/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.controller.sal.packet; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.match.Match; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.match.MatchType; public class UDPTest { @Test public void testGetSourcePort() { UDP udp = new UDP(); byte[] udpSourcePort = { 0, 118 }; udp.hdrFieldsMap.put("SourcePort", udpSourcePort); short sourcePort = udp.getSourcePort(); Assert.assertTrue(sourcePort == 118); } @Test public void testGetDestinationPort() { UDP udp = new UDP(); byte[] udpDestinationPort = { 1, -69 }; udp.hdrFieldsMap.put("DestinationPort", udpDestinationPort); short destinationPort = udp.getDestinationPort(); Assert.assertTrue(destinationPort == 443); } @Test public void testGetLength() { UDP udp = new UDP(); byte[] udpLength = { 0, 20 }; udp.hdrFieldsMap.put("Length", udpLength); short length = udp.getLength(); Assert.assertTrue(length == 20); } @Test public void testGetChecksum() { UDP udp = new UDP(); byte[] udpChecksum = { 0, -56 }; udp.hdrFieldsMap.put("Checksum", udpChecksum); short checksum = udp.getChecksum(); Assert.assertTrue(checksum == 200); } @Test public void testSetSourcePort() { UDP udp = new UDP(); short tcpSourcePort = 118; udp.setSourcePort(tcpSourcePort); byte[] sourcePort = udp.hdrFieldsMap.get("SourcePort"); Assert.assertTrue(sourcePort[0] == 0); Assert.assertTrue(sourcePort[1] == 118); } @Test public void testSetDestinationPort() { UDP udp = new UDP(); short tcpDestinationPort = 443; udp.setDestinationPort(tcpDestinationPort); byte[] destinationPort = udp.hdrFieldsMap.get("DestinationPort"); Assert.assertTrue(destinationPort[0] == 1); Assert.assertTrue(destinationPort[1] == -69); } @Test public void testSetLength() { UDP udp = new UDP(); short udpLength = 20; udp.setLength(udpLength); byte[] length = udp.hdrFieldsMap.get("Length"); Assert.assertTrue(length[0] == 0); Assert.assertTrue(length[1] == 20); } @Test public void testSetChecksum() { UDP udp = new UDP(); short udpChecksum = 200; udp.setChecksum(udpChecksum); byte[] checksum = udp.hdrFieldsMap.get("Checksum"); Assert.assertTrue(checksum[0] == 0); Assert.assertTrue(checksum[1] == -56); } @Test public void testGetMatch() throws Exception { UDP udp = new UDP(); short sport = (short) 33000; short dport = (short) 843; udp.setSourcePort(sport); udp.setDestinationPort(dport); Match match = udp.getMatch(); Assert.assertEquals(sport, (short) match.getField(MatchType.TP_SRC).getValue()); Assert.assertEquals(dport, (short) match.getField(MatchType.TP_DST).getValue()); } }