/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ /** * Connection Manager provides south-bound connectivity services. * The APIs are currently focused towards Active-Active Clustering support * wherein the node can connect to any of the Active Controller in the Cluster. * This component can also host the necessary logic for south-bound connectivity * when partial cluster is identified during Partition scenarios. * * But this (and its corresponding implementation) component can also be used for * basic connectivity mechansims for various south-bound plugins. */ package org.opendaylight.controller.connectionmanager.internal; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.console.CommandInterpreter; import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.console.CommandProvider; import org.opendaylight.controller.clustering.services.ICacheUpdateAware; import org.opendaylight.controller.clustering.services.IClusterGlobalServices; import org.opendaylight.controller.clustering.services.ICoordinatorChangeAware; import org.opendaylight.controller.connectionmanager.ConnectionMgmtScheme; import org.opendaylight.controller.connectionmanager.IConnectionManager; import org.opendaylight.controller.connectionmanager.scheme.AbstractScheme; import org.opendaylight.controller.connectionmanager.scheme.SchemeFactory; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.connection.ConnectionConstants; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.connection.ConnectionLocality; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.connection.IConnectionListener; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.connection.IConnectionService; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Node; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.NodeConnector; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Property; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.UpdateType; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.inventory.IInventoryService; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.inventory.IListenInventoryUpdates; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.Status; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.StatusCode; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class ConnectionManager implements IConnectionManager, IConnectionListener, ICoordinatorChangeAware, IListenInventoryUpdates, ICacheUpdateAware>, CommandProvider { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory .getLogger(ConnectionManager.class); private ConnectionMgmtScheme activeScheme = ConnectionMgmtScheme.ANY_CONTROLLER_ONE_MASTER; private IClusterGlobalServices clusterServices; private ConcurrentMap schemes; private IConnectionService connectionService; private Thread connectionEventThread; private BlockingQueue connectionEvents; private IInventoryService inventoryService; public void setClusterServices(IClusterGlobalServices i) { this.clusterServices = i; } public void unsetClusterServices(IClusterGlobalServices i) { if (this.clusterServices == i) { this.clusterServices = null; } } public void setConnectionService(IConnectionService i) { this.connectionService = i; } public void unsetConnectionService(IConnectionService i) { if (this.connectionService == i) { this.connectionService = null; } } public void setInventoryService(IInventoryService service) { logger.trace("Got inventory service set request {}", service); this.inventoryService = service; } public void unsetInventoryService(IInventoryService service) { logger.trace("Got a service UNset request"); this.inventoryService = null; } private void getInventories() { Map> nodeProp = this.inventoryService .getNodeProps(); for (Map.Entry> entry : nodeProp.entrySet()) { Node node = entry.getKey(); logger.debug("getInventories for node:{}", new Object[] { node }); Map propMap = entry.getValue(); Set props = new HashSet(); for (Property property : propMap.values()) { props.add(property); } updateNode(node, UpdateType.ADDED, props); } Map> nodeConnectorProp = this.inventoryService .getNodeConnectorProps(); for (Map.Entry> entry : nodeConnectorProp .entrySet()) { Map propMap = entry.getValue(); Set props = new HashSet(); for (Property property : propMap.values()) { props.add(property); } updateNodeConnector(entry.getKey(), UpdateType.ADDED, props); } } public void started() { connectionEventThread.start(); registerWithOSGIConsole(); notifyClusterViewChanged(); // Should pull the Inventory updates in case we missed it getInventories(); } public void init() { connectionEventThread = new Thread(new EventHandler(), "ConnectionEvent Thread"); this.connectionEvents = new LinkedBlockingQueue(); schemes = new ConcurrentHashMap(); String schemeStr = System.getProperty("connection.scheme"); for (ConnectionMgmtScheme scheme : ConnectionMgmtScheme.values()) { AbstractScheme schemeImpl = SchemeFactory.getScheme(scheme, clusterServices); if (schemeImpl != null) { schemes.put(scheme, schemeImpl); if (scheme.name().equalsIgnoreCase(schemeStr)) { activeScheme = scheme; } } } } public void stopping() { connectionEventThread.interrupt(); Set localNodes = getLocalNodes(); if (localNodes != null) { AbstractScheme scheme = schemes.get(activeScheme); for (Node localNode : localNodes) { connectionService.disconnect(localNode); if (scheme != null) scheme.removeNode(localNode); } } } @Override public ConnectionMgmtScheme getActiveScheme() { return activeScheme; } @Override public Set getNodes(InetAddress controller) { AbstractScheme scheme = schemes.get(activeScheme); if (scheme == null) return null; return scheme.getNodes(controller); } @Override public Set getLocalNodes() { AbstractScheme scheme = schemes.get(activeScheme); if (scheme == null) return null; return scheme.getNodes(); } @Override public boolean isLocal(Node node) { AbstractScheme scheme = schemes.get(activeScheme); if (scheme == null) return false; return scheme.isLocal(node); } @Override public ConnectionLocality getLocalityStatus(Node node) { AbstractScheme scheme = schemes.get(activeScheme); if (scheme == null) return ConnectionLocality.NOT_CONNECTED; return scheme.getLocalityStatus(node); } @Override public void updateNode(Node node, UpdateType type, Set props) { logger.debug("updateNode: {} type {} props {}", node, type, props); AbstractScheme scheme = schemes.get(activeScheme); if (scheme == null) return; switch (type) { case ADDED: scheme.addNode(node); break; case REMOVED: scheme.removeNode(node); break; default: break; } } @Override public void updateNodeConnector(NodeConnector nodeConnector, UpdateType type, Set props) { logger.debug("updateNodeConnector: {} type {} props {}", nodeConnector, type, props); AbstractScheme scheme = schemes.get(activeScheme); if (scheme == null) return; switch (type) { case ADDED: scheme.addNode(nodeConnector.getNode()); break; default: break; } } @Override public void coordinatorChanged() { notifyClusterViewChanged(); } @Override public Node connect(String connectionIdentifier, Map params) { if (connectionService == null) return null; Node node = connectionService.connect(connectionIdentifier, params); AbstractScheme scheme = schemes.get(activeScheme); if (scheme != null && node != null) scheme.addNode(node); return node; } @Override public Node connect(String type, String connectionIdentifier, Map params) { if (connectionService == null) return null; Node node = connectionService.connect(type, connectionIdentifier, params); AbstractScheme scheme = schemes.get(activeScheme); if (scheme != null && node != null) scheme.addNode(node); return node; } @Override public Status disconnect(Node node) { if (node == null) return new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST); if (connectionService == null) return new Status(StatusCode.NOSERVICE); Status status = connectionService.disconnect(node); if (status.isSuccess()) { AbstractScheme scheme = schemes.get(activeScheme); if (scheme != null) scheme.removeNode(node); } return status; } @Override public void entryCreated(Node key, String cacheName, boolean originLocal) { if (originLocal) return; } /* * Clustering Services doesn't provide the existing states in the cache * update callbacks. Hence, using a scratch local cache to maintain the * existing state. */ private ConcurrentMap> existingConnections = new ConcurrentHashMap>(); @Override public void entryUpdated(Node node, Set newControllers, String cacheName, boolean originLocal) { if (originLocal) return; Set existingControllers = existingConnections.get(node); if (existingControllers != null) { logger.debug("Processing Update for : {} NewControllers : {} existingControllers : {}", node, newControllers.toString(), existingControllers.toString()); if (newControllers.size() < existingControllers.size()) { Set removed = new HashSet(existingControllers); if (removed.removeAll(newControllers)) { logger.debug("notifyNodeDisconnectFromMaster({})", node); notifyNodeDisconnectedEvent(node); } } } else { logger.debug("Ignoring the Update for : {} NewControllers : {}", node, newControllers.toString()); } existingConnections.put(node, newControllers); } @Override public void entryDeleted(Node key, String cacheName, boolean originLocal) { if (originLocal) return; logger.debug("Deleted entry {} from cache : {}", key, cacheName); notifyNodeDisconnectedEvent(key); } private void enqueueConnectionEvent(ConnectionMgmtEvent event) { try { if (!connectionEvents.contains(event)) { this.connectionEvents.put(event); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.debug( "enqueueConnectionEvent caught Interrupt Exception for event {}", event); } } private void notifyClusterViewChanged() { ConnectionMgmtEvent event = new ConnectionMgmtEvent( ConnectionMgmtEventType.CLUSTER_VIEW_CHANGED, null); enqueueConnectionEvent(event); } private void notifyNodeDisconnectedEvent(Node node) { ConnectionMgmtEvent event = new ConnectionMgmtEvent( ConnectionMgmtEventType.NODE_DISCONNECTED_FROM_MASTER, node); enqueueConnectionEvent(event); } /* * this thread monitors the connectionEvent queue for new incoming events * from */ private class EventHandler implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { while (true) { try { ConnectionMgmtEvent ev = connectionEvents.take(); ConnectionMgmtEventType eType = ev.getEvent(); switch (eType) { case NODE_DISCONNECTED_FROM_MASTER: Node node = (Node) ev.getData(); connectionService.notifyNodeDisconnectFromMaster(node); break; case CLUSTER_VIEW_CHANGED: AbstractScheme scheme = schemes.get(activeScheme); if (scheme == null) return; scheme.handleClusterViewChanged(); connectionService.notifyClusterViewChanged(); break; default: logger.error("Unknown Connection event {}", eType.ordinal()); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { connectionEvents.clear(); return; } } } } private void registerWithOSGIConsole() { BundleContext bundleContext = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(this.getClass()) .getBundleContext(); bundleContext.registerService(CommandProvider.class.getName(), this, null); } public void _scheme(CommandInterpreter ci) { String schemeStr = ci.nextArgument(); if (schemeStr == null) { ci.println("Please enter valid Scheme name"); ci.println("Current Scheme : " + activeScheme.name()); return; } ConnectionMgmtScheme scheme = ConnectionMgmtScheme.valueOf(schemeStr); if (scheme == null) { ci.println("Please enter a valid Scheme name"); return; } activeScheme = scheme; } public void _printNodes(CommandInterpreter ci) { String controller = ci.nextArgument(); if (controller == null) { ci.println("Nodes connected to this controller : "); if (this.getLocalNodes() == null) { ci.println("None"); } else { ci.println(this.getLocalNodes().toString()); } return; } try { InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(controller); ci.println("Nodes connected to controller " + controller); if (this.getNodes(address) == null) { ci.println("None"); } else { ci.println(this.getNodes(address).toString()); } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { logger.error("An error occured", e); } } @Override public String getHelp() { StringBuffer help = new StringBuffer(); help.append("---Connection Manager---\n"); help.append("\t scheme [] - Print / Set scheme\n"); help.append("\t printNodes [] - Print connected nodes\n"); return help.toString(); } @Override public Set getControllers(Node node) { AbstractScheme scheme = schemes.get(activeScheme); if (scheme == null) return Collections.emptySet(); return scheme.getControllers(node); } }