/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.controller.hosttracker.internal; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Dictionary; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import org.apache.felix.dm.Component; import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.console.CommandInterpreter; import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.console.CommandProvider; import org.opendaylight.controller.clustering.services.CacheConfigException; import org.opendaylight.controller.clustering.services.CacheExistException; import org.opendaylight.controller.clustering.services.ICacheUpdateAware; import org.opendaylight.controller.clustering.services.IClusterContainerServices; import org.opendaylight.controller.clustering.services.IClusterServices; import org.opendaylight.controller.hosttracker.IfHostListener; import org.opendaylight.controller.hosttracker.IfIptoHost; import org.opendaylight.controller.hosttracker.IfNewHostNotify; import org.opendaylight.controller.hosttracker.hostAware.HostNodeConnector; import org.opendaylight.controller.hosttracker.hostAware.IHostFinder; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.ConstructionException; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Edge; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Host; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Node; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.NodeConnector; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Property; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.State; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.Tier; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.core.UpdateType; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.packet.address.DataLinkAddress; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.packet.address.EthernetAddress; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.topology.TopoEdgeUpdate; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.GlobalConstants; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.HexEncode; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.NetUtils; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.NodeCreator; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.Status; import org.opendaylight.controller.sal.utils.StatusCode; import org.opendaylight.controller.switchmanager.IInventoryListener; import org.opendaylight.controller.switchmanager.ISwitchManager; import org.opendaylight.controller.switchmanager.ISwitchManagerAware; import org.opendaylight.controller.switchmanager.Subnet; import org.opendaylight.controller.topologymanager.ITopologyManager; import org.opendaylight.controller.topologymanager.ITopologyManagerAware; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * @file HostTracker.java This class tracks the location of IP Hosts as to which * Switch, Port, VLAN, they are connected to, as well as their MAC * address. This is done dynamically as well as statically. The dynamic * mechanism consists of listening to ARP messages as well sending ARP * requests. Static mechanism consists of Northbound APIs to add or remove * the hosts from the local database. ARP aging is also implemented to age * out dynamically learned hosts. Interface methods are provided for other * applications to 1. Query the local database for a single host 2. Get a * list of all hosts 3. Get notification if a host is learned/added or * removed the database */ public class HostTracker implements IfIptoHost, IfHostListener, ISwitchManagerAware, IInventoryListener, ITopologyManagerAware, ICacheUpdateAware, CommandProvider { static final String ACTIVE_HOST_CACHE = "hosttracker.ActiveHosts"; static final String INACTIVE_HOST_CACHE = "hosttracker.InactiveHosts"; private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HostTracker.class); protected IHostFinder hostFinder; protected ConcurrentMap hostsDB; /* * Following is a list of hosts which have been requested by NB APIs to be * added, but either the switch or the port is not sup, so they will be * added here until both come up */ private ConcurrentMap inactiveStaticHosts; private final Set newHostNotify = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet()); private ITopologyManager topologyManager; protected IClusterContainerServices clusterContainerService = null; protected ISwitchManager switchManager = null; private Timer timer; private Timer arpRefreshTimer; private String containerName = null; private ExecutorService executor; protected boolean stopping; private static class ARPPending { protected InetAddress hostIP; protected short sent_count; protected HostTrackerCallable hostTrackerCallable; public InetAddress getHostIP() { return hostIP; } public short getSent_count() { return sent_count; } public HostTrackerCallable getHostTrackerCallable() { return hostTrackerCallable; } public void setHostIP(InetAddress networkAddr) { this.hostIP = networkAddr; } public void setSent_count(short count) { this.sent_count = count; } public void setHostTrackerCallable(HostTrackerCallable callable) { hostTrackerCallable = callable; } } // This list contains the hosts for which ARP requests are being sent // periodically ConcurrentMap ARPPendingList; /* * This list below contains the hosts which were initially in ARPPendingList * above, but ARP response didn't come from there hosts after multiple * attempts over 8 seconds. The assumption is that the response didn't come * back due to one of the following possibilities: 1. The L3 interface * wasn't created for this host in the controller. This would cause * arphandler not to know where to send the ARP 2. The host facing port is * down 3. The IP host doesn't exist or is not responding to ARP requests * * Conditions 1 and 2 above can be recovered if ARP is sent when the * relevant L3 interface is added or the port facing host comes up. Whenever * L3 interface is added or host facing port comes up, ARP will be sent to * hosts in this list. * * We can't recover from condition 3 above */ ConcurrentMap failedARPReqList; public HostTracker() { } private void startUp() { nonClusterObjectCreate(); allocateCache(); retrieveCache(); stopping = false; timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(new OutStandingARPHandler(), 4000, 4000); executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2); /* ARP Refresh Timer to go off every 5 seconds to implement ARP aging */ arpRefreshTimer = new Timer(); arpRefreshTimer.schedule(new ARPRefreshHandler(), 5000, 5000); logger.debug("startUp: Caches created, timers started"); } private void allocateCache() { if (this.clusterContainerService == null) { logger.error("un-initialized clusterContainerService, can't create cache"); return; } logger.debug("Creating Cache for HostTracker"); try { this.clusterContainerService.createCache(ACTIVE_HOST_CACHE, EnumSet.of(IClusterServices.cacheMode.TRANSACTIONAL)); this.clusterContainerService.createCache(INACTIVE_HOST_CACHE, EnumSet.of(IClusterServices.cacheMode.TRANSACTIONAL)); } catch (CacheConfigException cce) { logger.error("Cache couldn't be created for HostTracker - check cache mode"); } catch (CacheExistException cce) { logger.error("Cache for HostTracker already exists, destroy and recreate"); } logger.debug("Cache successfully created for HostTracker"); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) private void retrieveCache() { if (this.clusterContainerService == null) { logger.error("un-initialized clusterContainerService, can't retrieve cache"); return; } logger.debug("Retrieving cache for HostTrackerAH"); hostsDB = (ConcurrentMap) this.clusterContainerService .getCache(ACTIVE_HOST_CACHE); if (hostsDB == null) { logger.error("Cache couldn't be retrieved for HostTracker"); } logger.debug("Cache was successfully retrieved for HostTracker"); logger.debug("Retrieving cache for HostTrackerIH"); inactiveStaticHosts = (ConcurrentMap) this.clusterContainerService .getCache(INACTIVE_HOST_CACHE); if (inactiveStaticHosts == null) { logger.error("Cache couldn't be retrieved for HostTrackerIH"); } logger.debug("Cache was successfully retrieved for HostTrackerIH"); } public void nonClusterObjectCreate() { hostsDB = new ConcurrentHashMap(); inactiveStaticHosts = new ConcurrentHashMap(); ARPPendingList = new ConcurrentHashMap(); failedARPReqList = new ConcurrentHashMap(); } public void shutDown() { } public void setnewHostNotify(IfNewHostNotify obj) { this.newHostNotify.add(obj); } public void unsetnewHostNotify(IfNewHostNotify obj) { this.newHostNotify.remove(obj); } public void setArpHandler(IHostFinder hostFinder) { this.hostFinder = hostFinder; } public void unsetArpHandler(IHostFinder hostFinder) { if (this.hostFinder == hostFinder) { logger.debug("Arp Handler Service removed!"); this.hostFinder = null; } } public void setTopologyManager(ITopologyManager s) { this.topologyManager = s; } public void unsetTopologyManager(ITopologyManager s) { if (this.topologyManager == s) { logger.debug("Topology Manager Service removed!"); this.topologyManager = null; } } private boolean hostExists(HostNodeConnector host) { HostNodeConnector lhost = hostsDB.get(host.getNetworkAddress()); return host.equals(lhost); } private HostNodeConnector getHostFromOnActiveDB(InetAddress networkAddress) { return hostsDB.get(networkAddress); } private Entry getHostFromInactiveDB(InetAddress networkAddress) { for (Entry entry : inactiveStaticHosts.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().equalsByIP(networkAddress)) { logger.debug("getHostFromInactiveDB(): Inactive Host found for IP:{} ", networkAddress.getHostAddress()); return entry; } } logger.debug("getHostFromInactiveDB() Inactive Host Not found for IP: {}", networkAddress.getHostAddress()); return null; } private void removeHostFromInactiveDB(InetAddress networkAddress) { NodeConnector nodeConnector = null; for (Entry entry : inactiveStaticHosts.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().equalsByIP(networkAddress)) { nodeConnector = entry.getKey(); break; } } if (nodeConnector != null) { inactiveStaticHosts.remove(nodeConnector); logger.debug("removeHostFromInactiveDB(): Host Removed for IP: {}", networkAddress.getHostAddress()); return; } logger.debug("removeHostFromInactiveDB(): Host Not found for IP: {}", networkAddress.getHostAddress()); } protected boolean hostMoved(HostNodeConnector host) { if (hostQuery(host.getNetworkAddress()) != null) { return true; } return false; } @Override public HostNodeConnector hostQuery(InetAddress networkAddress) { return hostsDB.get(networkAddress); } @Override public Future discoverHost(InetAddress networkAddress) { if (executor == null) { logger.error("discoverHost: Null executor"); return null; } Callable worker = new HostTrackerCallable(this, networkAddress); Future submit = executor.submit(worker); return submit; } @Override public HostNodeConnector hostFind(InetAddress networkAddress) { /* * Sometimes at boot with containers configured in the startup we hit * this path (from TIF) when hostFinder has not been set yet Caller * already handles the null return */ if (hostFinder == null) { logger.debug("Exiting hostFind, null hostFinder"); return null; } HostNodeConnector host = hostQuery(networkAddress); if (host != null) { logger.debug("hostFind(): Host found for IP: {}", networkAddress.getHostAddress()); return host; } /* Add this host to ARPPending List for any potential retries */ addToARPPendingList(networkAddress); logger.debug("hostFind(): Host Not Found for IP: {}, Inititated Host Discovery ...", networkAddress.getHostAddress()); /* host is not found, initiate a discovery */ hostFinder.find(networkAddress); return null; } @Override public Set getAllHosts() { Set allHosts = new HashSet(); for (Entry entry : hostsDB.entrySet()) { HostNodeConnector host = entry.getValue(); allHosts.add(host); } logger.debug("Exiting getAllHosts, Found {} Hosts", allHosts.size()); return allHosts; } @Override public Set getActiveStaticHosts() { Set list = new HashSet(); for (Entry entry : hostsDB.entrySet()) { HostNodeConnector host = entry.getValue(); if (host.isStaticHost()) { list.add(host); } } logger.debug("getActiveStaticHosts(): Found {} Hosts", list.size()); return list; } @Override public Set getInactiveStaticHosts() { Set list = new HashSet(); for (Entry entry : inactiveStaticHosts.entrySet()) { list.add(entry.getValue()); } logger.debug("getInactiveStaticHosts(): Found {} Hosts", list.size()); return list; } private void addToARPPendingList(InetAddress networkAddr) { ARPPending arphost = new ARPPending(); arphost.setHostIP(networkAddr); arphost.setSent_count((short) 1); ARPPendingList.put(networkAddr, arphost); logger.debug("Host Added to ARPPending List, IP: {}", networkAddr); } public void setCallableOnPendingARP(InetAddress networkAddr, HostTrackerCallable callable) { ARPPending arphost; for (Entry entry : ARPPendingList.entrySet()) { arphost = entry.getValue(); if (arphost.getHostIP().equals(networkAddr)) { arphost.setHostTrackerCallable(callable); } } } private void processPendingARPReqs(InetAddress networkAddr) { ARPPending arphost; if ((arphost = ARPPendingList.remove(networkAddr)) != null) { // Remove the arphost from ARPPendingList as it has been learned now logger.debug("Host Removed from ARPPending List, IP: {}", networkAddr); HostTrackerCallable htCallable = arphost.getHostTrackerCallable(); if (htCallable != null) { htCallable.wakeup(); } return; } /* * It could have been a host from the FailedARPReqList */ if (failedARPReqList.containsKey(networkAddr)) { failedARPReqList.remove(networkAddr); logger.debug("Host Removed from FailedARPReqList List, IP: {}", networkAddr); } } // Learn a new Host private void learnNewHost(HostNodeConnector host) { host.initArpSendCountDown(); HostNodeConnector rHost = hostsDB.putIfAbsent(host.getNetworkAddress(), host); if (rHost != null) { // Another host is already learned for this IP address, replace it replaceHost(host.getNetworkAddress(), rHost, host); } else { logger.debug("New Host Learned: MAC: {} IP: {}", HexEncode.bytesToHexString(host .getDataLayerAddressBytes()), host.getNetworkAddress().getHostAddress()); } } private void replaceHost(InetAddress networkAddr, HostNodeConnector removedHost, HostNodeConnector newHost) { // Ignore ARP messages from internal nodes NodeConnector newHostNc = newHost.getnodeConnector(); boolean newHostIsInternal = topologyManager.isInternal(newHostNc); if (newHostIsInternal) { return; } newHost.initArpSendCountDown(); if (hostsDB.replace(networkAddr, removedHost, newHost)) { logger.debug("Host move occurred: Old Host IP:{}, New Host IP: {}", removedHost.getNetworkAddress() .getHostAddress(), newHost.getNetworkAddress().getHostAddress()); logger.debug("Old Host MAC: {}, New Host MAC: {}", HexEncode.bytesToHexString(removedHost.getDataLayerAddressBytes()), HexEncode.bytesToHexString(newHost.getDataLayerAddressBytes())); // Display the Old and New HostNodeConnectors also logger.debug("Old {}, New {}", removedHost, newHost); } else { /* * Host replacement has failed, do the recovery */ hostsDB.put(networkAddr, newHost); logger.error("Host replacement failed. Overwrite the host. Repalced Host: {}, New Host: {}", removedHost, newHost); } notifyHostLearnedOrRemoved(removedHost, false); notifyHostLearnedOrRemoved(newHost, true); if (!newHost.isStaticHost()) { processPendingARPReqs(networkAddr); } } // Remove known Host private void removeKnownHost(InetAddress key) { HostNodeConnector host = hostsDB.get(key); if (host != null) { logger.debug("Removing Host: IP:{}", host.getNetworkAddress().getHostAddress()); hostsDB.remove(key); } else { logger.error("removeKnownHost(): Host for IP address {} not found in hostsDB", key.getHostAddress()); } } private class NotifyHostThread extends Thread { private final HostNodeConnector host; public NotifyHostThread(HostNodeConnector h) { this.host = h; } @Override public void run() { HostNodeConnector removedHost = null; InetAddress networkAddr = host.getNetworkAddress(); /* Check for Host Move case */ if (hostMoved(host)) { /* * Host has been moved from one location (switch,port, MAC, or * VLAN) to another. Replace the existing host and its previous * location parameters with new information, and notify the * applications listening to host move. */ removedHost = hostsDB.get(networkAddr); if (removedHost != null) { replaceHost(networkAddr, removedHost, host); return; } else { logger.error("Host to be removed not found in hostsDB"); } } // It is a new host learnNewHost(host); /* check if there is an outstanding request for this host */ processPendingARPReqs(networkAddr); notifyHostLearnedOrRemoved(host, true); } } @Override public void hostListener(HostNodeConnector host) { logger.debug("ARP received for Host: IP {}, MAC {}, {}", host.getNetworkAddress().getHostAddress(), HexEncode.bytesToHexString(host.getDataLayerAddressBytes()), host); if (hostExists(host)) { HostNodeConnector existinghost = hostsDB.get(host.getNetworkAddress()); existinghost.initArpSendCountDown(); // Update the host hostsDB.put(host.getNetworkAddress(), existinghost); return; } new NotifyHostThread(host).start(); } // Notify whoever is interested that a new host was learned (dynamically or // statically) private void notifyHostLearnedOrRemoved(HostNodeConnector host, boolean add) { // Update listeners if any if (newHostNotify != null) { logger.debug("Notifying Applications for Host {} Being {}", host.getNetworkAddress().getHostAddress(), add ? "Added" : "Deleted"); synchronized (this.newHostNotify) { for (IfNewHostNotify ta : newHostNotify) { try { if (add) { ta.notifyHTClient(host); } else { ta.notifyHTClientHostRemoved(host); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception on callback", e); } } } } else { logger.error("notifyHostLearnedOrRemoved(): New host notify is null"); } // Topology update is for some reason outside of listeners registry // logic Node node = host.getnodeconnectorNode(); Host h = null; NodeConnector p = host.getnodeConnector(); try { DataLinkAddress dla = new EthernetAddress(host.getDataLayerAddressBytes()); h = new Host(dla, host.getNetworkAddress()); } catch (ConstructionException ce) { p = null; h = null; } if (topologyManager != null && p != null && h != null) { logger.debug("Notifying Topology Manager for Host {} Being {}", h.getNetworkAddress().getHostAddress(), add ? "Added" : "Deleted"); if (add == true) { Tier tier = new Tier(1); switchManager.setNodeProp(node, tier); topologyManager.updateHostLink(p, h, UpdateType.ADDED, null); } else { // No need to reset the tiering if no other hosts are currently // connected // If this switch was discovered to be an access switch, it // still is even if the host is down Tier tier = new Tier(0); switchManager.setNodeProp(node, tier); topologyManager.updateHostLink(p, h, UpdateType.REMOVED, null); } } } /** * When a new Host is learnt by the hosttracker module, it places the * directly connected Node in Tier-1 & using this function, updates the Tier * value for all other Nodes in the network hierarchy. * * This is a recursive function and it takes care of updating the Tier value * for all the connected and eligible Nodes. * * @param n * Node that represents one of the Vertex in the Topology Graph. * @param currentTier * The Tier on which n belongs */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void updateSwitchTiers(Node n, int currentTier) { Map> ndlinks = topologyManager.getNodeEdges(); if (ndlinks == null) { logger.debug("updateSwitchTiers(): ndlinks null for Node: {}, Tier:{}", n, currentTier); return; } Set links = ndlinks.get(n); if (links == null) { logger.debug("updateSwitchTiers(): links null for ndlinks:{}", ndlinks); return; } ArrayList needsVisiting = new ArrayList(); for (Edge lt : links) { if (!lt.getHeadNodeConnector().getType().equals(NodeConnector.NodeConnectorIDType.OPENFLOW)) { // We don't want to work on Node that are not openflow // for now continue; } Node dstNode = lt.getHeadNodeConnector().getNode(); if (switchNeedsTieringUpdate(dstNode, currentTier + 1)) { Tier t = new Tier(currentTier + 1); switchManager.setNodeProp(dstNode, t); needsVisiting.add(dstNode); } } /* * Due to the nature of the problem, having a separate loop for nodes * that needs visiting provides a decent walk optimization. */ for (Node node : needsVisiting) { updateSwitchTiers(node, currentTier + 1); } } /** * Internal convenience routine to check the eligibility of a Switch for a * Tier update. Any Node with Tier=0 or a Tier value that is greater than * the new Tier Value is eligible for the update. * * @param n * Node for which the Tier update eligibility is checked * @param tier * new Tier Value * @return true if the Node is eligible for Tier Update * false otherwise */ private boolean switchNeedsTieringUpdate(Node n, int tier) { if (n == null) { logger.error("switchNeedsTieringUpdate(): Null node for tier: {}", tier); return false; } /* * Node could have gone down */ if (!switchManager.getNodes().contains(n)) { return false; } // This is the case where Tier was never set for this node Tier t = (Tier) switchManager.getNodeProp(n, Tier.TierPropName); if (t == null) { return true; } if (t.getValue() == 0) { return true; } else if (t.getValue() > tier) { return true; } return false; } /** * Internal convenience routine to clear all the Tier values to 0. This * cleanup is performed during cases such as Topology Change where the * existing Tier values might become incorrect */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void clearTiers() { Set nodes = null; if (switchManager == null) { logger.error("clearTiers(): Null switchManager"); return; } nodes = switchManager.getNodes(); for (Node n : nodes) { Tier t = new Tier(0); switchManager.setNodeProp(n, t); } } /** * Internal convenience routine to print the hierarchies of switches. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void logHierarchies(ArrayList> hierarchies) { String hierarchyString = null; int num = 1; for (ArrayList hierarchy : hierarchies) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("Hierarchy#" + num + " : "); for (String switchName : hierarchy) { buf.append(switchName + "/"); } logger.debug("{} -> {}", getContainerName(), buf); num++; } } /** * getHostNetworkHierarchy is the Back-end routine for the North-Bound API * that returns the Network Hierarchy for a given Host. This API is * typically used by applications like Hadoop for Rack Awareness * functionality. * * @param hostAddress * IP-Address of the host/node. * @return Network Hierarchies represented by an Array of Array (of * Switch-Ids as String). */ @Override public List> getHostNetworkHierarchy(InetAddress hostAddress) { HostNodeConnector host = hostQuery(hostAddress); if (host == null) { return null; } List> hierarchies = new ArrayList>(); ArrayList currHierarchy = new ArrayList(); hierarchies.add(currHierarchy); Node node = host.getnodeconnectorNode(); updateCurrentHierarchy(node, currHierarchy, hierarchies); return hierarchies; } /** * dpidToHostNameHack is a hack function for Cisco Live Hadoop Demo. Mininet * is used as the network for Hadoop Demos & in order to give a meaningful * rack-awareness switch names, the DPID is organized in ASCII Characters * and retrieved as string. * * @param dpid * Switch DataPath Id * @return Ascii String represented by the DPID. */ private String dpidToHostNameHack(long dpid) { String hex = Long.toHexString(dpid); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < hex.length(); i++) { result = (int) ((dpid >> (i * 8)) & 0xff); if (result == 0) { continue; } if (result < 0x30) { result += 0x40; } sb.append(String.format("%c", result)); } return sb.reverse().toString(); } /** * A convenient recursive routine to obtain the Hierarchy of Switches. * * @param node * Current Node in the Recursive routine. * @param currHierarchy * Array of Nodes that make this hierarchy on which the Current * Switch belong * @param fullHierarchy * Array of multiple Hierarchies that represent a given host. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void updateCurrentHierarchy(Node node, ArrayList currHierarchy, List> fullHierarchy) { // currHierarchy.add(String.format("%x", currSw.getId())); currHierarchy.add(dpidToHostNameHack((Long) node.getID())); // Shallow copy as required ArrayList currHierarchyClone = (ArrayList) currHierarchy.clone(); Map> ndlinks = topologyManager.getNodeEdges(); if (ndlinks == null) { logger.debug("updateCurrentHierarchy(): topologyManager returned null ndlinks for node: {}", node); return; } Node n = NodeCreator.createOFNode((Long) node.getID()); Set links = ndlinks.get(n); if (links == null) { logger.debug("updateCurrentHierarchy(): Null links for ndlinks"); return; } for (Edge lt : links) { if (!lt.getHeadNodeConnector().getType().equals(NodeConnector.NodeConnectorIDType.OPENFLOW)) { // We don't want to work on Node that are not openflow // for now continue; } Node dstNode = lt.getHeadNodeConnector().getNode(); Tier nodeTier = (Tier) switchManager.getNodeProp(node, Tier.TierPropName); /* * If the host is directly attached to the src node, then the node * should have been assigned the "Access" tier in * notifyHostLearnedOrRemoved. If not, it would be assigned * "Unknown" tier. Thus the tier of host attached node cannot be * null. If the src node here, is the next node in the hierarchy of * the nodes, then its tier cannot be null */ Tier dstNodeTier = (Tier) switchManager.getNodeProp(dstNode, Tier.TierPropName); /* * Skip if the tier of the destination node is null */ if (dstNodeTier == null) { continue; } if (dstNodeTier.getValue() > nodeTier.getValue()) { ArrayList buildHierarchy = currHierarchy; if (currHierarchy.size() > currHierarchyClone.size()) { // Shallow copy as required buildHierarchy = (ArrayList) currHierarchyClone.clone(); fullHierarchy.add(buildHierarchy); } updateCurrentHierarchy(dstNode, buildHierarchy, fullHierarchy); } } } private void debugEdgeUpdate(Edge e, UpdateType type, Set props) { Long srcNid = null; Short srcPort = null; Long dstNid = null; Short dstPort = null; boolean added = false; String srcType = null; String dstType = null; if (e == null || type == null) { logger.error("Edge or Update type are null!"); return; } else { srcType = e.getTailNodeConnector().getType(); dstType = e.getHeadNodeConnector().getType(); if (srcType.equals(NodeConnector.NodeConnectorIDType.PRODUCTION)) { logger.debug("Skip updates for {}", e); return; } if (!srcType.equals(NodeConnector.NodeConnectorIDType.OPENFLOW)) { logger.debug("For now we cannot handle updates for non-openflow nodes"); return; } if (dstType.equals(NodeConnector.NodeConnectorIDType.PRODUCTION)) { logger.debug("Skip updates for {}", e); return; } if (!dstType.equals(NodeConnector.NodeConnectorIDType.OPENFLOW)) { logger.debug("For now we cannot handle updates for non-openflow nodes"); return; } // At this point we know we got an openflow update, so // lets fill everything accordingly. srcNid = (Long) e.getTailNodeConnector().getNode().getID(); srcPort = (Short) e.getTailNodeConnector().getID(); dstNid = (Long) e.getHeadNodeConnector().getNode().getID(); dstPort = (Short) e.getHeadNodeConnector().getID(); // Now lets update the added flag switch (type) { case ADDED: case CHANGED: added = true; break; case REMOVED: added = false; } } logger.debug("HostTracker Topology linkUpdate handling src:{}[port {}] dst:{}[port {}] added: {}", new Object[] { srcNid, srcPort, dstNid, dstPort, added }); } @Override public void edgeUpdate(List topoedgeupdateList) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { for (TopoEdgeUpdate topoEdgeUpdate : topoedgeupdateList) { Edge e = topoEdgeUpdate.getEdge(); Set p = topoEdgeUpdate.getProperty(); UpdateType type = topoEdgeUpdate.getUpdateType(); debugEdgeUpdate(e, type, p); } } } @Override public void subnetNotify(Subnet sub, boolean add) { logger.debug("Received subnet notification: {} add={}", sub, add); if (add) { for (Entry entry : failedARPReqList.entrySet()) { ARPPending arphost; arphost = entry.getValue(); if (hostFinder == null) { logger.warn("ARPHandler Services are not available on subnet addition"); continue; } logger.debug("Sending the ARP from FailedARPReqList fors IP: {}", arphost.getHostIP().getHostAddress()); hostFinder.find(arphost.getHostIP()); } } } class OutStandingARPHandler extends TimerTask { @Override public void run() { if (stopping) { return; } ARPPending arphost; /* This routine runs every 4 seconds */ logger.trace("Number of Entries in ARP Pending/Failed Lists: ARPPendingList = {}, failedARPReqList = {}", ARPPendingList.size(), failedARPReqList.size()); for (Entry entry : ARPPendingList.entrySet()) { arphost = entry.getValue(); if (hostsDB.containsKey(arphost.getHostIP())) { // this host is already learned, shouldn't be in // ARPPendingList // Remove it and continue logger.warn("Learned Host {} found in ARPPendingList", arphost.getHostIP()); ARPPendingList.remove(entry.getKey()); continue; } if (arphost.getSent_count() < switchManager.getHostRetryCount()) { /* * No reply has been received of first ARP Req, send the * next one. Before sending the ARP, check if ARPHandler is * available or not */ if (hostFinder == null) { logger.warn("ARPHandler Services are not available for Outstanding ARPs"); continue; } hostFinder.find(arphost.getHostIP()); arphost.sent_count++; logger.debug("ARP Sent from ARPPending List, IP: {}", arphost.getHostIP().getHostAddress()); } else if (arphost.getSent_count() >= switchManager.getHostRetryCount()) { /* * ARP requests have been sent without receiving a reply, * remove this from the pending list */ ARPPendingList.remove(entry.getKey()); logger.debug("ARP reply not received after multiple attempts, removing from Pending List IP: {}", arphost.getHostIP().getHostAddress()); /* * Add this host to a different list which will be processed * on link up events */ logger.debug("Adding the host to FailedARPReqList IP: {}", arphost.getHostIP().getHostAddress()); failedARPReqList.put(entry.getKey(), arphost); } else { logger.error("Inavlid arp_sent count for entry: {}", entry); } } } } private class ARPRefreshHandler extends TimerTask { @Override public void run() { if (stopping) { return; } if ((clusterContainerService != null) && !clusterContainerService.amICoordinator()) { return; } if ((switchManager != null) && !switchManager.isHostRefreshEnabled()) { /* * The host probe procedure was disabled by CLI */ return; } if (hostsDB == null) { /* hostsDB is not allocated yet */ logger.error("ARPRefreshHandler(): hostsDB is not allocated yet:"); return; } for (Entry entry : hostsDB.entrySet()) { HostNodeConnector host = entry.getValue(); if (host.isStaticHost()) { /* this host was learned via API3, don't age it out */ continue; } short arp_cntdown = host.getArpSendCountDown(); arp_cntdown--; if (arp_cntdown > switchManager.getHostRetryCount()) { host.setArpSendCountDown(arp_cntdown); } else if (arp_cntdown <= 0) { /* * No ARP Reply received in last 2 minutes, remove this host * and inform applications */ removeKnownHost(entry.getKey()); notifyHostLearnedOrRemoved(host, false); } else if (arp_cntdown <= switchManager.getHostRetryCount()) { /* * Use the services of arphandler to check if host is still * there */ if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace( "ARP Probing ({}) for {}({})", new Object[] { arp_cntdown, host.getNetworkAddress().getHostAddress(), HexEncode.bytesToHexString(host.getDataLayerAddressBytes()) }); } host.setArpSendCountDown(arp_cntdown); if (hostFinder == null) { /* * If hostfinder is not available, then can't send the * probe. However, continue the age out the hosts since * we don't know if the host is indeed out there or not. */ logger.warn("ARPHandler is not avaialable, can't send the probe"); continue; } hostFinder.probe(host); } } } } /** * Inform the controller IP to MAC binding of a host and its connectivity to * an openflow switch in terms of Node, port, and VLAN. * * @param networkAddr * IP address of the host * @param dataLayer * Address MAC address of the host * @param nc * NodeConnector to which host is connected * @param port * Port of the switch to which host is connected * @param vlan * Vlan of which this host is member of * * @return Status The status object as described in {@code Status} * indicating the result of this action. */ public Status addStaticHostReq(InetAddress networkAddr, byte[] dataLayerAddress, NodeConnector nc, short vlan) { if (dataLayerAddress.length != NetUtils.MACAddrLengthInBytes) { return new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, "Invalid MAC address"); } if (nc == null) { return new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, "Invalid NodeConnector"); } HostNodeConnector host = null; try { host = new HostNodeConnector(dataLayerAddress, networkAddr, nc, vlan); if (hostExists(host)) { // This host is already learned either via ARP or through a // northbound request HostNodeConnector transHost = hostsDB.get(networkAddr); transHost.setStaticHost(true); return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS, null); } if (hostsDB.get(networkAddr) != null) { // There is already a host with this IP address (but behind // a different (switch, port, vlan) tuple. Return an error return new Status(StatusCode.CONFLICT, "Existing IP, Use PUT to update"); } host.setStaticHost(true); /* * Check if the nc is an ISL port */ if (topologyManager != null) { if (topologyManager.isInternal(nc)) { return new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, "Cannot add host on ISL port"); } } /* * Before adding host, Check if the switch and the port have already * come up */ if (switchManager.isNodeConnectorEnabled(nc)) { learnNewHost(host); processPendingARPReqs(networkAddr); notifyHostLearnedOrRemoved(host, true); } else { inactiveStaticHosts.put(nc, host); logger.debug("Switch or switchport is not up, adding host {} to inactive list", networkAddr.getHostName()); } return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS, null); } catch (ConstructionException e) { logger.error("", e); return new Status(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR, "Host could not be created"); } } /** * Update the controller IP to MAC binding of a host and its connectivity to * an openflow switch in terms of switch id, switch port, and VLAN. * * @param networkAddr * IP address of the host * @param dataLayer * Address MAC address of the host * @param nc * NodeConnector to which host is connected * @param port * Port of the switch to which host is connected * @param vlan * Vlan of which this host is member of * * @return Status The status object as described in {@code Status} * indicating the result of this action. */ public Status updateHostReq(InetAddress networkAddr, byte[] dataLayerAddress, NodeConnector nc, short vlan) { HostNodeConnector tobeUpdatedHost; HostNodeConnector host = null; if (dataLayerAddress.length != NetUtils.MACAddrLengthInBytes) { return new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, "Invalid MAC address"); } if (nc == null) { return new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, "Invalid NodeConnector"); } try { host = new HostNodeConnector(dataLayerAddress, networkAddr, nc, vlan); if (hostExists(host)) { return new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, "Host already exists"); } if ((tobeUpdatedHost = hostsDB.get(networkAddr)) != null) { if (hostsDB.replace(networkAddr, tobeUpdatedHost, host)) { logger.debug("Host replaced from hostsDB. Old host: {} New Host: {}", tobeUpdatedHost, host); notifyHostLearnedOrRemoved(tobeUpdatedHost, false); notifyHostLearnedOrRemoved(host, true); return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS); } else { logger.error("Static host replacement failed from hostsDB, Replaced Host: {}, New Host: {}", tobeUpdatedHost, host); return new Status(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR, "Host Replacement Failed due to presence of another host with same IP"); } } // Check if the host exists in inactive hosts database if ((tobeUpdatedHost = inactiveStaticHosts.get(nc)) != null) { if (inactiveStaticHosts.replace(nc, tobeUpdatedHost, host)) { logger.debug("Host replaced from inactive hostsDB. Old host: {} New Host: {}", tobeUpdatedHost, host); return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS); } else { logger.error("Static host replacement failed, Replaced Host: {}, New Host: {}", tobeUpdatedHost, host); return new Status(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR, "Host Replacement Failed due to presence of another host with same IP"); } } // Host doesn't exist return new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, "Host doesn't exists, can't update"); } catch (ConstructionException e) { logger.error("", e); return new Status(StatusCode.INTERNALERROR, "host object creation failure"); } } /** * Remove from the controller IP to MAC binding of a host and its * connectivity to an openflow switch * * @param networkAddr * IP address of the host * * @return boolean true if the host was removed successfully, false * otherwise */ public Status removeStaticHostReq(InetAddress networkAddress) { // Check if host is in active hosts database HostNodeConnector host = getHostFromOnActiveDB(networkAddress); if (host != null) { // Validation check if (!host.isStaticHost()) { return new Status(StatusCode.FORBIDDEN, "Host " + networkAddress.getHostName() + " is not static"); } // Remove and notify notifyHostLearnedOrRemoved(host, false); removeKnownHost(networkAddress); return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS, null); } // Check if host is in inactive hosts database Entry entry = getHostFromInactiveDB(networkAddress); if (entry != null) { host = entry.getValue(); // Validation check if (!host.isStaticHost()) { return new Status(StatusCode.FORBIDDEN, "Host " + networkAddress.getHostName() + " is not static"); } this.removeHostFromInactiveDB(networkAddress); return new Status(StatusCode.SUCCESS, null); } // Host is neither in active nor inactive hosts database return new Status(StatusCode.NOTFOUND, "Host does not exist"); } @Override public void modeChangeNotify(Node node, boolean proactive) { logger.debug("Set Switch {} Mode to {}", node.getID(), proactive); } @Override public void notifyNode(Node node, UpdateType type, Map propMap) { if (node == null) { return; } switch (type) { case REMOVED: logger.debug("Received removed node {}", node); for (Entry entry : hostsDB.entrySet()) { HostNodeConnector host = entry.getValue(); if (host.getnodeconnectorNode().equals(node)) { logger.debug("Node: {} is down, remove from Hosts_DB", node); removeKnownHost(entry.getKey()); notifyHostLearnedOrRemoved(host, false); } } break; default: break; } } @Override public void notifyNodeConnector(NodeConnector nodeConnector, UpdateType type, Map propMap) { if (nodeConnector == null) { return; } boolean up = false; switch (type) { case ADDED: up = true; break; case REMOVED: break; case CHANGED: State state = (State) propMap.get(State.StatePropName); if ((state != null) && (state.getValue() == State.EDGE_UP)) { up = true; } break; default: return; } if (up) { handleNodeConnectorStatusUp(nodeConnector); } else { handleNodeConnectorStatusDown(nodeConnector); } } @Override public Status addStaticHost(String networkAddress, String dataLayerAddress, NodeConnector nc, String vlan) { try { InetAddress ip = InetAddress.getByName(networkAddress); if (nc == null) { return new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, "Invalid NodeId"); } return addStaticHostReq(ip, HexEncode.bytesFromHexString(dataLayerAddress), nc, Short.valueOf(vlan)); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { logger.error("", e); return new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, "Invalid Address"); } } @Override public Status removeStaticHost(String networkAddress) { InetAddress address; try { address = InetAddress.getByName(networkAddress); return removeStaticHostReq(address); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { logger.error("", e); return new Status(StatusCode.BADREQUEST, "Invalid Address"); } } private void handleNodeConnectorStatusUp(NodeConnector nodeConnector) { ARPPending arphost; HostNodeConnector host = null; logger.debug("handleNodeConnectorStatusUp {}", nodeConnector); for (Entry entry : failedARPReqList.entrySet()) { arphost = entry.getValue(); logger.debug("Sending the ARP from FailedARPReqList fors IP: {}", arphost.getHostIP().getHostAddress()); if (hostFinder == null) { logger.warn("ARPHandler is not available at interface up"); logger.warn("Since this event is missed, host(s) connected to interface {} may not be discovered", nodeConnector); continue; } // Send a broadcast ARP only on the interface which just came up. // Use hostFinder's "probe" method try { byte[] dataLayerAddress = NetUtils.getBroadcastMACAddr(); host = new HostNodeConnector(dataLayerAddress, arphost.getHostIP(), nodeConnector, (short) 0); hostFinder.probe(host); } catch (ConstructionException e) { logger.debug("HostNodeConnector couldn't be created for Host: {}, NodeConnector: {}", arphost.getHostIP(), nodeConnector); logger.error("", e); } logger.debug("Done. handleNodeConnectorStatusUp {}", nodeConnector); } host = inactiveStaticHosts.get(nodeConnector); if (host != null) { inactiveStaticHosts.remove(nodeConnector); learnNewHost(host); processPendingARPReqs(host.getNetworkAddress()); notifyHostLearnedOrRemoved(host, true); } } private void handleNodeConnectorStatusDown(NodeConnector nodeConnector) { logger.debug("handleNodeConnectorStatusDown {}", nodeConnector); for (Entry entry : hostsDB.entrySet()) { HostNodeConnector host = entry.getValue(); if (host.getnodeConnector().equals(nodeConnector)) { logger.debug(" NodeConnector: {} is down, remove from Hosts_DB", nodeConnector); removeKnownHost(entry.getKey()); notifyHostLearnedOrRemoved(host, false); } } } void setClusterContainerService(IClusterContainerServices s) { logger.debug("Cluster Service set"); this.clusterContainerService = s; } void unsetClusterContainerService(IClusterContainerServices s) { if (this.clusterContainerService == s) { logger.debug("Cluster Service removed!"); this.clusterContainerService = null; } } void setSwitchManager(ISwitchManager s) { logger.debug("SwitchManager set"); this.switchManager = s; } void unsetSwitchManager(ISwitchManager s) { if (this.switchManager == s) { logger.debug("SwitchManager removed!"); this.switchManager = null; } } public String getContainerName() { if (containerName == null) { return GlobalConstants.DEFAULT.toString(); } return containerName; } /** * Function called by the dependency manager when all the required * dependencies are satisfied * */ void init(Component c) { Dictionary props = c.getServiceProperties(); if (props != null) { this.containerName = (String) props.get("containerName"); logger.debug("Running containerName: {}", this.containerName); } else { // In the Global instance case the containerName is empty this.containerName = ""; } startUp(); } /** * Function called by the dependency manager when at least one dependency * become unsatisfied or when the component is shutting down because for * example bundle is being stopped. * */ void destroy() { } /** * Function called by dependency manager after "init ()" is called and after * the services provided by the class are registered in the service registry * */ void start() { registerWithOSGIConsole(); } /** * Function called by the dependency manager before the services exported by * the component are unregistered, this will be followed by a "destroy ()" * calls * */ void stop() { } void stopping() { stopping = true; arpRefreshTimer.cancel(); timer.cancel(); executor.shutdownNow(); } @Override public void edgeOverUtilized(Edge edge) { } @Override public void edgeUtilBackToNormal(Edge edge) { } @Override public void entryCreated(InetAddress key, String cacheName, boolean originLocal) { if (originLocal) { return; } processPendingARPReqs(key); } @Override public void entryUpdated(InetAddress key, HostNodeConnector new_value, String cacheName, boolean originLocal) { } @Override public void entryDeleted(InetAddress key, String cacheName, boolean originLocal) { } private void registerWithOSGIConsole() { BundleContext bundleContext = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(this.getClass()).getBundleContext(); bundleContext.registerService(CommandProvider.class.getName(), this, null); } @Override public String getHelp() { return null; } public void _dumpPendingARPReqList(CommandInterpreter ci) { ARPPending arphost; for (Entry entry : ARPPendingList.entrySet()) { arphost = entry.getValue(); ci.println(arphost.getHostIP().toString()); } } public void _dumpFailedARPReqList(CommandInterpreter ci) { ARPPending arphost; for (Entry entry : failedARPReqList.entrySet()) { arphost = entry.getValue(); ci.println(arphost.getHostIP().toString()); } } }