/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html */ package org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.behaviors; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import akka.actor.ActorRef; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Test; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.AbstractActorTest; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.TestActorFactory; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.base.messages.FollowerInitialSyncUpStatus; import org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.raft.utils.MessageCollectorActor; public class SyncStatusTrackerTest extends AbstractActorTest { protected final TestActorFactory actorFactory = new TestActorFactory(getSystem()); private final ActorRef listener = actorFactory.createActor( MessageCollectorActor.props(), actorFactory.generateActorId("listener")); @After public void tearDown() { actorFactory.close(); } @Test public void testUpdate() { SyncStatusTracker tracker = new SyncStatusTracker(listener, "commit-tracker", 10); // When leader-1 sends the first update message the listener should receive a syncStatus notification // with status set to false tracker.update("leader-1", 100, 99); FollowerInitialSyncUpStatus status = MessageCollectorActor.getFirstMatching(listener, FollowerInitialSyncUpStatus.class); assertEquals(false, status.isInitialSyncDone()); MessageCollectorActor.clearMessages(listener); // At a minimum the follower should have the commit index that the new leader sent it in the first message // Also the commit index must be below the syncThreshold. If both conditions are met a new sync status // message with status = true should be expected tracker.update("leader-1", 105, 101); status = MessageCollectorActor.getFirstMatching(listener, FollowerInitialSyncUpStatus.class); assertEquals(true, status.isInitialSyncDone()); MessageCollectorActor.clearMessages(listener); // If a subsequent message is received and if the difference between the followers commit index and // the leaders commit index is below the syncThreshold then no status notification must be issues tracker.update("leader-1", 108, 101); status = MessageCollectorActor.getFirstMatching(listener, FollowerInitialSyncUpStatus.class); assertNull("No status message should be received", status); // If the follower falls behind the leader by more than the syncThreshold then the listener should // receive a syncStatus notification with status = false tracker.update("leader-1", 150, 101); status = MessageCollectorActor.getFirstMatching(listener, FollowerInitialSyncUpStatus.class); assertNotNull("No sync status message was received", status); assertEquals(false, status.isInitialSyncDone()); MessageCollectorActor.clearMessages(listener); // If the follower is not caught up yet it should not receive any further notification tracker.update("leader-1", 150, 125); status = MessageCollectorActor.getFirstMatching(listener, FollowerInitialSyncUpStatus.class); assertNull("No status message should be received", status); // Once the syncThreshold is met a new syncStatus notification should be issued tracker.update("leader-1", 160, 155); status = MessageCollectorActor.getFirstMatching(listener, FollowerInitialSyncUpStatus.class); assertEquals(true, status.isInitialSyncDone()); MessageCollectorActor.clearMessages(listener); // When a new leader starts sending update messages a new syncStatus notification should be immediately // triggered with status = false tracker.update("leader-2", 160, 155); status = MessageCollectorActor.getFirstMatching(listener, FollowerInitialSyncUpStatus.class); assertEquals(false, status.isInitialSyncDone()); MessageCollectorActor.clearMessages(listener); // If an update is received from a new leader which is still below the minimum expected index then // syncStatus should not be changed tracker.update("leader-2", 160, 159); status = MessageCollectorActor.getFirstMatching(listener, FollowerInitialSyncUpStatus.class); assertNull("No status message should be received", status); } @Test public void testConstructorActorShouldNotBeNull() { try { new SyncStatusTracker(null, "commit-tracker", 10); fail("A NullPointerException was expected"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { assertTrue("Invalid error message :" + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().contains("actor ")); } } @Test public void testConstructorIdShouldNotBeNull() { try { new SyncStatusTracker(listener, null, 10); fail("A NullPointerException was expected"); } catch (NullPointerException e) { assertTrue("Invalid error message :" + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().contains("id ")); } } @Test public void testConstructorSyncThresholdShouldNotBeNegative() { try { new SyncStatusTracker(listener, "commit-tracker", -1); fail("An IllegalArgumentException was expected"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertTrue("Invalid error message :" + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().contains("syncThreshold ")); } } }