BUG-956 deadlock by rpc invocation - phase2
[openflowplugin.git] / openflowplugin / src / main / java / org / opendaylight / openflowplugin / openflow / md / core / sal / ModelDrivenSwitchImpl.java
2014-05-16 Michal RehakBUG-956 deadlock by rpc invocation - phase2 17/7117/1
2014-05-16 Michal RehakBUG-1006 - removal of bulkTransactionCache 24/7024/2
2014-05-07 Michal RehakMerge "additional fix fro BUG-782 unregistering switch...
2014-05-07 Tony Tkacikfix for BUG-956 - deadlock by rpc invocation 38/6738/3
2014-04-23 Michal Rehakfix for BUG-709 - mixed up flow cookie and connection... 60/6260/2
2014-03-27 Michal Rehakfix for BUG 596 81/5781/2
2014-03-21 Moiz RajaPass the appropriate PortModInput to portMod 06/5706/3
2014-03-07 P Govinda RajuluAdding FlowRef,MeterRef and GroupRef for the Error... 87/4587/18
2014-02-17 Michal PolkorabMinor refactoring due to change in the library model 13/5113/2
2014-02-11 michal rehakMerge "-refactored utility code to separate modules...
2014-02-10 Gaurav BhagwaniPlugin changes:handling List<actions> to PacketOut 72/5072/5
2014-01-25 Anilkumar VishnoiMinor fix in Ip address decoding from flow stats. 65/4765/2
2014-01-24 goyalFix for bug #357- Set log levels on all log statements... 93/4693/2
2014-01-21 etusgoyFlowStats for a particular flow using RPC service 71/4471/2
2014-01-15 michal rehakMerge "Fixed for bug #301 and added test for queue...
2014-01-15 michal rehakMerge "Table Features Requests Fix and TestCases"
2014-01-15 HemaTGTable Features Requests Fix and TestCases 47/4247/1
2014-01-08 Ed WarnickeFix Bug 271 30/4030/5
2013-12-23 Prasanna HuddarAdded notification for Flow add/delete/update 96/3896/10
2013-12-23 Anilkumar VishnoiFixed NPE - Driver library was throwing NPE while encod... 07/3907/2
2013-12-22 Anilkumar Vishnoi1) Fixed minor issue caused by change in port statistic... 98/3898/1
2013-12-20 michal rehakMerge "Fix OuputPackage Test"
2013-12-20 Vaclav DemcakFix OuputPackage Test 73/3873/1
2013-12-19 Michal Rehaksanitize Boolean autoboxing NPE 57/3857/1
2013-12-19 Vaclav DemcakOutputPackage Test impl 02/3802/4
2013-12-19 Ed WarnickeLLDPSpeaker - Periodically sends out LLDP packets on... 23/3823/3
2013-12-19 michal rehakMerge "FlowWildCardsV10 - removed .ALL value DO NOT...
2013-12-19 michal rehakMerge "Table update rpc added as provider"
2013-12-19 Michal PolkorabFlowWildCardsV10 - removed .ALL value 19/3819/2
2013-12-18 Prasanna Huddarbarrier message added for addflow 25/3825/5
2013-12-17 Prasanna HuddarTable update rpc added as provider 91/3791/1
2013-12-16 Anilkumar VishnoiMD-SAL Statistics Manager - Implemented rpc/notificatio... 66/3766/1
2013-12-14 Abhijit KumbhareMerge "enabling drop-test on cpqd"
2013-12-14 Ed Warnickeenabling drop-test on cpqd 30/3730/2
2013-12-14 Anilkumar VishnoiMD-SAL Statistics Manager - Implemented rpc/notificatio... 32/3732/1
2013-12-14 Abhijit KumbhareMerge "NEW:Infrastructure for match"
2013-12-14 Michal RehakNEW:Infrastructure for match 29/3729/1
2013-12-14 michal rehakMerge "model of switch features in md-sal"
2013-12-14 Anilkumar VishnoiMD-SAL Statistics Manager - Implemented rpc/notificatio... 28/3728/1
2013-12-13 Michal PolkorabYang model updated according to changes in the OF library 93/3693/1
2013-12-10 Prasanna HuddarModified as per gerrit 3314 09/3609/4
2013-12-08 HemaTGImplemented Table Feature Multipart RPC 48/3548/3
2013-12-06 Anilkumar VishnoiMD-SAL Statistics Manager - Did the code changes that... 29/3529/2
2013-12-01 Anilkumar VishnoiMD-SAL Statistics Manager - Fetching Group/Meter featur... 09/3309/1
2013-11-28 Abhijit KumbhareMerge "Enabled registration for all rpc services"
2013-11-28 Tony TkacikEnabled registration for all rpc services 11/3211/1
2013-11-28 Prasanna HuddarMerge "1. Flow convertor: Fix Ipv4 netmask and ipv6...
2013-11-28 HemaTGImplemented Port RPC 64/3164/1
2013-11-28 Ed WarnickeSmall fix for 3037-5 build failure 58/3158/1
2013-11-27 Ed WarnickeMD-SAL Statistics Manager- Implemented rpc/notification... 37/3037/5
2013-11-27 ushacomments: get version from session context and 72/3072/3
2013-11-20 ushaThese convertors are used decoding the SAL data to... 96/2896/3
2013-11-15 HemaTGModelDrivenSwitch for RPC and converter 86/2786/1
2013-11-15 Michal Rehakpreparing QueueKeeper and message translation 10/2710/2
2013-11-14 Prasanna HuddarOutput of flow parameter made in sync with MD-SAL models 46/2746/1
2013-11-11 Michal Rehakadapting to OFLibrary change 03/2603/1
2013-11-09 Prasanna HuddarAdded out put variable to Group/Meter 71/2571/1
2013-10-29 Michal Rehakfixed model-flow-base impacts 38/2238/1
2013-10-29 Abhijit KumbhareMerge "handled review comments (sending rpc message...
2013-10-27 Tony TkacikInitial integration with MD-SAL 93/2193/1