2013-12-11 Robert VargaFixup configuration to match base controller
2013-12-09 Robert VargaUpdate configuration files to match current expectations
2013-12-08 Robert VargaFix to match changes
2013-12-04 Robert VargaSplit the configuration into multiple files for clarity
2013-12-02 Ed WarnickeMerge "Make sure bgpcep configuration is included"
2013-12-02 Robert VargaMake sure bgpcep configuration is included
2013-12-01 Ed WarnickeMerge "Import models required for proper BGP/PCEP opera...
2013-12-01 Robert VargaImport models required for proper BGP/PCEP operation
2013-11-24 Ed WarnickeMerge "Update BGPCEP artifacts"
2013-11-22 Robert VargaUpdate BGPCEP artifacts
2013-11-17 Baohua YangAdd *.swp files into the git ignore list.
2013-11-17 Baohua YangAdd *.pyc, log.html, output.xml and report.html to...
2013-11-15 Luis Gomeztest 3 Jenkins
2013-11-15 Luis GomezJenkins Test 2
2013-11-13 HideyukiAdd neutron bundle from VTN to the Virtualization
2013-11-07 Ed WarnickeAdds OVSDB to Base - per TSC vote on Nov 7, 2013
2013-10-24 Alissa BonasAdd missing bgpcep dependencies to fix serviceprovider...
2013-10-23 Alissa BonasExclude defense4all jars from the plugins dir.
2013-10-22 Ed WarnickeMerge "Fix file permissions to make it non-executable"
2013-10-22 Alissa BonasEnable defense4all dependencies in virtualization
2013-10-17 Robert VargaFix file permissions to make it non-executable
2013-10-16 Ed WarnickeMerge "Fix missing dep in virtualization"
2013-10-16 Alissa BonasFix missing dep in virtualization
2013-10-16 Alissa BonasSolve missing dep l2agent for affinity in serviceprovider
2013-10-16 Ed WarnickeMerge "Fix typo in includeArtifactIds property in pom."
2013-10-16 Alissa BonasAdd missing dep bgp-parser-spi to serviceprovider pom
2013-10-15 Alissa BonasFix typo in includeArtifactIds property in pom.
2013-10-02 Ed WarnickeAdded Distribution management to pom.xml
2013-10-02 Ed WarnickeAdded vtn bundles.
2013-10-02 Ed WarnickeInitial commit of distributions (Base, Virtualization...