module rpcbenchmark { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:rpcbenchmark"; prefix "rpcbenchmark"; description "Copyright © 2015, 2018 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at"; revision "2015-07-02" { description "Initial revision of rpcbenchmark model"; } rpc test-status { description "Get test status"; output { leaf execStatus { type enumeration { enum "idle" { value 1; } enum "executing" { value 2; } } } leaf global-server-cnt { type uint32; default 0; description "The number of times the Global RPC server was invoked"; } } } rpc start-test { description "Start a new RPC Benchmark test run"; input { leaf operation { mandatory true; type enumeration { enum "GLOBAL-RTC" { value 1; description "Use Global RPC service and run-to-completion client"; } enum "ROUTED-RTC" { value 2; description "Use routed RPC service and run-to-completion client. RPC server instances are dynamically created when the test starts and deleted when the test finishes"; } } description "RPC type and client type to use in the test"; } leaf num-clients { type uint32; default 1; description "Number of clients (test client threads) to start"; } leaf num-servers { type uint32; default 1; description "Number of RPC server instances. Only valid for routed RPCs."; } leaf payload-size { type uint32; default 1; description "Input/Output payload size: number of elements in the list of integers that is the input and output RPC payload"; } leaf iterations { type uint32; default 1; description "Number of calls to the specified RPC server that is to be made by each client"; } } output { leaf global-rtc-client-ok { type uint32; default 0; description "Number of successful calls to the Global RPC Server for all test threads"; } leaf global-rtc-client-error { type uint32; default 0; description "Number of failed calls to the Global RPC server from all test threads"; } leaf exec-time { type uint32; default 0; description "Test execution time, in milliseconds"; } leaf rate { type uint32; default 0; description "RPC rate (Number of RPCs/sec)"; } } } }