module ntfbenchmark { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:ntfbenchmark"; prefix "ntfbenchmark"; revision "2015-01-05" { description "Initial revision of ntfbenchmark model"; } rpc test-status { description "Get test status"; output { leaf execStatus { type enumeration { enum "idle" { value 1; } enum "executing" { value 2; } } } leaf ntf-cnt { type uint32; default 0; description "The number of times the notification benchmark test was invoked"; } } } rpc start-test { description "Start a new RPC Benchmark test"; input { leaf producer-type { mandatory true; type enumeration { enum "BLOCKING" { value 1; description "The producer waits for a free slot in RPC Broker's ring buffer"; } enum "DROPPING" { value 2; description "The producer drops a notification if there is no free slot in RPC Broker's ring buffer"; } } description "RPC type and client type to use in the test"; } leaf producers { type uint32; default 1; description "Number of notification producers (test client threads) to start"; } leaf listeners { type uint32; default 1; description "Number of notification listener instances"; } leaf payload-size { type uint32; default 1; description "Notification payload size: number of elements in the list of integers that is the notification payload"; } leaf iterations { type uint32; default 1; description "Number of notifications to generate in each client thread"; } } output { leaf listener-ok { type uint32; default 0; description "Number of successfully creceived notifications by all listeners"; } leaf producer-ok { type uint32; default 0; description "Number of successfully generated notifications in all producer clients"; } leaf producer-error { type uint32; default 0; description "Number of errors encoutered during notification generation at all producers"; } leaf producer-elapsed-time { type uint32; default 0; description "The time it took for all producers to finish (i.e. to send their notifications), in milliseconds"; } leaf listener-elapsed-time { type uint32; default 0; description "The time it took for all listeners to finish (i.e. to receive their notifications), in milliseconds"; } leaf producer-rate { type uint32; default 0; description "RPC rate (Number of RPCs/sec)"; } leaf listener-rate { type uint32; default 0; description "RPC rate (Number of RPCs/sec)"; } } } }