[controller.git] / opendaylight / md-sal / messagebus-impl / src / main / java / org / opendaylight / controller / messagebus / eventsources / netconf / StreamNotificationTopicRegistration.java
1 ///*
2 // * Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others.  All rights reserved.
3 // *
4 // * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 // * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
6 // * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
7 // */
8 //package org.opendaylight.controller.messagebus.eventsources.netconf;
9 //
10 //import java.util.ArrayList;
11 //import java.util.Date;
12 //import java.util.List;
13 //import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
14 //
15 //import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.dom.api.DOMMountPoint;
16 //import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.dom.api.DOMNotificationService;
17 //import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.dom.api.DOMRpcException;
18 //import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.dom.api.DOMRpcResult;
19 //import org.opendaylight.controller.md.sal.dom.api.DOMRpcService;
20 //import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.cisco.params.xml.ns.yang.messagebus.eventaggregator.rev141202.TopicId;
21 //import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.netconf.notification._1._0.rev080714.CreateSubscriptionInput;
22 //import org.opendaylight.yang.gen.v1.urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.netmod.notification.rev080714.netconf.streams.Stream;
23 //import org.opendaylight.yangtools.concepts.ListenerRegistration;
24 //import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.common.QName;
25 //import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.YangInstanceIdentifier.NodeIdentifier;
26 //import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.schema.ContainerNode;
27 //import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.impl.schema.Builders;
28 //import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.impl.schema.ImmutableNodes;
29 //import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.impl.schema.builder.api.DataContainerNodeAttrBuilder;
30 //import org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.model.api.SchemaPath;
31 //import org.slf4j.Logger;
32 //import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
33 //
34 //import com.google.common.base.Optional;
35 //import com.google.common.util.concurrent.CheckedFuture;
36 //
37 //public class StreamNotificationTopicRegistration extends NotificationTopicRegistration {
38 //
39 //    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StreamNotificationTopicRegistration.class);
40 //    private static final NodeIdentifier STREAM_QNAME = new NodeIdentifier(QName.create(CreateSubscriptionInput.QNAME,"stream"));
41 //    private static final SchemaPath CREATE_SUBSCRIPTION = SchemaPath.create(true, QName.create(CreateSubscriptionInput.QNAME, "create-subscription"));
42 //    private static final NodeIdentifier START_TIME_SUBSCRIPTION = new NodeIdentifier(QName.create(CreateSubscriptionInput.QNAME,"startTime"));
43 //
44 //    final private DOMMountPoint domMountPoint;
45 //    final private String nodeId;
46 //    final private NetconfEventSource netconfEventSource;
47 //    final private Stream stream;
48 //    private Date lastEventTime;
49 //
50 //    private ConcurrentHashMap<SchemaPath, ListenerRegistration<NetconfEventSource>> notificationRegistrationMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
51 //    private ConcurrentHashMap<SchemaPath, ArrayList<TopicId>> notificationTopicMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
52 //
53 //    public StreamNotificationTopicRegistration(final Stream stream, final String notificationPrefix, NetconfEventSource netconfEventSource) {
54 //        super(NotificationSourceType.NetconfDeviceStream, stream.getName().getValue(), notificationPrefix);
55 //        this.domMountPoint = netconfEventSource.getDOMMountPoint();
56 //        this.nodeId = netconfEventSource.getNode().getNodeId().getValue().toString();
57 //        this.netconfEventSource = netconfEventSource;
58 //        this.stream = stream;
59 //        this.lastEventTime= null;
60 //        setReplaySupported(this.stream.isReplaySupport());
61 //        setActive(false);
62 //        LOG.info("StreamNotificationTopicRegistration initialized for {}", getStreamName());
63 //    }
64 //
65 //    void activateNotificationSource() {
66 //        if(isActive() == false){
67 //            LOG.info("Stream {} is not active on node {}. Will subscribe.", this.getStreamName(), this.nodeId);
68 //            final ContainerNode input = Builders.containerBuilder().withNodeIdentifier(new NodeIdentifier(CreateSubscriptionInput.QNAME))
69 //                    .withChild(ImmutableNodes.leafNode(STREAM_QNAME, this.getStreamName()))
70 //                    .build();
71 //            CheckedFuture<DOMRpcResult, DOMRpcException> csFuture = domMountPoint.getService(DOMRpcService.class).get().invokeRpc(CREATE_SUBSCRIPTION, input);
72 //            try {
73 //                csFuture.checkedGet();
74 //                setActive(true);
75 //            } catch (DOMRpcException e) {
76 //                LOG.warn("Can not subscribe stream {} on node {}", this.getSourceName(), this.nodeId);
77 //                setActive(false);
78 //                return;
79 //            }
80 //        } else {
81 //            LOG.info("Stream {} is now active on node {}", this.getStreamName(), this.nodeId);
82 //        }
83 //    }
84 //
85 //    void reActivateNotificationSource(){
86 //        if(isActive()){
87 //            LOG.info("Stream {} is reactivating on node {}.", this.getStreamName(), this.nodeId);
88 //            DataContainerNodeAttrBuilder<NodeIdentifier, ContainerNode> inputBuilder =
89 //                    Builders.containerBuilder().withNodeIdentifier(new NodeIdentifier(CreateSubscriptionInput.QNAME))
90 //                    .withChild(ImmutableNodes.leafNode(STREAM_QNAME, this.getStreamName()));
91 //            if(isReplaySupported() && this.getLastEventTime() != null){
92 //                inputBuilder.withChild(ImmutableNodes.leafNode(START_TIME_SUBSCRIPTION, this.getLastEventTime()));
93 //            }
94 //            final ContainerNode input = inputBuilder.build();
95 //            CheckedFuture<DOMRpcResult, DOMRpcException> csFuture = domMountPoint.getService(DOMRpcService.class).get().invokeRpc(CREATE_SUBSCRIPTION, input);
96 //            try {
97 //                csFuture.checkedGet();
98 //                setActive(true);
99 //            } catch (DOMRpcException e) {
100 //                LOG.warn("Can not resubscribe stream {} on node {}", this.getSourceName(), this.nodeId);
101 //                setActive(false);
102 //                return;
103 //            }
104 //        }
105 //    }
106 //
107 //    @Override
108 //    void deActivateNotificationSource() {
109 //        // no operations need
110 //    }
111 //
112 //    private void closeStream() {
113 //        if(isActive()){
114 //            for(ListenerRegistration<NetconfEventSource> reg : notificationRegistrationMap.values()){
115 //                reg.close();
116 //            }
117 //            notificationRegistrationMap.clear();
118 //            notificationTopicMap.clear();
119 //            setActive(false);
120 //        }
121 //    }
122 //
123 //    private String getStreamName() {
124 //        return getSourceName();
125 //    }
126 //
127 //    @Override
128 //    ArrayList<TopicId> getNotificationTopicIds(SchemaPath notificationPath){
129 //        return notificationTopicMap.get(notificationPath);
130 //    }
131 //
132 //    @Override
133 //    boolean registerNotificationTopic(SchemaPath notificationPath, TopicId topicId){
134 //
135 //        if(checkNotificationPath(notificationPath) == false){
136 //            LOG.debug("Bad SchemaPath for notification try to register");
137 //            return false;
138 //        }
139 //
140 //        final Optional<DOMNotificationService> notifyService = domMountPoint.getService(DOMNotificationService.class);
141 //        if(notifyService.isPresent() == false){
142 //            LOG.debug("DOMNotificationService is not present");
143 //            return false;
144 //        }
145 //
146 //        activateNotificationSource();
147 //        if(isActive() == false){
148 //            LOG.warn("Stream {} is not active, listener for notification {} is not registered.", getStreamName(), notificationPath.toString());
149 //            return false;
150 //        }
151 //
152 //        ListenerRegistration<NetconfEventSource> registration =
153 //                notifyService.get().registerNotificationListener(this.netconfEventSource,notificationPath);
154 //        notificationRegistrationMap.put(notificationPath, registration);
155 //        ArrayList<TopicId> topicIds = getNotificationTopicIds(notificationPath);
156 //        if(topicIds == null){
157 //            topicIds = new ArrayList<>();
158 //            topicIds.add(topicId);
159 //        } else {
160 //            if(topicIds.contains(topicId) == false){
161 //                topicIds.add(topicId);
162 //            }
163 //        }
164 //
165 //        notificationTopicMap.put(notificationPath, topicIds);
166 //        return true;
167 //    }
168 //
169 //    @Override
170 //    synchronized void unRegisterNotificationTopic(TopicId topicId) {
171 //        List<SchemaPath> notificationPathToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
172 //        for(SchemaPath notifKey : notificationTopicMap.keySet()){
173 //            ArrayList<TopicId> topicList = notificationTopicMap.get(notifKey);
174 //            if(topicList != null){
175 //                topicList.remove(topicId);
176 //                if(topicList.isEmpty()){
177 //                    notificationPathToRemove.add(notifKey);
178 //                }
179 //            }
180 //        }
181 //        for(SchemaPath notifKey : notificationPathToRemove){
182 //            notificationTopicMap.remove(notifKey);
183 //            ListenerRegistration<NetconfEventSource> reg = notificationRegistrationMap.remove(notifKey);
184 //            if(reg != null){
185 //                reg.close();
186 //            }
187 //        }
188 //    }
189 //
190 //    Optional<Date> getLastEventTime() {
191 //        return Optional.fromNullable(lastEventTime);
192 //    }
193 //
194 //
195 //    void setLastEventTime(Date lastEventTime) {
196 //        this.lastEventTime = lastEventTime;
197 //    }
198 //
199 //    @Override
200 //    public void close() throws Exception {
201 //        closeStream();
202 //    }
203 //
204 //}