package org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.behaviors; import; import; import akka.testkit.JavaTestKit; import; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.DefaultConfigParamsImpl; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.MockRaftActorContext; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.RaftActorContext; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.RaftState; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.ReplicatedLogEntry; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.base.messages.ApplySnapshot; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.base.messages.ElectionTimeout; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.messages.AppendEntries; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.messages.AppendEntriesReply; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.messages.InstallSnapshot; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.messages.InstallSnapshotReply; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.messages.RequestVote; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.messages.RequestVoteReply; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.utils.DoNothingActor; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.utils.MessageCollectorActor; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; public class FollowerTest extends AbstractRaftActorBehaviorTest { private final ActorRef followerActor = getSystem().actorOf(Props.create( DoNothingActor.class)); @Override protected RaftActorBehavior createBehavior(RaftActorContext actorContext) { return new Follower(actorContext); } @Override protected RaftActorContext createActorContext() { return createActorContext(followerActor); } protected RaftActorContext createActorContext(ActorRef actorRef){ return new MockRaftActorContext("test", getSystem(), actorRef); } @Test public void testThatAnElectionTimeoutIsTriggered(){ new JavaTestKit(getSystem()) {{ new Within(DefaultConfigParamsImpl.HEART_BEAT_INTERVAL.$times(6)) { protected void run() { Follower follower = new Follower(createActorContext(getTestActor())); final Boolean out = new ExpectMsg(DefaultConfigParamsImpl.HEART_BEAT_INTERVAL.$times(6), "ElectionTimeout") { // do not put code outside this method, will run afterwards protected Boolean match(Object in) { if (in instanceof ElectionTimeout) { return true; } else { throw noMatch(); } } }.get(); assertEquals(true, out); } }; }}; } @Test public void testHandleElectionTimeout(){ RaftActorContext raftActorContext = createActorContext(); Follower follower = new Follower(raftActorContext); RaftState raftState = follower.handleMessage(followerActor, new ElectionTimeout()); Assert.assertEquals(RaftState.Candidate, raftState); } @Test public void testHandleRequestVoteWhenSenderTermEqualToCurrentTermAndVotedForIsNull(){ new JavaTestKit(getSystem()) {{ new Within(duration("1 seconds")) { protected void run() { RaftActorContext context = createActorContext(getTestActor()); context.getTermInformation().update(1000, null); RaftActorBehavior follower = createBehavior(context); follower.handleMessage(getTestActor(), new RequestVote(1000, "test", 10000, 999)); final Boolean out = new ExpectMsg(duration("1 seconds"), "RequestVoteReply") { // do not put code outside this method, will run afterwards protected Boolean match(Object in) { if (in instanceof RequestVoteReply) { RequestVoteReply reply = (RequestVoteReply) in; return reply.isVoteGranted(); } else { throw noMatch(); } } }.get(); assertEquals(true, out); } }; }}; } @Test public void testHandleRequestVoteWhenSenderTermEqualToCurrentTermAndVotedForIsNotTheSameAsCandidateId(){ new JavaTestKit(getSystem()) {{ new Within(duration("1 seconds")) { protected void run() { RaftActorContext context = createActorContext(getTestActor()); context.getTermInformation().update(1000, "test"); RaftActorBehavior follower = createBehavior(context); follower.handleMessage(getTestActor(), new RequestVote(1000, "candidate", 10000, 999)); final Boolean out = new ExpectMsg(duration("1 seconds"), "RequestVoteReply") { // do not put code outside this method, will run afterwards protected Boolean match(Object in) { if (in instanceof RequestVoteReply) { RequestVoteReply reply = (RequestVoteReply) in; return reply.isVoteGranted(); } else { throw noMatch(); } } }.get(); assertEquals(false, out); } }; }}; } /** * This test verifies that when an AppendEntries RPC is received by a RaftActor * with a commitIndex that is greater than what has been applied to the * state machine of the RaftActor, the RaftActor applies the state and * sets it current applied state to the commitIndex of the sender. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testHandleAppendEntriesWithNewerCommitIndex() throws Exception { new JavaTestKit(getSystem()) {{ RaftActorContext context = createActorContext(); context.setLastApplied(100); setLastLogEntry((MockRaftActorContext) context, 1, 100, new MockRaftActorContext.MockPayload("")); ((MockRaftActorContext) context).getReplicatedLog().setSnapshotIndex(99); List entries = Arrays.asList( (ReplicatedLogEntry) new MockRaftActorContext.MockReplicatedLogEntry(2, 101, new MockRaftActorContext.MockPayload("foo")) ); // The new commitIndex is 101 AppendEntries appendEntries = new AppendEntries(2, "leader-1", 100, 1, entries, 101); RaftState raftState = createBehavior(context).handleMessage(getRef(), appendEntries); assertEquals(101L, context.getLastApplied()); }}; } /** * This test verifies that when an AppendEntries is received a specific prevLogTerm * which does not match the term that is in RaftActors log entry at prevLogIndex * then the RaftActor does not change it's state and it returns a failure. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testHandleAppendEntriesSenderPrevLogTermNotSameAsReceiverPrevLogTerm() throws Exception { new JavaTestKit(getSystem()) {{ MockRaftActorContext context = (MockRaftActorContext) createActorContext(); // First set the receivers term to lower number context.getTermInformation().update(95, "test"); // Set the last log entry term for the receiver to be greater than // what we will be sending as the prevLogTerm in AppendEntries MockRaftActorContext.SimpleReplicatedLog mockReplicatedLog = setLastLogEntry(context, 20, 0, new MockRaftActorContext.MockPayload("")); // AppendEntries is now sent with a bigger term // this will set the receivers term to be the same as the sender's term AppendEntries appendEntries = new AppendEntries(100, "leader-1", 0, 0, null, 101); RaftActorBehavior behavior = createBehavior(context); // Send an unknown message so that the state of the RaftActor remains unchanged RaftState expected = behavior.handleMessage(getRef(), "unknown"); RaftState raftState = behavior.handleMessage(getRef(), appendEntries); assertEquals(expected, raftState); // Also expect an AppendEntriesReply to be sent where success is false final Boolean out = new ExpectMsg(duration("1 seconds"), "AppendEntriesReply") { // do not put code outside this method, will run afterwards protected Boolean match(Object in) { if (in instanceof AppendEntriesReply) { AppendEntriesReply reply = (AppendEntriesReply) in; return reply.isSuccess(); } else { throw noMatch(); } } }.get(); assertEquals(false, out); }}; } /** * This test verifies that when a new AppendEntries message is received with * new entries and the logs of the sender and receiver match that the new * entries get added to the log and the log is incremented by the number of * entries received in appendEntries * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testHandleAppendEntriesAddNewEntries() throws Exception { new JavaTestKit(getSystem()) {{ MockRaftActorContext context = (MockRaftActorContext) createActorContext(); // First set the receivers term to lower number context.getTermInformation().update(1, "test"); // Prepare the receivers log MockRaftActorContext.SimpleReplicatedLog log = new MockRaftActorContext.SimpleReplicatedLog(); log.append( new MockRaftActorContext.MockReplicatedLogEntry(1, 0, new MockRaftActorContext.MockPayload("zero"))); log.append( new MockRaftActorContext.MockReplicatedLogEntry(1, 1, new MockRaftActorContext.MockPayload("one"))); log.append( new MockRaftActorContext.MockReplicatedLogEntry(1, 2, new MockRaftActorContext.MockPayload("two"))); context.setReplicatedLog(log); // Prepare the entries to be sent with AppendEntries List entries = new ArrayList<>(); entries.add( new MockRaftActorContext.MockReplicatedLogEntry(1, 3, new MockRaftActorContext.MockPayload("three"))); entries.add( new MockRaftActorContext.MockReplicatedLogEntry(1, 4, new MockRaftActorContext.MockPayload("four"))); // Send appendEntries with the same term as was set on the receiver // before the new behavior was created (1 in this case) // This will not work for a Candidate because as soon as a Candidate // is created it increments the term AppendEntries appendEntries = new AppendEntries(1, "leader-1", 2, 1, entries, 4); RaftActorBehavior behavior = createBehavior(context); // Send an unknown message so that the state of the RaftActor remains unchanged RaftState expected = behavior.handleMessage(getRef(), "unknown"); RaftState raftState = behavior.handleMessage(getRef(), appendEntries); assertEquals(expected, raftState); assertEquals(5, log.last().getIndex() + 1); assertNotNull(log.get(3)); assertNotNull(log.get(4)); // Also expect an AppendEntriesReply to be sent where success is false final Boolean out = new ExpectMsg(duration("1 seconds"), "AppendEntriesReply") { // do not put code outside this method, will run afterwards protected Boolean match(Object in) { if (in instanceof AppendEntriesReply) { AppendEntriesReply reply = (AppendEntriesReply) in; return reply.isSuccess(); } else { throw noMatch(); } } }.get(); assertEquals(true, out); }}; } /** * This test verifies that when a new AppendEntries message is received with * new entries and the logs of the sender and receiver are out-of-sync that * the log is first corrected by removing the out of sync entries from the * log and then adding in the new entries sent with the AppendEntries message * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testHandleAppendEntriesCorrectReceiverLogEntries() throws Exception { new JavaTestKit(getSystem()) {{ MockRaftActorContext context = (MockRaftActorContext) createActorContext(); // First set the receivers term to lower number context.getTermInformation().update(2, "test"); // Prepare the receivers log MockRaftActorContext.SimpleReplicatedLog log = new MockRaftActorContext.SimpleReplicatedLog(); log.append( new MockRaftActorContext.MockReplicatedLogEntry(1, 0, new MockRaftActorContext.MockPayload("zero"))); log.append( new MockRaftActorContext.MockReplicatedLogEntry(1, 1, new MockRaftActorContext.MockPayload("one"))); log.append( new MockRaftActorContext.MockReplicatedLogEntry(1, 2, new MockRaftActorContext.MockPayload("two"))); context.setReplicatedLog(log); // Prepare the entries to be sent with AppendEntries List entries = new ArrayList<>(); entries.add( new MockRaftActorContext.MockReplicatedLogEntry(2, 2, new MockRaftActorContext.MockPayload("two-1"))); entries.add( new MockRaftActorContext.MockReplicatedLogEntry(2, 3, new MockRaftActorContext.MockPayload("three"))); // Send appendEntries with the same term as was set on the receiver // before the new behavior was created (1 in this case) // This will not work for a Candidate because as soon as a Candidate // is created it increments the term AppendEntries appendEntries = new AppendEntries(2, "leader-1", 1, 1, entries, 3); RaftActorBehavior behavior = createBehavior(context); // Send an unknown message so that the state of the RaftActor remains unchanged RaftState expected = behavior.handleMessage(getRef(), "unknown"); RaftState raftState = behavior.handleMessage(getRef(), appendEntries); assertEquals(expected, raftState); // The entry at index 2 will be found out-of-sync with the leader // and will be removed // Then the two new entries will be added to the log // Thus making the log to have 4 entries assertEquals(4, log.last().getIndex() + 1); assertNotNull(log.get(2)); assertEquals("one", log.get(1).getData().toString()); // Check that the entry at index 2 has the new data assertEquals("two-1", log.get(2).getData().toString()); assertEquals("three", log.get(3).getData().toString()); assertNotNull(log.get(3)); // Also expect an AppendEntriesReply to be sent where success is false final Boolean out = new ExpectMsg(duration("1 seconds"), "AppendEntriesReply") { // do not put code outside this method, will run afterwards protected Boolean match(Object in) { if (in instanceof AppendEntriesReply) { AppendEntriesReply reply = (AppendEntriesReply) in; return reply.isSuccess(); } else { throw noMatch(); } } }.get(); assertEquals(true, out); }}; } /** * This test verifies that when InstallSnapshot is received by * the follower its applied correctly. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testHandleInstallSnapshot() throws Exception { JavaTestKit javaTestKit = new JavaTestKit(getSystem()) {{ ActorRef leaderActor = getSystem().actorOf(Props.create( MessageCollectorActor.class)); MockRaftActorContext context = (MockRaftActorContext) createActorContext(getRef()); Follower follower = (Follower)createBehavior(context); HashMap followerSnapshot = new HashMap<>(); followerSnapshot.put("1", "A"); followerSnapshot.put("2", "B"); followerSnapshot.put("3", "C"); ByteString bsSnapshot = toByteString(followerSnapshot); ByteString chunkData = ByteString.EMPTY; int offset = 0; int snapshotLength = bsSnapshot.size(); int i = 1; do { chunkData = getNextChunk(bsSnapshot, offset); final InstallSnapshot installSnapshot = new InstallSnapshot(1, "leader-1", i, 1, chunkData, i, 3); follower.handleMessage(leaderActor, installSnapshot); offset = offset + 50; i++; } while ((offset+50) < snapshotLength); final InstallSnapshot installSnapshot3 = new InstallSnapshot(1, "leader-1", 3, 1, chunkData, 3, 3); follower.handleMessage(leaderActor, installSnapshot3); String[] matches = new ReceiveWhile(String.class, duration("2 seconds")) { @Override protected String match(Object o) throws Exception { if (o instanceof ApplySnapshot) { ApplySnapshot as = (ApplySnapshot)o; if (as.getSnapshot().getLastIndex() != installSnapshot3.getLastIncludedIndex()) { return "applySnapshot-lastIndex-mismatch"; } if (as.getSnapshot().getLastAppliedTerm() != installSnapshot3.getLastIncludedTerm()) { return "applySnapshot-lastAppliedTerm-mismatch"; } if (as.getSnapshot().getLastAppliedIndex() != installSnapshot3.getLastIncludedIndex()) { return "applySnapshot-lastAppliedIndex-mismatch"; } if (as.getSnapshot().getLastTerm() != installSnapshot3.getLastIncludedTerm()) { return "applySnapshot-lastTerm-mismatch"; } return "applySnapshot"; } return "ignoreCase"; } }.get(); String applySnapshotMatch = ""; for (String reply: matches) { if (reply.startsWith("applySnapshot")) { applySnapshotMatch = reply; } } assertEquals("applySnapshot", applySnapshotMatch); Object messages = executeLocalOperation(leaderActor, "get-all-messages"); assertNotNull(messages); assertTrue(messages instanceof List); List listMessages = (List) messages; int installSnapshotReplyReceivedCount = 0; for (Object message: listMessages) { if (message instanceof InstallSnapshotReply) { ++installSnapshotReplyReceivedCount; } } assertEquals(3, installSnapshotReplyReceivedCount); }}; } public Object executeLocalOperation(ActorRef actor, Object message) throws Exception { return MessageCollectorActor.getAllMessages(actor); } public ByteString getNextChunk (ByteString bs, int offset){ int snapshotLength = bs.size(); int start = offset; int size = 50; if (50 > snapshotLength) { size = snapshotLength; } else { if ((start + 50) > snapshotLength) { size = snapshotLength - start; } } return bs.substring(start, start + size); } private ByteString toByteString(Map state) { ByteArrayOutputStream b = null; ObjectOutputStream o = null; try { try { b = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); o = new ObjectOutputStream(b); o.writeObject(state); byte[] snapshotBytes = b.toByteArray(); return ByteString.copyFrom(snapshotBytes); } finally { if (o != null) { o.flush(); o.close(); } if (b != null) { b.close(); } } } catch (IOException e) {"IOException in converting Hashmap to Bytestring:" + e); } return null; } }