*** Keywords ***
- [Documentation] Initialize Nexus artifact deployment and usage
- ... Create and activate a connection to the tools system and perform
- ... additional configuration to allow the remaining keywords to deploy
- ... and use artifacts from Nexus on the tools system.
- # Connect to the ODL machine
+ [Arguments] ${tools_system_connect}=True
+ [Documentation] Places search utility to ODL system, which will be needed for version detection.
+ ... By default also initialize a SSH connection to Tools system,
+ ... as following Keywords assume a working connection towards target system.
+ # Connect to the ODL machine.
${odl}= SSHKeywords.Open_Connection_To_ODL_System
# Deploy the search tool.
SSHLibrary.Put_File ${CURDIR}/../../tools/deployment/search.sh
- # Connect to the Tools System machine
- ${tools}= SSHKeywords.Open_Connection_To_Tools_System
- BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${SSHKeywords__tools_system_connection} ${tools}
+ # Optionally connect to the Tools System machine.
+ BuiltIn.Return_From_Keyword_If not (${tools_system_connect}) # the argument may be a convoluted Python expression
+ SSHKeywords.Open_Connection_To_Tools_System
[Arguments] ${component}
Library SSHLibrary timeout=10s
Library RequestsLibrary
Library ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/AuthStandalone.py
-Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/SSHKeywords.robot
Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/FailFast.robot
-Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/Utils.robot
+Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/NexusKeywords.robot # for Deploy_Artifact
+Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/SSHKeywords.robot # for Require_* and Assure_*
+Resource ${CURDIR}/../../../libraries/Utils.robot # for Flexible_SSH_Login
*** Variables ***
# This table acts as an exhaustive list of variables users can modify on pybot invocation.
${MININET_USER} mininet
-${MOCK_FILE} pcc-mock-ecexutable.jar
${PCCDOWNLOAD_HOSTHEADER} nexus.opendaylight.org
${PCCDOWNLOAD_URLBASE} http://${PCCDOWNLOAD_HOSTHEADER}/content/repositories/opendaylight.snapshot/org/opendaylight/bgpcep/pcep-pcc-mock/
[Documentation] SSH login to pcc-mock VM, download latest pcc-mock executable from Nexus.
BuiltIn.Run_Keyword_If ${PCCMOCK_COLOCATED} Pccmock_From_Controller
+ NexusKeywords.Initialize_Artifact_Deployment_And_Usage tools_system_connect=False
SSHLibrary.Open_Connection ${PCCMOCKVM_IP} alias=pccmock
SSHLibrary.Set_Client_Configuration timeout=10s
SSHLibrary.Set_Client_Configuration prompt=${PCCMOCKVM_PROMPT}
Utils.Flexible_SSH_Login ${PCCMOCKVM_USER} ${PCCMOCKVM_PASSWORD} delay=4s
- ${curl_common} = BuiltIn.Set_Variable curl -s -H "Host:${PCCDOWNLOAD_HOSTHEADER}" ${PCCDOWNLOAD_URLBASE}
- ${version} = SSHLibrary.Execute_Command ${curl_common}/maven-metadata.xml \| grep latest \| cut -d '>' -f 2 \| cut -d '<' -f 1
- BuiltIn.Log ${version}
- ${namepart} = SSHLibrary.Execute_Command ${curl_common}/${version}/maven-metadata.xml \| grep value \| head -n 1 \| cut -d '>' -f 2 \| cut -d '<' -f 1
- BuiltIn.Log ${namepart}
- BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${filename} pcep-pcc-mock-${namepart}-executable.jar
- BuiltIn.Log ${filename}
- BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${mocklocation} ${PCCMOCKVM_WORKSPACE}/${MOCK_FILE}
- # TODO: Debug to make wget -N work
- ${response} ${err} ${return_code} = SSHLibrary.Execute_Command ${curl_common}/${version}/${filename} > ${mocklocation} return_rc=True return_stderr=True
- BuiltIn.Log ${err}
- BuiltIn.Should_Be_Equal ${return_code} ${0}
+ ${file_name} = NexusKeywords.Deploy_Test_Tool bgpcep pcep-pcc-mock
+ BuiltIn.Set_Suite_Variable ${mock_location} ${file_name}
[Documentation] Open SSH session to updater VM, copy the utility there, including dependencies, also prepare direct http session.
[Documentation] Launch pcc-mock on background so simulated PCCs start connecting to controller.
SSHLibrary.Switch_Connection pccmock
- ${command} = BuiltIn.Set_Variable java -jar ${mocklocation} --local-address ${FIRST_PCC_IP} --remote-address ${CONTROLLER} --pcc ${PCCS} --lsp ${LSPS} &> ${LOG_PATH}/${LOG_NAME}
+ ${command} = BuiltIn.Set_Variable java -jar ${mock_location} --local-address ${FIRST_PCC_IP} --remote-address ${CONTROLLER} --pcc ${PCCS} --lsp ${LSPS} &> ${LOG_PATH}/${LOG_NAME}
BuiltIn.Log ${command}
SSHLibrary.Write ${command}
# The pccmock SSH session is left alive, but no data will be exchanged for a while.