2021-02-23 guillaume.lambertAdd a portmapping method to retrieve Xpdr port2 15/95315/2
2021-02-19 Gilles ThouenonSet mandatory UUID in TAPI connectivity module 87/94987/4
2021-02-19 Gilles ThouenonFix the SIP uuid generation in TAPI topology 86/94986/5
2021-02-19 Gilles ThouenonBump dependencies and project version to Al SR3 26/95226/3
2021-02-09 Guillaume LambertMerge "Change maven download link" into stable/aluminium
2021-02-09 Guillaume LambertMerge "Fix variable name in tapi-topology" into stable...
2021-02-08 Gilles ThouenonFix variable name in tapi-topology 94/94994/1
2021-02-08 manuedelfChange maven download link 93/94993/1
2021-02-08 guillaume.lambertAdd a portmapping putXpdrLcpsInMaps method 92/94992/1
2021-02-08 guillaume.lambertAdd a portmapping method to create Xpdr LCP names 91/94991/1
2021-02-08 guillaume.lambertImprove portmapping LCP names creation process 90/94990/1
2021-02-08 guillaume.lambertAdd a portmapping method to map degrees 89/94989/1
2021-01-15 Gilles ThouenonFix resource deletion issue in openroadm-topology 27/94427/1
2021-01-12 guillaume.lambertbump lighty build to 13.1.0 11/94611/1
2021-01-12 Gilles ThouenonBump uptream dependencies to Al SR2 10/94610/1
2020-12-23 manuedelfUpdate PCE-GNPy for flexgrid 95/94295/3
2020-12-23 manuedelfRefactor to remove useless wavelength reference 93/94293/5
2020-12-23 manuedelfUpdate connection and interface name 92/94292/4
2020-12-21 manuedelfUse slot width granularity in PCE 67/94267/5
2020-12-19 manuedelfAdd methods to GridUtils 42/94242/9
2020-12-18 manuedelfNew version of transportpce common types 40/94240/9
2020-12-18 manuedelfNetworkmodel class renaming 39/94239/8
2020-12-18 manuedelfNetwork model add enable wavelength unit test 38/94238/8
2020-12-18 manuedelfTest-common module update 37/94237/8
2020-12-18 manuedelfFlexgrid for pce and network model 36/94236/8
2020-12-18 manuedelfMove TopologyDataUtils from tapi to test-common 35/94235/7
2020-12-18 manuedelfConstants for service type 34/94234/7
2020-12-18 manuedelfFrequency computation 33/94233/6
2020-12-18 manuedelfPCE modification in order to prepare flexgrid 32/94232/6
2020-12-18 manuedelfNew version of transportpce-pathDescription 31/94231/6
2020-12-18 manuedelfUpdate naming following flexgrid specification 30/94230/6
2020-12-18 manuedelfAdd getDataBroker to NetworkTransactionService 29/94229/6
2020-12-18 manuedelfLight refactor on PceOpticalNode 28/94228/6
2020-12-18 manuedelfMinimal refactor of renderer to prepare flexgrid 27/94227/6
2020-12-18 manuedelfMove NodeIdPair from renderer to common 26/94226/3
2020-12-18 manuedelfNew version of transportpce-servicehandler yang 25/94225/3
2020-12-18 manuedelfNew version of yang transportpce-renderer 24/94224/3
2020-12-18 guillaume.lambertoutsource flexgrid constants import in functests 40/94040/1
2020-12-18 guillaume.lambertclean renderer NetworkModelWavelengthServiceImpl 39/94039/1
2020-12-17 guillaume.lambertsplit checkPartnerPort method in PortMapping 38/94038/1
2020-12-17 Gilles Thouenonremove some useless null checks from portmapping 37/94037/1
2020-12-17 guillaume.lambertimprove partner-port check in createTtpPortMapping 36/94036/1
2020-12-17 guillaume.lambertAlign and improve Portmapping versions Step 2 35/94035/1
2020-12-14 guillaume.lambertuse ternary operators in portmapping 33/94033/1
2020-12-14 guillaume.lambertmake honeynode download quieter 32/94032/1
2020-12-14 guillaume.lambertmake honeynode and lighty builds unzip quieter 31/94031/1
2020-12-11 Christophe... Update OTN E2E functional tests for 1GE 81/93981/7
2020-12-11 Christophe... Port capabilities handling in OTN topology 80/93980/7
2020-12-11 Christophe... Update OTN configuration files for honeynode 79/93979/7
2020-12-11 Christophe... Fix issue in PCE 78/93978/7
2020-12-05 manuedelfUpdate Honeynode simulator version 70/94070/1
2020-12-05 manuedelfUpgrade to OpenROADM 7.1.0 network models 69/94069/1
2020-12-05 guillaume.lambertadd a documentation spellchecker tox profile 26/93826/3
2020-12-05 manuedelfOrdmodels - Remove generated code from source control 68/94068/1
2020-12-05 guillaume.lambertreformat api YANG models with pyang 67/94067/1
2020-12-05 guillaume.lambertadd pyang tox profiles to check/format api models 66/94066/1
2020-12-05 guillaume.lambertfix DM_CONVERT_CASE SpotBugs issues in portmapping 65/94065/1
2020-12-05 guillaume.lambertexplicit a cast in portmapping Version 2.2.1 64/94064/1
2020-12-05 Balagangadhar... Add protection in portmapping connection-map loop 63/94063/1
2020-12-05 Gilles Thouenonbug fixes in Portmapping 7.1.0 62/94062/1
2020-12-05 guillaume.lambertAlign and improve Portmapping versions Step 1 61/94061/1
2020-12-05 guillaume.lambertcreate a FnvUtils class in common mapping 60/94060/1
2020-12-05 Balagangadhar... Port-mapping for 7.1.0 models 59/94059/1
2020-12-05 Balagangadhar... Port-mapping changes to support 7.1.0 models 58/94058/1
2020-12-05 Balagangadhar... Add OpenROADM 7.1.0 device and common models 57/94057/1
2020-12-05 manuedelfRemove unused test resource files 56/94056/1
2020-12-03 Gilles ThouenonBump project version to Al SR2 17/94017/2
2020-12-03 Gilles ThouenonBump netconf dependencies to Al SR2 18/94018/2
2020-11-17 Gilles ThouenonUpdate developer-guide with TAPI section 18/93718/4
2020-11-09 Gilles ThouenonRewrite TAPI topology functional tests 62/93562/6
2020-11-09 Gilles ThouenonTAPI topology consolidation - step3 61/93561/6
2020-11-09 Gilles ThouenonTAPI topology consolidation - step2 60/93560/6
2020-11-09 Gilles ThouenonTAPI topology consolidation 59/93559/5
2020-11-09 Gilles ThouenonFix a method name typo in tapi module 88/93688/2
2020-11-09 Gilles ThouenonMake AbstractTest as static class 58/93558/4
2020-11-09 Gilles ThouenonStrengthens independence between UTs in OLM 57/93557/4
2020-11-03 manuedelfPrecise Charsets in FileReader() methods 16/93516/1
2020-11-03 manuedelfremove odl-mdsal-broker useless dep from features 15/93515/1
2020-10-30 guillaume.lambertforce lighty use in tox 10/93510/1
2020-10-30 guillaume.lambertadd a healthcheck to lighty startup in func tests 09/93509/1
2020-10-30 guillaume.lambertfix build 08/93508/1
2020-10-27 guillaume.lambertService Handler optimizations and technical debt 20/93120/2
2020-10-26 guillaume.lambertbump deps to latest Al SR1 dev platform versions 18/93118/1
2020-10-22 guillaume.lambertremove some findbugs jsr305 useless dependencies 13/93113/1
2020-10-20 guillaume.lambertuse BOM in odl-transportpce feature pom 11/93111/1
2020-10-20 guillaume.lambertfix/rename transportpce-network-topology YANG file 10/93110/1
2020-10-20 Balagangadhar... Clean up API YANG models with the help of pyang 09/93109/1
2020-10-20 Balagangadhar... rename API transportpce-renderer-device YANG file 08/93108/1
2020-10-15 Balagangadhar... fix a bug in ServiceHandler ModelMappingUtil 62/92962/1
2020-10-13 manuedelfTechnical debt - fix SH deprecated warnings 11/93011/6
2020-10-13 manuedelfTechnical debt - Service handler Sonar issues 07/93007/4
2020-10-13 manuedelfBump to Aluminium SR1 dev version 21/93021/5
2020-10-13 Gilles ThouenonMerge "Fix tpce internal Yang syntax" into stable/aluminium
2020-10-13 manuedelfFix tpce internal Yang syntax 25/93025/2
2020-10-12 guillaume.lambertrationalize inventory code 52/92952/1
2020-10-12 Guillaume LambertMerge "Technical debt - Fix PCE sonar issues" into...
2020-10-09 manuedelfTechnical debt - Fix PCE sonar issues 00/93000/5
2020-10-09 manuedelfTechnical debt - fix Renderer sonar issues 94/92994/5
2020-10-09 Gilles ThouenonAdd OTN links support in TAPI topology 67/92967/6
2020-10-06 Gilles ThouenonFix bug in TAPI for transitional links 15/92915/2