[Documentation] Removes an intent from the controller via the provided intent id.
${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console intent:remove ${id}
Should Contain ${output} Intent successfully removed
- ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console log:display |grep "Removed VTN configuration associated with the deleted Intent: "
- Should Contain ${output} Removed VTN configuration associated with the deleted Intent ${id}
+ ${output}= Issue Command On Karaf Console log:display | grep "Removed VTN configuration associated with the deleted Intent: "
+ # The below log statements has changed an info to trace mode in Beryllium, and in future release will roll back the same.
+ #Should Contain ${output} Removed VTN configuration associated with the deleted Intent ${id}
Mininet Ping Should Succeed
[Arguments] ${host1} ${host2}
Should Contain ${output} Active
Setup NIC Console Environment
- [Documentation] Installing NIC Console related features (odl-nic-core-mdsal, odl-nic-console, odl-nic-console)
+ [Documentation] Installing NIC Console related features (odl-nic-core-mdsal, odl-nic-renderer-vtn)
Verify Feature Is Installed odl-nic-core-mdsal
- Verify Feature Is Installed odl-nic-console
Verify Feature Is Installed odl-nic-renderer-vtn
Clean Mininet System
Start Mininet Linear ${switches}
*** Test Cases ***
Add Intent
[Documentation] Create a new intent .
- Add Intent Using RestConf ${INTENT_ID} { "intent:intent" : { "intent:id": ${INTENT_ID} , "intent:actions" : [ { "order" : 1, "block" : {} } ],"intent:subjects" : [ { "order":1 , "end-point-group" : {name:""} }, { "order":2 , "end-point-group" : {name:""}} ] } }
+ Add Intent Using RestConf ${INTENT_ID} { "intent:intent" : { "intent:id": ${INTENT_ID} , "intent:actions" : [ { "order" : 1, "block" : {} } ], "intent:subjects" : [ { "order":1 , "end-point-group" : {name:""} }, { "order":2 , "end-point-group" : {name:""}} ] } }
Verify Intent
[Documentation] Verify the Intent created.
Update Intent
[Documentation] Update the Intent created.
- Update Intent Using RestConf ${INTENT_ID} { "intent:intent" : { "intent:id": ${INTENT_ID} , "intent:actions" : [ { "order" : 2, "allow" : {} } ],"intent:subjects" : [ { "order":1 , "end-point-group" : {name:""} }, { "order":2 , "end-point-group" : {name:""}} ] } }
+ Update Intent Using RestConf ${INTENT_ID} { "intent:intent" : { "intent:id": ${INTENT_ID} , "intent:actions" : [ { "order" : 2, "allow" : {} } ], "intent:subjects" : [ { "order":1 , "end-point-group" : {name:""} }, { "order":2 , "end-point-group" : {name:""}} ] } }
Verify Ping
[Documentation] Ping h1 to h2, to verify no packet loss