- return (synchro);
- }
- // Add routeObjectIncludeExclude
- private RouteObjectIncludeExclude addRouteObjectIncludeExclude(IpAddress ipAddress, long teTpValue, long index) {
- TeNodeId teNodeId = new TeNodeId(ipAddress);
- TeTpId teTpId = new TeTpId(teTpValue);
- NumUnnumHop numUnnumHop = new org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.gnpy.path.rev190502.explicit.route.hop.type.num
- .unnum.hop.NumUnnumHopBuilder().setNodeId(teNodeId.getIpv4Address().getValue().toString())
- .setLinkTpId(teTpId.getUint32().toString()).setHopType(TeHopType.STRICT).build();
- Type type1 = new NumUnnumHopBuilder().setNumUnnumHop(numUnnumHop).build();
- // Create routeObjectIncludeExclude element 1
- RouteObjectIncludeExclude routeObjectIncludeExclude1 = new RouteObjectIncludeExcludeBuilder().setIndex(index)
- .setExplicitRouteUsage(RouteIncludeEro.class).setType(type1).build();
- return routeObjectIncludeExclude1;
// Create the list of nodes to include
return listNodeToInclude;
+ //Add a node to the route object
+ private void addNodeToRouteObject(String nodeRef) throws GnpyException {
+ boolean found = false;
+ IpAddress ipAddress = this.mapNodeRefIp.get(nodeRef);
+ if (ipAddress == null) {
+ throw new GnpyException(String.format("In gnpyServiceImpl : NodeRef %s does not exist", nodeRef));
+ }
+ for (Elements element : this.elements) {
+ if (element.getUid().contains(ipAddress.getIpv4Address().getValue().toString())) {
+ if ((this.currentNodeIpAddress == null) || (this.currentNodeIpAddress != ipAddress)) {
+ this.currentNodeIpAddress = ipAddress;
+ RouteObjectIncludeExclude routeObjectIncludeExclude = addRouteObjectIncludeExclude(ipAddress, 1);
+ routeObjectIncludeExcludes.add(routeObjectIncludeExclude);
+ index++;
+ found = true;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ throw new GnpyException(String.format("In gnpyServiceImpl : NodeRef %s does not exist",nodeRef));
+ }
+ }
+ //Add a link to the route object
+ private void addLinkToRouteObject(String linkId) throws GnpyException {
+ if (linkId == null) {
+ throw new GnpyException(String.format("In GnpyServiceImpl: the linkId %s does not exist",linkId));
+ }
+ //Only the ROADM-to-ROADM link are included in the route object
+ if (!mapLinkFiber.containsKey(linkId)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ List<String> listSubLink = this.mapLinkFiber.get(linkId);
+ if (listSubLink == null) {
+ throw new GnpyException(String.format("In gnpyServiceImpl addNodeRouteObject : no sublink in %s",linkId));
+ }
+ for (String subLink : listSubLink) {
+ IpAddress fiberIp = this.mapFiberIp.get(subLink);
+ if (fiberIp == null) {
+ throw new GnpyException(String.format("In gnpyServiceImpl addNodeRouteObject : fiberIp of %s is null",
+ subLink));
+ }
+ RouteObjectIncludeExclude routeObjectIncludeExclude = addRouteObjectIncludeExclude(fiberIp, 1);
+ routeObjectIncludeExcludes.add(routeObjectIncludeExclude);
+ index++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Add routeObjectIncludeExclude
+ private RouteObjectIncludeExclude addRouteObjectIncludeExclude(IpAddress ipAddress, long teTpValue) {
+ TeNodeId teNodeId = new TeNodeId(ipAddress);
+ TeTpId teTpId = new TeTpId(teTpValue);
+ NumUnnumHop numUnnumHop = new org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.gnpy.path.rev190502.explicit.route.hop.type.num
+ .unnum.hop.NumUnnumHopBuilder()
+ .setNodeId(teNodeId.getIpv4Address().getValue().toString())
+ .setLinkTpId(teTpId.getUint32().toString())
+ .setHopType(TeHopType.STRICT).build();
+ Type type1 = new NumUnnumHopBuilder().setNumUnnumHop(numUnnumHop).build();
+ // Create routeObjectIncludeExclude element
+ RouteObjectIncludeExclude routeObjectIncludeExclude = new RouteObjectIncludeExcludeBuilder()
+ .setIndex(this.index).setExplicitRouteUsage(RouteIncludeEro.class).setType(type1).build();
+ return routeObjectIncludeExclude;
+ }
+ //Create the path constraints
+ private PathConstraints createPathConstraints(Long rate, Long wavelengthNumber) {
+ // Create EffectiveFreqSlot
+ int freqNdex = 0;
+ if (wavelengthNumber != null) {
+ double freq = (MAX_CENTRAL_FREQ - FIX_CH * (wavelengthNumber - 1));
+ freqNdex = (int) Math.round((freq - FLEX_CENTRAL_FREQ) / SLOT_BW);
+ }
+ List<EffectiveFreqSlot> effectiveFreqSlot = new ArrayList<>();
+ EffectiveFreqSlot effectiveFreqSlot1 = new EffectiveFreqSlotBuilder().setM(NB_SLOT_BW).setN(freqNdex).build();
+ effectiveFreqSlot.add(effectiveFreqSlot1);
+ // Create Te-Bandwidth
+ TeBandwidth teBandwidth = new TeBandwidthBuilder().setPathBandwidth(new BigDecimal(rate))
+ .setTechnology("flexi-grid").setTrxType("openroadm-beta1")
+ .setTrxMode("W100G").setEffectiveFreqSlot(effectiveFreqSlot)
+ .setSpacing(new BigDecimal(FIX_CH * CONVERT_TH_HZ)).build();
+ PathConstraints pathConstraints = new PathConstraintsBuilder().setTeBandwidth(teBandwidth).build();
+ return pathConstraints;
+ }
+ //Create the synchronization
+ private List<Synchronization> extractSynchronization(Long requestId) {
+ // Create RequestIdNumber
+ List<Long> requestIdNumber = new ArrayList<>();
+ requestIdNumber.add(requestId);
+ // Create a synchronization
+ Svec svec = new SvecBuilder().setRelaxable(true)
+ .setDisjointness(new TePathDisjointness(true, true, false))
+ .setRequestIdNumber(requestIdNumber).build();
+ List<Synchronization> synchro = new ArrayList<>();
+ Synchronization synchronization1 = new SynchronizationBuilder().setSynchronizationId(new Long(0)).setSvec(svec)
+ .build();
+ synchro.add(synchronization1);
+ return (synchro);
+ }
public List<PathRequest> getPathRequest() {
return pathRequest;
this.synchronization = synchronization;
\ No newline at end of file
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
+import java.util.regex.Pattern;
-import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import org.opendaylight.mdsal.common.api.LogicalDatastoreType;
import org.opendaylight.transportpce.common.NetworkUtils;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.inet.types.rev130715.IpAddress;
import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.ietf.inet.types.rev130715.Ipv4Address;
public class GnpyTopoImpl {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GnpyTopoImpl.class);
private final NetworkTransactionService networkTransactionService;
+ //List of elements
private List<Elements> elements = new ArrayList<>();
private List<Connections> connections = new ArrayList<>();
//Mapping elements
private Map<String, String> mapDisgNodeRefNode = new HashMap<String, String>();
//Mapping between the ord-ntw and node ip
private Map<String, IpAddress> mapNodeRefIp = new HashMap<String, IpAddress>();
- //Mapping between link id and clfi
- private Map<String, String> mapLinkFiber = new HashMap<String, String>();
- //Mapping between fiber clfi and ipAddress
+ //Mapping between the ROADM-ROADM linkId/secElement and the linkId
+ private Map<String, List<String>> mapLinkFiber = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
+ //Mapping between the ROADM-ROADM linkId/secElement and ipAddress
private Map<String, IpAddress> mapFiberIp = new HashMap<String, IpAddress>();
- private static int convertKmM = 1000;
+ //List of Xponders
+ private List<String> trxList = new ArrayList<>();
+ //Initialize the 32 bit identifiers for the edfa and the fiber.
+ //These 32-bit identifiers are not ipv4 addresses (despite having ipv4Adresses format, dotted-decimal notation).
+ //They are imposed by the GNPy yang model to identify network elements and not used for any routing purposes.
+ private Ipv4Address edfaId;
+ private Ipv4Address fiberId;
+ private static final double LATITUDE = 0;
+ private static final double LONGITUTE = 0;
+ private static final String REGION = "N/A";
+ private static final String CITY = "N/A";
+ private static final int CONVERT_KM_M = 1000;
+ private static final double TARGET_PCH_OUT_DB = -20;
* Construct the ExtractTopoDataStoreImpl.
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- public GnpyTopoImpl(final NetworkTransactionService networkTransactionService) {
+ public GnpyTopoImpl(final NetworkTransactionService networkTransactionService) throws GnpyException {
this.networkTransactionService = networkTransactionService;
- Map<String, List<?>> map = extractTopo();
- if (map.containsKey("Elements")) {
- elements = (List<Elements>) map.get("Elements");
- } else {
- elements = null;
- }
- if (map.containsKey("Connections")) {
- connections = (List<Connections>) map.get("Connections");
- } else {
- connections = null;
+ //32-bit identifier for the fiber. The dotted decimal notation has the format 243.x.x.x (0<=x<=255)
+ fiberId = new Ipv4Address("");
+ //32-bit identifier for the edfa. The dotted decimal notation has the format 244.x.x.x (0<=x<=255)
+ edfaId = new Ipv4Address("");
+ try {
+ extractTopo();
+ } catch (NullPointerException e) {
+ throw new GnpyException("In GnpyTopoImpl: one of the elements is null",e);
* a mapping structure to map between the nodeId and the ipAddress (uid)
- public Map<String, List<?>> extractTopo() {
- Map<String, List<?>> map = new HashMap<String, List<?>>();
- // Define the elements
- List<Elements> topoElements = new ArrayList<>();
- // Define the connections
- List<Connections> topoConnections = new ArrayList<>();
+ private void extractTopo() throws GnpyException {
// Define the instance identifier of the OpenRoadm topology
InstanceIdentifier<Network> insIdOpenRoadmTopo = InstanceIdentifier
.child(Network.class, new NetworkKey(new NetworkId(NetworkUtils.UNDERLAY_NETWORK_ID))).build();
try {
// Initialize the reading of the networkTransactionService
- // read the configuration part of the data broker that concerns
- // the openRoadm topology and get all the nodes
+ // read the configuration part of the data broker that concerns the openRoadm topology and get all the nodes
java.util.Optional<Network> openRoadmTopo = this.networkTransactionService
.read(LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, insIdOpenRoadmTopo).get();
java.util.Optional<Network> openRoadmNet = this.networkTransactionService
.read(LogicalDatastoreType.CONFIGURATION, insIdrOpenRoadmNet).get();
- if (openRoadmNet.isPresent()) {
- List<Node> openRoadmNetNodeList = openRoadmNet.get().getNode();
- if (openRoadmTopo.isPresent()) {
- List<Node> openRoadmTopoNodeList = openRoadmTopo.get().getNode();
- List<String> nodesList = new ArrayList<>();
- // Create the list of nodes
- if (!openRoadmTopoNodeList.isEmpty()) {
- // Create elements
- for (Node openRoadmTopoNode : openRoadmTopoNodeList) {
- // Retrieve the supporting node and the type of the
- // node in openRoadm network
- List<SupportingNode> supportingNodeList = openRoadmTopoNode.getSupportingNode();
- for (SupportingNode supportingNode : supportingNodeList) {
- String nodeRef = supportingNode.getNodeRef().getValue();
- IpAddress ipAddress = null;
- // Retrieve the mapping between the openRoadm
- // topology and openRoadm network
- mapDisgNodeRefNode.put(openRoadmTopoNode.getNodeId().getValue(), nodeRef);
- Node1 openRoadmNetNode1 = null;
- .Node1 commonNetworkNode1 = null;
- for (Node openRoadmNetNode : openRoadmNetNodeList) {
- if (openRoadmNetNode.getNodeId().getValue().equals(nodeRef)) {
- openRoadmNetNode1 = openRoadmNetNode.augmentation(Node1.class);
- commonNetworkNode1 = openRoadmNetNode.augmentation(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1
- ipAddress = openRoadmNetNode1.getIp();
- mapNodeRefIp.put(nodeRef, ipAddress);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (commonNetworkNode1.getNodeType().getName().equals("ROADM")) {
- //if (((
- // openRoadmNetNode1).getNodeType().getName().equals("ROADM")) {
- if (!nodesList.contains(nodeRef)) {
- Elements element = addElementsRoadm(2, 0, nodeRef, openRoadmNetNode1.getShelf(),
- -20, ipAddress.getIpv4Address().getValue().toString());
- topoElements.add(element);
- nodesList.add(nodeRef);
- }
- } else if (commonNetworkNode1.getNodeType().getName().equals("XPONDER")) {
- //} else if (((
- // .Node1) openRoadmNetNode1).getNodeType().getName().equals("XPONDER")) {
- if (!nodesList.contains(nodeRef)) {
- Elements element = addElementsTransceiver(2, 0, nodeRef,
- openRoadmNetNode1.getShelf(),
- ipAddress.getIpv4Address().getValue().toString());
- topoElements.add(element);
- nodesList.add(nodeRef);
- }
- } else {
- LOG.warn("the type is not implemented");
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- LOG.warn("no nodes in the network");
- }
+ if (openRoadmNet.isPresent() && openRoadmTopo.isPresent()) {
+ extractElements(openRoadmTopo,openRoadmNet);
+ extractConnections(openRoadmTopo,openRoadmNet);
+ LOG.debug("In GnpyTopoImpl : elements and connections are well extracted");
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new GnpyException(
+ "In GnpyTopoImpl : openroadm topology network or openroadm network are not well mounted ...");
+ }
+ } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
+ this.networkTransactionService.close();
+ throw new GnpyException("In gnpyTopoImpl: error in reading the topology", e);
+ }
+ this.networkTransactionService.close();
+ }
+ private void extractElements(java.util.Optional<Network> openRoadmTopo,
+ java.util.Optional<Network> openRoadmNet) throws GnpyException {
+ // Create the list of nodes
+ List<Node> openRoadmNetNodeList = openRoadmNet.get().getNode();
+ List<Node> openRoadmTopoNodeList = openRoadmTopo.get().getNode();
+ List<String> nodesList = new ArrayList<>();
- // Create the list of connections
- Network1 nw1 = openRoadmTopo.get().augmentation(Network1.class);
- List<Link> linksList = nw1.getLink();
- int[] externalLink = {4,5,6};
- int idFiber = 0;
- int nbEDFA = 0;
- if (!linksList.isEmpty()) {
- LOG.debug("The link list is not empty");
- for (Link link : linksList) {
- Link1 link1 = link.augmentation(Link1.class);
- .Link1 openroadmNetworkLink1 = link.augmentation(
- int linkType = link1.getLinkType().getIntValue();
- // the previous line generates a warning
- // but the following cast in comment makes the gnpy tox test fail
- // (( link1)
- if (IntStream.of(externalLink).anyMatch(x -> x == linkType)) {
- // Verify if the node is a ROADM
- String srcId = mapDisgNodeRefNode.get(link.getSource().getSourceNode().getValue());
- IpAddress srcIp = mapNodeRefIp.get(srcId);
- String clfi = link1.getClfi();
- String destId = null;
- IpAddress destIp = null;
- // Add the links between amplifiers
- OMSAttributes omsAttributes = null;
- if (linkType == 4) {
- omsAttributes = openroadmNetworkLink1.getOMSAttributes();
- }
- if (omsAttributes != null) {
- if (omsAttributes.getAmplifiedLink() != null) {
- List<AmplifiedLink> amplifiedLinkList = omsAttributes.getAmplifiedLink()
- .getAmplifiedLink();
- if (!amplifiedLinkList.isEmpty()) {
- for (AmplifiedLink amplifiedLink : amplifiedLinkList) {
- Elements element1 = null;
- if (amplifiedLink.getSectionElement()
- .getSectionElement() instanceof Ila) {
- Ila ila = (Ila) amplifiedLink.getSectionElement()
- .getSectionElement();
- String nodeId = ila.getNodeId().getValue();
- IpAddress ipEdfa = new IpAddress(
- new Ipv4Address("1.1.1." + nbEDFA));
- nbEDFA++;
- mapDisgNodeRefNode.put(nodeId, nodeId);
- mapNodeRefIp.put(nodeId, ipEdfa);
- element1 = addElementsEdfa(2, 0, "RLD", "Lannion_CAS",
- ila.getGain().getValue(), ila.getTilt().getValue(),
- ila.getOutVoaAtt().getValue(), "std_medium_gain",
- ipEdfa.getIpv4Address().getValue().toString());
- } else if (amplifiedLink.getSectionElement()
- .getSectionElement() instanceof Span) {
- // Create the location
- IpAddress ipFiber = new IpAddress(
- new Ipv4Address("2.2.2." + idFiber));
- mapLinkFiber.put(link.getLinkId().getValue(), clfi);
- mapFiberIp.put(clfi, ipFiber);
- idFiber++;
- element1 = addElementsFiber(2, 0, "RLD", "Lannion_CAS",
- ipFiber.getIpv4Address().getValue(), 20, 0, 0.2, 0, 0,
- "SSMF");
- }
- if (element1 != null) {
- topoElements.add(element1);
- destId = element1.getUid();
- destIp = null;
- // Create a new link
- if (srcId != destId) {
- Connections connection = createNewConnection(srcId, srcIp,
- destId, destIp);
- topoConnections.add(connection);
- srcId = destId;
- srcIp = destIp;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (omsAttributes.getSpan() != null) {
- IpAddress ipFiber = new IpAddress(new Ipv4Address("2.2.2." + idFiber));
- mapLinkFiber.put(link.getLinkId().getValue(), clfi);
- mapFiberIp.put(clfi, ipFiber);
- idFiber++;
- double attIn = 0;
- double connIn = 0;
- double connOut = 0;
- String typeVariety = "SSMF";
- double length = 0;
- // Compute the length of the link
- Span span =
- omsAttributes.getSpan();
- List<LinkConcatenation> linkConcatenationList = span.getLinkConcatenation();
- for (LinkConcatenation linkConcatenation : linkConcatenationList) {
- double srlgLength = linkConcatenation.getSRLGLength();
- //convert to kilometer
- length += srlgLength / convertKmM;
- }
- double lossCoef = span.getSpanlossCurrent().getValue().doubleValue() / length;
- Elements element1 = addElementsFiber(2, 0, "RLD", "Lannion_CAS",
- ipFiber.getIpv4Address().getValue(), length, attIn, lossCoef, connIn,
- connOut, typeVariety);
- topoElements.add(element1);
- // Create a new link
- destId = element1.getUid();
- destIp = null;
- if (srcId != destId) {
- Connections connection = createNewConnection(srcId, srcIp, destId, destIp);
- topoConnections.add(connection);
- srcId = destId;
- srcIp = destIp;
- }
- } else {
- // Add a fiber
- clfi = "Fiber" + idFiber;
- IpAddress ipFiber = new IpAddress(new Ipv4Address("2.2.2." + idFiber));
- mapLinkFiber.put(link.getLinkId().getValue(), clfi);
- mapFiberIp.put(clfi, ipFiber);
- idFiber++;
- // Create a new element
- Elements element1 = addElementsFiber(2, 0, "RLD", "Lannion_CAS",
- ipFiber.getIpv4Address().getValue(), 20, 0, 0.2, 0, 0, "SSMF");
- topoElements.add(element1);
- // Create a new link
- destId = element1.getUid();
- destIp = null;
- if (srcId != destId) {
- Connections connection = createNewConnection(srcId, srcIp, destId, destIp);
- topoConnections.add(connection);
- srcId = destId;
- srcIp = destIp;
- }
- }
- } else {
- LOG.warn("The oms attributes is null {} !",link1.getLinkType().getName());
- }
- // Create a new link
- destId = mapDisgNodeRefNode.get(link.getDestination().getDestNode().getValue());
- destIp = mapNodeRefIp.get(destId);
- Connections connection = createNewConnection(srcId, srcIp, destId, destIp);
- topoConnections.add(connection);
- }
- }
- } else {
- LOG.warn("no links in the network");
+ if (openRoadmTopoNodeList.isEmpty() || openRoadmNetNodeList.isEmpty()) {
+ throw new GnpyException("In gnpyTopoImpl: no nodes in the openradm topology or openroadm network");
+ }
+ // Create elements
+ for (Node openRoadmTopoNode : openRoadmTopoNodeList) {
+ // Retrieve the supporting node and the type of the node in openRoadm network
+ List<SupportingNode> supportingNodeList = openRoadmTopoNode.getSupportingNode();
+ for (SupportingNode supportingNode : supportingNodeList) {
+ IpAddress ipAddress = null;
+ String nodeRef = supportingNode.getNodeRef().getValue();
+ // Retrieve the mapping between the openRoadm topology and openRoadm network
+ mapDisgNodeRefNode.put(openRoadmTopoNode.getNodeId().getValue(), nodeRef);
+ Node1 openRoadmNetNode1 = null;
+ .Node1 commonNetworkNode1 = null;
+ for (Node openRoadmNetNode : openRoadmNetNodeList) {
+ if (openRoadmNetNode.getNodeId().getValue().equals(nodeRef)) {
+ openRoadmNetNode1 = openRoadmNetNode.augmentation(Node1.class);
+ commonNetworkNode1 = openRoadmNetNode.augmentation(org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1
+ ipAddress = openRoadmNetNode1.getIp();
+ mapNodeRefIp.put(nodeRef, ipAddress);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (commonNetworkNode1.getNodeType().getName().equals("ROADM")) {
+ if (!nodesList.contains(nodeRef)) {
+ Elements element = createElementsRoadm(LATITUDE, LONGITUTE, nodeRef,
+ openRoadmNetNode1.getShelf(),TARGET_PCH_OUT_DB, ipAddress.getIpv4Address().getValue()
+ .toString());
+ this.elements.add(element);
+ nodesList.add(nodeRef);
+ }
+ } else if (commonNetworkNode1.getNodeType().getName().equals("XPONDER")) {
+ if (!nodesList.contains(nodeRef)) {
+ Elements element = createElementsTransceiver(LATITUDE, LONGITUTE, nodeRef,
+ openRoadmNetNode1.getShelf(),ipAddress.getIpv4Address().getValue().toString());
+ this.elements.add(element);
+ nodesList.add(nodeRef);
+ trxList.add(nodeRef);
} else {
- LOG.warn("No nodes in the selected network ...");
+ throw new GnpyException("In gnpyTopoImpl: the type is not implemented");
- } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
- LOG.error("Error reading the topology", e);
- this.networkTransactionService.close();
- this.networkTransactionService.close();
- map.put("Elements", topoElements);
- map.put("Connections", topoConnections);
- return map;
+ }
+ private void extractConnections(java.util.Optional<Network> openRoadmTopo,
+ java.util.Optional<Network> openRoadmNet) throws GnpyException {
+ // Create the list of connections
+ Network1 nw1 = openRoadmTopo.get().augmentation(Network1.class);
+ List<Link> linksList = nw1.getLink();
+ int[] externalLink = {OpenroadmLinkType.ROADMTOROADM.getIntValue(),OpenroadmLinkType.XPONDERINPUT.getIntValue(),
+ OpenroadmLinkType.XPONDEROUTPUT.getIntValue()};
+ if (linksList.isEmpty()) {
+ throw new GnpyException("In gnpyTopoImpl: no links in the network");
+ }
+ for (Link link : linksList) {
+ Link1 link1 = link.augmentation(Link1.class);
+ .Link1 openroadmNetworkLink1 = link.augmentation(
+ int linkType = link1.getLinkType().getIntValue();
+ if (! IntStream.of(externalLink).anyMatch(x -> x == linkType)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ String srcId = mapDisgNodeRefNode.get(link.getSource().getSourceNode().getValue());
+ IpAddress srcIp = mapNodeRefIp.get(srcId);
+ String linkId = link.getLinkId().getValue();
+ String destId = null;
+ IpAddress destIp = null;
+ if (linkType == OpenroadmLinkType.ROADMTOROADM.getIntValue()) {
+ OMSAttributes omsAttributes = openroadmNetworkLink1.getOMSAttributes();
+ if (omsAttributes == null) {
+ throw new GnpyException(String.format(
+ "In gnpyTopoImpl: OMS attributes do not exit for ROADM to ROADM link: %s",linkId));
+ }
+ //Case of amplified link
+ if (omsAttributes.getAmplifiedLink() != null) {
+ srcIp = extractAmplifiedLink(omsAttributes, linkId, srcIp);
+ }
+ //Case of one span link
+ if (omsAttributes.getSpan() != null) {
+ srcIp = extractSpanLink(omsAttributes, linkId, srcIp);
+ }
+ }
+ // Create a new link
+ destId = mapDisgNodeRefNode.get(link.getDestination().getDestNode().getValue());
+ destIp = mapNodeRefIp.get(destId);
+ createNewConnection(srcIp,destIp);
+ }
+ }
+ private IpAddress extractAmplifiedLink(OMSAttributes omsAttributes, String linkId, IpAddress srcIp)
+ throws GnpyException {
+ List<AmplifiedLink> amplifiedLinkList = omsAttributes.getAmplifiedLink()
+ .getAmplifiedLink();
+ IpAddress destIp = null;
+ if (!amplifiedLinkList.isEmpty()) {
+ for (AmplifiedLink amplifiedLink : amplifiedLinkList) {
+ String secElt = amplifiedLink.getSectionEltNumber().toString();
+ //Case of ILA
+ if (amplifiedLink.getSectionElement().getSectionElement() instanceof Ila) {
+ Ila ila = (Ila) amplifiedLink.getSectionElement().getSectionElement();
+ destIp = extractILAFromAmpLink(ila);
+ }
+ //Case of Span
+ if (amplifiedLink.getSectionElement().getSectionElement() instanceof Span) {
+ Span span = (Span) amplifiedLink.getSectionElement().getSectionElement();
+ destIp = extractSpan((SpanAttributes) span.getSpan(), linkId, secElt);
+ }
+ // Create a new link
+ if (createNewConnection(srcIp,destIp)) {
+ srcIp = destIp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return srcIp;
+ }
+ private IpAddress extractSpanLink(OMSAttributes omsAttributes, String linkId, IpAddress srcIp)
+ throws GnpyException {
+ SpanAttributes span = omsAttributes.getSpan();
+ IpAddress destIp = extractSpan((SpanAttributes) span, linkId, linkId);
+ if (createNewConnection(srcIp, destIp)) {
+ return destIp;
+ }
+ return srcIp;
+ }
+ private IpAddress extractILAFromAmpLink(Ila ila) throws GnpyException {
+ String nodeId = ila.getNodeId().getValue();
+ IpAddress ipEdfa = new IpAddress(edfaId);
+ edfaId = incrementIdentifier(edfaId);
+ mapDisgNodeRefNode.put(nodeId, nodeId);
+ mapNodeRefIp.put(nodeId, ipEdfa);
+ Elements element = createElementsEdfa(LATITUDE, LONGITUTE, REGION, CITY,
+ ila.getGain().getValue(), ila.getTilt().getValue(),
+ ila.getOutVoaAtt().getValue(), "std_medium_gain",
+ ipEdfa.getIpv4Address().getValue().toString());
+ this.elements.add(element);
+ return ipEdfa;
+ }
+ private IpAddress extractSpan(SpanAttributes span, String linkId, String subLinkId) throws GnpyException {
+ IpAddress ipFiber = new IpAddress(fiberId);
+ if (!mapLinkFiber.containsKey(linkId)) {
+ mapLinkFiber.put(linkId, new ArrayList<String>());
+ }
+ mapLinkFiber.get(linkId).add(subLinkId);
+ mapFiberIp.put(subLinkId, ipFiber);
+ fiberId = incrementIdentifier(fiberId);
+ double attIn = 0;
+ double connIn = 0;
+ double connOut = 0;
+ String typeVariety = "SSMF";
+ double length = 0;
+ // Compute the length of the link
+ List<LinkConcatenation> linkConcatenationList = span.getLinkConcatenation();
+ for (LinkConcatenation linkConcatenation : linkConcatenationList) {
+ double srlgLength = linkConcatenation.getSRLGLength();
+ //convert to kilometer
+ length += srlgLength / CONVERT_KM_M;
+ }
+ double lossCoef = span.getSpanlossCurrent().getValue().doubleValue() / length;
+ Elements element = createElementsFiber(LATITUDE, LONGITUTE, REGION, CITY,
+ ipFiber.getIpv4Address().getValue(), length, attIn, lossCoef, connIn, connOut, typeVariety);
+ this.elements.add(element);
+ return ipFiber;
- * Method to add Fiber
+ * Method to create Fiber
- private Elements addElementsFiber(double latitude, double longitude, String region, String city, String clfi,
+ private Elements createElementsFiber(double latitude, double longitude, String region, String city, String uidFiber,
double length, double attIn, double lossCoef, double connIn, double connOut, String typeVariety) {
- // Create an amplifier after the roadm
+ // Create an amplifier after the ROADM
Coordinate c1 = new Coordinate(new BigDecimal(latitude));
Coordinate c2 = new Coordinate(new BigDecimal(longitude));
Location location1 = new LocationBuilder().setRegion(region).setCity(city).setLatitude(c1).setLongitude(c2)
.setAttIn(new BigDecimal(attIn)).setLossCoef(new BigDecimal(lossCoef)).setConIn(new BigDecimal(connIn))
.setConOut(new BigDecimal(connOut)).build();
Params params1 = new ParamsBuilder().setFiberroadm(fiber).build();
- Elements element1 = new ElementsBuilder().setUid(clfi)
+ Elements element1 = new ElementsBuilder().setUid(uidFiber)
.setElementType(new FiberRoadmBuilder().setParams(params1).build()).build();
- * Method to add Edfa
+ * Method to create EDFA
- private Elements addElementsEdfa(double latitude, double longitude, String region, String city,
+ private Elements createElementsEdfa(double latitude, double longitude, String region, String city,
BigDecimal gainTarget, BigDecimal tiltTarget, BigDecimal outVoa, String typeVariety, String uidEdfa) {
- // Create an amplifier after the roadm
+ // Create an amplifier after the ROADM
Coordinate c1 = new Coordinate(new BigDecimal(latitude));
Coordinate c2 = new Coordinate(new BigDecimal(longitude));
Location location1 = new LocationBuilder().setRegion(region).setCity(city).setLatitude(c1).setLongitude(c2)
Edfa edfa = new EdfaBuilder()
Elements element1 = new ElementsBuilder().setUid(uidEdfa)
- // Choose an ip address
return element1;
- * Method to add ROADM
+ * Method to create ROADM
- private Elements addElementsRoadm(double latitude, double longitude, String region, String city,
+ private Elements createElementsRoadm(double latitude, double longitude, String region, String city,
double targetPchOutDb, String uidRoadm) {
Coordinate c1 = new Coordinate(new BigDecimal(latitude));
Location location1 = new LocationBuilder().setRegion(region).setCity(city).setLatitude(c1).setLongitude(c2)
Metadata metadata1 = new MetadataBuilder().setLocation(location1).build();
- // Create the roadm
Roadm roadm = new RoadmBuilder().setTargetPchOutDb(new BigDecimal(targetPchOutDb)).build();
Params params1 = new ParamsBuilder().setFiberroadm(roadm).build();
Elements element1 = new ElementsBuilder().setUid(uidRoadm)
- * Method to add Transceiver
+ * Method to create Transceiver
- private Elements addElementsTransceiver(double latitude, double longitude, String region, String city,
+ private Elements createElementsTransceiver(double latitude, double longitude, String region, String city,
String uidTrans) {
Coordinate c1 = new Coordinate(new BigDecimal(latitude));
Coordinate c2 = new Coordinate(new BigDecimal(longitude));
return element1;
- private Connections createNewConnection(String srcId, IpAddress srcIp, String destId, IpAddress destIp) {
- String fromNode = srcId;
- String toNode = destId;
- if (srcIp != null) {
- fromNode = srcIp.getIpv4Address().getValue().toString();
+ /*
+ * Method to create Connection
+ */
+ private boolean createNewConnection(IpAddress srcIp, IpAddress destIp) throws GnpyException {
+ if (srcIp == null || destIp == null) {
+ throw new GnpyException("create new connection : null node IpAddress");
+ }
+ String fromNode = srcIp.getIpv4Address().getValue();
+ String toNode = destIp.getIpv4Address().getValue();
+ if (fromNode == toNode) {
+ return false;
- if (destIp != null) {
- toNode = destIp.getIpv4Address().getValue().toString();
+ Connections connection = new ConnectionsBuilder().setFromNode(fromNode).setToNode(toNode).build();
+ this.connections.add(connection);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Increment 32-bit identifier
+ */
+ private Ipv4Address incrementIdentifier(Ipv4Address id) throws GnpyException {
+ String ips = id.getValue();
+ String [] fields = ips.split(Pattern.quote("."));
+ int intF1 = Integer.parseInt(fields[1]);
+ int intF2 = Integer.parseInt(fields[2]);
+ int intF3 = Integer.parseInt(fields[3]);
+ if (intF3 < 255) {
+ intF3++;
+ } else {
+ if (intF2 < 255) {
+ intF2++;
+ intF3 = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (intF1 < 255) {
+ intF1++;
+ intF2 = 0;
+ intF3 = 0;
+ } else {
+ throw new GnpyException("GnpyTopoImpl : the topology is not supported by gnpy");
+ }
+ fields[1] = Integer.toString(intF1);
+ }
+ fields[2] = Integer.toString(intF2);
- Connections connection1 = new ConnectionsBuilder().setFromNode(fromNode).setToNode(toNode).build();
- return (connection1);
+ fields[3] = Integer.toString(intF3);
+ String nidString = fields[0] + "." + fields[1] + "." + fields[2] + "." + fields[3];
+ Ipv4Address nid = new Ipv4Address(nidString);
+ return nid;
public List<Elements> getElements() {
this.mapNodeRefIp = mapNodeRefIp;
- public Map<String, String> getMapLinkFiber() {
+ public Map<String, List<String>> getMapLinkFiber() {
return mapLinkFiber;
- public void setMapLinkFiber(Map<String, String> mapLinkFiber) {
+ public void setMapLinkFiber(Map<String, List<String>> mapLinkFiber) {
this.mapLinkFiber = mapLinkFiber;
public void setMapFiberIp(Map<String, IpAddress> mapFiberIp) {
this.mapFiberIp = mapFiberIp;
+ public List<String> getTrxList() {
+ return trxList;
+ }
+ public void setTrxList(List<String> trxList) {
+ this.trxList = trxList;
+ }
private GnpyResult gnpyAtoZ;
private GnpyResult gnpyZtoA;
private Long requestId;
+ //private boolean status;
+ public GnpyUtilitiesImpl(NetworkTransactionService networkTransaction, PathComputationRequestInput input)
+ throws GnpyException {
- public GnpyUtilitiesImpl(NetworkTransactionService networkTransaction, PathComputationRequestInput input) {
this.networkTransaction = networkTransaction;
this.gnpyTopo = new GnpyTopoImpl(networkTransaction);
this.input = input;
public boolean verifyComputationByGnpy(AToZDirection atoz, ZToADirection ztoa, PceConstraints pceHardConstraints)
- throws Exception {
- boolean isPcePathFeasible = false;
- List<Elements> elementsList = gnpyTopo.getElements();
- List<Connections> connectionsList = gnpyTopo.getConnections();
+ throws GnpyException, Exception {
- if (atoz == null || atoz.getAToZ() == null) {
- LOG.error("In pceSendingPceRPC: empty atoz path");
- } else {
- GnpyServiceImpl gnpySvc = new GnpyServiceImpl(input, atoz, requestId, gnpyTopo, pceHardConstraints);
- requestId++;
- List<PathRequest> pathRequestList1 = gnpySvc.getPathRequest();
- List<Synchronization> synchronizationList1 = gnpySvc.getSynchronization();
- // Send the computed path A-to-Z to GNPY tool
- String gnpyResponse1 = getGnpyResponse(elementsList, connectionsList, pathRequestList1,
- synchronizationList1);
- // Analyze the response
- if (gnpyResponse1 != null) {
- GnpyResult result = new GnpyResult(gnpyResponse1, gnpyTopo);
- result.analyzeResult();
- this.gnpyAtoZ = result;
- isPcePathFeasible = this.gnpyAtoZ.getPathFeasibility();
- } else {
- LOG.error("No response from the GNPy server");
- }
+ if (atoz == null || atoz.getAToZ() == null || ztoa == null || ztoa.getZToA() == null) {
+ throw new GnpyException("In GnpyUtilities: the path transmitted to Gnpy is null");
- if (ztoa == null || ztoa.getZToA() == null) {
- LOG.error("In pceSendingPceRPC: empty ztoa path");
- isPcePathFeasible = false;
- } else {
- GnpyServiceImpl gnpySvc = new GnpyServiceImpl(input, ztoa, requestId, gnpyTopo, pceHardConstraints);
- requestId++;
- List<PathRequest> pathRequestList2 = gnpySvc.getPathRequest();
- List<Synchronization> synchronizationList2 = gnpySvc.getSynchronization();
- // Send the computed path Z-to-A to GNPY tool
- String gnpyResponse2 = getGnpyResponse(elementsList, connectionsList, pathRequestList2,
- synchronizationList2);
- // Analyze the response
- if (gnpyResponse2 != null) {
- GnpyResult result = new GnpyResult(gnpyResponse2, gnpyTopo);
- result.analyzeResult();
- this.gnpyZtoA = result;
- isPcePathFeasible &= this.gnpyZtoA.getPathFeasibility();
- } else {
- LOG.error("No response from the GNPy server");
- }
- }
+ GnpyServiceImpl gnpySvc1 = new GnpyServiceImpl(input, atoz, requestId, gnpyTopo, pceHardConstraints);
+ this.gnpyAtoZ = gnpyResponseOneDirection(gnpySvc1);
+ boolean isPcePathFeasible = false;
+ isPcePathFeasible = this.gnpyAtoZ.getPathFeasibility();
+ GnpyServiceImpl gnpySvc2 = new GnpyServiceImpl(input, ztoa, requestId, gnpyTopo, pceHardConstraints);
+ this.gnpyZtoA = gnpyResponseOneDirection(gnpySvc2);
+ isPcePathFeasible &= this.gnpyZtoA.getPathFeasibility();
return isPcePathFeasible;
- public HardConstraints askNewPathFromGnpy(AToZDirection atoz, ZToADirection ztoa,
- HardConstraints gnpyPathAsHC, PceConstraints pceHardConstraints) throws Exception {
- boolean isPcePathFeasible = false;
+ public GnpyResult gnpyResponseOneDirection(GnpyServiceImpl gnpySvc) throws GnpyException, Exception {
+ requestId++;
+ List<PathRequest> pathRequestList = gnpySvc.getPathRequest();
+ List<Synchronization> synchronizationList = gnpySvc.getSynchronization();
+ // Send the computed path to GNPY tool
List<Elements> elementsList = gnpyTopo.getElements();
List<Connections> connectionsList = gnpyTopo.getConnections();
- // Ask a new path A-to-Z
- if (atoz.getAToZWavelengthNumber() == null) {
-"The wavelength is null!");
+ String gnpyResponse = getGnpyResponse(elementsList, connectionsList, pathRequestList,
+ synchronizationList);
+ // Analyze the response
+ if (gnpyResponse == null) {
+ throw new GnpyException("In GnpyUtilities: no respnse from GNPy server");
+ GnpyResult result = new GnpyResult(gnpyResponse, gnpyTopo);
+ result.analyzeResult();
+ return result;
+ }
+ public HardConstraints askNewPathFromGnpy(HardConstraints gnpyPathAsHC, PceConstraints pceHardConstraints)
+ throws GnpyException, Exception {
- AToZDirection atoztmp = new AToZDirectionBuilder().setRate(atoz.getRate())
- .setAToZ(null).build();
+ AToZDirection atoztmp = new AToZDirectionBuilder()
+ .setRate(input.getServiceAEnd().getServiceRate())
+ .setAToZ(null)
+ .build();
GnpyServiceImpl gnpySvc = new GnpyServiceImpl(input, atoztmp, requestId, gnpyTopo, pceHardConstraints);
- requestId++;
- List<PathRequest> pathRequestList1 = gnpySvc.getPathRequest();
- List<Synchronization> synchronizationList1 = gnpySvc.getSynchronization();
+ GnpyResult result = gnpyResponseOneDirection(gnpySvc);
- // Send the computed path A-to-Z to GNPY tool
- String gnpyResponse1 = getGnpyResponse(elementsList, connectionsList, pathRequestList1, synchronizationList1);
- // Analyze the response
- if (gnpyResponse1 != null) {
- GnpyResult result = new GnpyResult(gnpyResponse1, gnpyTopo);
- LOG.debug("GNPy result created");
- isPcePathFeasible = result.getPathFeasibility();
- this.gnpyAtoZ = result;
- if (isPcePathFeasible) {
- List<PathRouteObjects> pathRouteObjectList = result.analyzeResult();
- gnpyPathAsHC = result.computeHardConstraintsFromGnpyPath(pathRouteObjectList);
- }
- } else {
- LOG.error("No response from the GNPy server");
+ if (result == null) {
+ throw new GnpyException("In GnpyUtilities: no response from the GNPy server");
+ if (!result.getPathFeasibility()) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ List<PathRouteObjects> pathRouteObjectList = result.analyzeResult();
+ gnpyPathAsHC = result.computeHardConstraintsFromGnpyPath(pathRouteObjectList);
return gnpyPathAsHC;
public String getGnpyResponse(List<Elements> elementsList, List<Connections> connectionsList,
- List<PathRequest> pathRequestList, List<Synchronization> synchronizationList) throws Exception {
+ List<PathRequest> pathRequestList, List<Synchronization> synchronizationList) throws GnpyException, Exception {
GnpyApi gnpyApi = new GnpyApiBuilder()
new TopologyFileBuilder().setElements(elementsList).setConnections(connectionsList).build())
- .setServiceFile(new ServiceFileBuilder().setPathRequest(pathRequestList).build()).build();
+ .setServiceFile(
+ new ServiceFileBuilder().setPathRequest(pathRequestList).build())
+ .build();
InstanceIdentifier<GnpyApi> idGnpyApi = InstanceIdentifier.builder(GnpyApi.class).build();
String gnpyJson;
ServiceDataStoreOperationsImpl sd = new ServiceDataStoreOperationsImpl(networkTransaction);
gnpyJson = sd.createJsonStringFromDataObject(idGnpyApi, gnpyApi);
LOG.debug("GNPy Id: {} / json created : {}", idGnpyApi, gnpyJson);
ConnectToGnpyServer connect = new ConnectToGnpyServer();
- String gnpyJsonModified = gnpyJson.replace("gnpy-eqpt-config:", "")
- .replace("gnpy-path-computation-simplified:", "").replace("gnpy-network-topology:", "");
+ String gnpyJsonModified = gnpyJson
+ .replace("gnpy-eqpt-config:", "")
+ .replace("gnpy-path-computation-simplified:", "")
+ .replace("gnpy-network-topology:", "");
String gnpyResponse = connect.gnpyCnx(gnpyJsonModified);
return gnpyResponse;
public interface ServiceDataStoreOperations {
- void createXMLFromDevice(DataStoreContext dataStoreContextUtil, OrgOpenroadmDevice device, String output);
+ void createXMLFromDevice(DataStoreContext dataStoreContextUtil, OrgOpenroadmDevice device, String output)
+ throws GnpyException;
- String createJsonStringFromDataObject(InstanceIdentifier<?> id, DataObject object) throws Exception;
+ String createJsonStringFromDataObject(InstanceIdentifier<?> id, DataObject object) throws GnpyException, Exception;
- void writeStringFile(String jsonString, String fileName);
+ void writeStringFile(String jsonString, String fileName) throws GnpyException;
public ServiceDataStoreOperationsImpl(NetworkTransactionService networkTransactionService) {
- public void createXMLFromDevice(DataStoreContext dataStoreContextUtil, OrgOpenroadmDevice device, String output) {
+ public void createXMLFromDevice(DataStoreContext dataStoreContextUtil, OrgOpenroadmDevice device, String output)
+ throws GnpyException {
if (device != null) {
Optional<NormalizedNode<?, ?>> transformIntoNormalizedNode = null;
XMLDataObjectConverter cwDsU = XMLDataObjectConverter.createWithDataStoreUtil(dataStoreContextUtil);
transformIntoNormalizedNode = cwDsU.toNormalizedNodes(device, OrgOpenroadmDevice.class);
if (!transformIntoNormalizedNode.isPresent()) {
- throw new IllegalStateException(
- String.format("Could not transform the input %s into normalized nodes", device));
+ throw new GnpyException(String.format(
+ "In ServiceDataStoreOperationsImpl: Cannot transform the device %s into normalized nodes",
+ device.toString()));
Writer writerFromDataObject =
cwDsU.writerFromDataObject(device, OrgOpenroadmDevice.class,cwDsU.dataContainer());
} catch (IOException e) {
- LOG.error("Bufferwriter error ");
+ throw new GnpyException(
+ String.format("In ServiceDataStoreOperationsImpl : Bufferwriter error"),e);
LOG.debug("GNPy: device xml : {}", writerFromDataObject.toString());
- public String createJsonStringFromDataObject(final InstanceIdentifier<?> id, DataObject object) throws Exception {
+ public String createJsonStringFromDataObject(final InstanceIdentifier<?> id, DataObject object)
+ throws GnpyException, Exception {
final SchemaPath scPath = SchemaPath
.create(FluentIterable.from(id.getPathArguments()).transform(new Function<PathArgument, QName>() {
codecRegistry.getSerializer(id.getTargetType()).serialize(object, bindingWriter);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- LOG.error("GNPy: writer error ");
- } catch (YangSyntaxErrorException e) {
- LOG.warn("GNPy: exception {} occured during json file creation", e.getMessage(), e);
- } catch (ReactorException e) {
- LOG.warn("GNPy: exception {} occured during json file creation", e.getMessage(), e);
+ } catch (IOException | YangSyntaxErrorException | ReactorException e) {
+ throw new GnpyException("In ServiceDataStoreOperationsImpl: exception during json file creation",e);
return writer.toString();
// Write the json as a string in a file
- public void writeStringFile(String jsonString, String fileName) {
+ public void writeStringFile(String jsonString, String fileName) throws GnpyException {
try {
FileWriter file = new FileWriter(fileName);
} catch (IOException e) {
- LOG.error("GNPy: writer error ");
+ throw new GnpyException("In ServiceDataStoreOperationsImpl : exception during file writing",e);