module flow-topology-discovery { namespace "urn:opendaylight:flow:topology:discovery"; prefix flow-node-topo; import yang-ext {prefix ext;} import ietf-inet-types {prefix inet;} import ietf-yang-types {prefix yang;} import opendaylight-port-types {prefix port;} import opendaylight-inventory {prefix inv;} import flow-node-inventory {prefix flowinv;} revision "2013-08-19" { description "Flow Capable Node extensions to the Inventory model"; } grouping link { leaf source { type inv:node-connector-ref; } leaf destination { type inv:node-connector-ref; } } notification link-discovered { uses link; } notification link-overutilized { uses link; } notification link-removed { uses link; } notification link-utilization-normal { uses link; } rpc solicit-refresh { } }