/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.controller.config.util.jolokia; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException; import javax.management.MalformedObjectNameException; import javax.management.ObjectName; import org.jolokia.client.J4pClient; import org.jolokia.client.exception.J4pException; import org.jolokia.client.exception.J4pRemoteException; import org.jolokia.client.request.J4pExecRequest; import org.jolokia.client.request.J4pListRequest; import org.jolokia.client.request.J4pQueryParameter; import org.jolokia.client.request.J4pReadRequest; import org.jolokia.client.request.J4pRequest; import org.jolokia.client.request.J4pResponse; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.opendaylight.controller.config.api.ConflictingVersionException; import org.opendaylight.controller.config.api.ValidationException; import org.opendaylight.controller.config.api.ValidationException.ExceptionMessageWithStackTrace; import org.opendaylight.controller.config.api.jmx.ObjectNameUtil; import org.opendaylight.controller.config.util.AttributeEntry; abstract class ListableJolokiaClient { protected final J4pClient j4pClient; protected final String url; protected final ObjectName objectName; public ListableJolokiaClient(String url, ObjectName objectName) { if (url == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Parameter 'url' is null"); } if (!url.endsWith("/")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Parameter 'url' must end with '/'"); } this.url = url; this.j4pClient = new J4pClient(url); this.objectName = objectName; } public ObjectName getObjectName() { return objectName; } protected , T extends J4pRequest> R execute( T pRequest) { try { Map pProcessingOptions = new HashMap(); pProcessingOptions .put(J4pQueryParameter.INCLUDE_STACKTRACE, "true"); pProcessingOptions.put(J4pQueryParameter.SERIALIZE_EXCEPTION, "true"); return j4pClient.execute(pRequest, "POST", pProcessingOptions); } catch (J4pRemoteException e) { tryToConvertException(e.getRemoteStackTrace(), e.getErrorValue()); throw new RuntimeException(e.getRemoteStackTrace(), e); } catch (J4pException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } protected void tryToConvertException(String remoteStackTrace, JSONObject errorValue) { String conflictPrefix = ConflictingVersionException.class.getName() + ": "; if (remoteStackTrace.startsWith(conflictPrefix)) { remoteStackTrace = remoteStackTrace.substring(conflictPrefix .length()); Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\r?\n"); remoteStackTrace = Arrays.asList(p.split(remoteStackTrace)) .iterator().next(); throw new ConflictingVersionException(remoteStackTrace); } String validationExceptionPrefix = ValidationException.class.getName(); if (remoteStackTrace.startsWith(validationExceptionPrefix)) { throw createValidationExceptionFromJSONObject(errorValue); } } static ValidationException createValidationExceptionFromJSONObject( JSONObject errorValue) { String fValsKey = "failedValidations"; JSONObject failedVals = (JSONObject) errorValue.get(fValsKey); checkArgument( !failedVals.isEmpty(), fValsKey + " was not present in received JSON: " + errorValue.toJSONString()); Map> failedValsMap = new HashMap>(); for (Object key : failedVals.keySet()) { checkArgument(key instanceof String, "Unexpected key " + key + ", expected instance of String"); Map innerMap = new HashMap(); for (Object innerKey : ((JSONObject) failedVals.get(key)).keySet()) { checkArgument(innerKey instanceof String, "Unexpected key " + innerKey + ", expected instance of String"); JSONObject exWithStackTraceVal = (JSONObject) (((JSONObject) failedVals .get(key)).get(innerKey)); Object mess = exWithStackTraceVal.get("message"); Object stack = exWithStackTraceVal.get("trace"); checkArgument(mess != null && stack != null, "\"Message\" and \"trace\" elements expected in received json: " + errorValue.toJSONString()); innerMap.put(innerKey.toString(), new ExceptionMessageWithStackTrace((String) mess, (String) stack)); } failedValsMap.put((String) key, innerMap); } return new ValidationException(failedValsMap); } private static void checkArgument(boolean b, String string) { if (b == false) throw new IllegalArgumentException(string); } public String getUrl() { return url; } public Map getAttributes(ObjectName on) { J4pListRequest req = new J4pListRequest(on); J4pResponse response = execute(req); JSONObject listJSONResponse = response.getValue(); JSONObject attributes = (JSONObject) listJSONResponse.get("attr"); // Empty attributes list if(attributes == null) return Collections.emptyMap(); Map listMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Object entryObject : attributes.entrySet()) { Entry entry = (Entry) entryObject; JSONObject entryVal = (JSONObject) entry.getValue(); // read value listMap.put(entry.getKey(), entryVal); } J4pReadRequest j4pReadRequest = new J4pReadRequest(on, listMap.keySet() .toArray(new String[0])); J4pResponse readResponse = execute(j4pReadRequest); Object readResponseValue = readResponse.getValue(); // readResponseValue can be String if there is just one attribute or // JSONObject Map attribsToValues = new HashMap(); if (readResponseValue instanceof JSONObject) { JSONObject readJSONResponse = (JSONObject) readResponseValue; for (Object entryObject : readJSONResponse.entrySet()) { Entry entry = (Entry) entryObject; String key = entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue(); attribsToValues.put(key, value); } } Map resultMap = new HashMap(); for (Entry entry : listMap.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); Object value = attribsToValues.size() > 0 ? attribsToValues .get(key) : readResponseValue; JSONObject listJSON = entry.getValue(); String description = (String) listJSON.get("desc"); String type = (String) listJSON.get("type"); boolean rw = (Boolean) listJSON.get("rw"); AttributeEntry attributeEntry = new AttributeEntry(key, description, value, type, rw); resultMap.put(key, attributeEntry); } return resultMap; } public String getConfigBeanDescripton(ObjectName on) { J4pListRequest req = new J4pListRequest(on); J4pResponse response = execute(req); JSONObject jsonDesc = response.getValue(); Object description = jsonDesc.get("desc"); return description == null ? null : description.toString(); } protected List jsonArrayToObjectNames(JSONArray jsonArray) { List result = new ArrayList<>(jsonArray.size()); for (Object entry : jsonArray) { JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) entry; String objectNameString = (String) jsonObject.get("objectName"); try { result.add(new ObjectName(objectNameString)); } catch (MalformedObjectNameException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot convert " + objectNameString + " to ObjectName", e); } } return result; } protected ObjectName extractObjectName(J4pResponse resp) { JSONObject jsonResponse = resp.getValue(); return extractObjectName(jsonResponse); } protected ObjectName extractObjectName(JSONObject jsonResponse) { String result = jsonResponse.get("objectName").toString(); return ObjectNameUtil.createON(result); } protected Set lookupSomething(String signature, Object[] parameters) { J4pExecRequest req = new J4pExecRequest(objectName, signature, parameters); JSONArray jsonArray = execute(req).getValue(); return new HashSet<>(jsonArrayToObjectNames(jsonArray)); } public Set lookupConfigBeans() { return lookupSomething("lookupConfigBeans()", new Object[0]); } public Set lookupConfigBeans(String ifcName) { return lookupSomething("lookupConfigBeans(java.lang.String)", new Object[] { ifcName }); } public Set lookupConfigBeans(String ifcName, String instanceName) { return lookupSomething( "lookupConfigBeans(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)", new Object[] { ifcName, instanceName }); } public ObjectName lookupConfigBean(String ifcName, String instanceName) throws InstanceNotFoundException { J4pExecRequest req = new J4pExecRequest(objectName, "lookupConfigBean(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)", new Object[] { ifcName, instanceName }); try { J4pResponse resp = execute(req); return extractObjectName(resp); } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (e.getMessage() != null && e.getMessage().startsWith( InstanceNotFoundException.class.getName())) throw new InstanceNotFoundException(); throw e; } } public Set getAvailableModuleNames() { J4pReadRequest req = new J4pReadRequest(objectName, "AvailableModuleNames"); List value = execute(req).getValue(); return new HashSet<>(value); } }