2015-03-12 Luis GomezMoving SNBI feature to not compatible.
2015-03-11 Luis GomezMerge "Adding features to main features.xml in integrai...
2015-03-11 Steve DeanAdding features to main features.xml in integraion...
2015-03-11 Vratko PolakDistribution to reflect splitted topoprocessing features
2015-03-10 Robert VargaRemove reference to yangtools:features-test
2015-03-06 Ed WarnickeAdding neutron features
2015-03-03 Michal RehakBUG-2780: Fix migrated sal-compatibility feature
2015-02-27 Luis GomezMerge "Update bgpcep features repository names and...
2015-02-27 Vratko PolakUpdate bgpcep features repository names and removing...
2015-02-17 Luis GomezMerge "Have integration use odlparent so we get the...
2015-02-17 Luis GomezMerge "Migrate features-test"
2015-02-17 Ed WarnickeHave integration use odlparent so we get the same karaf...
2015-02-13 Robert VargaMigrate features-test
2015-01-29 Michal PolkorabAdding topoprocessing features
2015-01-26 Ed WarnickeAdd neutron feature to integration.
2015-01-21 Flavio FernandesMove Openflow NXM Extensions to its intended home:...
2015-01-20 Thanh HaUpdate checkstyle version to 2.13
2015-01-20 Thanh HaUse maven-enforcer-plugin to enforce Maven version
2015-01-16 Luis GomezMerge "Break the repository index out separately from...
2015-01-11 Ed WarnickeBreak the repository index out separately from the...
2015-01-09 Thanh HaSet root pom.xml <name> for Sonar
2014-12-19 Ed WarnickeMove distributions/extra/karaf to distributions/karaf
2014-12-19 Ed WarnickeRemove toaster distribution
2014-12-17 Luis GomezRemoving Old Hydrogen distributions from Master
2014-12-09 Liem NguyenUpdated integration to remove odl-aaa-all feature.
2014-12-09 Luis GomezMerge "Remove feature "odl-aaa-all""
2014-12-08 Christopher... Remove feature "odl-aaa-all"
2014-10-28 Christopher... Incrementing versions by 0.1.0 for post-helium master...
2014-10-23 Luis GomezMerge "Adding feature selector application module to...
2014-10-21 Harman SinghAdding feature selector application module to root...
2014-10-13 Luis GomezMerge "Adding feature selector application to help...
2014-10-10 Luis GomezRemoving opendove from virt edition
2014-09-30 Harman SinghAdding feature selector application to help download...
2014-09-25 Luis GomezMerge "BUG-2082: add integration test"
2014-09-25 Robert VargaBUG-2082: add integration test
2014-09-25 Robert VargaBUG-2082: add missing unpack command
2014-09-24 Ed WarnickeBug 2060: -rest and -ui features for l2switch and openf...
2014-09-23 Ed WarnickeBug 1948: separating features-restconf from features...
2014-09-17 Luis GomezMerge "Bug 1919 Bug 1927 copy bundles for karaf standar...
2014-09-17 Ed WarnickeBug 1919 Bug 1927 copy bundles for karaf standard featu...
2014-09-16 Ed WarnickeMerge "Bump maven-dependency-plugin version"
2014-09-15 ylhsiehPut SNMP4SDN feature back to Integration
2014-09-15 David GoldbergAdding sfc features
2014-09-15 Robert VargaBump maven-dependency-plugin version
2014-09-14 David Goldbergadded sfclisp feature to integration
2014-09-13 Luis GomezRemoving SNMP feature due to integration issues. Will...
2014-09-13 rafatjahanAdding sdninterfaceapp features
2014-09-12 pchopraAdding plugin2oc features
2014-09-12 Christopher... Merge "Added VTN Coordinator to Karaf distribution."
2014-09-12 Hideyuki TaiAdded VTN Coordinator to Karaf distribution.
2014-09-12 Christopher... Adding plugin2oc features
2014-09-11 Luis GomezMerge "Reorder features for tracking purpose"
2014-09-11 George ZhaoReorder features for tracking purpose
2014-09-10 Luis GomezMerge "Adding SNMP4SDN features"
2014-09-10 ylhsiehAdding SNMP4SDN features
2014-09-09 Harman SinghFixing the integrateremoving clustering app feature...
2014-09-09 Harman SinghAdding Karaf feature of clustering test app
2014-09-09 Christopher... Merge "Bug 1731: Breaking dependency cycle between...
2014-09-09 Ed WarnickeBug 1731: Breaking dependency cycle between features...
2014-09-07 Thomas KeeAdding packetcable feature
2014-09-06 Luis GomezMerge "Deleted duplicate declaration in pom.xml."
2014-09-06 Luis GomezMerge "Adding ovssfc renderer feature"
2014-09-05 Hideyuki TaiDeleted duplicate declaration in pom.xml.
2014-09-05 Madhu VenugopalAdding ovssfc renderer feature
2014-09-05 paulqAdding sfc features
2014-09-04 Thomas BachmanAdding Group Based Policy features.
2014-09-04 Harman SinghEnable DLUX Features for Integration
2014-09-04 Vijay Anand R1. Feature Tests Pass: https://jenkins.opendaylight...
2014-09-04 Christopher... Merge "Adding ttp features"
2014-09-03 Hideyuki TaiBumped VTN version in Virtualization Edition.
2014-09-03 Colin DixonAdding ttp features
2014-09-02 Ed WarnickeMerge "Modify <repository> by alphabetical order"
2014-09-01 Milos FabianAdds pcep-segment-routing extension to SP distribution
2014-08-31 George ZhaoModify <repository> by alphabetical order
2014-08-30 Heath KeslerAdding features-bgp features
2014-08-29 Hideyuki TaiAdding VTN features
2014-08-29 Lorand JakabAdding lispflowmapping features
2014-08-29 Michal PolkorabAdding openflowjava features
2014-08-28 Christopher... Merge "Adding aaa features"
2014-08-28 Liem NguyenAdding aaa features
2014-08-28 Madhu VenugopalEnabling OVS based Openstack Karaf Feature.
2014-08-28 Madhu VenugopalEnabling Openflow NXM Extensions Karaf Feature
2014-08-27 Madhu Venugopalenabling ovsdb library, plugin and northbound features
2014-08-27 Christopher... Merge "Adding controller's adsal-compatibility features"
2014-08-27 Ed WarnickeAdding controller's adsal-compatibility features
2014-08-26 Ed WarnickeBundle all jars with distro
2014-08-25 Madhu VenugopalAdding controller ADSAL & NSF features
2014-08-25 Christopher... Merge "Adding l2switch features"
2014-08-24 Ed WarnickeAdding l2switch features
2014-08-23 Christopher... Merge "Small fix to make everything executable in targe...
2014-08-22 Ed WarnickeSmall fix to make everything executable in target/assembly
2014-08-21 Ed WarnickeInitial karaf indexing feature for integration and...
2014-08-16 Luis GomezMerge "Fixed a couple of runtime issues due to the...
2014-08-16 Madhu VenugopalFixed a couple of runtime issues due to the existing...
2014-08-13 Madhu VenugopalAdding OVS Openflow NX extensions bundles to the distri...
2014-08-09 Luis GomezPatch to fix VTN after OVSDB changed Neutron artifact...
2014-08-07 Michal RehakBUG-1255 extension proposal
2014-08-05 Luis GomezMerge "Updating Integration Virtualization edition...
2014-08-05 Madhu VenugopalUpdating Integration Virtualization edition with the...
2014-08-01 Carol SandersMerge "Remove Affinity from Helium"