/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft; import akka.actor.ActorContext; import akka.actor.ActorRef; import akka.actor.ActorSelection; import akka.actor.ActorSystem; import akka.actor.Props; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Supplier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.DataPersistenceProvider; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.policy.RaftPolicy; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.ServerConfigurationPayload.ServerInfo; import org.slf4j.Logger; public class RaftActorContextImpl implements RaftActorContext { private final ActorRef actor; private final ActorContext context; private final String id; private final ElectionTerm termInformation; private long commitIndex; private long lastApplied; private ReplicatedLog replicatedLog; private final Map peerInfoMap = new HashMap<>(); private final Logger LOG; private ConfigParams configParams; private boolean dynamicServerConfiguration = false; @VisibleForTesting private Supplier totalMemoryRetriever; // Snapshot manager will need to be created on demand as it needs raft actor context which cannot // be passed to it in the constructor private SnapshotManager snapshotManager; private final DataPersistenceProvider persistenceProvider; private short payloadVersion; public RaftActorContextImpl(ActorRef actor, ActorContext context, String id, ElectionTerm termInformation, long commitIndex, long lastApplied, Map peerAddresses, ConfigParams configParams, DataPersistenceProvider persistenceProvider, Logger logger) { this.actor = actor; this.context = context; this.id = id; this.termInformation = termInformation; this.commitIndex = commitIndex; this.lastApplied = lastApplied; this.configParams = configParams; this.persistenceProvider = persistenceProvider; this.LOG = logger; for(Map.Entry e: peerAddresses.entrySet()) { peerInfoMap.put(e.getKey(), new PeerInfo(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), VotingState.VOTING)); } } public void setPayloadVersion(short payloadVersion) { this.payloadVersion = payloadVersion; } @Override public short getPayloadVersion() { return payloadVersion; } public void setConfigParams(ConfigParams configParams) { this.configParams = configParams; } @Override public ActorRef actorOf(Props props){ return context.actorOf(props); } @Override public ActorSelection actorSelection(String path){ return context.actorSelection(path); } @Override public String getId() { return id; } @Override public ActorRef getActor() { return actor; } @Override public ElectionTerm getTermInformation() { return termInformation; } @Override public long getCommitIndex() { return commitIndex; } @Override public void setCommitIndex(long commitIndex) { this.commitIndex = commitIndex; } @Override public long getLastApplied() { return lastApplied; } @Override public void setLastApplied(long lastApplied) { this.lastApplied = lastApplied; } @Override public void setReplicatedLog(ReplicatedLog replicatedLog) { this.replicatedLog = replicatedLog; } @Override public ReplicatedLog getReplicatedLog() { return replicatedLog; } @Override public ActorSystem getActorSystem() { return context.system(); } @Override public Logger getLogger() { return this.LOG; } @Override public Collection getPeerIds() { return peerInfoMap.keySet(); } @Override public Collection getPeers() { return peerInfoMap.values(); } @Override public PeerInfo getPeerInfo(String peerId) { return peerInfoMap.get(peerId); } @Override public String getPeerAddress(String peerId) { String peerAddress = null; PeerInfo peerInfo = peerInfoMap.get(peerId); if(peerInfo != null) { peerAddress = peerInfo.getAddress(); if(peerAddress == null) { peerAddress = configParams.getPeerAddressResolver().resolve(peerId); peerInfo.setAddress(peerAddress); } } return peerAddress; } @Override public void updatePeerIds(ServerConfigurationPayload serverConfig){ Set currentPeers = new HashSet<>(this.getPeerIds()); for(ServerInfo server: serverConfig.getServerConfig()) { if(!getId().equals(server.getId())) { VotingState votingState = server.isVoting() ? VotingState.VOTING: VotingState.NON_VOTING; if(!currentPeers.contains(server.getId())) { this.addToPeers(server.getId(), null, votingState); } else { this.getPeerInfo(server.getId()).setVotingState(votingState); currentPeers.remove(server.getId()); } } } for(String peerIdToRemove: currentPeers) { this.removePeer(peerIdToRemove); } setDynamicServerConfigurationInUse(); } @Override public ConfigParams getConfigParams() { return configParams; } @Override public void addToPeers(String id, String address, VotingState votingState) { peerInfoMap.put(id, new PeerInfo(id, address, votingState)); } @Override public void removePeer(String name) { peerInfoMap.remove(name); } @Override public ActorSelection getPeerActorSelection(String peerId) { String peerAddress = getPeerAddress(peerId); if(peerAddress != null){ return actorSelection(peerAddress); } return null; } @Override public void setPeerAddress(String peerId, String peerAddress) { PeerInfo peerInfo = peerInfoMap.get(peerId); if(peerInfo != null) { LOG.info("Peer address for peer {} set to {}", peerId, peerAddress); peerInfo.setAddress(peerAddress); } } @Override public SnapshotManager getSnapshotManager() { if(snapshotManager == null){ snapshotManager = new SnapshotManager(this, LOG); } return snapshotManager; } @Override public long getTotalMemory() { return totalMemoryRetriever != null ? totalMemoryRetriever.get() : Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory(); } @Override public void setTotalMemoryRetriever(Supplier retriever) { totalMemoryRetriever = retriever; } @Override public boolean hasFollowers() { return getPeerIds().size() > 0; } @Override public DataPersistenceProvider getPersistenceProvider() { return persistenceProvider; } @Override public RaftPolicy getRaftPolicy() { return configParams.getRaftPolicy(); } @Override public boolean isDynamicServerConfigurationInUse() { return dynamicServerConfiguration; } @Override public void setDynamicServerConfigurationInUse() { this.dynamicServerConfiguration = true; } @Override public ServerConfigurationPayload getPeerServerInfo() { if (!isDynamicServerConfigurationInUse()) { return null; } Collection peers = getPeers(); List newConfig = new ArrayList<>(peers.size() + 1); for(PeerInfo peer: peers) { newConfig.add(new ServerInfo(peer.getId(), peer.isVoting())); } newConfig.add(new ServerInfo(getId(), true)); return (new ServerConfigurationPayload(newConfig)); } }