2019-10-10 Luis GomezFix typo in script 48/85048/1
2019-10-10 Luis GomezUpdate common dist version in master 46/85046/1
2019-10-10 Luis GomezAdd yang check script to distribution 25/85025/3
2019-09-23 Robert VargaBump MRI versions 75/84575/1
2019-09-18 Anushka BhandariUpdate docs header to Magnesium in the master 11/83811/2
2019-08-26 Rohan JulkaMinor fixes in extract_modules script 22/82522/6
2019-08-22 Robert VargaRemove references to restconf-artifacts 16/83916/1
2019-08-22 Robert VargaBump versions for Magnesium 15/83915/1
2019-08-18 Robert VargaBump mdsal to 4.0.4 38/83738/1
2019-08-12 jenkins-relengBump versions by x.y.(z+1) 48/83548/1
2019-07-30 Robert VargaBump mdsal to 4.0.3 57/83157/4
2019-07-29 Robert VargaBump yangtools to 3.0.4 56/83156/3
2019-07-18 Robert VargaBump odlparent to 5.0.1 55/83155/1
2019-06-01 Robert VargaBump mdsal to 4.0.2 61/82361/2
2019-05-31 Robert VargaBump yangtools to 3.0.1 59/82359/1
2019-05-15 Robert VargaPin pygments to 2.3.1 18/82118/1
2019-05-10 Robert VargaBump mdsal to 4.0.1 78/81978/1
2019-04-18 Luis GomezAdd a dependency-convergence profile 44/76544/4
2019-04-17 Luis GomezUpdate Sodium common distribution 66/81666/5
2019-04-17 Luis GomezUpdate sodium version 73/81673/1
2019-04-10 Robert VargaBump platform versions for Sodium MRI 05/81505/2
2019-04-09 Robert VargaUpdate plaform versions for Sodium 04/81504/1
2019-03-21 guillaume.lambertAdd transportpce to distribution 59/81059/1
2019-02-25 Alexis de TalhouëtMove karaf scripts in its own artifact 86/80586/4
2019-02-01 jenkins-relengBump versions by x.y.(z+1) 88/80088/2
2019-01-31 Luis GomezUpdate MRI versions in distribution 53/80053/3
2019-01-22 Robert VargaBump odlparent/mdsal versions 30/79830/1
2019-01-22 Stephen KittBump to odlparent 4.0.9 68/79668/3
2019-01-18 Robert VargaUpdate mdsal version 41/79441/3
2019-01-18 Robert VargaUpdate yangtools version 40/79440/2
2019-01-18 Stephen KittBump to odlparent 4.0.8 62/79362/5
2019-01-02 Luis GomezRemove tsdr from common distribution 55/79155/1
2018-12-24 Robert VargaBump mdsal to 3.0.3 27/79027/1
2018-12-24 Robert VargaBump yangtools to 2.1.6 26/79026/1
2018-12-21 Stephen KittBump to odlparent 4.0.5 14/78914/2
2018-12-17 wsx25289Add Telemetry to distribution 47/78447/2
2018-12-01 Robert VargaBump platform versions 27/78327/1
2018-11-28 Luis GomezAdd docs version 37/78237/1
2018-11-27 Luis GomezRemove unimgr from neon common distribution 26/78226/1
2018-10-17 Robert VargaIntegrate Neon MRI artifacts 17/76817/9
2018-10-17 Robert VargaRemove karaf plugin overrides 37/76837/6
2018-10-01 Anton IvanovAdd jsonrpc to distribution 08/75708/5
2018-09-25 Stephen KittAdd a dependency-convergence profile 37/76437/1
2018-09-14 Luis GomezAdd platform version 98/76098/4
2018-08-09 Anil BelurBump versions by x.(y+1).z for next dev cycle 92/74992/1
2018-08-02 Luis GomezUpdate doc example 47/74747/3
2018-07-31 scottmeltonAdd TSDR to UM distribution 74/74674/1
2018-07-30 Stephen KittBump to odlparent 3.1.3 97/74197/2
2018-07-27 Robert VargaAdd VBD to distribution 49/74549/3
2018-07-27 Luis GomezUpdate project docs after patch merge 26/74426/9
2018-07-25 Donald HunterAdd Unimgr to distribution 75/74475/1
2018-06-28 Robert VargaAdd module extraction script 32/73532/2
2018-06-27 Stephen KittBump odlparent to 3.1.2 01/72501/2
2018-06-27 Faseela KSet activeByDefault=true for serviceutils 43/73343/2
2018-06-21 Luis GomezFix cluster script to handle "only" default shard 26/73326/3
2018-06-21 Faseela KAdd serviceutils to distribution 71/73271/7
2018-06-20 Faseela KRevert "Add serviceutils to distribution" 64/73264/1
2018-06-20 Faseela KAdd serviceutils to distribution 12/73212/1
2018-06-04 Robert VargaRemove unused yangtools.version 90/71690/3
2018-04-30 Thanh HaAdd docs env to tox 78/71578/1
2018-04-27 Luis GomezFix typos in docs 25/71525/2
2018-04-27 Luis GomezAdd int/dist documentation 98/71498/2
2018-04-23 Luis GomezRemove USC from master distribution 17/71217/2
2018-04-20 Luis GomezAdd missing files in UM distribution 36/71136/1
2018-04-19 Luis GomezAdd SXP to UM distribution 01/71101/2
2018-04-16 Stephen KittBump to odlparent 3.1.0 and yangtools 2.0.3 99/69899/3
2018-04-10 Luis GomezClean Flourine distribution 88/70688/3
2018-04-10 ebrjohnAdd SFC back to Fluorine Autorelease 76/70676/3
2018-04-04 Luis GomezFirst stab to new opendaylight distribution 14/70314/4
2018-04-03 Luis GomezRemove version feature 33/70233/2
2018-04-03 Jamo LuhrsenRemove sfc & vbd due to dlux dependency 04/70304/1
2018-04-01 Stephen KittAdd utility to toggle project activation 10/70210/3
2018-03-31 Luis GomezDeactivate forgotten dependencies 19/70219/1
2018-03-29 Jamo LuhrsenManaged Release: Deactivate non-MSI projects 97/70197/2
2018-03-25 Robert VargaBump yangtools to 2.0.2 77/69277/2
2018-03-01 Quan Xiongrestore bier in distribution 26/68526/5
2018-02-28 Ryan GouldingODLPARENT-142: Don't package mysql-connector-java 44/68844/4
2018-02-26 Anil BelurBump versions by x.(y+1).z for next dev cycle 36/68736/1
2018-02-23 gvranganRestore vtn to distribution 14/68314/3
2018-02-21 Robert VargaUse karaf-maven-plugin 4.1.5 00/68100/9
2018-02-16 Luis GomezRemove Bier and add TSR in SFT test 49/68349/1
2018-02-14 Sam HagueAdd netvirt-features 44/68244/3
2018-02-14 Michal CmaradaRestore Groupbasedpolicy to distribution 07/68107/9
2018-02-13 ylhsiehRestore SNMP4SDN to distribution 74/68174/2
2018-02-13 Luis GomezRemove alto features from SFT 98/68198/1
2018-02-13 Kai GaoAdd ALTO to distribution 87/67887/2
2018-02-13 Luis GomezEnable netconf connector features test 66/68166/4
2018-02-13 Anton IvanovAdd JSON RPC to distribution 88/67788/5
2018-02-02 Quan XiongRestore Bier to distribution 46/67846/2
2018-01-31 Luis GomezRestore p4plugin in distribution 37/67737/2
2018-01-31 wsx25289Restore of-config in distribution 69/67769/2
2018-01-31 anipbuRestore USC in distribution. 54/67754/2
2018-01-31 Kevin KershawRestore packetcable in distribution 58/67758/2
2018-01-31 anipbuRestore NEMO to distribution. 55/67755/2
2018-01-31 AbdulRahman... Restore tsdr in distribution 78/67778/4
2018-01-25 Stephen KittUse profiles 83/67583/2
2018-01-19 ebrjohnUpdate SFC features in Oxygen 84/65684/5
2018-01-19 Stephen KittODLPARENT-137: restore the opendaylight prompt 40/67340/4
2018-01-19 Luis GomezAdjust features in master 37/67337/5
2018-01-18 Luis GomezBump yangtools to 2.0.1 21/67321/1