module odl-controller-cds-types { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:controller:cds:types"; prefix "cdst"; organization "The OpenDaylight Project"; description "Common type definitions related to clustered data store."; revision 2019-10-24 { description "Initial revision."; } typedef member-name { description "Cluster member name."; type string; } typedef frontend-type { description "Frontend type."; type string { pattern ""; } } typedef client-generation { description "Client generation."; type uint64; } grouping frontend-identifier { description "Identifier of a particular frontend."; leaf member { type member-name; mandatory true; } leaf type { type frontend-type; mandatory true; } } grouping client-identifier { description "Identifier of a particular client."; uses frontend-identifier; leaf generation { type client-generation; mandatory true; } } }