2016-04-15 Jamo Luhrsenadding ability to define custom sharding in cluster... 05/37105/6
2016-04-12 Sam Hagueignore Idea iml project files 12/37412/2
2016-04-12 Luis GomezAdd script to enable/disable config datastore persistence 36/36936/7
2016-04-10 Sam HagueSplit netvirt from ovsdb 13/37413/1
2016-04-07 Thanh HaRemove messaging4transport from Boron 94/37294/1
2016-04-07 Thanh HaRemove Reservation from Boron 93/37293/1
2016-03-30 Luis GomezBUG 5070 move odl-vpnservice-core to incompatible 53/36853/2
2016-03-29 Vratko PolakMake features-test pom.xml use versions from properties 11/36811/1
2016-03-17 Vratko PolakAdd tox.ini file to enable python verification 99/36399/1 stable/helium
2016-03-15 Vratko PolakMake all features use version properties 42/36242/2
2016-03-08 Luis GomezRemove of-config features from master distribution 00/35900/2
2016-03-04 Vratko PolakAdd controller features-extra repository to features... 81/35781/1
2016-02-24 Jamo Luhrsenremoving ovsdb-sfc feature from compatible-with-all 52/35352/1
2016-02-11 Martin MihálekReEnable sxp-controller in features-test 82/34482/1
2016-02-03 adetalhouetRename NIC feature 12/34012/1
2016-01-25 Vijay Anand RAdding SNBI features 17/33217/2
2016-01-21 Thanh HaBump yangtools to 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT 83/33283/1
2016-01-18 Vratko PolakAdd odl-faas-base feature into distribution. 61/32361/4
2016-01-18 YuLing ChenRename 'odl-tsdr-h2-all' to 'odl-tsdr-hsqldb-all' 03/32903/1
2016-01-17 Vratko PolakComment LACP feature out due to bringing in OFP-Li 38/32438/3
2016-01-15 Thanh HaBump versions by 0.1.0 for next dev cycle 89/32789/1
2016-01-11 Ambika Prasad... Adding yang-push features 90/32190/4
2016-01-11 Luis GomezRevert "Fix distribution" 31/32331/3
2016-01-10 adetalhouetRemove Armoury from Beryllium release 29/32329/1
2016-01-10 Luis GomezFix distribution 19/32319/1
2016-01-06 ylhsiehAdd SNMP4SDN features 72/30272/3
2016-01-05 Thanh HaRemove unused nexusproxy property 54/32154/1
2016-01-05 Luis GomezFix pom.xml relative paths 18/32118/1
2016-01-04 Thanh HaReorganize features to remove unnecessary poms 61/31961/3
2016-01-04 Thanh HaReorganize karaf distribution 60/31960/4
2016-01-04 Thanh HaCleanup .gitignore 63/31963/3
2016-01-04 Thanh HaUse inherited versions for Maven plugins 58/31958/2
2016-01-04 Thanh HaUse inherited checkstyle configuration 57/31957/2
2016-01-04 Thanh HaUse inherited maven-surefire-plugin values 56/31956/2
2016-01-04 Thanh HaRemove <distributionManagement> 55/31955/3
2015-12-23 Stephen KittPull in junit-dep from odlparent 37/31837/1
2015-12-22 Pradeeban KathiraveluAdd messaging4transport back. 43/30743/4
2015-12-22 gzhaoAdd CAPWAP back to integration/distribution for Beryllium 51/31751/1
2015-12-21 Vratko PolakFix deploy job by removing features from integration 20/31720/1
2015-12-15 Vratko PolakRemove feature-selector 62/31362/1
2015-12-09 Hideyuki TaiBring VTN features back to the odl-integration-all. 24/31024/2
2015-12-08 Jamo Luhrsenremoving capwap from distribution 00/31000/1
2015-12-08 Jamo Luhrsenremove didm-all from compatible-with-all test feature set 55/30955/1
2015-12-03 Hideyuki TaiRevert "Bug 4653: Removed VTN." 18/30518/2
2015-11-24 AnandhiAdding features: odl-didm-ovs to integration bundle. 64/30164/2
2015-11-24 Vratko PolakRevert "Remove BGP features test from distribution" 48/29748/5
2015-11-24 Vratko PolakRename benchmark feature and repository 50/30150/1
2015-11-23 Luis GomezClean sfc features repositories from distribution 56/30056/1
2015-11-20 Hideyuki TaiBug 4653: Removed VTN. 14/30014/1
2015-11-20 hu.ruiRe commit ofconfig configuration 55/29955/1
2015-11-14 rafatAdding usecplugin features 08/29408/4
2015-11-14 AnandhiFixed all feature installation problems for DIDM.Hence... 70/29570/7
2015-11-14 aleckeyAdding NetIDE features 10/29310/3
2015-11-14 Vratko PolakUse dsbenchmark from controller instead of coretutorials 05/29505/4
2015-11-13 Luis GomezRemoving faas features from integration distribution... 87/29687/1
2015-11-10 Luis GomezRemove BGP features test from distribution 70/29470/2
2015-11-06 ShreshthaJoshiAdding centinel features - new patch 90/29290/2
2015-11-05 Keith Burns... Added odl-groupbasedpolicy-neutronmapper, odl-groupbase... 84/29284/1
2015-11-04 Luis GomezRemove AD-SAL features 74/29274/1
2015-11-04 Shaleen SaxenaCluster configuration script should copy initial config... 65/29165/2
2015-11-03 Andrej ZáňRemove odl-topoprocessing-link-computation feature 75/29175/1
2015-10-30 Luis GomezRemove message4transport, didm and topoprocess-link... 89/28989/6
2015-10-28 Shaleen SaxenaScript to configure cluster params on local ODL install... 60/28860/1
2015-10-23 Aneesha PaillaAdding ofextensions/circuitsw features 65/28565/4
2015-10-23 Luis GomezRemove ADSAL dependent features from the test repository 28/28628/4
2015-10-22 chuxingjunAdding FaaS features into Integration repo 65/28465/4
2015-10-21 adetalhouetAdding UniMgr feature 58/28658/2
2015-10-20 Pradeeban KathiraveluAdding messaging4transport features. 71/28471/5
2015-10-20 Anandhi ManikantanAdding features: odl-didm-hp3800 to integration bundle. 78/27778/9
2015-10-19 Claudio D.... Bug-2230: RSVP plugin integration 59/28559/1
2015-10-18 YuLing Chen1) Feature Tests Pass:https://jenkins.opendaylight... 28/28528/2
2015-10-17 adetalhouetFix Armoury version 19/28519/3
2015-10-16 Gao KaiAdding alto features 29/28429/4
2015-10-16 adetalhouetAdding armoury feature 68/28468/3
2015-10-16 adetalhouetAdding library, netvirt-sfc, southbound, hwvtedpsouthbo... 99/28399/5
2015-10-16 Vishal ThaparAdding odl-vpnservice-openstack feature 60/28460/2
2015-10-16 A HAdding nemo features. 24/28424/2
2015-10-15 Luis GomezMove iotdm feature to not-compatible list 69/28469/1
2015-10-15 Luis GomezRemove sdninterface + lisp-netconf to resume integratio... 63/28363/12
2015-10-08 Vratko PolakUpdate name of TSDR feature 48/28048/1
2015-10-05 Lorand JakabAdd lispflowmapping user facing features 23/27923/1
2015-10-01 Michal PolkorabAdded topoprocessing top-level features 45/27745/1
2015-09-17 Hideyuki TaiUpdate features to fix build failures. 87/27087/2
2015-09-08 Hideyuki TaiUpdated the ovsdb version. 02/26702/1
2015-09-07 Thanh HaRemove <repositories> and <pluginRepositories> sections 73/26573/2
2015-09-07 Vratko PolakUse NETCONF project features instead of Controller... 95/26595/5
2015-08-27 Andrew GrimbergAdd .gitreview for integration/distribution 26/26126/1
2015-08-24 Hideyuki TaiUpdated versions of VTN Coordinator.
2015-08-14 Alexis de TalhouëtRemove features-packetcable.
2015-08-10 Thanh HaFix license header violations
2015-08-10 Vratko PolakAdd IOTDM compatible feature back to Integration
2015-07-24 Martin MihálekAdding sxp features
2015-07-23 Thanh HaUse Beryllium version of karaf-plugin
2015-07-06 Milos FabianBug-3075: BMP plugin integration
2015-06-19 Luis GomezUse karaf-plugin
2015-06-17 Ed WarnickeFix overlooked repo in the upgrade from karaf 3.0.1...
2015-06-16 Hideyuki TaiMove odl-sfcofl2 from compatible-with-all.
2015-06-15 Luis GomezRevert "Remove region artifact from karaf distribution"
2015-06-14 Luis GomezRemove region artifact from karaf distribution
2015-06-12 Alexis de TalhouëtAdd Reservation to Integration